Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 132: Accidents always come unexpectedly

"What are you?" Suddenly I heard Krista Ichiro uttering such a sentence and they didn't respond for a while.

"She means we are all professional robbers," Zhenhong said.

"You guys are professional robbers?" Kakuda Ichiro was surprised to see that we didn't respond at all what this sentence meant. Although he understood it literally, he didn't understand why Christina said it.

Matsumoto said with a smile: "It really makes sense. Kakuda Ichiro, you don't have to be tangled. Compared to us, Ziri they have done a lot of robbery, so they really are professional."

"Okay, the joke is over, and we are now ready to act. After we go up, we will first use the information provided by our tongues to find the technical information we need. If it has not been found, take the technical information first. How much. In addition, no matter what happens, pay attention to suppress destructive power in the battle, do not use large-scale range attacks, those scientific researchers are important resources, we look back at half points, do not hurt. "

"What if the other party resists?" Kakuda Ichiro asked.

Blazing Dragon Ji struck him directly from behind. "You idiot! How much damage can that kind of person do if we resist?"

"That's not necessarily true," Christina said fairly. "Zi Ri, although the researchers of the other party will not be too powerful, they may have powerful war machines in their hands, so ..."

"Then treat it differently, and you should consider it according to the situation. If you can suppress it, try to capture it, and if it doesn't, just kill it directly. We also don't expect to be able to get the other side's researchers and technical information to one side. Taking away half is a major victory. It would be weird if I could get it all. "

"That's what we understand. So let's get started now?"

"Okay, keep silent now, try not to talk unless necessary." I said, looked up directly at the hole above my head, then jumped up, grabbed a pipe next to the hole with one hand and hung it. Above. Use the other hand to open the metal net of the hole, and then I turned over and got in.

This hole is not intended for people to walk. Its original function should be a type of common trench function. It is specially designed for other pipes to pass back and forth from here, but I don't know why there is only one pipe here, so there is a lot of space left for people to drill through.

The research area above can be seen after crossing this pipe entrance, but we did not directly enter this area. Instead, continue up the path. Climbed all the way to the top frame of the study area. There is a trellis for fixing lighting. As long as you pay a little attention, the people below can't see the situation above, after all, all the lights under the tic-tac-toe. We are above this thing, naturally in the shadow behind the area with the strongest light, but the people below cannot see us.

After quietly going up to this, we started to move quickly along these metal steel beams towards the data storage area. This process is actually relatively simple, because the people below cannot see us above the steel beam, and the steel beam itself The width is also about one foot. Although it is not wide, it is not easy to fall down, so we almost trot along all the way, and occasionally jump directly to some disconnected areas, just like a group of monkeys. The beams jumped up and down, not only speeding fast, but absolutely no sound at all.

Running and running, I suddenly stretched my hands backwards, and Matsumoto was congratulating them all to quickly find a place to land and then stopped by the vertical steel beams around them. Matsumoto came forward and whispered, "What's wrong?"

I stretched my fingers forward, and Matsumoto looked at my fingers and found out that there was an unknown creature hanging on the steel beam not far from the front.

The shape of this thing is quite strange. The whole body structure looks like the shape of a quadruped beast, but the whole body is wearing steel armor. Only a few areas can see the exposed muscle tissue to determine that this is a creature rather than a combat machine.

This thing seems to be sleeping at this time, and this guy's sleeping situation is quite bad, just like those lazy cats hanging on steel beams and sleeping like a corpse, if not the huge lungs shrink Moving there, we almost thought that this monster was killed and hung here.

"What the **** is this?" Even Matsumoto's frown looked at the strange shape of the gadget. Although most of this body is covered with steel armor, the occasional exposed parts are very scary. The skin structure is not visible outside the crimson muscle tissue, and it feels like ordinary animals have been skinned. You can directly see the bundles of red muscle fibers tangled together giving a **** and violent beauty. .

In fact, this thing does not look very disgusting. Although there is no skin, most areas of the body are covered by metal, and only the red muscles are exposed, so it is not particularly difficult to accept, but it is because of this strangeness. It looks evil and dangerous, but unexpectedly cool.

In fact, if you look closely, you will find that this thing does not seem to be just some kind of beast wearing armor, because it has a lot of abnormal places on it. First of all, there is no window that keeps eyes on this thing's helmet, which means that this thing is either He was blind, or he was deliberately covering his eyes.

In addition to this strange place, there are some pipes with radiating rings on the body that connect the limbs with a backpack-like device on its back. Also, there are six transparent jars on the back of this thing. Each jar is filled with a green unknown liquid, and from time to time some bubble-like things also come out.

The overall feeling of this thing is the semi-mechanical and semi-biological feeling, and the part that belongs to the creature is not an ordinary creature, but a transformed creature.

Of course we don't want to provoke such strange creatures, we don't think we can't beat them. It is because of the lack of intelligence that the fight with this thing will alarm the people below. Once our actions are exposed, then our subsequent robbery plan may lose a lot of information. After all, the Russians are not stupid. Once they are found to be invaded, of course they Will change from protecting research data to destroying data, so we had better sneak in.

"Go around?" Christina whispered, not knowing when she was there.

"No." I pointed directly at the following and said: "The data storage room is just below it, and we have to pass there if we want to go down."

"Damn, why can't I find this place to find such a place to sleep?" Kakuda Ichiro said uneasily.

August smoked: "I suspect that the thing was originally a guard here. It was placed there to take charge of the guard team."

"Most likely. Otherwise, the Russians would not let a semi-biological and semi-mechanical monster sleep here." Just asked and looked at me and said, "Boss, don't you have a magic pet that uses petrochemicals?" Eyes? Just turn it into a sculpture. It does n’t matter how strong it is. ”

"But I don't know what the level of that thing is. What if the petrochemical speed is not high enough to be alerted by it? This is the enemy's territory. As long as the thing is behind the throat, we will have trouble."

"Otherwise try hypnosis?" Masamoto Matsumoto remembered that Ling's hypnosis was pretty good.

"Are you sure that thing is using a biological brain to manipulate a mechanical body instead of a mechanical body controlling tissue?" Cristina asked.

Just like my dragon body in reality and the b-series bio-robots that this bank will make, in fact, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between biologically controlled machinery and mechanically controlled biology. The body of our dragon is actually exactly the same as the biological robot. Both are wrapped in tissue to form a movable body. but. Inside the cranial cavity of the biological robot is an electronic computer. Intelligent programs control physical actions, so they are machines, not humans. Although our dragons' bodies are the same as those of biological robots, we have an electronic brain inside our cranial cavity. The electronic part of the electronic brain is only subordinate to our biological brain. It is like a personal terminal. It has no autonomy, so we are creatures, not robots.

The situation in front of this creature is likely to be similar to those of our biological robots, but we don't know whether it is similar to our dragon or biological robot. Is there an artificial soul in his head or a living brain?

Although both can control the body, this is very important if Ling needs to be hypnotized. Although the artificial soul is also the thinking center that controls the movement of the body, the artificial soul is not affected by hypnosis and most of the spiritual magic except the spiritual impact. However, if a living biological brain is contained in the head of this thing, Then it will be affected by soul-type spells and can be controlled.

Before it is clear whether this thing is biological or pure artificial machinery, let Ling go to the hypnotist to take a considerable risk, because if hypnosis fails, our whereabouts are equivalent to exposure.

"Do we have another way?" Kakuda Ichiro asked.

"Or try to use space magic to send the other party away directly?" Gold Coin asked.

"I've tried it. There is a space barrier in this place, and the ability to teleport is sealed." Christina said.

"How about trying to go directly to the siege?" Zhenhong suggested: "In our strength, if several people shoot at the same time, it is a sneak attack. I believe that even if the main **** of a family comes, only the result of drinking hate on the spot?

"I'm not worried about getting rid of this thing, just worrying about its dying struggle!" I thought of a good idea after I finished speaking. "That's right. Why did you forget this!"

"What did you think of?" Matsumoto asked.

I didn't answer Matsumoto's words, but I found a transparent sphere slightly larger than a tennis ball directly from my body. This thing Matsumoto has not only seen before, but has also been hit by this thing. In fact, the gadget in my hand has been considered by players as one of the three most shameless equipment on the websites that specialize in me.

This crystal bubble is just the size of a grip, but as long as it is thrown out, you can directly wrap the target object in, whether you are as big as a mosquito or as a mountain. Anyway, as long as you are targeted, you can't run away. This thing has completely unreasonable general attributes including: absolute hit and absolute blockade, which means that as long as I want to throw who this thing, you will be hit, no matter how you run , Can't stop or run away, it's the effect of no solution. As for the absolute blockade, although this is slightly better than the absolute hit, it can be automatically unlocked after the attack with a certain level of attack, but before it reaches the limit, this thing will completely seal you in. No matter how hard you try, it's useless. As long as it can't reach the upper limit of the damage it can only stay in it.

In the face of this abnormal attribute, many senior players who fight with me are disgusted. Although they cannot be attacked by outsiders after being sealed in, their companions are desperate during the battle and they are suddenly hit into this thing. Don't come but watch other people fight. That felt absolutely terrible.

Although very annoying about this thing. But after seeing this stuff, Ichiro Kakuda also understood what I was going to do. The thing across is strong though. However, it is impossible to destroy the package of Crystal Bubble in one shot, which means that it can never complete the alarm in the first experiment.

After thinking about it, I immediately took the crystal bubble and carefully approached the monster, but the other party was still asleep. There is no intention to wake up at all.

At this point, the straight line between me and the monster was only over three meters. There was a blank space between us. I stood on the steel beam on this side, and it lay on the steel beam on the opposite side. It can be said that there is absolutely no problem in hitting this distance, but only if I can safely throw out the things in my hand.

Just as I aimed at the object and retracted my arm backwards and threw it vigorously, the original thing that had been pressed underneath the body and the undiscovered tail suddenly pulled out from underneath, and then moved towards it like lightning. I suddenly waved over here.

The tail of this thing is basically not like the tail of a creature, but a metal whip at all. The middle of the whip is full of chain-shaped metal blocks, which look like the spine of an animal. At the tip of this guy's tail is a diamond-shaped hammer with barbs and blades on it. .

After the guy just moved, the lightning-swept tail hit my wrist directly, and it not only pushed me out of the steel beam, but also knocked out the crystal bubble in my hand. Did not have time to throw it out.

Although my body was pushed out to lose the center of gravity because of that guy's attack, I was not panicked. Instead of desperately waving my hands to try to stand up again, my legs suddenly kicked under the steel beams, and the whole person leapt backwards. A tumbling steadily fell on the back steel beam.

The sudden change over here was almost completed in a few seconds, so that Matsumoto over there did not bother them and did nothing to stop them. I was squatting on a steel beam half-kneeed at this moment to look at the monster there, and the monster had completely stood up from the steel beam, and stared at me side by eye. Turning his head to Masamoto Matsumoto, they have obviously found all of us.

Although this situation is very bad, we dare not move, because the monster has now risen, but has not launched further attacks or issued alarms, so we dare not stimulate it at all now, lest this guy A direct roar, then we are really going to be unlucky.

Although we didn't stimulate it, it wasn't helpless to be so stale, so I suddenly moved after a few tenths of silence. With both feet kicking on the steel beam, the whole person flew forward, fluttering open in the air, like a hunting predator, rushed straight towards the opposite monster.

Although the thing has no eyes, there are obviously other sensor tubes. At least this thing knows where I am and what I'm doing. As soon as I jump out, it kicks the steel beam under my body and jumps up. What surprised me was that this thing actually has wings, and it is also a metal feather structure wings, which means that the flexibility of this thing will be very scary.

We finally bumped together on the steel beam that stood before me in the middle. The thing held my shoulder directly with the front claws, and I covered the eternal blades against his chest. The steel armors on both sides have even penetrated a few millimeters. but. Because my hands are not as long as this guy's forelegs, there is no way to move forward even though the blade claw hits its breastplate.

The monster was obviously quite proud after holding down my shoulder, and suddenly opened the blood basin and bit it down towards my head. It seemed to want to end the battle as soon as possible, but just looking at it with its big mouth The moment I was about to bite my head, I suddenly showed a smile, and when my fingers moved, the blade claw that had been against this guy's breastplate suddenly bounced out again.

My blade claw is actually much longer than most people see, because it uses compressed space inside. So the actual length of the blade is actually longer than that of the case on my arm. However, because of the long blade, it is difficult to manipulate. So I usually only let it pop up half the length, this length will look more normal, and it is the most convenient in combat. However, sometimes the hidden half-claw can play a special role. For example now. The monster thought he was blocking my attack. As everyone knows, my blades didn't pop up at all.

There is eternity covering the outside, and the blade claw is eternal at this time, which can be said to be indestructible. Hardly felt any resistance and directly penetrated the guy's breastplate directly into the chest of that thing.

Suddenly six chest blades were stabbed in the chest. This kind of pain cannot be completely ignored even by this modified creature, so the thing immediately gave up the plan to bite me, but wanted to scream, but I waited long ago. It does. Just when this guy opened his mouth to scream, I pulled the claws of both hands backwards, directly turning the small hole in this guy's chest into six long cuts. The colleague's arms suddenly pushed the guy's pair from the inside out. Claw, letting go of his paw when he was in pain and unable to exert energy, and then smashed his head forward with a mallet on the guy's throat.

Do n’t think that it ’s very simple for me to use my head to push my head, because there is a curved blade on my helmet that extends from the front of the eyebrows all the way back to the top of the head. The front is connected to my forehead, and the backward curved blade can face the entire front and top, so that as long as my head hits something, it is a blood hole, which is not a thing to run.

Although the guy's throat was protected by a layer of armor, but the blade on my helmet was not a normal commodity. In the end, a **** hole was opened on the guy's neck, and the guy was hit by a sudden impact. The scream was suppressed directly.

Two consecutive strikes succeeded. I was planning to chase after victory. Who knows that suddenly a strong force came from behind and caught my sides of the waist, and then suddenly shrank toward the center. At that moment, I felt my belly was almost squeezed. In a ball, the stomach was squeezed and there was a feeling of spitting out everything in the stomach. But this feeling lasted less than 0.1 second and was replaced by a feeling of weightlessness. The thing that gripped my waist suddenly flung backwards and flung me directly from the monster. I turned the three heads in the air to see the opportunity, and one hand on a vertical steel beam Hook, the whole person suddenly released his hand after rotating a quarter of a circle around the steel beam, his body flew horizontally, and his feet kicked a vertical beam on the side, followed by channeling out in the opposite direction. With both hands, he pulled a pipe above his head, swinging his body forward according to inertia, then flipped in the air, and hooked the other pipe with a light drop on a steel beam. Since then I have stabilized my body, but the pain in the waist and the blood drops indicate that I was injured just now.

The monster on the opposite side did not rush up to make up for the knife. In fact, it is actually a bit worse than mine now. After all, six large openings have been opened on both sides of the chest. If the average animal is estimated to have hung up, it will be very counterattack. It ’s a bull, if it ’s okay, it ’s too much.

In spite of the serious injury, this thing is indeed a transformed creature, and even after lowering his head and licking it on his chest for a few times, the wound stopped bleeding and began to heal. This terrible healing speed is exactly the rhythm of the immortal body. Fortunately, it must be licked with saliva, otherwise this thing is really difficult to deal with.

After a few injuries, the thing rushed towards me immediately, and it was only five seconds after I almost threw the crystal bubble. The instantaneous fighting rhythm let Kakuda Ichiro and Matsumoto Masaha had the feeling that they couldn't get in at all. The speed was too fast.

A sudden stop on our side now, Kakuda Ichiro and Matsumoto Masaga finally found the opportunity. The whole man kicked on the steel beam. Kakuda Ichiro leaped abruptly, and the katana in his hand split against the monster's neck. It happened that his current position was on the side of that monster. If this knife goes down, he can definitely cut off that guy's head as long as the thing doesn't move. But unfortunately, the combat intuition of this thing is so strong that it feels that the threat from the side has just been planted from the steel beam standing on its own.

Seeing that it was planted forward from the steel beam, Ichiro Kakuda thought that this thing was about to run, and immediately adjusted the position. I wanted to fall from the space between the steel beams to catch up with the monster and continue to complete the jump, but let us Everyone was astounded that the thing actually used a trick, and it didn't actually jump. Although its body was down, its tail was still ringing on that steel beam. As a result, the monster that had been planted forward swayed directly from the back of the steel beam, and it did not stop. But immediately after swinging up, he jumped from the front and opened his mouth to bite Kakuda Ichiro.

The target ran from behind to behind him in the blink of an eye. Kakuda Ichiro was aware of the danger and hurriedly turned around in the air, but at this point the monster had arrived, and he had nowhere to play in the air and could not play anything. Can only watch the monster bite down.

Just when Kakuda thought he was going to die. The monster suddenly settled as if it were caught by something. And he continued to fall, but when he fell less than three meters, a white line suddenly came to his arm. Following the white silk thread abruptly contracted backward, I pulled Kakuda Ichiro back.

Kakuda Ichiro, who was standing on the steel beam again, looked at the huge Thunder Spider around him before realizing that he was rescued by me, and then the monster over there was already lumped with me again.

In fact, although the fighting power of this thing is very strong, it can't suppress me, but we can't let the people below find our existence, and this place is not flat, but a ceiling frame made of steel steel beams. Fighting on this thing is not good at first, and secondly, it is difficult to maintain balance. Therefore, the combat power cannot be fully exerted during the battle. The human body of this guy with four legs and a big tail is completely at a loss.

I hugged the monster's neck from behind, my hands wrapped around its throat and shoved inward, and the thing realized the danger, hopping on the steel beam desperately, trying to get me off, and finally rushed suddenly He turned over in the air and tried to scrape me off by hitting the steel beam with his back. Unfortunately, my response was not covered. The sickle over there spewed spider silk and held the guy's tail, pulling it back stiffly.

Matsumoto Masaka and Blazing Dragon Hime jumped over and wanted a helper, but unfortunately they couldn't hold it, and let me fall down with that thing.

Because of the drag of the spider silk, we did not land directly, but swayed into the state of hanging upside down. The sickle with eight legs above it desperately stood against the nearby steel beams and was almost dragged down by us. The weight of that thing and I are not light, the inertia falling from such a high place plus our own weight, but this power is not small at all, thanks to the power of the sickle, it is pretty good, barely holding us, otherwise When I hit the research area below, I don't think about anything, it is definitely the result of exposure.

Although it held us back, the situation is actually very dangerous, because we are now directly above an experimental area, less than three meters above the head of the researchers below. At such a distance, as long as the other party looks up, we can see that the two of us are hanging upside down, and we are still struggling and twisting. If this is seen, it must be the same result as falling.

But after bearing the initial inertia, the sickle immediately began to pull us up a little bit, and the monster gradually began to stop struggling because it could not breathe, although it was not dead yet, But there is not much resistance anymore, just that the claws are kicking there meaninglessly, in fact, the strength is not great.

We saw that we were all pulled up, Matsumoto was consoling, but they were relieved, but just as we were about to be pulled on the steel beam, the monster's mouth suddenly slipped out of a slime, and then Falling down the ground. This one frightened us to a half-death, and we could only stupidly watch the slime drop on the ground, and then fell on the ground behind a researcher.

The guy glanced back at the sound of doubt, and soon found the mucus on the ground. But what surprised us was that the guy didn't scream after squatting down, but raised his head and shouted, "Joseph, I swear that if you let your disgusting pet sleep on our heads again, I have to put it Not cut into pieces! Look, what if this spit drips on our test product? "

After the guy shouted, a researcher in the next cubicle immediately scolded at this side. Two people you came and scolded across the wall for a while before quieting down again under the scolding of a senior officer. At this time, we are about to collapse on the top, not tired, nervous.

I'm sorry that this stuff usually drools when sleeping here. Otherwise, it would be troublesome just now. But how to say something? Danger often comes unexpectedly when you think it's gone. Just when we were relieved that we were safe, there was a sudden accident below.

A researcher is walking with a guinea pig. Suddenly, he stepped on a transparent sphere. And if any of us saw it, wouldn't it be the crystal bubble that I was about to throw out but was knocked out by that monster?

That's right, this is actually my crystal bubble. Just now I was going to use this thing to talk about the monster seal, and then I got the guy to a place where nobody was there and let it quietly die. But when I was about to start, I was suddenly attacked by that monster. Then the crystal bubble fell down. And because I entered the intense battle with that monster, I completely ignored the falling crystal bubble.

The crystal bubble that fell to the ground did not directly hit anyone, but after a few bounces on the ground, it rolled under a table. After that, when we were fighting, the crystal bubble remained there and was not found. . but. This moving submarine city is not fixed. Of course, it will not move, but now it is running, so there will inevitably be some shaking. Although this kind of sloshing is very weak, the effect on spherical objects like crystal bubbles is still obvious. Previously, the table was low, so the crystal bubble rolled to the side and did not move, but because the city tilted a little bit again during the movement, the table side became higher, and then the crystal bubble Began to slowly roll out from under the table.

Unfortunately, the researcher turned to get something, but stepped on it.

Because the crystal bubble just dropped by me accidentally, so I did n’t specify a target, it will not track and chase automatically, but after all, it came out of my hand, so it is actually in a state of unlocking insurance now Among them, it is equivalent to removing the mines from insurance.

Uh ...

The sound of the crystal bubble starting is not like an explosion, it is not too loud, but it is still very obvious, so everyone around me noticed this sound, then turned back together, and saw their companions at this time. Was rolling forward on his head and feet inside a crystal bubble with a diameter of nearly two meters.

"Well? Chekov, are you ...?"

"This is your new invention?" A researcher looked at Crystal Bubble in wonder, apparently they often made some strange inventions, so that this strange phenomenon is not once or twice. Everyone They are getting used to it.

After this person asked, the wrapped guy immediately shouted in it, "I invented the ghost! Are you sure you didn't make this up and rectify me?"

The guy next to him said with a smile: "Although I really want to pamper you like this, but unfortunately, this is not what I prepared. And this thing doesn't seem so simple." He poke. The film on the outside of the crystal bubble, although this thing looks like soap bubbles, is actually extremely elastic, and it is super tough, and it can't be opened easily.

The guy who hadn't responded had a bad look immediately after poking at this thing. He immediately ran back to the nearby shelf and found a strange instrument on the crystal bubble, and then saw the reading above. Immediately after exclaimed, "I rely! This thing is a quasi-artifact!"

"What? What? Impossible? Who can develop such a high-end thing here?" Another researcher took a closer look and then cried in surprise: "I rely on it. Really! What is the situation? Who invented this? Why do n’t you use it to invite people for the whole thing? ”

The first researcher who found it wrong at this time reacted and exclaimed, "It's impossible, no one is so mentally disabled, this thing should not have been invented by us."

The guy in Crystal Bubble frowned: "If it wasn't we invented it, it's foreign. But our own guards are all equipped here with the standard equipment? That said ..."

Several of them suddenly glanced at each other, and then suddenly yelled together: "An enemy attack! Someone invaded!"

In fact, when the crystal bubble started, we were all still panting on the steel beam. No one noticed that someone found us below, but we suddenly heard the shout. Kakuda Ichiro stretched his head and looked down in surprise, then looked back at me with a strange expression. I glanced at him with a little doubt, and then I stretched my head to look at it. As a result, I found the person wrapped in the huge crystal bubble below. There were 10,000 heads of beasts running by in my heart.

"I depend. What is this **** unfolding?"

"Let's leave it alone! You can't wait now, work quickly!" Cristina asked.

I nodded my head and said, "No matter what, ready to move." Then he stood up and threw the monster that had been strangled by me into the gate of the earth, followed by holding eternity in his hands and waving it "The action begins."

As I shouted Masamoto Matsumoto they jumped immediately. And I didn't go down right away. The summoning creature who directed himself jumped down like dumplings.

This steel beam is also about twenty meters above the ground. It's not a thing for us at all, so everyone hurrahed and jumped together.

The guys who were just shouting at the enemy never expected that the attack would come so fast. The crowd who fell like dumplings in the sky scared them all. These researchers are all free. The free fighting power is very bad, basically it can be considered as a state without hands. For us fighters, the free fighting power is only equivalent to those players in the novice village, which is less than twenty. s level. This level of fighting power is naturally not enough in front of us, and freedom knows that its fighting power is very low, and it will naturally cause fear to us players.

Suddenly we saw these people jumping down fiercely. The first reaction of the freelance researchers was not to resist, but to crouch down, and some raised their hands and shouted, "I surrender."

Seeing the reactions of the researchers below, I shouted directly to my summoned creatures: "All the obedient ones rushed to the gate of the earth, sent to Yeyue unobediently, and thrown in after petrification."

"Yes." The neat roar of the eardrums were shaking. This metal space is just too loud.

In fact, I did not release the summoned creatures to fight, or to rob something, but to make them mess. After the enemy comes here, we must find us in order to stop our robbery. If the other party realizes that the item cannot be kept and wants to destroy those technical materials, they must first reach those materials storage areas, but now I put this place There are my summoned creatures everywhere, even those guys do n’t expect to reach the place they want to go quickly. Similarly, they ca n’t find our place, at least in a short time, this is We got enough time. As for the issue of casualties ...

Death Guard and Kirin Samurai can be resurrected. Although Kirin Samurai is resurrected a little bit more slowly, but Death Guard is resurrected quickly, so I never worry about their injuries. As for my magic pets, they are not in the outer area, but near us, so the casualties are not their turn.

After releasing a large number of summoned creatures, of course I also jumped to the ground, and at this time Ichiro Kakuda looked at me dullly. I know he was shocked by my summoned creatures, because he used to be killed by his own personnel and enemies when he was fighting, but now he suddenly encountered so many summoned creatures to cover the battle.

"Don't be dazed, follow me." I said loudly after I shot Kakuda Ichiro.

"Do you know the direction?" Kakuda Ichiro who responded did not feel dizzy, at least knew how to ask me directions.

I pointed directly at the top of my head, and Kakuda looked up puzzledly, and immediately understood.

Although I came down ~ ~, I did not give up the steel beam above. Now the sickle is hanging on the steel beam to act as a satellite to locate us. This research base is actually different from the research institute of our guild. Our institute is more formal. Each research group has its own room and equipment, but this Russian research base uses a structure like a temporary building. The steel beam we just climbed is actually a support frame for the overall lighting equipment in this huge warehouse-like room, while the research unit below is like the office compartment in a commercial building, all of which use partitions. Separated. Although they are invisible to each other, the situation in any room can be clearly seen from the above, because these rooms are actually placed in the same room as this large warehouse in the open air, but with partitions added to each other That's it.

"Hurry up, that's right there. After that room is the data storage room, I've seen it," I said through the sickle's eyes, looking at the storage room ahead.

When Matsumoto Masa heard me, he immediately jumped over the partition, and rushed on it. Really red and unwilling to follow, but did not expect that she had not seen the room over there but first saw the front wall suddenly fell to the ground, while Matsumoto Masabu rolled over and flew out of it.

"I rely, what's the situation?" Christina asked in surprise. (To be continued ...)

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