Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 164: Embarrassed Paladin

The Japanese president was obviously very upset about my threat, and wanted to refute anything, but he was pulled back by Matsumoto Masa from behind without waiting for him to speak, and then Matsumoto Masa murmured with him a few times After that sentence, the guy quietly angrily.

The Japanese president over there didn't mix the matter anymore, and I turned my attention back to the gun **** side.

"God of guns, you and I all understand people. You do n’t know what this action means. Do you think it is really profitable to make such a mess?"

"The United States is a free country, and our people enjoy a high degree of freedom. Since even the country does not impose any restrictions on us, as a guild, I ca n’t limit the people under my opponents too much. Now they think so Expansion is profitable, and I persuaded it to be ineffective, and naturally I can no longer manage it. So this kind of thing you tell me is useless. "

The words of the gun **** seemed to make sense, but if you think about it, you will find that it is just an excuse. Although the United States is a highly liberal country, this freedom is also limited. It is not true that you can do whatever you want. In some ways, the United States may have stricter restrictions on its nationals than China. Besides, as a guild organization, how could it not be binding at all? The following people say that they want to expand, then expand externally. What is this? If the decision of the foreign war is not in the hands of the president, is this still a guild?

The reason why the gun **** said this is to shirk his responsibility on purpose, so that I can't say anything to him. As for talking to the members of the American guild to talk about ... not to mention whether those people cooperate, even if these people are all from the gentleman's kingdom, do I have so much time to talk to them one by one? Therefore, the purpose of the gun **** is very direct, that is to make me speechless, so that we can not control this matter.

"Very good. In that case, I won't talk to you about the problem of the Paladin." The gun **** has a lot of bad eyes, but I'm not a fuel-saving lamp. He turned around and said to Zhenhong: "It doesn't matter here, we inform the guild to withdraw from the area. Draw the control line range in the original agreement and send a copy to each guild. Tell them, A guild that crosses the boundary will be considered a violation of the agreement. We all follow the terms of the agreement, no need to talk about humanity. "

"Okay." Zhenhong nodded and asked again, "The transmission channel on the Paladin ...?"

"It's just closed. Those who are out of scope are not allies, don't worry about it." I said this very loudly. The gun **** certainly heard me. So he immediately ran over and walked in front of me and stopped me. "Do you have anything else?" I asked knowingly at the God of Guns.

"President Ziri. Is it a bit unreasonable for you to do this?" The Gun God deliberately asked the commanding heights directly from morality without mentioning actual issues.

I deliberately tilted my gun and asked: "What is not authentic? We are cooperative development. Everyone comes according to the agreement. There is no other relationship. What do you mean by not authentic? Our Frost Rose ally violated What is the agreement? "

"The Frost Rose League did not violate the agreement, but our previous action with the Paladin ..."

I directly interrupted the word of the gun **** and preempted: "I repeat it again. Your previous loss was your loss. Although part of your loss was caused by us, please note that our Frost Rose Alliance and your holy gun The alliance is two independent guilds. There is no emotional factor between us. Everyone is a competitive relationship, not a friend relationship. We can be partners, but we will never become relatives or friends, so do n’t tell me what you guys Your loss is your own business. If you follow our logic, should our Frost Rose Alliance have any friction with your Magic Gun Alliance, we still need to compensate you for the loss after the war? What kind of robber logic are you? "

"How is this robber logic? You have caused our losses, you should ..."

I interrupted the word of the gun **** again and said, "Okay, since you have to use the robber logic, then I also use it. Now I officially inform you that the Frost Rose Alliance has terminated its temporary covenant with you, and from this moment on, right Your holy lance alliance declared war unilaterally. This is in the interests of our Frost Rose Alliance. As the president of Frost Rose Alliance, I only take the interests of Frost Rose Alliance as the final starting point. Your actions have hurt our Frost Rose Alliance ’s interests. So you are our enemies. Now you are limited to withdrawing from the actual control area of ​​our guild within one hour, otherwise we will start a force-clearing operation against you. OK, let's go. "

"Hey ... President Ziri ... Ziri ..." Gun God was stunned by a series of remarks. By the time he reacted, I had already gone a long way, and the Gun God who had reacted quickly went to my side. He rushed over, but no matter how he called me, he didn't mean to stop at all, and the gun **** accelerated to catch up when he found that I didn't pause, but he hadn't chased me yet and walked in the last two mobiles of the team. The angel suddenly turned around and stretched out one arm to stop him.

The blocked gun **** immediately glanced angrily at the two mobile angels and yelled: "I want to talk to Ziri, you two cans of iron can get away with me."

"The president doesn't want to talk to you, please step back. Otherwise, we will force you to be evicted."

Just after the God of Guns and the two mobile angels were fighting, Christina was whispering to me: "President, did you intentionally scare them or did you really intend to expel the Paladin?"

"Am I kidding?"

"Boss, are you really playing?" True red was also quite surprised by my words, because they all thought that I was scaring the Paladin, and I didn't expect that I was really.

When I heard that it was really red, I looked back at the gold coins behind them, and asked, "Don't you all think I'm kidding?"

Seeing that everyone did n’t answer, I knew they must really think I was joking, but then I smiled and said, "It looks like my deterrent is not enough! I really plan to fight them this time. It's not a joke. But I also have my intention. It's not a random decision. "

"But we are pushing Americans out in this situation, and if they are united with the Russians, wouldn't we be more dangerous?" Cristina asked.

I walked and said, "First, the Paladin is just a guild in the United States. They do not represent all American players. We only impose sanctions on the Paladin and republish the agreement information at the same time, which means to tell those other Guild, we have already sanctioned the breach of contract according to the content of the agreement, and they can no longer make trouble with us under this pretext. Otherwise, they need to weigh whether their strength can really fight us. Second. Gunslinger ’s action is obviously not a personal act, but a collective decision of the entire Paladin, which means that the Paladins are already very dissatisfied with our previous interference with their action plans. If we accommodate them, they will not only Will not remember our good. Instead, we will feel that we owe them. Then we will make it worse. If we only have one of their allies, then just bear with it, but the problem is that we have other allies. And these allies add up The strength is much stronger than that of their Paladin, in which case we need a bowl of water Not favoritism, so we need to stand, let others know that we do not favor allies who will not use their benefits to pay for our own mistakes. In order to get their support and trust. "

"But then we still have a powerful group of enemies!" Zhenhong asked.

I shook my head and said, "Gun isn't stupid, he won't really fight us."

"Why?" The gold coin asked, "they have lost all our face and face, and they should not be able to bear it anymore, right?"

"No, they will tolerate, at least gunners, because they do not want to be merged by other American guilds, they need to save their strength and strengthen themselves. This action also involved other guilds in the United States, and will definitely get some benefits because of this. Increase the strength of the guild. Relatively speaking, the exiled Paladin is a loss, and if they can take advantage of this time, while the guild's attention is here, hurry up and toss in the United States Maybe they can come back with some supplements, but if they go to war with us, they will not get any benefits, but they will lose a lot. Once this happens, the Paladin is basically finished. . So, unless Gun God intends to be a younger brother in another guild in the future, he will definitely not let the Paladin fight with us. "

"Fuck, boss, your thoughts are really complicated. Why can't I think of so much!" Zhenhong sighed after listening and playing.

Christina wasn't too surprised, but thought for a moment and said, "President, I think what you said makes sense, but you can't ignore the mood of the Paladin players. People are little brothers, but for those members, this kind of thing has little impact, and this time the ordinary players in the Paladin League are bound to be unconvinced, and it is not an issue if the gun **** is always pressed. , So I think Gun God is likely to use some methods to retaliate against us, while avoiding hurting their holy lance alliance, at least not too much. "

"What you said is a bit reasonable, you can't help it." I thought about it a little bit and said, "Let ’s wait until the giant mosquito post arrives and let them send some scout mosquitoes to keep an eye on the action of the Paladin, so there should be no problem Now. "

Christina nodded and said, "Well then. I'll inform you about this. But what do I do now? It takes time for the giant mosquito post to get here?"

"Before the giant mosquito outpost arrives, you first let the mobile angel act as a scout to monitor it at a high altitude, but it costs a little more energy, which we can afford to invest."

"That would be fine."

After explaining the work here, I quickly returned to the Essinger Mobile Fortress, and together with Christina, they published the content of the agreement and the processing method that I said earlier. Those guilds are learning that we will After the extinction of the Paladin, the expansion stopped immediately. Most of the guilds returned directly to the original setting line. A few who refused to return returned after being questioned by our guild. Come back. Of course there are die-hards, but there are two in total, one of which is the Thai guild. The other is a French guild. These two guilds were reluctant to retreat, they had to occupy the land they had expanded and refused to let go.

Of course, we will not relent in such a thing that undermines the stability of the overall defense line. I have even expelled the Paladin, and we certainly don't care about such a small guild that has never heard of it. The two guilds were expelled directly, and then the line of defense was stabilized. A large number of personnel were expelled from those two guilds. However, one of the guilds later became more professed, apologized directly and acknowledged their willingness to compensate for the losses. In fact, the so-called compensation for losses is nothing more than a bribe for us to find an excuse. They set up cities outside the defense line of the Isinger Mobile Fortress, although it threatens the stability of the entire defense line. But because the Russians didn't start. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about what is lost. It is nothing more than a waste of time. However, despite their benefits, we have not let up. Still expelled them. It is only because of their good performance that they are allowed to return to the country using the Essinger mobile fortress. In contrast, the Thai guild was miserable, and we were directly expelled from the line of control.

You know, this is the land of Russia. After being deported, they are embarrassed. All the player forces and forces around them are hostile to them, and they have no way to return to the country, they can only hang back.

Although the players of the Thai guilds finally broke the jar and attacked our defense because they knew they wanted to hang back, but on the one hand this was a small guild, with a size of less than five hundred people, and the other In terms of strength of the other party's personnel, they were quickly killed. The only damage to our side was wasting some of our medicines, and nothing else was lost.

After the two guilds were completely settled, our defensive line was completely stabilized, because we were not rude, and no one of the remaining guild presidents dared to do anything extraordinary. It was originally muted When making a fortune, those noisy people just want to see if they can get some more benefits, and they will be honest when they find that they can't. As for the Paladin, it did not pull out my expected range. When we sent the armed men to expel them, the Paladins did not intend to resist and left our sphere of influence directly, and then headed for the sea. The mobile angels we sent followed them all the way to the sea. They found that everyone was ready to ship, and planned to take a boat back from Russia.

However, although the Paladin was gone, they really left behind. Gunslinger took a few of the players of the Holy Lantern League and did not leave with the large troops. Instead, they returned after sending the large troops, which is obvious enough, that is, to come back for trouble.

Immediately after being notified by Mobile Angel, I said to Christina: "I guess you guessed it. The Gun God is back with some elite people. It seems we are busy."

Christina said with a smile: "I'll just say. If they don't come, it's not normal. Is this in line with American habits?"

The gold coin looked at us and asked, "God of guns return, we don't have to send so many people?"

I took a look at the people around me, and it seemed like there were too many. Because here is about to prepare for the Russian counter-attack, naturally we will concentrate the mobilization of combat power here. In this way, I will be with a large group of elite players in this guild. If all of them are Appearing together is too exaggerated. After thinking about it for a while, I still said that most people stayed, just took real red and walked with a few second-line elites. Anyway, in addition to the gunners in the Paladin Union is more powerful, it seems that I have not heard of any particularly strong existence.

I can do it by myself. The rest of the people believe that the second-line elite brought by me is enough to suppress them, and true red can be used as insurance, and can support any dangerous people at any time.

Christina and the gold coins who had not been assigned a task went to the front line to inspect the defense construction work, and I was under the guidance of the mobile angel to the gun **** they lurked on the side of the line where they came.

Although the gun gods ran back, but before they entered the line of defense, it was not easy for me to shoot directly. After all, the deportation only required them to leave our control area, not to drive them out of Russia, so the gun gods only need to It is not a violation of our ruling not to step into our control area. If I attack directly, it will be morally untenable. However, there is nothing to worry about this kind of problem, anyway, the gun **** must be close to our defense line. If he dares to come in, then I have a reason to do it. Even if they don't enter the line of defense, they will not be afraid of long-range sniping outside the line of defense, as long as we have evidence ~ ~ we have a basis for starting.

Speaking of guns, they are not stupid. When they left, they went eastward to the coastline and left by boat. When they returned, they circled the defense line for more than half a circle. They ran to the southwest of the defense line and approached our defense line. This angle can be said to be the weakest link of the line of defense, because the Russian threat mainly comes from the northwest direction, and the southwest direction is just the direction they cannot come, almost like the rear, and there are naturally fewer people in the first place. Choosing this position not only improves the success rate of the operation, but also clarifies the relationship of the Paladin. As long as they are not found, we will not think about the Paladin, because the direction is wrong. .

"Are you here?" We asked anxiously as soon as we lurked down.

I looked at the report uploaded by Asuka from the sky and said, "There are still two kilometers, and you will see it after a while. You pretend not to move, and you will come out when you need help. Otherwise, even if I fight with the other party Do n’t you know if it ’s over? ”

"Relax, boss, I know the weight."

As I was about to say a few more words, I suddenly noticed that there were a few dots behind the hillside across the road, and I quickly pressed down the real red and reminded: "Hidden, I see them." (To be continued.)

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