Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 88: Is this the army?

"If it doesn't work, there is only one way." I looked at the opposite ice layer and said, "Let a person pass first, then pull the fixed lock on the opposite side, and then everyone will pass along the rope, so it is much safer."

"But who was the first to let it pass?" Cristina asked.

"Of course it's my magic pet." With my acquaintance, Frost Xue appeared beside me. Because of her special identity, Frost Xue is a magic pet I rarely call, but I have to say that she is still useful in some aspects.

After I talked with Frost Xue about the specific work, Frost Xue gave a simpler suggestion. This suggestion is actually very simple, but we didn't even think of this method before. It can only be said that sometimes smart people will fall into a misunderstanding and become stuck in somewhere.

The method provided by Frost and Snow is actually very simple, that is, use water spells to hold the seawater away from the water surface. Because the temperature in the air is lower, the suspended seawater will quickly freeze, and then as long as these frozen large ice cubes are directly returned to the seawater, the low temperature will use these ice cubes as the base point to expand the surrounding ice layer. Therefore, if we lay these ice cubes at proper intervals, we can actually create a channel before the entire river is frozen. In addition, Frost and Snow also said that in addition to using this method to accelerate freezing, artificial ice spells can also be used to accelerate the freezing speed, so that the formation of this ice road can be accelerated as much as possible. .

It can be said that before we were just stuck by our own thoughts, once we figured it out, it was much simpler. Follow Frost's advice. We first asked the little dragon girl to help get the sea water up, and we used an improved method. Instead of floating large pieces of sea water into ice cubes, we let the sea water float in the form of water droplets. Ability, you can make hundreds of millions of small drops at once. Because these small water droplets are very small, they cannot fight the severe cold. Basically, they just freeze as soon as they leave the sea, and then these water droplets become hundreds of millions of small ice balls.

When these ice **** formed, the dragon girl manipulated them to form a two-meter-wide channel on the river in front of us. From the shore on our side to the opposite shore. Immediately after being in place, these small ice beads lost their support and fell into the sea water. And because of their intervention, the straight sea surface immediately frozen into a long ice channel. Of course, this ice channel cannot be walked because it is too thin. In fact, this frozen passage immediately began to break due to the waves immediately after completion. The little dragon girl did not care about these broken ice cubes. Instead, more seawater was formed from the vicinity to form ice droplets that caused it to fall to the surface. At this time, Frost and Snow used strong ice spells to strengthen the frozen ice surface, and the climate here was sufficient to freeze the sea surface, so it was a three-pronged approach. The surface of the sea soon froze completely, forming a long frozen tunnel.

In fact, this ice-sealed channel is composed of a large number of crushed ice cubes. While freezing, they are constantly broken due to the undulations of the sea and are constantly subjected to various forces. However, the cracked ice cubes will be broken due to temperature and The magic causes re-condensation, and because the seawater will break but not melt after it becomes ice, the ice layer is generally increasing. When the ice layer finally accumulates enough to withstand the strong stresses here without breaking, the ice channel is completely completed. With the completion of this ice-sealed passage, Xiaolong Nu and Frost and Snow began to join together to water the passage, and the seawater poured on it would quickly freeze and turn into a smooth road. Of course, the road is very smooth, so it is impossible to walk on foot, and special equipment is needed. Fortunately, we are not riding on foot, but riding steel claws, so it is not difficult to pass through this kind of place.

Thanks to the joint efforts of Frost and Xiaolongnu, we completed the laying of this passage in just a few minutes, and then everyone quickly passed the river.

"It's finally here." Looking at the endless ice fields ahead, Zhenhong couldn't help but asked: "But can we really complete the task quickly? This place looks infinitely endless, how can we find where the goal is? ? "

"Although the mission target has a map, but there is no reference point for this place, it is really difficult for us to find the target we need." Gold Coin also said.

Christina took a crystal ball from her body and said, "This don't worry. That said, this high-energy crystal mine is somewhere near here, and the high-energy crystal is probably the magic crystal. We need it. Not to find this mining area, but to follow the curve of the magic intensity to find the place where the concentration of magic is high. "

"Christina is right, we don't have to go to that mining area, as long as we find a place with enough magic power, basically we will be targeted." Rose said.

"Then I hope we didn't freeze to death before we got there!" Really helplessly driven the steel claws under his arm to accelerate forward, but the surrounding environment is almost the same no matter how you look, even if it accelerates, you can't see anything .

The situation of our team is constantly changing during the accelerated movement. One of them is a good change, and the other is a bad change.

This good change is that Christina did find the energy radiation of that mining area. Her magic energy detection crystal accurately captured the magic energy fluctuations in the mining area. And as we move forward, this fluctuation becomes more and more obvious. Obviously We have found the right direction.

However, in addition to the good news, we also encountered a bit of a bad situation, and this so-called bad situation is that we found that the weather is gradually getting worse.

We had chosen it before entering the mission, and our scene would have extreme weather. The section on the sea did not encounter any storms. Until now, we are still wondering, because the system does not make sense to give us special treatment. However, no matter what we are willing to do, anyway, our sea journey is extremely smooth, and there is no adverse weather environment at all. It can even be said that we sailed downwind most of the time along the way, not even the difficulty of normal navigation.

but. Although the severe weather on the sea did not appear, the severe weather on this ice sheet seemed to be inevitable, and the weather environment here was becoming more and more abnormal.

When we were blocked by that big crack before, the only threat we needed to face was the gale, but as we went forward, snow and feathers had begun to appear in the air, and the wind was significantly strengthening, even in the presence of steel claws. It is often backed by the wind. Fortunately, there are many people on our side. After everyone takes care of each other, the problem is not great, but if the wind power is further strengthened, it is really a problem. Because we are about to withstand this **** strong wind now.

In fact, wind is still one of the problems. What's more terrible is that I don't know what's going on in the wind, but the wind started to be mixed with some flying snowballs.

Don't think that what I call a snow ball is the kind of small snowball that everyone hits when they play snowballs. The snow mass I am talking about is a frozen snow mass that is as large as a human head, and the inside is completely compacted, which is close to the ice mass. Of course, if it's just snow, the problem is not big. The key is when these guys are wrapped in strong winds and move at high speeds while bouncing on the ground at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour. That destructive power is absolutely beyond your imagination. If this is in reality. Except for tanks, I think all human ground vehicles are in front of these things. When snow blocks weighing more than ten or twenty kilograms hit a target at a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour, the power is often no less than that of a large speeding truck. After all, big trucks don't hit people at a speed of two hundred kilometers. Even if the truck driver didn't have time to hit a person with the brakes, the vehicle had slowed down before hitting the person, so usually the speed of the collision at the moment of a traffic accident is actually not so exaggerated. However, these snowballs will not slow down. They will not slow down until they are torn apart, so being hit by these guys is basically the same as being hit by a truck. If someone in reality is smashed, basically one is enough to kill someone. Fortunately, we are gamers. We have armor and defensive properties, so we are not so vulnerable. However, it is actually scary to watch these big guys passing by.

Originally, these snowballs just made us feel very dangerous, and they have not really taken it seriously. But over time, this situation started to get worse. The increase in wind power is not too exaggerated. Although it is larger than before, it is actually not very obvious. However, although the increase in wind power is not obvious, the snowballs trapped in the wind are becoming more and more outrageous.

At first, the snowball we saw was only the size of a ping-pong ball, and it might be smaller, but as we went forward, the snowball gradually increased to a state of tens of kilograms. However, just a few seconds ago, we suddenly discovered that a snowball the size of a car whistled past a dozen meters from our side. In front of this thing, we are like bowling pins in front of a bowling ball. As long as we hit the first shot, the team will definitely encounter big trouble.

My prediction soon became a reality. Just after we continued to move forward for a little while, the car-like snow block had changed from occasional to normal, because there was almost so much snow around it. The ball is flying, and we are like a group of pedestrians walking in the middle of the freeway. We need to keep up the attention of 120,000 points to keep away from the big snowball that is coming.

In fact, I think it ’s really easier to hide a car at high speeds. At least most drivers see that we will take some measures to avoid hitting us, but this snowball is like a car driven by a blind driver. Nothing will happen to our existence, if we can't get away, we will be completely broken into pieces.

In the face of such horrible things, we mainly dodged in the beginning, and then as more and more snow blocks became larger and larger, we began to have to use a variety of methods to deal with these things. As for the snow block coming from the front, it can flash and flash, but it can't escape and directly launch an attack to break it. Although this is very hard, it is better than being hit directly. After all, even we can't use our bodies to continuously resist these high-speed flying objects weighing more than 200 kilometers per hour and weighing several tons!

As we faced the big snowballs flying at high speed on our side, Matsumoto congratulated them that they had finally waited for the mysterious support force.

According to the plan, Matsumoto did not meet them directly. After all, this place in Japan belongs to a region with many people and less land, so because the population density is too large, many places have people, and it is very difficult to do something secretly. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary risks, according to the meaning of the **** of war and red moon, Matsumoto Masahiro did not meet with our reinforcements, but moved into two groups and moved to the area where the ghost Nobunaga was.

Matsumoto is congratulating them when they reach this area. They are taking the player to do the task. According to the reward introduction of this task, as long as they can complete the task, the player's strength will be greatly improved. At the same time, it can also train the player's combat skills. so. This kind of task can be said to be very important to the cultivation of this player, and Matsumoto is congratulating them to prevent the other party from completing the task.

"They're right in front." Sakura Yushin controls a water mirror projecting the picture taken by the surveillance magic. From this, it can be clearly seen that Nobunaga and a large group of players are fighting together, but because Too many people. So it is not clear which of these people is the seed player they are training.

Although it is temporarily unclear who the seed player is. But it doesn't matter. Matsumoto is just congratulating them on destroying this task.

Although they had reached the vicinity of the ghost-hand Nobunaga, Matsumoto did not appear rashly, and after seeing the situation through the magic of Sakura Yumi, they began to follow each other continuously. But the movement process was very careful, fearing to disturb the ghost-handed Nobunaga and destroy their plans.

In fact, Matsumoto congratulates them on the action plan that can be said to be very simple and rude. According to this plan, Matsumoto is congratulating them all they need to do is to wait for the ghost hand Nobunaga to complete their actions, that is, when the other party contacts the bottom line. At this time, because of the need to face super powers, the ghost-handed Nobunaga's ability to respond to external interference will inevitably become extremely vulnerable, and this time is exactly a good opportunity for Matsumoto to congratulate them.

As long as Nobunaga's hands are in such a situation that they do not have enough strength to pay attention to the surrounding situation, Matsumoto is congratulating their reinforcements, that is, the subordinate guild of our guild. Their mission is to intervene directly in the mission to interfere with the operation, and in the process, the ghost-handed Nobunaga must inevitably fight. Faced with attacks from players in this guild at the same time, the ghost-handed Nobunaga must be in a state of busy hands, and this time Matsumoto is congratulating them and they can take the opportunity to emerge from the muddy water and touch the fish. Their task is to pretend to help the ghost-handed Nobunaga deal with this unfavorable situation, on the other hand, take the opportunity to get rid of it.

To put it plainly, this plan is to let Matsumoto congratulate them to grab the help under the banner of help. If it is a general leveling, being robbed is actually nothing, it is nothing more than the previous combat time and medicine. However, this is a task, and the task was killed by others, which can only represent the complete failure of the task, and in order to complete this task which is actually very difficult, the investment of the ghost-handed Nobunaga had been very exaggerated.

In fact, it is also a way to directly kill the seed player, but compared to the current plan, the plan to attack the seed player is obviously higher risk and very uneconomical.

Although the staff they have trained has not been fully trained yet, since this player has been selected as a seed player, he must not be a mediocre person, which means that if this person is not as powerful as me, it is definitely not the kind of person Weakness of bullying. In addition, because this guy is the hope of Nobunaga's heavy investment in training, once they encounter someone who wants to kill this seed player, they will inevitably protect him. So whoever, it ’s actually very difficult to kill this guy. If Christina and I can try a strong kill here, but now we are both trapped in the task, we wo n’t be able to get out at half-time. , So killing is obviously risky, and the success rate is very low.

However, Matsumoto is congratulating them on the plan they have implemented so far. First, the task of the reinforcements is not to kill that seed player, but to harass. All they need to do is put up a stance to kill the seed player, but they don't have to actually kill him. As for Matsumoto congratulating them, if it is a forced kill. They ca n’t shoot at all. After all, this seed was cultivated by Nobunaga, but it ’s a common hope of Japanese players. There is no good reason. Matsumoto ’s attack on such a player will affect him in Japan The positive image of the player. Conversely, if it's a planned task, that's fine. Although robbing is not a glorious thing, but it is such a thing to say it. Japanese players will not suddenly have a bad feeling for Matsumoto because of this. Moreover, there is a problem left over from history. That is Masaru Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitsuka. They are at odds. This is something that all Japanese players already know.

The two men, Masaru Matsumoto and Nobunuki Onitsuka, represent two groups of influence. The contradiction between them is very strong. Therefore, as long as it does not involve national justice, Matsumoto Masayuki will not cause Japanese players to feel much resentment even if he is in the position of a ghost. And this time. Although it is grabbing. But the situation at the time was that the ghost-handed Nobunaga faced a pinch with those mysterious invaders at the same time. And Matsumoto is congratulating them at this time to fight against this can also be understood as helping the ghost hand Nobunaga to make a clearance. Therefore, this matter can't be blamed on Matsumoto Masaru anyway, not only the task difficulty is reduced, but their own public opinion pressure and political risk have also been greatly reduced. Such a good plan. How could Masamoto Matsumoto not accept it?

Despite this plan, implementation requires caution. They are not dead. If Matsumoto is congratulating them, they will inevitably fight back. Even if they do not directly attack them, they will at least attack the last blood they get, so if you do n’t control them, Well, this task itself can be messed up. Of course, Matsumoto Masahiro will be at the scene, and even if they don't grab it, they will change their plans temporarily. In short, it will not be good to leave the development plan of Nobunaga Nobunaga out of the blue. .

"Where's our ally?" Matsumoto asked with a glance at the map.

August smoked pointing to a location on the map: "They just arrived here three minutes ago."

"Not too far?" Masamoto Matsumoto said, "These people are so fast!"

"Maybe it's a high-density army, or is there a special mount?" Said Sakura Yushin, "What kind of team do you say they are? Hongyue they just refuse to tell us, so I am still in my heart. Itchy!"

"To be honest, I'm also curious, but I think it should be a very special army. Otherwise, the president will not let these people go out and establish the guild independently." Masamoto Matsumoto said.

"It is said that these people belong to the covert operation group, which means that no one knows that they are a subordinate guild of the Frost Rose Alliance." August smoked, "This time they should come out and act very confidentially, so we cannot let others see us There is a connection. "

"Of course we know that everyone is not a spy on the first day." Blazing Dragon Ji suddenly said, "Look, come out."

Following the fingers of Blazing Dragon Hime, Matsumoto looked at the picture of the water mirror together, and saw that a large number of cracked rocks suddenly appeared in the mountain ahead, and then the ground began to sink, and at the same time, a huge The figure was slowly crawling out of the ground.

"I trust, why didn't anyone tell me this thing is so big?" Masamoto Matsumoto was stupid when he saw this thing. The last blood to be grabbed requires a move to destroy it, but this guy is so big, according to convention, defense and health are definitely astronomical figures, so it will be very difficult to **** the last blood of this kind of thing.

August Xun suddenly pointed at the lower part of the picture and said, "Look, Nobunaga is here."

"What about our reinforcements?" Matsumoto asked.

"It's behind this location, about two kilometers away," said Sakura Yumi.

"It looks like we need to change places with them," said Blazing Dragon Ji.

Matsumoto Masako and August Kaoru both nodded in agreement, and then connected the communicator of the group of people on the opposite side with a connector. When the communication was established, Masamoto Matsumoto heard the voice of the other party saying, "Here is the attacker squad. The battle sequence is ready. Do you need to get involved in the battle now?"

"No, no, don't worry." Matsumoto was surprised, the other side spoke very strangely, and didn't feel like an ordinary player, but he didn't remember what was wrong. It's a weird feeling anyway. However, Matsumoto is not concerned that they need to pay attention to this matter, so he said very quickly: "No, don't do it. The other party has just contacted, the team may continue for some time. Your premature intervention may cause the other party to leave the battle, so you Keep it hidden until we say we can start before you start. In addition, your current position seems not right, you are behind the monster's butt. This angle is not that you and the monster besiege the ghost hand Nobunaga They are. Instead, you and the Nobunaga siege them together. "

"The assailant understands that we will start moving 160 degrees clockwise around the target with a secondary coordinate radius."

"Okay, stay secret."


After the simple communication was completed, both sides began to move, and the reinforcements completed the position adjustment as well as Matsumoto Masaru. Both teams were successfully moved into position. But at this time the one in the field just entered the burst period. Up there was a large range of ghost attackers Nobunaga who attacked Boom, and their side turned upside down. There was even an attack that landed on the attacker formation. Fortunately, only one person was injured. And it was a bruise, not too serious.

In the face of the outbreak, the ghost-handed Nobunaga can be said to be struggling very hard. The level of this monster is too high. On the one hand, they must help the seed player to handle this. On the other hand, they must be careful not to kill this directly. , Because according to the task content, this must be killed by that seed player to be effective, otherwise even the ghost hand Nobunaga killed can only be considered a task failure.

I was tired enough in this hand-to-hand battle. This one is not yet a fuel-saving lamp. At this time, it is the time to show power. On the other hand, they can only helplessly switch to defensive mode. Outbreak, wait for it to die before continuing to attack.

Because the amount of blood is still very much, for the time being Matsumoto is congratulating them and those who are reinforcements have not moved, just waiting there waiting for the ghost-handed Nobunaga they will fight almost no more before shooting.

Just after they had waited for more than an hour, Matsumoto was congratulating them when they were about to fall asleep, but the person on the opposite side of the reinforcements first activated the communication mode and then shouted, "Almost, blood. The amount is almost at the bottom, and the request for action begins. "

As soon as Matsumoto heard them, they immediately lifted their spirits and looked at the monsters over there. Judging from the injuries, they were almost the same. So Matsumoto said, "Okay, you can start. We will shoot after you suppress the ghost-handed Nobunaga."

"Understood, the mission starts."

At this time, the ghost-handed Nobunaga were siege excited. After more than an hour of fighting, this one was finally tormented by them. Although the whole process consumes a lot of medicines, and also hangs out a few players, but generally it is smooth. Moreover, as life gradually bottomed out, its resistance became weaker and weaker. Seeing this situation, the ghost-handed Nobunaga was naturally struggling to kill as much as they saw hope, and they hoped that this could be resolved as soon as possible. However, the danger appeared at this time.

A high-output Japanese samurai suddenly jumped out from behind his companion, and then prepared to slash at it. This is his bottom-box skill, which is very powerful and consumes a lot, so unless it is the last hit, it will not be used under normal circumstances. Of course, the situation is not the last hit. He used this trick because he wanted to give the team a chance. However, just as he leaped high, and saw that he was about to slash on the monster, a red light suddenly flashed off, and he fell into the back of the guy with lightning, and the body of the guy was immediately Soft, originally supposed to slash at the monster, he actually hit the monster directly.

This was just dying from an injury, but it didn't really hang up. People still have fighting power now. In the face of sophisticated teams, although it is difficult to find opportunities to start, but for those who hit himself, he will never let go.

Right ... the player just hit the monster and was slapped into sludge by a slap before he started falling, and the surrounding Japanese players were stunned, and then immediately turned their eyes to the direction where the red light came .

It is clear. The player just hanged because of a sneak attack. Many Japanese players have seen this. Therefore, they all know that another group of people has appeared here. At this moment, they all turned their attention to that direction and watched carefully.

Although these guys are very careful, they can't really make a complete line of defense at this time, because compared to the attacker who has not yet known how strong the attack is, he is standing in front of it. . Therefore, these players have to be careful about the sneak attack behind them, while constantly dealing with the front.

It was a dangerous job at first, but now we have to distract him, these players quickly started to mess up, and the other party seemed to think that their side was not messy enough. Just after these people barely adjusted the formation. Suddenly, a red light flashed, and then a player responsible for fighting against the monster suddenly fell forward to the ground. How can you be kind to him at first glance? A slap up made this player into an abstract painting.

"This group of people is very bullish!" Matsumoto Masahiro, who has been monitoring the production screen, of course, they saw their loss here. Personally. of course. The ghost-handed Nobunaga had long expected this to be bad. So there were a lot of people at first. One or two deaths are not a big deal at all. However, although it is nothing to kill a few people, the morale of this situation is too great. more importantly. Because everyone is carefully guarding against sneak attacks, most people cannot fully use their fighting power at this time, causing problems in the cooperation of the entire team, and the overall attack power has plummeted.

"A bastard!" Cursed angrily, and shouted at several players on the other side: "Harada, Yamaguchi, lead someone to pull out the attackers."

"Understood." Two Japanese players quickly disengaged from the battle, then called the subordinate team and ran towards the attacker.

Originally, they saw a beam of light each time, and the emission frequency was not high. They thought that the other party was only one person, and the attack frequency was not fast. However, when the two teams just ran out less than one hundred meters, they didn't know how to make a sudden crowd of people in the grass, the rocks, or even the trees and the dirt. These people were not teleported by magic, but were originally in this place, but they were all dressed in various camouflages, so that these Japanese players had actually seen them before, but they were not found to be human. For example, there is a player who actually stands in front of a big tree with his back against the trunk. However, because the texture pattern on the trunk was the same color as the trunk, he felt that it was part of the trunk when he was not moving. It was not until the person started that that Japanese players realized that it was an individual.

This magical camouflage ability is not to make the enemy invisible to them, but to let others see them, but they will be ignored unconsciously. This is simply master-level camouflage, which makes those Japanese players have no chance to respond at all. When they noticed these people, it was already time for others to attack.

Because there was no expectation that they would be attacked in this position, and they were attacked in close formation at a close distance, these people fell more than half of the time when they were attacked. There are various ways to evade, but it is only a few seconds longer than his companion.

The battle here is completely different from the previous one. A dense burst of pea-like voices broke out in this battle, so that the ghost-handed Nobunaga immediately noticed the situation here, and when they saw this By the time, those sent by the ghost-handed Nobunaga had died.

"I trust, are these people from the SEALs?" Looking at the picture displayed in the water mirror, Matsumoto Masaha almost did not jump up, not because of the opponent's attack power, but because of the attack methods of these people and their bodies. costumes.

In fact, until the time of the attack, Masamoto Matsumoto did not know who they were coming to cooperate with, but they were taken aback when they appeared. These people are not wearing ordinary armor, but hard-skinned armor. In addition, these leather armors are not the exaggerated ancient style leather armors, but skinny leather armors like motorcycle protective gear. Also. These people all wear helmets, and these helmets, without exception, seem to be a combination of gas masks and bulletproof helmets. They look ugly but domineering.

If it is calculated just like this, the key is that the weapon used by these people is actually the same musket. The combination of these things is exactly like a jungle special force. Of course, the so-called jungle special forces are just like the appearance of the equipment, not really the same as the special forces. After all, the muskets used by these people are the products of the game, and the muskets in the game are actually gunpowder weapons. It is a mixture of gunpowder and magic. At least the firearms used in the game are used for magic. There is no such thing as a bottom fire.

The strangely dressed firearms team turned the special operations team of Nobunaga Nobunaga with cross fire as soon as it appeared. This major change made the Nobunaga Nobunaga a little overwhelmed, but those people did not pause at all. the meaning of. Their actions were very clean, and immediately after they killed the two teams, they all stood up from their hidden positions. Then he shot back while firing. Nobunaga's side, because no order from Nobunaga's hand. So his men did not dare to move. After all, that was still there. They didn't want to be killed by the musketeers behind them.

Although I really wanted to yell angrily and "chased me", the ghost-handed Nobunaga was calm at this time, just sending two more units to chase those musketeers. Previous failures were thought to be caused by local tactics. After all, the musketeers in the game are just a profession. Although it is a characteristic profession in the United States, this profession is not entirely dependent on muskets. In addition, as far as everyone knows, except for guns Exist. Most musketeers are nothing more than archers who have developed a little bit more.

Under this recognition, no one really considers a musketeer a great job, but what they don't know is that firearms are just like cold weapons, depending on who is using them. You let a child hold a dragon-knife, which is just a large kitchen knife, and you give a knife a kitchen knife, and others can kill in the same way. Therefore, the power of the weapon has a lot to do with the user.

The mysterious musketeers stopped moving immediately after the second hunting team rushed in. They chose some locations to hide, and then began to stop these people.

Most of the advanced muskets in the game have multiple combat modes, and these people are obviously using advanced muskets at the moment, so after they stop, they expand the musket to make it change from an assault rifle to a heavy machine gun, and the fire suddenly It was violent several times in one fell swoop. I was back to the Japanese players who came from the charge. Moreover, these Japanese players paid almost half of their casualties in order to avoid them. This is a very scary number, because this time they were prepared, and in this case they were attacked, and so many people died. This is definitely not a matter of luck or tactics, but because of the opposite The group of people is really amazing.

"It's incredible!" Blazing Dragon Ji looked at the screen and said, "Are these people coming out of the army? How do they feel that their fighting style is completely a special force!"

"I don't know if they are special forces. But they can be sure that these people have received regular military training." Matsumoto said positively, because he himself has received such training and understands that only such people can make it. That kind of thing before.

In fact, their previous attacks were not particularly exaggerated. The reason why the effects were so scary was entirely because of tactics and coordination. In reality, these two points are the main existence that soldiers can rely on. It can be said that although these people are gamers, wearing game equipment, and holding magic hybrid muskets in the game, they feel like regular army, not gamers.

Sakura Yushin suddenly said, "I now probably guess why Ziri did not put these people in the Frost Rose League."

August smoked, "I understand."

"It seems that our task can be a lot easier this time," Masamoto Matsumoto said. "If the ghost-handed Nobunaga cannot think of a reasonable response, these people are enough to kill them."

"Then we won't be dispatched?" Blazing Dragon Ji asked.

"It depends on the situation," Matsumoto said.

"What about the plan?"

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. If these musketeers are so powerful, then we don't need to intervene. Although we have a good reason for grabbing monsters, this kind of thing is not always a good thing. We can stay in touch if we can. "

"That's what it said." Sakura Yushin said: "I hope our reinforcements can help a little ~ ~ At least it seems to be quite powerful at the moment." Blazing Dragon Ji said, "Look, their There seems to be something behind the team. "

"I rely on, small magic crystal cannons! Are these people really from the army? How come even the artillery?" Seeing the picture displayed by water mirror surgery, Matsumoto almost didn't jump straight up.

In fact, those people moved very fast, and when Matsumoto was just concealing them, they were almost done. Just a minute or so before, this equipment, which was transported by several players each carrying several parts, was completely assembled, and the completed equipment looks like a magic crystal cannon, but this is the smallest type , And the structure is obviously modified, removing a lot of complicated structures, reducing the overall weight and volume, and eliminating screws for fast assembly, many locations are fixed with quick-release bolts.

Although it has been adjusted, many parts have been removed, and it is a small one. However, the magic crystal cannon is a magic crystal cannon after all. This thing is a siege weapon. The goal is to defend the city wall with tens of thousands of defensive power, not the player's flesh and blood. Body. Therefore, Nobunaga's nightmare has just begun. Of course, if they can come over, that's fine. But seeing the front row of heavily loaded Musketeers, Matsumoto was deeply skeptical. (To be continued ...)

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