Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 127: Broken road

In fact, Matsumoto Masaka and Bingbing did not enter into a real research area, but a waste storage place, which was equivalent to the existence of a garbage dump. Of course, the garbage here is a bit special, so a specially modified room is used as the storage room, but because we are actually searching for the technological achievements of the Russians, it is inevitable that we need to turn over the boxes to check all the places where we can put things Therefore, it is basically unavoidable to touch the lock switch in this garbage storage room. It's just that Matsumoto Masako and Bingbing are unlucky, they just happened to run into them. In fact, this room will not be so embarrassed by any other team. The key point is that Matsumoto needs to protect Bingbing, so the combat effectiveness cannot be exerted. If Bingbing isn't there, Matsumoto is just congratulating someone, give him some time and he can do it by himself. There is no need to call reinforcements.

"Just because everyone is concentrated, don't act separately." I said to Matsumoto Masahiro: "Just now I and Kakuda found their monitoring room over there. By the way, I got the structure diagram here. You just need to search. You don't have to run separately. "

"Thank goodness," said Blazing Dragon Ji, "I don't want to search from room to room, I need to find things, and I'm worried about the authorities or guards that may appear at any time. It's too hard!"

"Yeah, yeah! It's too tiring to search blindly without a goal!" Sakura Yumi said.

Christina asked, "Where should we go now?"

"There is no need to go above ground, all are office areas. The important ones are underground." I pointed to one of the next passages and said, "You can find a vertical passage not far from here. Go down from there It's a real base. "

"What is a real base?" Masamoto Matsumoto keenly captured the keywords in my words.

Kakuda explained to Masamoto Matsumoto: "In fact, the Russian research base is not here at all, but on the bottom of the sea. We are now at this location just like a ground entrance. At the bottom of the basement there is A transport channel, from where the entire ice layer can be reached, and then to the ocean floor, the real base is below that. "

"Then we can now reach the research base just by going down the elevator over there?" Asked August smoker.

I shook my head and said, "No, it's not that simple. First of all, I'm not sure whether the passage is an elevator or not. I only know that there are vertical passages connected to the bottom of the sea, but I don't know exactly what kind of device. And, if I guess correctly, they should have cut off the channel. "

Did not ask me to explain this time. Everyone understands what I mean. Since this castle on the ground is equivalent to the entrance. That naturally functions as a gatekeeper. We are now rushing in with such fanfare. Of course, it is impossible for the other party to look at nothing and do nothing. As long as the other party is not mentally retarded, they should think of cutting off the connection between the submarine laboratory and the castle.

In fact, this Russian design has something in common with our New World Research Base.

The New World Research Base of our guild is a rare super-altitude floating island, which means that it is difficult to enter directly from the outside. Because most flying creatures can't fly that height. The situation is similar for the Russian player ’s subsea laboratory. Although it is not in heaven. But the bottom of the Arctic Ocean is itself a very difficult place to reach.

Don't think that we will have Atlantis technology running everywhere under water. This is the game world, not the ocean in reality. Monsters are everywhere under the sea here. And basically, the stranger the position, the stronger the monster becomes.

The lower part of the Arctic Ocean belongs to this strange position, because it is not only located at the northernmost end of the earth, but also covered with tens of meters of ice on the sea surface, which is more exaggerated than the actual thickness of the Arctic Ocean. More importantly, the depth of the Arctic Ocean in the game is much greater than in reality. In fact, not only the Arctic Ocean, all the ocean depths in the game are greater than the reality, and there are many trenches and submarine mountains, which are far more complicated than the actual bottom terrain.

Because the arctic ocean environment in the game is so special, there are also many monsters in this place, not only in large numbers, but also in exaggerated levels. If you want to move underwater in such a place, it is very dangerous, and you need to deal with those deep-sea monsters constantly.

These deep-sea monsters, combined with the extreme cold and deep-sea environment, form a natural barrier and play the same role as the floating islands of our new continent, which is to prevent outsiders from entering its interior through abnormal means.

Of course, otherwise, if outsiders enter, they need to have a way to enter. The method adopted by our New World Floating Island is to use a dedicated one-to-one teleport array, in conjunction with a space shield and a space anchor, to completely block the space of the New World Floating Island and the surrounding area. Only a dedicated transport array is allowed to enter. Send.

The method used by Russian players is not yet clear, but it should be similar to ours. This ice castle is connected to the research base under the sea, just like we use the teleportation array to connect to Isinger Same as the New World Floating Island. Anyway, if people want to continue, they must pass through this special channel. Of course, none of us here are ordinary people. Even if we do n’t use this channel, we do n’t necessarily go down, but of course we prefer to use the existing channels rather than ourselves. It's just that this wish is unlikely to be realized.

"Whether it's connected or not, we'll see if we go down." Zhenhong said and walked in the direction I just pointed out.

Seeing that true red had passed, we followed. I do n’t know why on the road afterwards, but I did n’t encounter any interceptors, and Ling actually sent me a message telling me that they had all returned to the training space. The portal we had come over had been lost, but the gun The people of God ran into the mechanical knights, mechanical triceratops, and heavy armored dragons that we encountered before. Those mechanical units that were going to chase us and directly hit the **** of guns at the entrance.

This news made me want to understand why the mechatronics didn't catch up with us to make trouble. After all, although this castle is not big, the mechanical triceratops and heavy armored dragons cannot get in, but the mechanical knight can still move freely. But now they are all attracted by the gun god, which is convenient for us.

Without any interception, it successfully reached the position of the passageway marked on the structure diagram. This place has a wide downward slope, and the ground is covered with anti-skid plates, obviously for the convenience of materials and people down the mountain. Below this **** is a large space, which seems to be used as a transit warehouse, because there are a lot of messy things here, most of which are worthless things, but there are some valuables and a small amount of research. Something of value. of course. After we passed, all these things went into our pockets.

The deepest part of this transit warehouse. That is to say, facing the wide passageway down there is a tall wall, and behind the wall is the connecting room. But to get in, we need to get the gate in front of us. This stuff isn't made of ice, but it's a serious armor steel, and it's amazingly thick. I tried to poke a hole in it with eternity. The thickness of the door was as high as eight meters. This is no longer the door. This is simply a huge metal ingot.

Considering the thickness of this door. We finally decided to leave a hole in the wall. Anyway, the wall is the ice layer. Although the ice layer here is exaggeratedly hard because of the temperature, we have Xiaofeng and Everett on our side. It's not too much trouble to have them trying to melt the ice. Of course, here is the North Pole, so melting it is not too simple. When Xiaofeng melted through the floor before, the floor was not too thick, but the ice layer was more than ten meters thick, and the thickness of the ice layer was large, and after the ice layer became thick, it would transfer heat to each other, making it more difficult to melt.

Although it was very hard to make holes in this ice layer, after seven or eight minutes, we successfully bypassed the gate and drilled into the area behind the gate.

Because the ice layer itself has a certain degree of transparency, it can be seen where the gates on the side are separated by a small section of ice layer when using lighting assisted lighting. When we go beyond the range of the gate, we can see that the colors behind are different. After all, the gate is metal and not translucent, so the light reflected by illumination is different. The blue part is the blank area, and the black part is the metal gate.

After determining the position of the gate, we started to make a horizontal hole in the direction of the gate. As long as we drilled through the last layer of ice, we can enter the back room.

Everett had been put away by me. Only Xiaofeng stood there and stretched out a hand against the front wall. In front of her palm, the ice layer was melting at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. As the ice layer continues to melt, the channel we are on will continue to move forward. However, just when we thought that we could enter the channel over there, there was a sudden sound of gurgling above the slowly melting ice layer in front, and the sound became louder rapidly, and a large amount of instantaneous rise and rise within the channel. White steam.

"Huh?" Xiaofeng unknowingly hummed, then lowered his palm, and at this time the heat disappeared, and water vapor no longer appeared in the passage, but we immediately discovered a very amazing situation. I saw a small hole above the ice in front of the channel, but this small hole was spraying water into the channel. There was Xiaofeng's high thermal barrier before, and the water was directly gasified. However, after Xiaofeng removed the high temperature, the water flow immediately appeared, and with the emergence of the water flow, spider webs appeared in front of the ice layer. The same crack.

"I rely on it!" I just burst out with the ice layer in front of me, and then a large amount of seawater poured in, but the speed of the water was not too fast, and I didn't feel the pressure of the water. Sure enough, the water flow didn't keep rising after it entered, it just drowned more than half of the channel and stopped rising, but now we are abnormally depressed, because this is already obvious. The Russians must have cut off the connection between the castle and the base below, and they did it extremely well, and they flooded the entire room with water. In this way, if we want to go down, there is only one way ... Diving ourselves.

"This **** is so terrific, isn't it?" Kakuda said indignantly.

Matsumoto comforted and said, "Don't say it, it will only make us more aware of what we do."

I also nodded and said, "If we were to base, I might bury a bomb in this place in advance. When I remove the aisle, I can overwhelm others."

"I now understand what happened to the Fulcrum City Big Bang." Kakuda Ichiro said.

Kakuda Ichiro said that the Fulcrum City Big Bang was actually the first time we lost the Fulcrum City. At that time, after we established a fulcrum city in Japan as a support point, the Japanese side has been trying to remove the nail inserted in Japan. After that, we really felt great pressure under the predecessors of Japanese players, and even appeared for a time. Unable to hold the situation. Later, under the intervention of the Japanese Protoss, we finally lost control of the Fulcrum City and evacuated for the first time. However, in order to prevent Japanese players from taking advantage, we buried a lot of explosives under the city before leaving. As a result, as soon as our people left, all the Japanese players took the earth plane and bombed the sky before they even came to celebrate the successful occupation of the Fulcrum City.

That big bang reimbursed tens of thousands of players and players in Japan at one time, and the economic losses were quite alarming. Since then, the Japanese side has always called the incident "the fulcrum city big bang".

I didn't answer the talk of Kakuda Ichiro, but said to others, "Do you all have diving ability? We will have to prepare to see in a moment, who needs to do some preparation work first?"

I actually know that no one needs to prepare here ~ ~ But because Kakuda Ichiro is present, I must show that I don't know enough about them. After all, Ichiro Kakuda doesn't know the relationship between Matsumoto Masa and me.

After confirming that no one needs to prepare, I pulled the mask down, and then flew forward into the water.

The hole that was just destroyed by the water flow was actually not because of water pressure, but because only a thin layer was left that had been melted by Xiao Feng, so it could not be crushed by the water pressure. In fact, the room on this side is not completely submerged at all, and the water is only a depth of about one meter five, but in the center of this room there is a large circular hole with a diameter of more than twenty meters, but because of the black paint below It's lacquered, so it looks like the gates of hell.

"This should be the original connection channel." I said using a communicator inside the helmet.

"Are there many monsters underneath?" Kakuda Ichiro asked.

"Do you still need to ask?" Zhenhong replied, and then asked me, "Shall we just go straight?"

"Wait a minute, I'll give you something good." (To be continued ...)

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