Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 83: Bad city

Hearing my inquiries, Captain Donovan shook his head and said, "Originally, I was going to take you towards the frozen continent first, and then turned to find the port when I saw the edge of the continent. But now we The speed has increased, so just go around a little more and go directly to a nearby port city to hire a pilot who knows Ruth, and then fly straight to the port on the ice continent. This is the fastest and safest. "

"Okay, then please point me in the direction."


After changing course, we flew about an hour and saw the port. According to Captain Donovan, this port probably sailed a day and a night at their previous speed, but fortunately they dragged such a heavy ship in less than an hour. This speed is really exciting.

When the warship landed in the port, there was also a commotion. After all, the warship coming from the air was still pulled by two dragons. This was really scary. Fortunately, because two dragons are pulling the battleship, everyone knows that this is a dragon that is more friendly to humans. After all, those killer dragons will not help you to pull the ship, and the shipbreaking is almost the same.

The warship landed off the harbor, and then the plague and luck let go of the warship and lift it up. The battleship was controlled by the dragon **** the ship using gravity control. Anyway, she only sailed at low speed when entering the port, which was very easy for the dragon girl.

In the surprised eyes of a group of shipowners, the warship automatically sailed to an empty berth without any sails, and then docked. When the springboard on the boat came out. Tax collectors on the coast didn't even dare to collect taxes.

Captain Donovan did not resist this at all. In her opinion, she could just use our deterrence to enhance the reputation of the empire. After all, this is the first time that those empires can use dragons to pull ships.

When the springboard was set up, a few sailors came down and started to fasten the ropes, while Captain Donovan and I, her two lieutenants, stepped off the battleship.

Seeing the tax collector on the trestle, Captain Donovan voluntarily walked over, then handed the other a bag of gold coins and said in the other's astonished eyes: "Please help us to contact the supply, this is a reward."

The other party seemed to be awakened by someone, and suddenly came over and started to express enthusiasm. They must do well, and then sent us out of the dock like a pug. There are multiple reasons for this attitude. First, it is a battleship and belongs to a fairly powerful empire. And they are just a neutral port here. Therefore, as a tax collector here, he is not qualified to offend the captain of this class of battleship. In particular, the other person is so young and a female, which only shows that the other person's background is quite scary. Among them are the children in the high-level empire home. The second point is that the battleship was pulled by two dragons. And it flew over. This is a symbol of strength. Explain that the other party is one who cannot offend even penniless. The last point is the question of money. The gold coins that Captain Donovan gave him definitely exceeded the supply and docking fees. At this time, the extra money meant was the tip, so this tax collector was so polite. Anxious to get down and be a loyal dog to the other side.

With the help of the tax collector, we successfully left the port, but this port city is really not that big, and unlike the main game map, the environment here is closer to reality. Although there are many port cities in the main game map, unless those cities are small fishing villages, they will definitely have a strong magic or mythical style. The roads in the city are very beautiful, and there are a lot of decorations. It all looks the same as Dreamland. However, the port here is a reference to the environment of a real port city in the Middle Ages, and it is not a very large port, but a medium-sized port. Although its area is large, infrastructure construction can be described as a mess.

The messy cargo stacking in the port area and the wooden trestle that do not know if it is about to rot seem so dilapidated, but there are still many people who are terrible. Otherwise, it is because our people are too clean. The gas field forced the people around them not to approach, and it really took a bit of effort to squeeze out of that place.

After leaving the port, the city may not be much better than the port area. Not to mention the narrow road, the black mud on the ground looks like a mixture of animal manure and real mud, which is not only disgusting but also has a strange smell. When I walked with Zhenhong, my posture started to become unconscious unconsciously. The purpose was nothing more than to throw myself into the mud. As for roses and gold coins, Christina simply refused to land. In order for them not to step on these disgusting things, I can only summon the night shadows, and then let them all sit up.

The appearance of the night shadow obviously made Captain Donovan react very much. Unlike the previous dragons, the basic form of night shadow is similar to horses, and people in this era often see horses, so Captain Donovan obviously started with both eyes when he saw night shadows. It glowed. Ye Ying's tall body and small details on his body that were different from the real warhorse made Captain Donovan envious. The most important thing is the floating ability of the night shadow, which is an excellent mount for a captain. You have to know that it is inconvenient for the captains to travel between the ports and bring their own mounts. After all, horses are useless at sea and cannot be launched. However, without a horse, sometimes it is inconvenient to dock in a port or a non-port area. Therefore, Captain Donovan, a team that can fly, is of great significance.

"Is this your mount? What a beautiful horse!" Captain Donovan couldn't help asking.

I put Christina on the horse one by one and said, "Yes, his name is Night Shadow, but he is not a horse, but a nightmare."

"Nightmare?" Captain Donovan was startled. "You said it was a nightmare? The monster that can eat people?"

"Who told you that Nightmare cannibalism?" Ye Ying's words came coldly, scaring Captain Donovan a few steps back.

"He can talk?" Captain Donovan asked in surprise.

"I said he was a nightmare and not a horse. Is it strange to speak?"

Captain Donovan also responded and nodded. "So is that. That ... I would like to ask ..."

"I don't transfer." I interrupted her immediately before Captain Donovan finished speaking. "First of all, Ye Ying is my partner, not a slave, so I will never resell it. Second, as a nightmare, Ye Ying is very aggressive. If your strength can't stop him, he I will not listen to you, but I will resist you. Believe me, if you see the wild shadow of the night, you will not think he is a mount. "

Captain Donovan wasn't a fool. I thought about it a little bit and realized what I meant. After all, the legend of nightmare also exists here, and she knew that this kind of legendary creature could not be touched casually, just like the dragon before. Although I took the boat seriously under my command, if they broke the wild dragons, they would not be able to fight with a fleet.

"Well, don't think about mounts. If you can safely send us to the ice continent, I can send you a mount that suits you, and I guarantee that it is the most suitable mount for you."

"What kind of mount is it?" Captain Donovan asked with bright eyes.

"Keep a little surprise." I said, "You will see. And it is definitely for you."

In fact, what I intend to give Captain Donovan is a monster called Jasper Beast. This thing is not Warcraft, but a monster, but it is very unexpected and has a good personality. It basically does not attack the unexpected species of the recipe. And their food is all kinds of fish, so it is quite safe for people. This creature is much larger than a horse. Its body part is nearly two meters long, with a tail that is nearly four meters long in the back, a neck more than one meter long in front, and a horse head five or six times larger. Head.

The overall shape of this creature is a bit like a combined species of horse, tiger, and fish. Its head and neck resembles a horse, but its body and limbs resemble a tiger, and its tail is a bit like a dragon's tail. It is not only long, but also has a tail that can stretch and contract. The guy's ears are not on the top of the head, but two lateral fin-like structures grow on the side of the head. The actual ear holes are behind this. In addition, this thing is full of scales, there are some velvet-like hairs on the neck and the tip of the tail, and this guy has many colors throughout the body ~ ~ looks like a rainbow, very beautiful. Of course, this thing is meat-eating, plus the structure of the limbs and the body close to the tiger, so it not only has strong and powerful claws, but also a sharp fangs. The fighting force is not too strong, but it is also better than ordinary beasts. Much worse. At least the kind of sea beast they use is not as powerful as this one.

In fact, the Jasper Beast is just one of the ordinary guild equipment for us. Our guild is equipped with a lot of this thing. The main thing is that the number of this stuff is large and it is easy to grasp. They can become the best companions of players, can show quite high combat power, and most importantly, they are actually aquatic-based amphibians, and they have very good endurance, can move at high speed for a long time in the water, or even larger than Some mechanically powered ships are much faster.

As a captain, this creature that can move at high speed in the water is naturally Captain Donovan's most suitable mount, not to mention that this thing is not slow after landing, at least faster than a horse. But running cheetah is not bad, and they have good endurance, sprinting at full speed for more than an hour without stopping.

Once Captain Donovan's dream was settled, we were officially on the road, and the destination was a bar here. It is said that this place is a part-time vocational recruitment office, as long as you want to find someone, you can go there, in addition to the captain can not recruit, how many seafarers of various levels. As long as you have a lot of money, it will not be a problem to pull out two or three ships at a time. (To be continued ...)

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