Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 139: The power of bear children

Of course I also know the problem of true red. When entering this huge underwater mobile city, the watertight compartment with decompression function was used, and then entered into the interior of this underwater mobile city by means of segmented entry. The advantage of that kind of compartment is that people can not bring too much seawater when entering, because in the deep sea, the huge water pressure will cause the seawater at the entrance to flood into the cabin, like an open door. There are a lot of people rushing inside the bus, and it is naturally very difficult for the people inside to get off. In the same way, it is almost impossible for the people inside to go out in the state where seawater is pouring in wildly.

If it is a special hatch, we may still want to go out even if it is under water pressure, but in this kind of place, those big holes are blown up, and we basically go out to dream. And even if we make holes in the bulkhead ourselves, the result is the same. Until the city's interior is filled with seawater, it will be impossible for us to leave the place under water pressure.

Looking at the dome that has begun to deform slightly, I suddenly felt that the previous idea was a little simpler. But it is not too late to change.

"Go, let's change places."

In fact, we didn't change much distance when we changed places. We went down directly from the entrance just up to the next floor, and then moved directly to the side, that is, to the side of the city closest to the outer wall.

According to the situation inside the aisle we entered before, the underwater mobile city design of the Russians is not bad, at least their city has multi-layer watertight doors. And this gate is automatically activated. I just need to use this kind of automatic door to temporarily transform a watertight compartment and then make it easier for us to get out.

The transformation method is actually very simple. We first found a location close to the outer wall in the passage on this side. After we determined that it was sea water to pass through the wall, we put down the watertight doors at both ends of the place. The way to activate this automatic door is very simple, just pour water on the watertight compartment floor over there. After pouring the entire floor with drinking water in our storage space, the automatic door really came down, and then it was simple.

A hole was opened in the bulkhead facing the sea, and then the sea began to pour into the room. After the water was filled, we could go out. Because the area of ​​the partition is not large, the filling speed is very fast, and we only successfully filled the seawater in only a few minutes. After that, the hole made out before was widened. Then he easily left the sealed area.

It was not clear what was going on outside when moving the inside of the city underwater. But after we came out, we found that the situation outside was much more intense than we thought. This place is now in chaos. Various giant sea monsters are fighting not far away, and each impact will bring up a piece of mud on the bottom of the sea, accompanied by the dull sound of crickets. Slightly closer you can see a large number of players attacking each other, but mainly concentrated near several submarines. These players who are good at underwater operations are engaged in submarine offensive and defensive operations. Some people seem to be American players. They are protecting the submarine. Other Russian players are desperately attacking the submarine and want to sink it. As for the submarines themselves, they are focusing their firepower on the underwater moving cities.

"It looks quite lively."

"I think there are more lively places for us to see." Christina said suddenly.

I was puzzled when I heard Christina, but then I understood what she was talking about. Because I actually saw the notice sent by the army god. Previously, because the internal battles of moving the city underwater were too intensive, I had no time to manage the contents of the communication. Now I came out and found that there were actually several calls on our side. Then I checked the information and got it immediately. War God's notice.

"I rely, how did Isinger move the fortress fall? Is the Siberian Protoss so powerful?"

At the beginning, the reason I let Isinger move the fortress was to use Isinger moving fortress to pull hatred. The purpose was to attract the elite power of Russian players and the Siberian protoss to attack Isinger moving fortress. Our striker can continue to advance, threatening the land city of Russian players, forcing the Frozen Banshee to not focus on our invasion in that underwater city.

However, although I knew in the original plan that Isinger Mobile Fortress would be attacked here, I imagined that Isinger Mobile Fortress was attacked and caused some external damage. It would be almost okay to spend some money to repair it. . For now, the situation is completely wrong. Essinger's Mobile Fortress was shot down. This is not my original plan!

"What did you just say?" They were startled when they heard my exclamation. Matsumoto Masahiro looked at them in doubt, only Kakuda Ichiro said calmly and Matsumoto Masahiro said, "I really want to hear that their Isinger Mobile Fortress was knocked down."

"I trust. Isn't it?" After hearing this news, Masamoto Matsumoto was startled, and the reaction was quite large.

Kakuda Ichiro looked at Matsumoto in confusion and asked, "Issinger Mobile Fortress is a thing of the Frost Rose Alliance. What's your response like being hit by their Isinger Mobile Fortress?"

Sakura Yushin knocked Ichiro Kakuda from behind and said, "You fool! Didn't you read the previous agreement?"

"What's wrong? Is there anything I don't know about it?" Kakuda clearly didn't take the agreement seriously.

Matsumoto explained with helplessness: "Our previous agreement stated that everyone's losses and inputs in this battle need to be calculated into the public input cost and then evenly distributed. That is, if the Frost Rose Alliance If Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress is shot down and completely destroyed, we need to pay at least half of the cost. "

"I depend!" Kakuda Ichiro was startled when he heard this. "Their city was beaten. Why should we pay so much?"

"The problem is that we didn't expect that Essinger Mobile Fortress would need to come to participate in the war!" Masamoto Matsumoto said: "The loss I wanted to get when I signed the agreement was only in terms of personnel, and both of us would lose. The compensation can't make up much. I didn't expect that the Siberian Protoss suddenly killed, and made the Frost Rose Alliance have to invest in Isinger Mobile Fortress to ensure the battle on our side. As a result, the risks we need to take are now magnified.

"I'm dizzy, aren't we dead this time?"

"No, no, not necessarily a loss." Masamoto Matsumoto suddenly turned to me and asked, "President Ziri, what is your loss after the Issinger Mobile Fortress has been beaten?"

"It's not a big problem for the time being." I have just communicated with the God of War, and I'm a little calmer than before, because I learned from the God of War that Isinger's Mobile Fortress fell.

In fact, Essinger's Mobile Fortress was not hit in a strict sense, but fell by himself. As for why Isinger moved the fortress well, he fell down himself ... The reason is really amazing. If I had a prize quiz around the world, I guess there would be no more than ten people who could guess this answer, because this situation is so rare.

In fact, the real reason for Isinger's Mobile Fortress to fall was that it was turned off by the bear child.

Correct. You read it right. That's why. After the battle broke out, Isinger's mobile fortress was suddenly ordered to go to war. Therefore, it was too late to complete the evacuation work, and as a result, it jumped directly to the battlefield and began to enter the battle. Before that, there were actually a group of unexpected guests in the internal control center of the Isinger Mobile Fortress.

These people are actually a group of powerful players. But this is not a force in the game. But the forces in reality. These people belong to the more capable people in reality. They came here to discuss some business with our guild. After all, because of the implementation of the national gamification plan, many industries in reality no longer make money. Everyone's attention is focused on the game, which has caused many large companies to focus on the game.

Our Frost Rose League is the most famous guild in the game. Naturally, it is also one of the targets that attracts special attention, and we have no intention of rejecting this. The game "Zero" is plainly a financial tool, and its role is to attract funds and people, and get all the people and money in the game into the game. The purpose of this is of course to better serve the Star Migration Program, so it is impossible for us to give up those investments in reality.

Because we can't give up, we opened the door to these people. Every time someone comes to invest, we will take them to visit our city, especially the Isinger Mobile Fortress, so that they can visually compare other guilds with us. The gap between the guilds helped them choose us as their investment target.

This behavior was originally no problem. We have absorbed many such investors before, and because our own funds are relatively large, their investment does not actually account for a large proportion in our Frost Rose Alliance. In most cases, It's all focused on one thing, so it doesn't have much impact on our command system.

However, there was a slight surprise this time, that is, some of the investors in this time came with their children. Unlike the actual negotiations, the environment in the game is like this after all, so the children of those people are also understandable. After all, the Essinger Mobile Fortress is a very longing place for many players, and the Essinger Mobile Fortress in our Frost Rose Alliance is a closed unit and is not open to the outside, so most people want to come in but they ca n’t enter at all.

The end result of this situation is that as long as there is a way, many people will take the opportunity to come in and visit, this time the child is similar to the previous few times, but only a little younger.

At the time, these people were visiting. As a result, Essinger's mobile fortress suddenly received an attack command, and then they were invited out of time in a hurry to take them to the battlefield. And according to the meaning of the roses, they can just let them see our fighting power, so as to strengthen their confidence. However, we have not counted so much. When the battle was extremely fierce, everyone's attention was focused on the outside battle conditions. Among the children brought by those people, one eleven or two-year-old bear child touched the front of the core controller without anyone paying attention, and tried to steal the control crystal.

Controlling things like crystals is much like a controller for Doingsinger's Mobile Fortress, let alone stealing it, as soon as it is pulled out, there will be problems. The result was that the bear child pulled the controller out directly, followed by Isinger to move the fortress and lost all the power, and the huge Isinger mobile fortress began to fall directly. Fortunately, the Isinger Mobile Fortress is well-designed and has special emergency equipment inside, such as a fall prevention device. The working principle of this thing is that when Isinger Mobile Fortress is about to be grounded, it will start a set of emergency equipment to provide an instantaneous reverse thrust to ensure that the city will not directly hit the ground and fall into fragments but perform a soft landing to a certain extent.

This design finally saved the life of Isinger's Mobile Fortress. The huge Isinger's Mobile Fortress hit the ground directly at a relatively gentle speed. A magnitude eight earthquake was then caused on the battlefield. Immediately after that, a wave of waves rolled over and killed the young and old troops. Caused huge losses of personnel on both sides.

In addition to the huge losses to the people below, the sudden fall of Isinger's Mobile Fortress also caused some joint losses, such as the psychological loss of our combatants due to the sudden fall of the city.

When Essinger Mobile Fortress appeared on the battlefield, it could play a huge role in battle itself, and it was also the psychological support point for the Frost Rose Alliance and even all its players. Even the Japanese players who worked with us temporarily did not want Isinger to move down at this time. However, when Isinger's mobile fortress suddenly fell. These people immediately felt that this time was over. They didn't know that Isinger's Mobile Fortress actually fell by himself. Because this kind of thing is usually impossible.

People on both sides were taken aback by this incident. After that, the morale of the Frost Rose League and the Japanese players was low, and the Russian players were immediately excited, one after another screaming like chicken blood.

Fairly lucky. Thanks to Issinger ’s mobile fortress, it fell in a better position and hit the center of the two sides. As a result, the Russian players over there were killed too close, so although they lost Ruhong there, but For a while and a half, they didn't contact the people on our side.

Although the morale of the Russian players is high because of this incident, our side is not a soft-leg shrimp. Although the fall of Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress has brought great psychological pressure, these Frost Rose players and Japanese players are still very fast I got up and started to fight back. In addition, our Frost Rose League has a large number of non-human factors such as mobile angels, so there is not much problem in combat effectiveness.

After discovering that Isinger's Mobile Fortress had fallen, the people in the control room were turned upside down for a while, and this one fell. After the Isinger Mobile Fortress landed and the ground stabilized, everyone immediately rushed to the front of the console to check the loss and the cause of the fall, and the player who was the main controller was the first to find the wrong because he controlled The core control crystal is actually not on the console.

The depth of this crystal inserted into the console is not shallow, and the internal structure of this thing has a special structure. If it is just a vibration, it cannot be pulled out. Do not want a clever creature to hold this thing to pull it out. , Simple gravity change or vibration will not cause it to fall off. Therefore, ruling out the possibility of being shaken, the controller immediately yelled angrily: "Who moved the master control crystal!"

The roar of this guy scared the child at that time, and when everyone looked at the cry, they found that he was still holding the control crystal. After that, the audience was quiet for two seconds, and then the control personnel rushed over to grab the crystal, and ignored the reprimand or got angry, and rushed to the bridge to insert it again.

As the control crystal came back online, the spark-like light spot in the core reaction furnace of Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress suddenly flashed, and then the power stove of Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress immediately re-ignited, following the various powers in the city. The device immediately resumed power.

The huge city seemed to suddenly wake up. All the weapons in the outer periphery of the city that suddenly drove up suddenly became active, all kinds of energy weapons were also lit, and the city's protective barriers were automatically lit.

In fact, the real cause of the accident also lies in the design of the control core. The design of this thing is that once the control core is pulled out, Isinger Mobile Fortress will lose all its functions. This is a kind of key-like thing. Its function is to control and switch Isinger Mobile Fortress ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ And the combat protective equipment of Isinger Mobile Fortress itself can not bypass this thing to start independently. That's why Isinger's Mobile Fortress can fall so easily.

If this core was not pulled out this time, even if the power furnace of Isinger's Mobile Fortress was destroyed, this would not happen. The power equipment of Essinger Mobile Fortress is actually divided into three sets. Even if one of them is out of order, the remaining parts can continue to work. Even if the lift is lowered, it will not fall directly, and many weapon systems and protection systems. Both have automatic backup energy, so even if the energy pipeline or power system is damaged, this situation is unlikely to happen, but it happened this time.

Kakuda Ichiro originally wanted to ask why Isinger moved the fortress down, but this kind of thing is confidential, so I can't say it well. Although Matsumoto can congratulate them, they can't speak in front of Kakuda Ichiro. "This time things are more complicated. Anyway, we don't discuss this now. Everyone hurried back to the main battlefield. We need to protect Isinger Mobile Fortress."

"Don't you say that it fell because of an internal failure?" Kakuda Ichiro asked in confusion.

"Yes, I said so, but when it fell down, it shattered several anti-gravity devices, and now it can't fly!" (To be continued ...)

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