Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 149: Make up where you lost

"You were really in danger before you came here, but it has now been lifted," said the **** of war. "One minute before you arrived, the Spark just arrived here to participate in the battle, so the situation on the Olympic battlefield tilted sharply towards us. . "

"Okay, I know. Now tell me where else I need to deal with it."

"Basically it can be said to be gone." The army **** replied: "At present, the situation of the battle has been stable, and there is no such high strength that the enemy can not deal with it at all. All of us in the guild can handle it. Now Basically, everyone is in the reverse push state, and the enemy can be completely driven out of Isinger's mobile fortress in a little time. "

"I see, that means it doesn't matter much to me, does it?"

"You can say that."

"Okay, I see. I'll go and find some enemy to fight for myself."

Since there is no such special existence that requires me to deliberately run, then I naturally fight against any enemy. The Siberian Protoss who are very strong in combat are all stared at by the chaos and order of our guild. Therefore, under our urgent man-to-person tactics, the masters of the Siberian Protoss have encountered three or four times their opponents. It was completely suppressed and could not function as a sharp knife at all. Without these sharp blades with outstanding penetrating ability, the fighting power of the remaining ordinary Siberian protoss is naturally very general, so there is no particularly critical fighting area on the entire battlefield.

While wandering, I cleared out the enemies I saw, and soon I noticed that the surrounding Siberian protoss suddenly started to flee collectively. I had anticipated this situation for a long time. So after seeing this situation, I was not surprised, but instead reminded the army **** to start the city defense system.

I asked the God of War before and confirmed that the defense system at the Essinger Mobile Fortress basically works, but at that time I did not ask the God of War to start the equipment, but waited until now, and it was this time.

Several siberian protoss who were running away hurriedly rushed forward, but ran on the ground but suddenly opened a cover, and then a few people couldn't brake and ran straight down the entrance. When they realized that it was wrong The cover had fallen, and they were all locked inside.

As a Protoss. Of course it is impossible to sit in such a place. So these guys tried to destroy the sealed room directly to get out of sleep, but found that the surrounding wall materials could absorb the divine attack, and their skills were useless.

In fact, it was lucky to fall into the big pit, compared with these Siberian protoss. Their companions are going to be unlucky. Several Siberian protoss were stunned by a punch from a stone giant who suddenly came out of the wall during their escape. There are also several Siberian Protoss running and suddenly hit the paralysis rays. Then he was **** by a gargoyle who didn't know where to run at the speed of a professional cowboy. In addition, there are a lot of situations such as being cursed, intercepted, and knocked out of sap. The Siberian Protoss who escaped anyway eventually went out even less than one-third when they first came in. This loss ratio is absolutely terrifying.

The reason why I used the city defense system to intercept these guys was mainly that I wanted to catch some Siberian protoss. Compared to other protoss, the Siberian Protoss is a new protoss. Some of the old and large Protoss forces have not yet recognized their legitimacy, which means that what I do to the Siberian Protoss is less likely to cause resentment from other Protoss forces. After all, the Protoss They are all very proud, even if other protoss forces, if too many deaths and injuries, they will have a certain resistance to us.

Using the last resort to forcibly leave a large number of Siberian protoss, the loss this time is basically nothing. With this group of Protoss individuals, we can go back and add the number of chaos and order Protoss, and those who are reluctant to join the individual existence of Protoss of Chaos and Order, we can fully use their waste to make the essence of divine power manufacturing machine.

After the Siberian Protoss all withdrew from Isinger's Mobile Fortress, the outside battle situation also changed. Because of the retreat of the Siberian Protoss, our senior personnel and some members of the Protoss of Chaos and Order have entered the outside battlefield, and in this case, the Russian elites could not stop our attack at all, and gradually they were all Kill. In the absence of elite personnel against our high-end combat power, ordinary players on the Russian side are almost downed by our side like pieces of wheat, and the Isinger Mobile Fortress gradually resumes operation. The firepower of external attacks has been continuously strengthened, and casualties of Russian players have continued to rise. The number of deaths has been rolling rapidly like a stopwatch, and it has quickly reached a point where Russia cannot afford it.

At the beginning, some Russian guild presidents also tried to rely on moral factors such as morale or command to control their combat forces. However, as the casualties increased, Russian players gradually realized that such continuous resurrection came back to fill in. This pit was meaningless at all, so most of the staff started to run away at the chance of resurrection.

The support from the players gradually decreased, and the army's casualties immediately became apparent. As the casualties reached a certain percentage, the troops purchased by these Russian guilds gradually began to collapse, and eventually a big collapse inevitably occurred.

Looking at the completely collapsed Russian players, the originally repaired Isinger mobile fortress did not immediately lift off, but instead mobilized personnel to repair a road at the gate of the city according to my requirements.

Because the Isinger mobile fortress had fallen from the air before, and accompanied by lateral movement during the fall, the front of the random city made a large soil **** in the front like a bulldozer. This soil **** is not the small soil **** that everyone usually sees. It is only because the structure is the soil **** structure. In fact, the height of this soil **** is always aligned with Isinger ’s outer wall, that is, It is said that this soil **** is actually hundreds of meters high. It is said that the soil **** is almost the same as the mountain. Compared to some small bales, this soil **** may be a lot higher, and the width of this soil **** is also exaggerated, saying that he is a small mountain range.

In order to allow the gates of the moving fortress to be smoothly accessed, we had to ask the engineers to dig a trench in front of the soil **** and then clean up the soil **** on both sides to prevent landslides and the like. Case. Finally, the ground was also slightly treated by us, compacting the soft soil just pushed into rammed soil.

Efforts to engage in these things are of course for the convenience of personnel, and this person is certainly not our guild, but all organizations or individuals in the world who want to occupy a place in Russia.

"Hurry up. Hurry up and send someone to the world to post information." Rose listened to my whim and immediately raised her hands in favor of my opinion. Then, with a more positive attitude than me, I started to urge the staff of our bank to speed up.

Actually my plan is very simple, but it is a very easy plan to make money.

The content of the plan is to first announce the results we have achieved in Russia, and then tell all guilds and players that the Russian resistance has completely collapsed. If anyone wants to occupy land in Russia. The Essinger Mobile Fortress can be reached through our guild's multinational transport formations around the world. Then go out from here is Russian territory.

After these players or guilds come here, they can go out and develop freely. Because the Russian coalition has just been completely defeated, the Russian side must only make very weak resistance to these invaders. Therefore, the success rate is very high to grab the land here. Although it will definitely counterattack on a large scale after Russia has slowed down, it will not be so easy for Russia to regain it in the face of these invaders. Besides, taking advantage of this opportunity to expand the territory will certainly not be a family of two. If the Russian side wants to fight back, it will face a joint counterattack by these people. The benefits will be immense.

There are enough benefits and the risks are not great. I believe that not many people will refuse such a sale. The only problem now is that the time is a little tight. Otherwise, this plan will definitely draw a lot of investment. Unfortunately, the current situation determines that we cannot have so much time to prepare. The longer the time is, the Russian side will be. The more likely it is to complete the reorganization work, then our action plan becomes meaningless. Therefore, the plan is expensive in the word "fast". The earlier those who are willing to invest, the more successful the plan will be.

Because of this situation, we can't set the conditions too high; otherwise, it is impossible for others to decide immediately, and if others cannot decide immediately, the plan is basically a failure. Therefore, we need a reasonable price to allow us to obtain the maximum benefits, but also not to scare those who intend to take risks, so that they can decide immediately.

Of course, there are a lot of things to pay attention to when setting this price, but the specific price does not require me to worry about it. Our bank will have a special person responsible for this. After a short negotiation, the final price came out quickly.

I don't know if it is for the sake of small profits but quick turnover. In my opinion, the price determined by the pricing part of this meeting will be the price of cabbage. The final price this time is not directly how much money each organization receives, but the price according to the number of people and materials, and the final definition of this price is three times the delivery fee. That's right, the final pricing this time is three times the delivery fee, without any additional fees. Any guild or individual who wants to participate in this operation need only pay three times the teleport cost to teleport to Isinger Mobile Fortress. This price is simply too low. All those who want to come estimate that they will start to act immediately when they see the price, and they will not hesitate for this price.

Although the price is set lower, but because of the price of cabbage, the response of those guilds and individuals who intend to participate in this operation is also very fast. We have just released the news here, and scattered players have started to appear within five minutes. About 20 minutes after the news was released, the first formed teleportation of the Japanese guild called the Yamashita League Come over.

I think that the Japanese guild responded so quickly, mainly because Matsumoto is congratulating them so many people are working with us. So it brings convenience to the players in Japan. Besides, the main force of many Japanese guilds was originally here, but now it is just mobilizing the rest, and the speed of action is naturally very fast.

With the advent of the first Japanese guilds, the guilds in China started to follow. Although it failed to grab the top spot, the scale of action on the Chinese guild was not comparable to that of Japan. The first response in the country was of course the Northern League. They sent a team of 20,000 in one breath, causing the congestion on the Essinger's side. However, this is just the beginning. As more and more guilds react, the transport array on the side of the Isinger Mobile Fortress has been congested, although our guild has arranged a large number of guides on the scene for maximum Limits the speed of the transport array. But still can't keep up with those guilds to send people here. Almost all the cities in the world with transnational transport arrays lined up in long lines. And all of them are waiting for transmission.

In fact, the biggest obstacle to teleportation is not the teleportation team in each place, but the teleportation team at the Essinger Mobile Fortress, because the local transport teams need to deal with local personnel, but they have to deal with local personnel. Just fine. And Isinger Mobile Fortress is the only receiving end. All those who need to be transmitted across the Transnational Array will be sent here. The extent of this congestion can be imagined.

Although the congestion level of the transnational transmission array is very serious, the transmission speed is not slow at all. Instead, with a large number of mentors. The transport speed of the transnational transport array can be described with great speed. At present, the Essinger mobile fortress side receives a group of people almost every seven seconds, and the number of people receiving each time is between 1,100 and 1,200. As soon as these people appear on the teleportation array, they will be led away by the guides, and then the last person will just come down, and the teleportation array will immediately light up again and send the next batch of personnel. This speed is simply dazzling. If it weren't for the people who came here were anxious to go out to the wild, and we had already given evacuation guidance on the transmission side, it would never be possible for these people to be emptied so quickly. Wave people.

"According to this speed, it is estimated that the Russians will be annoyed afterwards." Zhenhong said watching the crowd moving toward the outside of the city like a large river.

"But is the price you set too low?" Gold Coin said, watching the turbulent crowd, "Even if it was five times the delivery fee."

"No, the price is just right." Rose explained: "Our purpose is not to make much money from these people, but to make them natural allies and help us resist the Russian invasion together. This The participation fee for the second plan is not just the three times the transfer fee, but also an agreement. The agreement stipulates that all people participating in this operation will automatically join our temporary alliance when they travel to the Isinger Mobile Fortress. In the meantime, all fighting forces in the alliance will be under the unified management of our Frost Rose Alliance. "

"They also agreed to this request?" Zhenhong asked in surprise.

"Why not agree?" Rose asked: "Since it is an occupation of Russian territory, a counterattack is inevitable. If we spread out, few guilds would dare to say that they can independently block the Russian counterattack. It was better to be smashed by the Russian side. Let ’s set up a front, so that the risk of our operation will be greatly reduced, which is a good thing for most guilds, so they will not refuse, but instead Will participate enthusiastically. "

"You guys have really complicated thoughts!" Zhenhong sighed.

"This is not a question of complex and uncomplicated thoughts, but an inevitable result of business operations." Rose said suddenly after thinking of something, "Yes, who do you see the presidents of those Japanese guilds?"

"What's the matter?" I looked at Rose ~ ~ in doubt. They haven't signed the agreement yet! "

Because Matsumoto is congratulating the people they brought to be here, they have not passed the level of the teleportation team, and naturally they have not followed the agreement process, but they will definitely need their efforts in the subsequent battles, so this agreement is essential. .

I understand why Rose is looking for them. I was n’t in a hurry. Originally, this was a matter of two benefits and two harms. As long as the Japanese side is not stupid, they will definitely not refuse, and Matsumoto is congratulating them. This kind of thing is also a matter of greeting.

Since the battle has just ended, Matsumoto is congratulating them and their cooperation relationship has not been released, so the communicator has not been taken back from them, which is exactly what they used. Called through the army god, and soon all the presidents agreed to this agreement. After all, like Rose said, this is a good thing for everyone, and the fool refused it.

After the entire agreement is in hand, the rest is to transport a large number of people into the Russian territory to grab land as soon as possible. Last time, Russian players drove straight into the hinterland of our country, causing chaos in our country. This time, we have to get some interest to come back. (To be continued ...)

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