Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 121: 3-party melee

The robbery has made us worry about our enemies. We are probably the first one in the robbery.

Speaking of Russian players, the fighting power is very strong. Not only is their personal strength good, but the number is quite considerable. More importantly, their guild structure is quite good. Although it cannot be said to be a complete system, at least the internal consumption is very small. Moreover, Russia's technical equipment is also quite powerful, it can be said that it is only slightly behind our Frost Rose League.

Normally with such a strong strength, Russian players need not worry about their defensive capabilities, but the key is that the Americans' time is too accurate. We actually rushed away and transferred the Russian troops and started to launch real The period before the robbery. This blank period is a very critical point of time for us and for the Russians, but the problem is that Americans attacked at this point of time, making us quite passive.

The corpses on the ground have shown that the battle site must be nearby. At random, we slowed down a little bit, but we did n’t dare to slow down a little. We were afraid that something unexpected would make the Americans pick the fruits first. Then we can It was really a wedding dress for others.

We found the corpse at the corner where the corpse was found less than twenty meters forward, and this time it was much more spectacular. At least thirty corpses were lying horizontally and vertically in a corridor that was not long, and there was no place to stand on the ground.

The deaths of these corpses were miserable, and most of them were in different places. The corpses were cut into pieces on the ground, so the exact number is difficult to calculate, and as before, these corpses are all American, and the bodies of Russian players are not visible.

Walking through the passage with sticky corpse fragments, a small traffic junction appeared in front of it. This is a vertical passage, repaired just like a missile well. The entire passage is cylindrical and can not be seen from top to bottom, and the diameter of this passage is at least 500 meters, and the things on the opposite side are not clear from this side. Of course, this is not mainly due to distance. It is because the tunnel is full of soot. It looks as if somewhere below is burning.

I rushed to the side of the vertical well and looked down. The interior of this vertical well has a circular passage every few meters, and there are multiple stairs connected between the adjacent two-story passages. You can go up and down freely along these stairs, and we also found similar elevator tracks in the passage. s things. It's just that the elevator is not on this floor.

Zhenhong stretched her head and looked at the situation below. Then asked: "Up or down?"

"The important things are in the depths. Of course it is going on." I jumped out of the railing first after I said it, and Matsumoto Masako and the Kakuda Ichiro followed and also jumped down. Others saw that we all jumped out naturally Can only jump down.

It's actually very easy to know if anyone is nearby. Just listen carefully. This place is very quiet because all the people ran out, and now the only place where sound can be heard is under the vertical well, so we can definitely find the place of engagement just by going down.

In fact, my guess has always been accurate. After about a thousand meters of vertical downwards from here, we finally saw the bottom of the passage. At this time, the surrounding movement was already very large, and even some from time to time. flash. It is clear that the war zone is nearby.

Although I have wings, in order to speed up, I can use my wings to assist in gliding. I do n’t spread my wings to slow down until I see the ground, but I did n’t reduce the speed much, I just controlled my speed so as not to hurt. .

At the bottom of the vertical well, two groups of men and women are fighting, almost one-third of them are musketeers. Obviously, they are American players, and the rest of the group is quite complicated. And it was mixed with something we had never seen before.

I was too anxious, so when I came down, I didn't take a good look at the position, and slammed into the middle of the two gangs, and this time it was a shock to the people on both sides. The musketeers are okay. After all, the distance is far away, and the Russians on the opposite side have all retreated a lot.

"Zi Ri!" While the black wings spread on the ground slowly unfolded, I also stood up from the ground while holding the kneeling position on the ground, and the position where I was standing was significantly lowered downwards. Block, but this ground is also considered to be solid, so much impact did not collapse, just deformation.

Players on both sides are no strangers to me, or there are not many people who do n’t know me, especially in such front-line guilds. After all, everyone is an international force and always needs to deal with it.

The people on both sides have just seen me clearly, but I didn't expect that there was a boom next to it. A dazzling white light man also fell to the ground, and then less than a second later, a red figure followed the landing. It was like a group of people crackling like dumplings.

Because of our random entry, the personnel on both sides were a little bit stunned, especially the Russian players on the opposite side. It was already hard to resist Americans. I did not expect that a group of new invaders could run out at such a critical moment. This is definitely worse.

"Why are you here?" One of the American players across from us immediately came out of the ground after all the people on our side came out, and this person was not someone else, or the person I least wanted to see right now-God of Guns.

"This seems to be the question we asked you, right?" I looked at the God of Guns with a poor look and asked back.

The God of Guns froze noticeably, then frowned and said, "Did you get it out during the invasion outside?"

"Don't tell me you don't know." I glanced at the direction behind God of Guns, where a strangely shaped player was standing in front of a shining fissure in the space, and I also knew this player. What was his name? I do n’t know, but I know that he is one of the holders of American weaponry. His race is a build creature. The equipment on his body is a set of magically powered armor. In addition, his own race is actually similar to a robot, so This guy is basically a robot with a player identity. of course. Now I am more concerned about the crack in the space behind him, which seems to be not fixed, because with the movement of the holder of the national weapon in front, this thing also follows. In other words, this space crack can be moved, and it automatically follows certain people's actions.

After seeing my eyes, Gun God knew what I was looking at, but he didn't explain or plan to explain. As for my question, he answered directly: "We just happened to decide to launch a raid at this time. It ’s a coincidence that I bumped into you. Believe it or not. "

"It doesn't seem to make sense to discuss these right now?" Zhenhong came directly. The two fists clashed in front of them and made a loud noise. "Whether you deliberately picked this time and wanted to pick a bargain or came across it by accident. But now that we have run into it, it is impossible to be good."

Although Zhenhong speaks directly, the truth is okay. The gun **** on the opposite side also knows that there is not much room for turning around now, so he is also very simple. Waved straight forward without answering. Then the people behind him immediately raised their guns at us.

Let's have a conversation here. The Russian players on the opposite side can be roughly understood. Both of us came to invade them, as if the two robbers who planned to grab the bank happened to pick the same bank at the same time, although the two gangs did not deal with each other. But they can never become partners with banks.

Now that the situation is clear, no more hesitation. With the sound of American gunfire, the fighting resumed instantly, but the fighting was more chaotic than before. After all, it is a three-party battle.

At the beginning of the battle, I was staring at Gunslinger, because this guy is the one who has the highest single damage among all the people here. The total damage output may be higher than him, but Gunslinger ’s attack is concentrated. Type, so the individual damage may be higher, and not all of us here are melee, so we need to beware of this guy playing underhand.

Facts have proven that my worry is completely correct, because the gun God guy locked his target on Bingbing as soon as he came up. Gun God is no stranger to Bingbing, because our Isinger Orchestra has toured in the United States. The number of magic musicians is very small, and even fewer can form groups.

It is because knowing who Bingbing is, the Gun God is very anxious to kill her. After all, it is common sense to give priority to cleaning up the auxiliary staff in the battle.

As soon as I saw the gun **** raising his gun, I knew it was going to be bad. I rushed to the front of Bingbing to support a shield to help Bingbing fight against this, but what I did n’t expect was that when I was preparing to deal with the attack, the side passed Real red reminds me to be careful. As soon as I turned my head, I saw a Russian player smashing over with a huge ice hammer.

In this case, of course, I ca n’t be indifferent. I turned the shield directly at this guy, and then I heard a loud noise. I just felt my arm numb, and the whole person was shaken out, and here it is. At that time, Gunslinger's gun rang.

The Russian player's attack just didn't intentionally cooperate with Gunslinger, but Gunslinger would seize the opportunity, so the gun was cut off immediately when I was hit by that man, and I was simply in this case. There is no way to intercept the attack.

Just when Gunner's bullet had flown out of the barrel of the gun, a white figure suddenly rushed to the front of Bingbing, and then set up a shield to block it. I heard only a crisp sound, followed by an explosion, and Matsumoto Masa was taken off directly, and Bingbing was knocked down by the way. However, although they both fell terribly, they did not die, but it took a bit of blood. It is a blessing to survive the attack of the Gun God.

Such a good opportunity didn't succeed in getting rid of Bingbing, and the gun **** frowned, but he couldn't make up his gun now. Can only flee, because Christina ’s magic has begun to start, dense magic missiles flying the fragments she just stood in, and several American players who are not fast enough are directly blasted into the sky. .

I climbed from the ground without hesitation and jumped up and rushed to the guy who almost killed Bingbing. When the other person saw me coming, he immediately lifted a big hammer and waved it. I rolled directly on the spot while running. With a whimper above my head, the sledgehammer rubbed over my back and scratched.

After jumping through the attack range of the sledgehammer, I jumped up, and the blade claws popped up. He stepped on the guy's knee with one foot, and the whole person instantly rose to the same height as him, and then the blade claws of both hands were poured into the body from both sides of his neck at the same time. Covering the eternal blade claw is extremely sharp, the opponent's armor did not play any interception at all, and was directly penetrated. Blood rushed in six huge blood caves, and I used the blade claw as a support. I lowered my legs and kicked his chest, and the whole person did a backflip and pulled out the blade claw. Followed by my strength, I fell straight down, and smashed a Russian behind.

Just now this guy with a hammer is supposed to be a leader or something like this. From the fact that he can fly with a hammer, I can see that this guy's strength attributes are called monsters. And his height is completely beyond the human category. But these are useless. Now he had fallen to the ground and turned into a corpse, still murmuring blood around his neck.

My side just killed the guy and was looking for the next target, and Matsumoto shouted suddenly: "Leave it to us, you go and grab the information."

I looked at the situation here. Then nodded and rushed up. Kakuda Ichiro suddenly whispered to Masamoto Matsumoto, "It's not good to let Ziri go alone?"

Matsumoto Masa nodded a little. Then I realized that it was really bad. If we follow the superficial relationship between our two sides. Then we should show considerable distrust, so it is obviously impossible for me to go in alone to get the information. The Japanese side also supposedly needs one person to supervise it. I chose to bring Kakuda Ichiro for fear of such an inadvertent fall. Now it seems that the original plan was very correct. Immediately after receiving a reminder from Kakuda Ichiro, he turned to the Blazing Dragon Hime and shouted, "Blazing Dragon Rime, please help Ziri."

"Understand." Blazing Dragon Ji said that she had to chase me after turning around. As a result, she took a step and suddenly made a sudden brake. The ground in front of her suddenly burst into a mass of Mars. If it had not been for a while, she had already been shot. Already.

The opposite gun **** sighed in annoyance. Today, he broke his own record, and even missed two sneak attacks. With his shooting percentage, this is really rare. But he also knows that we are all masters, and it is normal to miss. If someone like us can shoot one, he is the world's number one player.

In fact, in addition to today's hit rate problem, Gun God is also very confused about how Matsumoto Masako got mixed with us. Now Matsumoto is congratulating that they are obviously with us, but from the information obtained by the God of Guns, the Japanese and us should be deadly enemies. It is a bit strange to fight side by side.

The blocked Blazing Dragon Ji couldn't get rid of the Russian player who had been entangled with himself before, and could only continue to fight, and at this time, the really red side just solved his enemy, and turned and shouted: "I'll help Boss. "Then ran after me.

In fact, I haven't run far now, because my intention is obviously to break through this place and go to the back research center, so the Russians are desperately intercepting me. The fighting power originally attracted by Masamoto Matsumoto and Gunshin were all concentrated. When it came to me, I couldn't run away in a short while.

"Damn, these people are terrible!" I shouted directly behind me. "Christina, help me out."

"Flash away." Christina responded super fast, and as soon as I let it go, countless magic missiles smashed down like a heavy rain, turning over the opponents of Russian players. I took advantage of this opportunity to cross the country immediately, but before I ran to the gate, I saw that the entrance of the passage suddenly jumped out a very amazing guy.

In fact, not one person came out, but two creatures. This is a knight, but it is completely different from a normal knight.

First of all, this knight's body is very strange. Although there is no problem in human form, his body has a semi-mechanical and semi-biological form. His body and limbs are obvious mechanical artifacts, but his head is a standard human head, and there are two small transparent jars on the back of this guy, which contains a green color. Liquid, and there are still a lot of bubbles rolling in it, looks quite strange.

In addition to the strange body, the mount under this guy is also strange. At first glance, this thing looks like a triceratops, but it is not as big as a real triceratops, and it is probably slightly larger than a rhinoceros. of course. This volume is actually not small anymore. However, this is not the point. The point is that this Triceratops creature is actually a mechanical body like that of the knight's limbs. You can clearly see the gear structure and some hydraulic rods and other things on it. Anyway, this thing is not a carbon-based organism.

Such a strange combination of mechanical knight and mechanical dinosaur, to be honest, we had never thought of it before, but now we have not only seen it, but they have appeared together.

That robot dinosaur is not small, but the knight is also very large. Although this guy is riding on the back of a dinosaur, I can still clearly see that this guy is at least two meters tall, and he is definitely a giant like him in front of us.

Immediately after their appearance, the two looked around the battlefield. Then he rushed towards me without hesitation. The Triceratops actually lowered its head during the charge, and the three sharp horns on its head actually emitted dazzling blue light. The corner of this thing is obviously an energy blade.

I'm not a fool. How could I fight for something like this? This thing is obviously a mechanical creation. Think of the power of the mobile angels in our guild. The power of this thing will never go down. And more importantly, this thing is not Warcraft at first glance. It does not belong to the player, so its offensive and defensive indicators will definitely not be calculated according to the player or the way. If my guess is good, this mechanical triceratops is mostly calculated based on siege equipment like the mobile angel. That means. This thing will surpass players and players in terms of power, defense and attack power.

Seeing that the mechanical triceratops rushed forward, I directly accelerated to meet them, but just before the collision, I suddenly opened my wings and flew up with the impact speed. The mechanical knight riding on the back of the mechanical triceratops saw me jumping and immediately waved the axe gun with a length of at least three meters in my hand. This thing was not a simple commodity at first glance, but I have wings and I am in the air. Can be disguised. A row of wings flew, and my body was raised again. The mechanical knight's axe fluttered, and I stepped on the side of the axe. The entire weapon suddenly sank down, and I used the force to move forward. Without bending over to attack, I used my knee to make a close contact with this guy's face door.

The mechanical knight suddenly tilted his head back when I was about to hit him. A layer of metal armor rolled out from behind his neck and wrapped his head. My knee joint was almost the same. The impact on the armor made a loud noise.

Although he didn't directly hit his body, my huge impact still made this guy lean back from the back of the mechanical triceratops, but the mechanical triceratops didn't stop, they rushed directly over Matsumoto Masaru and they took the initiative to let The open passage rushed towards their position at Gunslinger.

Obviously, this mechanical triceratops is either bad-headed or unable to stop once the charge is launched, anyway, this guy has so straightly crossed the entire battlefield towards the **** of guns.

The Gun God was happy and happy when I saw this thing rushing towards me, but now I can't be happy. A large number of musketeers turned their muzzles at this mechanical triceratops that rushed over like a locomotive, but, as I guessed before, this thing was completely a tank, and it was an overweight type. Just like the German rat tank of World War II, the armor of this thing is completely an out-of-standard product. The gun god's set fire except for a burst of rockets and splatters only produced a curious confusion, and that guy ’s The impact speed was not affected at all, it was just tickling him when they attacked.

The gun god's side was messy as soon as the attack was invalid. The densely arranged musket team quickly spread out, and then tried to launch the attack from other directions. At this time, I didn't have time to face the gun god. They gloated because of myself. Not easy.

Although the mechanical knight was knocked down by me, although this guy has a human-like head, his head should not be complete, because this guy basically does not have the weakness of carbon-based creatures. It is said that when a humanoid is knocked down in this way, it will definitely appear a period of instinct that exceeds the subjective consciousness period due to problems such as loss of balance, that is, the body will automatically lose its combat power in order to maintain balance. However, this guy didn't pause at all, and it felt as if it wasn't him who was hit. In the case of being overturned, he suddenly reached out and grabbed my ankle when his body fell backwards.

To be honest, I wanted to be surprised when the ankle was pulled. Because the moment we passed by is actually very short, even when this guy was hit by the horse, he could still grasp this ankle interval of a few ten seconds. This judgment is really It's scary.

After I was caught, I could n’t run away. I could only be pulled towards the ground by that guy, but I also responded very quickly. As soon as I supported the ground with my hands, I resolved the falling power, and then the whole person turned on the ground and twisted his body. Come over, and then do it directly like a sit-up. When I turned over my hand, Eternity had automatically combined into the form of a head mallet, and I was smashed again by the guy's face door.

In this case, the lower part is attacked. Most people instinctively choose to dodge the attack first. After all, the head is to be returned, and the face is also easily injured. However, this guy really can't see a little biological instinct, he didn't actually avoid the attack directly. Instead, I flicked my wrists and grabbed my ankles, tossed me up and smashed towards the ground next to him.

The ground in this place is made entirely of steel. When I first came down, the impact force didn't penetrate the ground. You can see how solid this thing is. If it was photographed on the ground, the earthquake would be confused.

"Help!" With my shout, Zhenhong has rushed to our side. A fist swung at the knee of the mechanical knight. When the guy saw the attack of real red, he raised his leg and wanted to kick the real red. As a result, the two fists and feet hit each other. Only a loud noise was heard. The leg of the mechanical knight changed from kicking forward to backward Kicking, the whole man lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground, and I twisted his arms and swing his arms while he lost his balance, and the eternity in my hand turned into a sword shape and cut it on the guy's wrist. However, to my surprise, Eternal didn't cut off this guy's entire wrist, but just cut in one-fifth and got stuck. However, although it was not completely cut off, this time it should have hurt the internal structure of his arm, his fingers were obviously loose, and I took the opportunity to break free and shot the wings and flew out against the ground.

Zhenhong succeeded in punching, and while the guy was throwing forward, it was an uppercut immediately. Before the guy came in close contact with the ground, his head came into contact with Zhenhong's fist first. It's almost like playing golf. The really red fist is the club, the guy's head is the golf ball, and his neck and body are the supports that support the golf ball. He only heard a loud sound, and the guy's head was blown out by a real red punch, and after hitting it on the wall, it bounced to the side of the opposite wall and rolled off the ground.

Zhenhong punched this guy's head and started looking for the next target, but her eyes just left the guy in front of her, and she suddenly felt that her hands were caught, followed by the whole person suddenly off the ground The son lifted up and smashed quickly to the ground.

There was a loud noise, and the whole person was really inserted into the hard steel ground like a rice seedling. The waist was completely under the ground, with only two legs kicking outside.

"I trust!" They were shocked when they saw the really red and miserable gold coins. Matsumoto Masa and Kakuda also immediately blocked the entangled enemies in front of them and rushed to help, after all, we were allies before things were available. If you die, it means that the team's combat effectiveness is reduced. In this case, of course, you cannot ignore it.

Although Masamoto Matsumoto and Ichiro Kakuda want to help, it is a pity that this is not the only mechanical knight here. The Russian players and the troublesome gun gods on the plane are already very confused. It is easy to talk to support others. ? As soon as Matsumoto and Kakuda ran out, they were intercepted by two Russian players, but the headless robot knight did not take the opportunity to give a real red blow, but turned and walked towards their heads. Passed.

Just after the mechanical knight walked away, there was a sudden sound of metal twisting on the ground where Zhen Hong plugged in, and then she saw that Zhen Hong actually forcibly pulled an arm out of the big pit, and then The other hand. With two palms supporting the edge of the opening, she pulled herself upside down from the ground.

"Your grandfather, what the **** is this? You can move without a head!" After the red came out, there was a curse, and then I saw that the mechanical knight was picking up his head and putting it on his neck. The other side pressed his head around his neck, then turned it twice, then released his palm. After moving his head a little, there was obviously no problem, so he immediately walked towards true red again. "I rely, is this thing a monster? Is this all right?"

"That was a monster!" Sakura Yushin said, rushing past True Red, and rushed forward to meet the robot knight, but she only ran halfway and saw that the robot knight suddenly turned the axe in her hand. The gun was thrown towards himself. Although the Sakura Yujin ducked her head and hid in the past, the mechanical knight over there took the opportunity to pull a jagged sword from behind.

This sword is actually not very big for this mechanical knight. According to his size, this should be a sword between the two-handed sword and the large-scale sword. However, this thing has a feature, that is, its sword blade is one by one, and there are many light-emitting bodies on it, it looks as if there are many led lights inside the giant sword.

Wielding this blue sword with a dazzling blue light, the mechanical knight rushed towards the cherry rain god, but the cherry rain **** turned suddenly and ran because she saw the machinery rushing behind Triceratops.

The mechanical triceratops rushed wildly on the side of the gun gods, killed two American players with their horns, and then killed one trampled one, and then ran straight around and ran back. Obviously, this thing is not incapable of turning, it just doesn't want to turn around.

It didn't stop after it rushed to the side of the robot knight, but accelerated forward, and the robot knight stretched out his hand as if he knew he had come, and he pressed the guy's back with his one hand flattened Hold quickly approaching towards the cherry rain god.

"I'm blocking the lower one, and I'll leave it to you." Zhenhong roared, then rushed up, her hands forward, and rushed up against the corner of the mechanical triceratops. The mechanical triceratops did not dodge when they saw the real red, but lowered their heads to accelerate, trying to choke off the real red as before. However, at the moment when they hit, Zhenhong actually grabbed his two horns. Although the whole person was pushed back, they just stood up and did not get caught by the horns. The guy's speed was getting slower and slower, and finally he was forced to stop.

The Russian players and guns around them all looked at the real red side stupidly, just now it was quite shocking. At least they all knew the power of this mechanical triceratops, and the real red could be held up with both hands. This guy, this power is even more scary.

Since appearing, the mechanical knight has appeared in a state of sacrifice for the first time, but he hesitated after a little hesitation, and immediately lifted the huge sword in his hand to cut it off, but how could we make him wish. Just when this guy ’s great sword was lifted, I suddenly rushed up from the side, and then hugged the guy ’s neck from behind ~ ~ Then a backflip took the guy from the mechanical triangle Dragon's back flew down, and his great sword flew out.

Immediately after I landed with the mechanical knight, the robotic triceratops gave a dull roar, and then his eyes were red, and two flames burst out from his nostrils. Of course, this is not the aggressive flame of Long Yan, but the equivalent of the tail flame generated by the exhaust system. However, after this roar, the mechanical triceratops actually opened their limbs and moved forward against the true red. Although the speed was slow, it really pushed the true red.

"Do you think you will?" True red also roared, and then suddenly a golden flame rose from the whole body, and then a dragon yin came out, and true red suddenly exploded, twisting to the side, accompanied by the mechanical triangle Real red actually knocked this guy down to the ground, and then it sounded a crisp sound, and really red even broke this guy's horn.

Blazing Dragon Ji swallowed hard and said, "I now find that true red is the biggest monster!"

"Don't make nonsense, quickly go to help Ziri." Matsumoto said, and then helped the Blazing Dragon Ji to carry the nearby Russian players, and Blazing Dragon Ji immediately rushed to my side because I and the machinery The knight was rolling on the ground. (To be continued ...)

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