Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 142: Successful rescue

Hold your ears close to the roof and listen carefully to the sound below.

"I said Shanks, what do you mean for Your Highness this time?" It was a handsome angel who looked quite handsome. Of course, the age of an angel cannot be judged solely by appearance!

天使 The angel called Shanksi is a muscular man, full of destructive power! "Don't just guess your Highness 'intentions, how can your Highness' wisdom be understood by you!"

A pretty female voice appeared, but my angle was not good enough to see her. "It's all nonsense to discuss them there. What really needs our attention is our commander in chief!"

Suddenly a very beautiful female angel came out behind a pile of wooden boxes next to me. I recognized her armor. This girl is one of the seven **** angels. Was she just talking? "Lirafar! Now we all know the situation of the temple. The real reason for the former goddess to leave the temple is still a mystery, and the words of the high priest may not be credible! At least I don't believe that the goddess will betray the light! She is the representative of the light, betrayal Brightness is betraying her, and I don't think there is any reason to make her betrayal to her temple! "Judging from the voice, this female angel was not alone with what she was talking about.

A female angel came out behind me, she should be the one who just spoke. "Lillina! Do you mean that the current Highness of the Goddess and the High Priest have partnered to deceive us?" It really sounds like her, but her armor seems to be lower.

The **** angel named Liliana said: "I'm just doubting, don't misinterpret my meaning! Besides ... maybe I'm talking about the facts! Before we were in the heyday, Her Royal Highness was boundless, and the bright temple soldiers were strong and powerful, and they fought against the Dragons. And by the way, it is also reasonable to annihilate the capitals of the dark forces. However, the situation is different now! The goddess disappeared inexplicably. The principal sacrifice and Michael said that the goddess rebelled, and then the inexplicable election meeting appeared, and Michael was inexplicably successful. The new goddess, a goddess who has not passed on! "She said, shaking her head. "Are these all reasonable? Have there ever been elected goddesses in the history of the temple? Each goddess is passed down from the previous goddess, but we have chosen a goddess ourselves! It is ridiculous! Even if you lose the goddess, Mija Le actually gave away the armor! According to the regulations, the armor of the Seven Angels was to be passed down from generation to generation. Each of the seven angels had to hand over the armor for any reason that he could not continue to hold his post, and Michal actually gave the armor It's a gift, and the gift is still an adventurer (the adventurer in the NPC refers to the player). If it wasn't for her position as a goddess this time, no one would know that the armor was gone, and she would n’t have notified anyone to send it out. The precious archangel armor. "

听 On the roof, I heard more and more strange. According to their conversations, the woman who wore me in the Archangel suit last time was the one receiving Micah's gift. And this Michelle actually secretly sent out items that were not allowed to be transferred!

The following angel continued to say, "The loss of a goddess can be said to have dealt a great deal to us, but the priest and Michael actually insisted on continuing to use the previous plan, but they pushed the time back a bit! Are we ourselves? Do you still have to go to war after such a big deal? "

"But the Dark Temple and the Dragon Race are our enemies. Fighting is inevitable!" Li Lafar still doubted Liliana's words, it seems that she is a supporter of the new goddess, and Liliana, one of the seven angels Is Xiaochun's supporter!

"Fighting is indeed necessary, but is our fighting suitable for such an action? Can we still be able to continue fighting without the goddess?" Liliana turned and looked at Lila Farr. "Look at how this battle was fought? The most powerful dancing spirit against Michael as the new goddess was sent to Essinger to take the lead, and now he is the believer of that dark temple, what's the name ... right , Ziri! It was turned into a pet by the man named Ziri! The seven angels that surpassed the angels have now fallen to the point of being played by pets, don't you think this was a deliberate arrangement by Michal to kill someone? To be honest, none of the seven angels except Michal herself, 6 of us agree with her as a goddess! So she wants to solve us one by one, let us die. This battle is won, she can get honor and The advantage is that if she defeats her, she can directly remove our six opposition forces. How can it be that she wins! "

It turns out that my Jingjing is really one of the Seven Angels! No wonder it's so powerful!

Liliana said more and more excited. "Look at what our seven angels have become? Miguel himself gave the suit as a goddess. I heard that the person who directly received the gift was defeated. Now that set of equipment is also missing. Miguel is known as Shining angel, her holy angel badge does n’t know where it is now! The shield angel dancing spirit was caught by the purple sun and turned into a plaything. The holy shield that claims to block everything is also rolled away! Yunxiao City ca n’t keep it Now, Michal actually let the Divine Sword Angel Dilling and the armored angel Romen defend the Temple of Light. Now it ’s okay. The two people are missing together. Even the sacred sword that is known as Invincible and the armor that is called Invincible Defense are lost! Seven Angels now The only equipment left is Me, the Divine Helmet and the Angel Nile! If there is a need to summon the King of Light in the future, where do we go to find the 7 parts of the Light Warframe? Besides, Debis is Our current commander, both of us are trapped in this dark temple. If the Dark Legion storms the temple regardless of the dark goddess, the two of us must die here, and only one of the seven angels is equipped to step on Cloud Angel's holy boots! "

的 The **** I heard above seemed to be very interesting! The Seven Angels seem to be guarding one part of the bright warframe separately. If these seven parts are assembled, the light warframe can be obtained. Jingjing is one of them, and there is an angel named Holy Shield Angel. Then the shield that Jingjing holds in his hands all day is Holy Shield! The set of my mage's clone should be the armor sent by the shining angel Michal. In this way, the badge on the chest of the division is the holy emblem!

According to her, the last one who confronted me in Sky City was the Holy Sword Angel. Then the handle in her hand is the light holy sword, or else the teeth of the holy dragon are interrupted! It seems that I have four of the seven parts, but only one is broken! However, the equipment on the magic pet cannot be used by players, even if it is collected, it is useless! Wait, my warrior clone seems to have no equipment. I do n’t know if he can wear the light armor of the King of Light, but try to collect it!

I knew about it, I slowly climbed back to the ground. Let everyone return to the post carefully, I went to the door and knocked lightly. A few seconds later the door opened a seam, and an angel stood by the door and looked at me: "What is it?"

"Master Debis, let Master Liliana come over!"

恩 "Well! Got it!" The angel turned and walked in without closing the door. After a while, Liliana, one of the seven angels, came out. "whats the matter?"

"Master Debis is looking for you!"

"What is he looking for?" This Liliana was still alert, but our pretense was so good!

"I don't know! I only want you to go there!"

"I see!" Liliana turned around and explained a few words before coming out. "lead the way!"

I took Liliana to the temple, and after turning around to leave the sight of the warehouse, the three ambush guards who had ambushed for a long time worked together. Three-on-one, it was a surprise attack, even though she was one of the seven angels and was easily handled by us! She dragged her into the side of the chores next to me, and I moved into her body again with soul transfer. It's really unaccustomed to enter a woman's body. There are two big burdens on my chest. I can't even find my balance when I walk up the road! This Liliana, what a plump do you do!

Li Lianna's soul was temporarily suppressed by Yingquan's seal. It will still be useful for a while and cannot be destroyed directly! After waiting for a few minutes, I manipulated Liliana's body and returned to the warehouse. I opened the half door and I went in. The 7 angels inside looked at me! I first made a silent movement to keep them silent, and then I pointed at the four angels to gossip and motioned them to follow me. The four angels referred to are all inexplicable, but Liliana is one of the seven angels, the official title is larger than them, these angels dare not resist to follow up obediently! After leaving the warehouse, I took them to that corner again. Three nihilistic guards, together with true red and Yingquan shot, and the four angels fainted immediately. This time, they do not need to move the soul, and they are caught by capture! This guy is just comatose and not injured. It is not easy to grab. Fortunately, I am lucky and my capture is already at level 18. I am afraid that no one is higher than my capture. After 10 minutes, all 4 angels have turned into heavenly eggs! It's strange. It seems that only seven angels will become angel crystals when they are captured, and the others will become eggs!


8 angels have been solved by us, 5 of them are still there. I walked back to the warehouse again, and the remaining three angels looked at me in a bun, and I opened the door and walked over and deliberately stepped heavily. In fact, Amenis and the Void Guard both followed in, but these guys were invisible. I made the noise on purpose to cover up the voice of the Void Guard approaching the three guys.

The nihilistic guard quickly came behind the three guys. According to the prior plan, I coughed as a signal of unified action. The three nihilistic guards started to work together, and the three angels were subdued before they could react! Yingquan brought Liliana's soul in. I returned to my physical body and stuffed Liliana's soul back into her own body. The next thing is to capture them, turning them all into angel eggs, of course Liliana has become an angel crystal!

Carefully unleashed Al Ni from the pillar. As soon as the rope became loose, she fell softly. I quickly caught her. Find some boxes and pad them with hay to make a makeshift bed, and put Alni on it. After a closer inspection, she seemed to have many wounds on her body, but it seemed to have been left by the battle. She should not have been asked! Emmys put her hand on Alni's head and closed her eyes. I saw a faint blue glow from Emmenes's hand. A short while later, Amenis took her hand down again. "Sister Al Ni was badly injured, but she was unconscious because she was banned!"

"Can you untie it?"

"I can't! Sister Ling should be able to!"

"But she's not there! Do you have any other way to wake her up? It's inconvenient for us to carry her like this! Even if I can carry her, at least keep her conscious!" The body in the coma was soft, It is more difficult to carry than a sober person!

Amenis thought for a moment: "There is a way, there is a way, but you may not do it!"

"Come on!" I suddenly understood what Emmenis meant. "Will it not be necessary for me to kiss her?" The story of Sleeping Beauty is full of romance, but I have a good name. Besides, it is better not to touch such a femme fatale!

美 Amenis anxious: "Who said she kissed her! Don't the master's thinking be so bad! The way to wake her up is to stimulate her in vitro, such as two more punches or slapping!"

"That's it? What more difficult thing should I do! I'm coming!" Gentleness depends on people! A black-hearted woman like Al Ni is not distressed after two hits! I went up with two slaps. "Oops ...!" This was not Alni's call, but mys! Slaps really woke her up, but the first thing she woke up was to give me a punch and I took three steps back, and I was struck by something under my feet! I got up and said to the gold coin next to me, "Are my eyes blue?"

The gold coin looked at it and said, "Well! Another standard treasure over there!"

I covered my eyes and walked back to the simple bed. "I rescue you, what did you do to me?"

"Who asked you to hit me first!" Al Ni jumped to the ground. "Give me your clothes!"

看看 I looked at the hole dress on her body and took her a clother from her bracelet. "Just wear this!"

He may know that it is not a time to argue, and Al Ni put on the clothes without asking anything. People rely on clothing, and Buddha depends on gold. This is all right. The arrogant Al Ni changed into the rag clothes I picked up when I first entered the game, and she was just a village girl. Although she is still a beautiful village girl, she is simply incomparable to her!

"Let's leave now!" The gold coin reminded.

Look at the time, it's already 1:38 in the morning, we have already delayed a lot of time! After taking everyone out of this place, the way out was convenient after all. A large group of angels controlled by white souls helped us to block us and easily returned to the room outside the temple. Let all white souls drop the angel's body on the ground, and then let them leave first, anyway, they are all floating around, no one can see them!

The remaining people slid down the ground along the dragon's tendons I put down, and my last one went down. It took 3 hours to pass through the large sleeping crowd, and we approached the position forward of the Temple of Light near 5 o'clock. You do n’t have to climb up the cliff this time, anyway, we are not afraid of being detected anyway! Lined up in front of the position, I counted down with gestures. Three two one, run! We ran towards the position of the Dark Legion together. There was a white wave in Aimeness, and Alni was carried by me, and we rushed forward. Along the way, the sensitive detection magic circle was struck by us. The soldiers of the Bright Army immediately caught up after they got up, but we were almost at the camp of the Dark Army. They couldn't catch us!

I finally stormed into the position of the Dark Legion. The Dark Legion soldiers who had been prepared long ago noticed us. The pike array automatically gave way to a passage, and the horse that blocked the road was lifted aside. After a few of us ran over, the horse refused to be lifted back, and the whole line of spears stretched out, and the archers stood up. The Bright Army that rushed to the middle of the road saw that the snare stopped again, and some who ran too far forward were also put down by magic arrows!

It's much easier to reach your own position, and the team behind will automatically make way for us. Al Ni walked in front, and the soldiers on both sides saluted to the goddess on one knee. Seeing this scene, I do n’t think that Al Ni is so prestigious. On the contrary, I feel that Ling is great, and it is not a simple decision to give up all this!

Right! Don't underestimate these two words. For thousands of years, humans have done shameless things for this thing!

He finally managed to return to the rear command post in the welcome, and the city owner immediately came to salute. Dominger has already arrived, this guy is very fast!

Since the goddess was rescued, there is nothing to say next. Al Ni waved his hand: "Offensive!" Tens of millions of troops rushed into the canyon. There are NPCs in it, and the levels are not low. I am too lazy to blend in. It is not cost-effective to hang in a mess.

After the big troops attacked, the city owner and Domingue followed to command the battle ahead, and the commander left here was Alni and us players! It took so much effort to get her out of the dark temple, of course, she couldn't work for nothing, the benefit fee was still required! I got next to Al Ni: "I said Al Ni! Look, I was tired enough to save you last night. And I specifically hired two professionals to complete the task. Look at this ...! "

倪 Al Ni, who has put on new clothes, is back to that domineering state: "I know what you are going to say! You rescue me and want to pay me some benefits?" Wow! This girl is getting rid of it! I quickly nodded my head like a chicken eating rice. But Alni continued: "It is indeed credit to you to rescue me, but ...! You are a subordinate of the Dark Temple. Saving me is helping you, so I owe you nothing! Besides, I don't want you Save me, I didn't promise you any good! Whoever promised you what you asked him to go, has nothing to do with me! "

I'm totally dumbfounded! There are actually such overbearing people! What this says ...! Is it that I put up money and ask someone to help with the rescue plan, and all the hard work and hard work all night? I don't want to give benefits, I understand. Although I have been quick and quick, I have never really pushed anyone to what extent. But Al Ni's words were too chilling, and more importantly, she said that she was selling the lost city master!

I didn't say a word, I was also a man of integrity! I turned sharply and walked out of the tent ~ ~ The phantom cloak behind me floated because of my fierce movement, and there was a killing spirit around me! Immediately after exiting the tent, the space gate was summoned, and all of my troops are in it! The little finger put a whistle in his mouth, and the night shadow ran out of the space door like lightning. I turned over and called out the large magic pets. Dragons, phoenixes, tanks, and dragons are waiting for my order neatly!

Al Ni came out of the tent, and other players and NPCs also ran out. After all, Rose knew me better, and she saw that I was angry.

玫瑰 The voice of a rose rang in my private chat: "Zi Ri, don't be impulsive, be calm!"

"I know the size! Don't let her know how terrible, she bullies us!"

Al Ni came behind me still referring to his breath. "What are you going to do?"

"What else can we do! We are the subordinates of the Dark Temple, of course, to help you grab the temple!"

Al Ni smiled and nodded: "You can understand! Just go! If you take back the temple I will consider rewarding you!"

Humph! When am I a beggar? "Got it! Her Royal Highness!" I turned around Ye Ying's belly, and Ye Ying immediately raised her forefoot and stood up. I turned back and shouted, "All for me! Eagle! Let the people in the meeting set me up all the weapons, we can't let the army in front take all our credits, give me a bomb, and enemies outside the temple All blow me up! "

Al Ni seemed to hear something wrong: "What are you doing? This explosion will destroy the temple!" She stopped the eagle: "You stand still for me!"

Wu Ying is also an old churros. He immediately fisted his fist: "His goddess, although the president is under the goddess, our guild is the private army of the president. We cannot disobey the direct command of the president!"

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