Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 129: Walking Underwater City

Of course, it is not difficult to catch up with a dynamic city. Even the Isinger Mobile Fortress in our guild, without using space jumping, the fastest movement speed is similar to those of low-level flying Warcraft. It's quite full for those flying fast Warcraft.

Essinger Mobile Fortress is still an aerial fortress, but the target that Ariana found was an underwater object. As a device moving in the water, no matter what it is, the speed must not be the same as that of the air unit. Although we can't run out of air speed under water now, we are small in size and suffer much less resistance. The speed must be much faster than that thing, so we can easily catch up.

"Don't move." Now that we are in a hurry, we won't let Matsumoto Masako use the water propellers, and we greet the little dragon girl to grab Matsumoto Masako and Kakuda Ichiro with their claws, and then just catch up.

Really red at the sight of my actions, I came to understand, and quickly directed his own dragon pet to bring the rest to follow. The three dragons in the water seem to slowly move their bodies forward, but as long as they look down at the sea floor below, they find that the speed is very exaggerated, almost no slower than flying in the sky.

Not the same as the dragon. No matter what color the dragons in our country are, they are all water-friendly. There are some types of dragons that do not even swim at all, but Shenlong is born the king of water. Even in the deep sea, it can still maintain high speed.

With the efforts of the dragons, it took us only a few minutes to see the huge shadow in the distance. However, due to the blocking of seawater, it is not yet real.

"Is that the thing?" Looking at the huge shadow from a distance, Kakuda Ichiro asked with excitement.

"It should be that thing." I said with uncertainty. In fact, the thing in front does not look like a Russian thing, because the style is different. In the game, players from various countries usually build things with their own national style. Of course, Russian players also have their own style, but the shape of this thing is not like the Russian style at all, because it looks too gorgeous.

The common feature of Russian things is that they are huge, rough, and sturdy. Although not very pleasing, it is often very practical or cost-effective. However, although the moving object in front of me is temporarily unclear. But something like the tentacles dragged behind it has already entered our line of sight. The surface of these things is a pale blue. And it's smooth, but there are silver carvings with gorgeous carvings at the seams and corners. This design reminds me of a place-Arab.

Arab legends often mention some magnificent palaces, and these palaces are heavily decorated with gold and silver. In addition, there is a very famous craft-the Arab machete. The handle of that thing is usually inlaid with large gems. And even high-end goods are gold.

The patterns and silver decorations on the tentacles dragging behind this moving huge object in front of him have a strong Arabic style. This is completely different from Russian habits.

"Are we going straight up now?" Kakuda Ichiro asked anxiously.

Matsumoto pressed directly on him, then looked at me and asked, "Do we need to disguise a little? It's not good to rush up like this?

I nodded and said, "Well, put away the dragon. We passed quietly to prevent them from breaking a fishnet and destroying all the technical information inside."

Kakuda Ichiro remembered that when I heard what we said, we are not here to engage in a surprise attack, but to grab technology. If people find that they can't keep those things, they will all be destroyed, then we are not busy? Therefore, if you can enter quietly, it is best not to alarm others.

In this gloomy sea floor, after Shenlong is gone, it is still very simple for us to quietly approach the moving giant object. Of course, you need to put a special film coat on Real Red before that. This thing is actually a armor made of rubber, which is not very thick, but it can perfectly wrap the armor of the real red body, and its role is not to protect, but to block light and reduce noise. Although the equipment on Zhenhong didn't feel the weight herself, it was a ton-class equipment, with the total weight of more than a dozen sets of full body armor on top of one component. True Red came down like this, the weight was even more exaggerated than the tank. If she didn't have gravity control, she would usually walk one step at a time. However, even if the magic array on the equipment counteracts gravity, after all, the weight of this thing is there, and it is inevitable to walk along the road. What's more annoying is that the really red equipment flashes too much. The golden armor also comes with a glow effect. It is like a golden sun during the day and a big light bulb at night, so if you want to sneak in quietly, you need special equipment to block this light.

Based on this need, Real Red went to find a life professional player in the guild to get her such a set of rubber armor, which can be placed directly outside her armor, which can completely close the luminous effect, and can also dampen the sound. .

When we were ready, we were gathered together, and then the shadow magic was released by Amenities to hide everyone. Of course, this is just in case, because it is not easy to find in such a place under normal circumstances.

In addition to the masking magic of Aimeness, Ariana has always been with us. Her main job is to shield the sound field. Just when we discovered the big guy, Ariana was keen to capture the weak audio signal from that thing. After confirmation, 80% is a sonar system, so we must rely on Arna ’s unique skills The cover can approach this big guy silently.

"It's all close. Aona's shielding range is very small. If it is out of range, it will be found by sonar. They will move closer together." I said while keeping everyone as close as possible. Ariana's ability was originally used by her, so the coverage was not large, just enough to wrap us all in, and the premise of achieving this effect was that we must squeeze tightly like canned sardines Into a ball.

After all gathered together, we began to carefully move towards the location of the big guy. And the big guy was moving at this time. From the back, the shape of this thing looks like a big bun, but when we got closer to the side of the thing, we found that this thing was not a bun, but it was longer than a bun, and we actually found a big one. Very long legs.

That stuff didn't use the water propeller to swim in the water, but relied on long legs like arthropods to crawl on the ocean floor. No wonder the propeller sound of this thing has not been found before, after all, if such a large thing uses a propeller, the movement should be obvious. However, because this guy uses legs, he only makes an impact when the footsteps land. During the movement, there is only the sound of water. This special voiceprint is very different from the propulsion sound of an artificial water vehicle. So we didn't even think at the beginning that the snoring sounds from time to time were actually the sound of this thing moving.

As we get closer, the full picture of this thing gradually emerges. After discovering one leg, we successively found more than ten legs. This huge mobile undersea city is like a crustacean multi-legged creature. Its shape looks like a giant scarab, but the body structure of this guy is more slender than the scarab. And it has more legs.

After seeing the whole picture of this thing, we all have to lament that the Russians really have ideas. It turned out a water bug. This stuff looks huge. It's complicated, but it's far less difficult to make than you think. The real obstacle is that you have the idea to be able to think of building such a thing. It's not whether you have the ability to build such a thing.

Of course, it also uses a lot of advanced technologies, but these things are not a big problem for most guilds.

To build such a thing, we must first solve the problem of stress. But this is a game, not a reality. If in reality, the water pressure problem is a gap that can definitely block most people's construction plans. However, in the game, in order to allow the underwater environment in the game to allow players to fight freely, the water pressure setting in the game is very low. Although deep water pressure can also cause damage to people and utensils, no matter what measures you use to counteract the water pressure, the effect will be much better than in reality. As long as the structural strength is slightly strengthened, using thicker materials, most containers can be used in games Li resists the water pressure on the sea floor. This is one of the reasons why Japanese players can build submarines out of wood when everyone just started sailing, because the water pressure in the game is very low.

Water pressure is not a problem. The remaining parts are gas exchange, movement and waterproof measures.

The gas part is not a problem in the game at all, because there is magic here, and the difficulty of producing oxygen is much lower than in reality, so it is too simple to solve the underwater ventilation problem here.

In terms of movement methods, the Russians' chambers are quite good. They avoided the problem of difficult underwater propulsion in large installations and directly used a stepping structure. Because this thing is empty inside, it has strong buoyancy, so the leg does not need to bear too much pressure. Secondly, because of buoyancy, there is no need to consider balance. This thing itself is like a submarine, the legs are only propellers, not support points, so it will not have problems such as tilt due to uneven support. As for the propulsive force, the long legs directly rooted on the ground to generate thrust will not cause power loss due to the flow of water, and naturally will be stronger in terms of explosive force. Of course, because of the structural problem of the leg, it may not be as good as a water propeller in terms of high-speed performance, but this is a mobile city, and the speed of movement is not high. Instead, it requires high thrust, so long legs are here. Played a very important role. The Russians are astute in that they discovered the special situation of the underwater city and built this type of propulsion.

The last problem in building an underwater city is water resistance. This problem is actually better solved, because there is a kind of magic called water barrier, so you just need to set up such a magic array in the position you want to waterproof. As for the issue of entrance and exit, it can be completely solved by means of compartments. This technology is not complicated at all, so Russian players will certainly take it for granted.

With these three technologies, the rest are all ordinary technologies, basically a large guild will definitely have it. So, the thing in front of me seems to be exaggerated, but to say the technical difficulty ... it really isn't.

Of course, although this thing is not exaggerated technically, it is a mobile city and an underwater city, so the construction of this gadget is quite difficult. At least organizing enough people, preparing such a huge amount of materials, and completing the construction in secret, is not an easy task in itself.

After lamenting the unique design of this thing, we began to approach this thing carefully. Although this guy seems to be moving slowly, because the length of those long legs is exaggerated, in fact, the movement speed of this thing is not really slow. We have to maintain this bunch of shapes, and the speed of keeping up with this stuff is a bit difficult. But it's still early that Ariana can push us to help us speed up, so we still successfully stuck this thing on the belly.

When we get in touch with this stuff, sonar shielding is not needed. But what we need now is to find an entrance as soon as possible. The volume of this thing is large, but there are not many entrances. After all, this is an underwater city, and it is impossible to open several doors like a city on land. We estimate that except for a large entrance on the head and butt, there should be only a few small hatches ~ ~ However, we do n’t know the structure of this thing, so If you want to know where the hatch is, you can only find it yourself.

Originally we thought it would take some effort to find this door, but to our surprise, when we moved along the belly of this thing to its head, somewhere on the belly of this thing was Suddenly opened a door. Because there was light coming out of the door, as soon as the door was opened we found the place that suddenly lit up. Before we could move to the other side, we suddenly saw a luminous body falling from the door.

Compared to this mobile city, the Russian style on the luminous body is quite obvious. The shape of this thing looks like a large bug, and there are two oblong propellers on both sides of the metal body, but you can't see the propellers, so you can be sure to use a ducted design.

The luminous body we found before is the signal light on this thing, and after leaving the mobile city, it suddenly turned on two bright light searchlights in front of it, sweeping towards the rear while scanning the sea floor.

That thing didn't find us, it went directly below us, and then disappeared in the direction we came from. It is estimated that it was to detect our whereabouts to determine whether it got rid of us. However, I believe those Russians would never think of it, and the people they want to investigate are posted under their cities, right? (To be continued ...)

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