Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 174: Active defense

To be honest, I do not want to conduct large-scale operations in the United States. This is not to say that I am afraid of anything, but in fact such operations will not have any effect at all. There are many special places for players in this country in the United States. This is actually the same in the world. Players in each country have their own characteristics, and Americans are very good at siege. This may be born with the Musketeer profession. The remote advantage has something to do with it. Because the long-range firepower is relatively strong, the defending side can hardly take any advantage in the siege battle. In this way, the advantage of the attacker's choice of attack position and time becomes obvious. The result of this situation is that it is very difficult to establish your own city in the United States. So far, except for the Frost Rose Alliance, which has three non-overseas territorial cities in the United States, no other guild has been established in the United States. Any city. Moreover, even our cities are not entirely built by us relying on our own fighting power, and more of these may be political transactions.

Because of the commercial advantages of our Frost Rose Alliance and the fact that I have some personal relationships with the presidents of several major guilds in the United States, I first greeted them before starting to build a city. In the process, these real large-scale guilds in the United States have not actually touched us, and even actively helped us to block some medium-sized guilds. In this way, only those scattered players and those who are really troublesome are left. It ’s just a guild. In this case, we can easily build our own city, and if the Americans really blockade, we cannot say that we must not forcibly establish the city. But the price to be paid will definitely be so great that we need to re-examine whether it is appropriate to build a city here.

Because Americans have such a strong defense capability, it is actually quite irrational to establish a colony in the United States, because if we are not building a city but a large city group, then we need to divide our forces and the United States People have no trouble in this regard. They don't have to attack all the cities at once, they can concentrate on the superior forces one by one, but our side has to divide the troops to defend, and this is a case of high judgment. Therefore, it is not a problem to establish one or two cities in the United States, but it is necessary to create a large urban agglomeration to cut off an enclave from American territory. That's basically death. There is such a great perseverance that it is better to go to second-tier and third-tier countries to get a large area of ​​resources. Why do you have to smash meat from Americans? Isn't this obviously an irritating one?

Just because I knew that Matsumoto's plan was totally unfeasible, I would not want to ignore the suggestions made by the presidents of the Japanese guilds, but now Matsumoto's winking and sloppy make me It's really confused. This kind of thing can't do almost certain things. But Matsumoto meant that he wanted me to agree. This is obviously quite strange.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I finally decided to believe in Masamoto temporarily. Because I don't think that Matsumoto will congratulate us. Although he is Japanese, he has completely trusted us now. The so-called deep hatred of love. How much Masamoto Matsumoto loved Japan at that time, how much he hates Japan today, this is human nature. After all, Masamoto Matsumoto can be said to have paid for everything for Japan, but in the end it will be abandoned by the country that he loves, and humiliated by the Japanese players he protects and helps, such things are driving crazy It is also normal for someone to commit suicide, but Matsumoto is a relatively strong one, so he did not choose to end his life. However, the injustice in his heart will not disappear because of this. After getting the opportunity, Matsumoto Masako immediately turned all her love for Japan into hate, so if Matsumoto Masako betrayed us, I wouldn't believe it.

It is precisely because Matsumoto Masaha is unlikely to betray us, so I feel that since he wants me to promise, I do n’t think it ’s okay to verbally promise it. Even if it is confirmed that it is not feasible, I can find tens of thousands of reasons. Refuse it, don't worry about it at all. But if I refuse now, let alone say that, at least Matsumoto's feelings will definitely be greatly hurt. It can be said that after experiencing the original ups and downs, Masamoto Matsumoto is now very sensitive to the trust of others. In other ways, you are fine with him no matter how bad he is, that is, there must be no omissions in this regard, so even to keep Masamoto Matsumoto He can't reject him because of my knowledge.

After thinking about it, I first reached out and made a down gesture to calm down the presidents of the Japanese guild. Then I said, "We will definitely take revenge, but to be honest, we didn't intend to be in the United States. The occupation zone was established over there. However, if you strongly ask, I can consider changing the strategy. "

Hearing my words, the presidents of the Japanese guilds suddenly cheered, not because they were naive, but because they were really too excited. Japanese players have not tried to expand externally before, but their previous goal has always been our Chinese side. Although the average quality of Chinese guilds in the game is not high, there are too many people. Even with the high combat effectiveness of Japan, it is still not enough in front of our human tactics. Besides, what is weak on China's side is the average combat effectiveness, not that we don't have senior personnel on our side. After all, a super guild like our Frost Rose League still plays the role of a mainstay, so let ’s not take any advantage of the expansion of the Japanese before, almost every time it is a heavy loss. This is also the reason why Japanese players have become more and more unsuccessful in the future. After all, the successive failures before have damaged the development potential, which is inevitable.

However, this vicious circle of more expansion and failure has recently taken a turning point, and this turning point is our action of leading Japanese players in Russia this time. Not only did we obtain technical information from the Russians, but we also built this large occupied area, and those Japanese guilds have actually dug ore from the veins in the occupied area and shipped it back to China. Although the amount of ore just mined is actually very small, it is a major turning point for all Japanese players. Because Japanese players have experienced such a long war of losing money. I finally saw the money back for the first time. No matter how little these ore, it is always income. Compared with the previous battles, the more the losses are, the more the situation is. This time, I finally let the participating guilds see hope. Many Japanese players even cried when they saw the first batch of ore ready to be shipped back to China. This huge satisfaction was followed by the extremely expanded self-confidence. Therefore, I was not particularly surprised when Japanese players were able to come up with a proposal to go to the United States to establish an occupied area.

Listening to the cheers of the presidents of the Japanese guild, I reached out and suppressed their noise again, and then added: "Don't be too happy first, I just promise you temporarily. Will the final action really be carried out? It still needs to be discussed. After all, the target you chose is the United States! Even if they have not yet completed the unification war, they are after all world-class powers in the real world, and although the American guild in the game is divided, it is suffering I believe that the foreign invasion will quickly and completely agree with each other. Therefore, it is best not to be too optimistic. If our guild conducts technical demonstrations and determines that the operation is not feasible. We will not participate in such operations. "

"Just as long as you have it," Masamoto Matsumoto said to the presidents of the Japanese guilds. "Well, everyone now goes back and directs their guildmen to speed up the mining work here, the United States It's just a plan over there. Now we still need to digest the real benefits first. At least then we can buy more troops to participate in the war, right? "

The presidents of the Japanese guilds nodded after hearing Matsumoto's words, saying they made sense, and then those people turned around and started to leave, while Matsumoto turned around while people were still away. To me: "President Ziri, as a representative of these Japanese guilds, I hope I can attend your argument meeting, don't you know?"

Obviously Matsumoto has something to tell me. His bright request will not cause people doubt, so I simply nodded: "This is not something that needs to be kept secret from you. You think Come and join. "

"Thank you so much," Masamoto Matsumoto turned to immediately and said to the presidents of the Japanese guild. "When I get a letter from here, I will go back and tell you that you do n’t need to worry too much now, but I hope that you will temporarily Do n’t go offline, I may go back and announce the results later. "

The presidents of the Japanese guilds nodded and said they knew, and then left to direct the development and construction of their guilds. Although these Russian mining areas have been occupied, the Russians are not stupid. Most of the mines were blown up before the evacuation. So although many mining areas have been cleared out, the mining speed is actually very slow, far from Reaching the normal speed, these presidents need to quickly go back to purchase equipment to arrange for personnel to resume normal mining speed while mining.

After those people left, Matsumoto Masayoshi stayed upright. When the door of the meeting room closed, Matsumoto Mashima immediately relaxed and sat down on the chair next to me, saying, "Hoo ... I'm exhausted. These **** are really insatiable. I got them so much benefit that they turned around and started planning to seize power. Do you think these people have unfamiliar white-eyed wolves? "

I took out a fairy fruit and threw it at Masamoto Matsumoto with a smile and said, "Did you not see it all when you left Japan to join our Frost Rose Alliance? What's wrong? Now you are starting to look forward to them again? ? "

After receiving the fruit, Masamoto Matsumoto leaned back and drove his feet to the table, and then leaned there in a seemingly casual manner: "Even if there is any expectation, they are completely afraid to see their present faces. Think again. "

I smiled and didn't answer, because I know that Matsumoto Masa has something to say, and it's not suitable to interrupt him now. Sure enough, after more than ten seconds, Matsumoto Masa started to slowly say, "Just brought them to mine the ore, the faces of these guys changed immediately, and some people started clamoring to continue to expand the occupied area and get More minerals, and then develop their own naval counterattack the world. I really do n’t know what those people have in their heads. The main part of this operation was done by Frost Rose League, and the group thought they were them. I told them that it is not suitable for them to continue expanding now. And without Frost Rose Alliance, we ca n’t figure this out, but they just do n’t believe it, and some people openly accuse me of being scared and saying that I can take a bigger step. It ’s really a group The lunatics of the ideology want to run before they can walk, and they will not die! "

"Then what do you mean when you run with them and ask me to promise to establish an occupation zone in the United States?"

"My idea is simple. Let them suffer a little and take their hearts."

After listening to Matsumoto Masa, I thought about it a little bit and understood the meaning of Matsumoto Masa, but I haven't figured it out yet. "I don't have any opinion that you let the presidents of the Japanese guilds know your correctness, but if you pull us to participate in the Frost Rose Alliance. This battle is doomed to fail. What about our own loss? do?"

"Are we going to lose anything?" Matsumoto Masa asked suddenly.

I was stunned by this question, because it was like suddenly being asked why one plus one equals two, how do you want me to explain such a thing? When we attacked the United States, the outcome was unknown. Masamoto Matsumoto also said that he would teach the presidents of the Japanese guilds. That means don't really hit. The best effort would have been five to five. This will not be played seriously. Isn't failure a necessity? But is it possible that nothing will be lost in this defeat? For the time being, we will not say anything about the loss of personnel, even the materials we set up in the colony ... wait, if we knew from the beginning that we could not occupy this place. So why bother with supplies? At that moment I suddenly understood what Matsumoto meant.

"Your kid's mind is turning pretty fast."

"Aren't you worried about the loss?" Matsumoto asked with a smile.

I laughed too. "Anyway, the battle is about to fail. Why should I send supplies over?"

Matsumoto said with a smile: "It really is our president, I know you can definitely figure it out."

"I don't understand all of them, at least I didn't figure out if you want us to do this, how do we account for this part of our battle losses?"

"Isn't the part of the Frost Rose League fighting for so many years still controlling it?"

I thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes, if you don't really intend to stick to it, the loss can actually be controlled at a very low level, but the Japanese guilds in this operation will be miserable by you? "

"I'm not as bad as you think." Masamoto Matsumoto said: "I actually discussed this issue with August smoked some of them before I came here. At that time, the cherry rain **** gave a relatively safe method."

"Tell me, let me see if it works."

"In fact, it is not complicated." Masamoto Matsumoto said: "First of all, you have to announce that the results of the study show that this operation is not feasible. This way, the Frost Rose Alliance does not need to invest in construction materials to really establish a colony in the United States. Then the losses on the Frost Rose League would be well controlled. "

"What about your plans over there?"

"It's simple. You just say you don't participate, but allow us to follow along. As long as we don't interfere with your actions, you will not interfere with us and provide teleportation services. And I will say that under my lobbying you promised, In case the Americans react fiercely, your Frost Rose Alliance will provide us with a certain degree of cover so that you can pick all of you clean and ensure that those ambitious continue to act. However, I will try to persuade those guilds not to participate ... then those guilds who did not listen to me will go back to establish a colony, and their fiasco can just let the remaining believers know that my guild is correct, and they will trust me more in the future, This will completely obey them. "

I nodded and said, "A good plan can reduce our losses, and it can fight part of it and draw part of it. The most important thing is that whether it was hit or not lost, you will have a lot of confidence in you afterwards. Dare to say, but the general order is absolutely certain that they will never be yawned again. "

When hearing this, Matsumoto also smiled and said, "So I just hinted that you accept this plan, otherwise the latter part will be difficult to say. However, the specific operation needs to be considered. By the way, the **** of war should be good at this Let him help? "

"no problem."

After a brief exchange with the **** of war, Matsumoto Masahiro explained all the plans. The **** of war did this. The plan was so fast that in less than five minutes, a set of operations plan accurate to the combat team was completed, and the precision was impeccable. After seeing all the plans, Masamoto Matsumoto and I discussed it again, pointed out some areas that needed improvement, and let the **** of warfare adjust it a bit before finalizing it. Of course, this thing will be shown to the senior members of our guild After all, action is not something I can do by myself, and someone needs to cooperate.

After all was finalized, Masamoto Matsumoto left me to report the situation to the presidents of the Japanese guilds. However, this matter has not yet been implemented. After all, we have no way to free up our hands to find the holy gun. Union trouble. And Japan is also busy grabbing mines. For the time being, there is not much energy to engage in external expansion, but with such a plan, it can at least make those people feel safer.

With Japan's plan settled, our main energy still needs to return to Russia. After all, the Russian plan was unexpectedly destroyed. It must be planning another way now. Anyway, they cannot let us develop with peace of mind, so it is inevitable that the Russians will have to counterattack. The difference is only when and how they are launched.

"God of War, has the giant mosquito post arrived?"

"It's already when you talk to Matsumoto Masa."

"where are you now?"

"It's parked in the port area behind Isinger's Mobile Fortress, but just got an order from Vice President Eagle and is preparing to enter the Russian player's control area for a reconnaissance mission."

I nodded and said, "Tell them to wait for a while, and I will follow along."


After letting the giant mosquito outpost wait for a while, I was considered to have caught the takeoff of the giant mosquito outpost. After I was installed, the giant mosquito post closed the entrance and started to lift off, but it was less than five meters off the ground. At that time, the giant mosquito outpost gradually began to be invisible from the protruding parts to the center. When the mosquito sentry was completely raised, the entire giant mosquito outpost had completely disappeared from everyone's sight. This set of invisibility system is not our guild The mirage system is an advanced skill for giant mosquito outposts.

The Zerg Castles in our guild were always used by us as giant mobile fortresses when they first arrived, and we also defined them as a war weapon, but after using them for a while, we were surprised to find that these Zerg Castles were not Pure machinery, but biology. In fact, not only the body is alive, the development of these Zerg castles can also be constantly upgraded like the players. However, these things are not players after all, so when they upgrade, the situation is slightly different from the players.

Although these guys ca n’t see the experience bar, they do continue to upgrade. The giant mosquito outpost got an additional skill called silent flight when it was upgraded to the second level. The effect is the same as the name. After the giant mosquito whistle stood up, it was completely silent. This silence does not mean that the wing vibration of the giant mosquito outpost disappears, but even the frictional sound of air during high-speed flight disappears. It feels as if a layer of invisible is added to the entire giant mosquito outpost. Like the noise barrier. This trick can be described as the ultimate weapon for sneaking in at night. After all, everyone's eyesight will drop at night, and a completely silent aircraft will become the biggest insurance for night raids.

When the giant mosquito outpost reached the third level, this guy got another skill-the killer mosquito.

The feature of this ability is that it can be distinguished from previous mosquitoes, and specifically release a mosquito for combat. Although the detection of mosquitoes also has a certain amount of attack power, it is really minimal, but this killer mosquito is different. In my opinion, these guys are more suitable than killer mosquitoes. These guys are actually smaller than the mosquitoes, but they are several times more capable of flying. They are not only fast, but also extremely flexible, and can dive into various places to perform tasks. And once these guys find the target and successfully paste it, they can explode according to the command of the giant mosquito outpost. Of course, since they are called killer mosquitoes, the self-explosive power of these guys is definitely worthy of this title. In fact, the explosive power of each self-explosive mosquito is comparable to an anti-ship missile. Before our experiments, we even sank a ship once. Will discard the abandoned large destroyers, this power is absolutely no problem for ordinary players, even if the level of the guns of God, as long as it is not a defense system, one is enough to let him take half a life.

However, although this skill is very good. Unfortunately, there are too many restrictions. Like ordinary scout mosquitoes, killer mosquitoes cannot leave the giant mosquito outpost too far and require remote control. Therefore, they cannot run around the world. Secondly, this thing can only make one giant mosquito outpost each time, and this killer mosquito cannot produce a second one before it explodes. Although there is no cooling time limit for production, and the manufacturing speed is very fast, because there can only be one at the same time, the second one needs to be rebuilt from the giant mosquito outpost after attacking the enemy and then take off to its destination As a result, the attack frequency becomes extremely low. It can be said that the usefulness is quite limited. But even this is a very good skill.

At last. When the giant mosquito outpost reaches the fourth level, this stealth skill is obtained. It can make the giant mosquito outpost completely optically invisible. It can completely disappear from the air in most environments, but it encounters heavy fog or rain. It may still be found. After all, a vacuum zone suddenly appeared when it was raining around. This fool knows there is something wrong there.

Although the current level 4 giant mosquito outpost has only gained three additional skills. But these abilities are very useful abilities, so we are now very much looking forward to what skills he can get when he is fifth.

After the invisibility, the giant mosquito outpost began to fly all the way to the depths of the Russian player's control area. Our goal this time was to find the headquarters of the Frozen Banshee. It is very necessary to monitor their action plans. After all, we can at least know the actions of the other party in advance. At least we can make preparations in advance?

In fact, this time I came out not to engage in eavesdropping, but to engage in active defense.

They are not the same as Red Moon and Rose. Although I am the true president of the Frost Rose Alliance, in fact, except for some major decisions, I rarely actually instruct members in the guild to do anything. It can be said that I am not good at it These things, in contrast, I am better at fighting and making big strategies. Now that the big strategy has been determined, I don't need to worry about it at all, so all I can do is fight.

Now that we know that Russians are bound to launch counterattacks, I ’d better be proactive, instead of waiting for them to prepare to attack us, I can do some damage first, as long as I can disrupt the actions of Russian players Let their counterattack time be delayed, and the later their counterattack time is, the greater our chance of winning. After all, once our city is completed, it will have three-dimensional defense capabilities. If it can persist to the Russian monster siege three days later It will end. At that time, if the Russian players want to attack us, they can only fight independently. They cannot borrow the opportunity of monsters to attack the city. Finally, it would be even better if the Russians could postpone the counterattack until seven days later, because at that time the system would recognize our occupation of the region, and the land under our feet would no longer be Russian land. The land of the guilds of the regional cities has become the land of each country.

Don't forget, the geographical advantage in the game is not to say, this is something that is really expressed in the form of data. Each guild and territory of each country has a corresponding attribute effect. Standing on the territory of your own country or guild will get the corresponding attribute bonus, while the irrelevant personnel have no attribute changes, and the enemy will be subject to Negative attribute impact. This effect determines which country our region belongs to will have a great impact on the fighting, because now it is still a Russian territory, we will all lose attributes here, and because Russia is a powerful country, in fact The reduction of this attribute is quite great.

In fact, in addition to the above, there is another benefit of territorial change, that is, the protoss of the country can participate in the battle justified. According to system regulations, the national protoss forces are not allowed to participate in external expansion wars, that is, when we enter other countries' territories to fight, we cannot expect our national protoss, but on the contrary, other countries invade our territories, but our national protoss are protected. This creates a huge advantage for the defense. However, according to the rules adjusted after the latest update, the restrictions on the protoss in the current transnational war have been slightly adjusted. The protoss in the attacker's area is still unable to fight across national borders, but if the land in an area has just been occupied by another country for less than seven months, then this place will allow the protoss of both countries to enter at the same time, that is, the country that lost the territory The Protoss can still enter this place to help local players **** control of this area, which is slightly different from the previous setting. It used to be that the land of another country became the territory of another country as soon as it arrived in seven days, and the protoss of that country could not intervene.

Of course, the Protoss of each country is relatively happy for this change, but it is not good news for us Frost Rose Alliance, because our Frost Rose Alliance is actually less likely to be invaded, but it often invades other country. The system settings have changed so much that our resistance is too much. It would have been good if we insisted on it for seven days. Now it has been extended to a month for no reason. Fortunately, as long as the first seven days, then the protoss of the country can come to help. Considering the strength of our Chinese heaven court, we are not too worried about this matter. It's just upset.

In order to make Russia's counterattack plan as late as possible. I plan to snip the Frozen Banshee a few times this time, and I am proud to kill their commander several times, or I can consider burning a part of them. Of course, I will not let go of ordinary players. How much can be killed. Anyway, I just need to let go of the trouble. This is not the first time I have done such a thing. I believe the effect must be very good.

The giant mosquito outpost was not too slow, and soon reached the back of the Russian player's control area, and then found a hidden place to land and began to scout mosquitoes. We have no way to track the whereabouts of the Frozen Banshee. Their original headquarters was also terminated by us. Now it must be a temporary headquarters, so we have no way of knowing the specific location of their headquarters. However, we are not really obliterated, at least we can determine where else on the Russian side is likely to become the new command center, so we only need to investigate these opponents.

The giant mosquito outpost originally did this. Of course, it was a well-known practice. Soon, a large group of reconnaissance mosquitoes flew out, and then quietly sneaked into the Russian guild headquarters in the nearby city to start collecting information. Not to mention, our luck was really good. We found the clue for the first time. Although we didn't find the Frozen Banshee directly, we found that the guild president received a notice of the meeting, so our reconnaissance mosquito immediately attached to it. This guy's clothes got into a gap in the armor and hid.

The scout mosquito signal suddenly disappeared after a few minutes. In the previous signal, the scout mosquito entered the opponent's body, and the other party finally entered the teleportation array, so now the guy must have been transmitted to the giant mosquito outpost for acceptance. Outside the range, it was not the detection of mosquitoes that had died.

In fact, letting the scout mosquitoes climb up before we knew that this would happen, but it would be enough to have a scout mosquito on that guy, because we can be nearby even if we do n’t know where they are. Take a turn around the target city. The communication distance to detect mosquitoes is up to one hundred kilometers. Once we get close to this range, the mosquito will restore the connection immediately, so it is actually very easy for us to find that guy. Besides, this is nothing but a means of back. Immediately after the guy teleported, several scouting mosquitoes flew to the teleportation array used by that guy, and then one of the scouting mosquitoes penetrated through the cover plate under the teleportation array and was found accurately. A tiny black slate.

This slate is actually similar to a memory storage device, everyone can think of it as a memory card. For the transmission array to communicate with the target, it is necessary to communicate with the other transmission array. How to accurately define the other transmission array requires a phone number-like thing to distinguish, and this slate records this kind of phone number-like Space coordinates. Because the transfer matrix needs to access this memory card every time you transfer, and reading the information will cause the remaining magic on the corresponding circuit on the magic matrix. This magical residue is very weak and dissipates very quickly, but the reconnaissance mosquito can read this residual magical power, as long as the time does not exceed half an hour and accurately knows the first few messages transmitted before, it can be as if querying the call log. The opponent's teleportation coordinates are read out. This ability has no second house except our guild's reconnaissance mosquito, so there is no guild to protect against this, because no one knows that they can still use this information.

After getting all the information easily, we immediately knew the coordinates transmitted by the other party, but the giant mosquito sentry post could not be transmitted, it could only fly past. During this period, it delayed for more than ten minutes, but at least we still found the Frozen Banshee. . When the missing scout mosquito suddenly came back online, we knew that the target was not far away, but as long as we contacted the scout mosquito, we no longer needed to keep close, because at this time we can already read each other's Information. However, considering that I will make trouble in a while, the giant mosquito outpost has been approaching the other side of the city before finding a grove and landing.

"No wonder there are so many voyeurs." Looking at the picture on the large screen inside the giant mosquito post, I said to several players around me who are responsible for recording information: "This way you can directly see everyone's every move, but everyone else is completely Ignorance is really exciting! "

Those few players laughed when they heard me, but they didn't answer, because they were all busy, so they didn't have time to talk to me.

The scout mosquito released by the giant mosquito sentry station can not only transmit video signals, but also sound, so it is almost as if a video camera was placed on the scene, and the situation inside can be clearly seen. At this point, the icebound banshees were arguing with a group of people pointing at a huge Russian map there, but because these people were just as noisy as the aunt in the market, I could hardly hear them at What to say, fortunately, the Frozen Banshee helped us solve this trouble with a roar soon.

After successfully calming down the presidents of the Russian guilds, the Frozen Banshee also lowered the volume slightly, and then said, "I can understand your mood, but have you thought about it? How are we now? Frost Rose What's the situation over the Alliance? Even if we can counter-attack what impact can they now? Kill some players in the opponent, destroy some of the bases outside, what else can we do? You can defeat the Frost Rose Alliance The main force? You can destroy Isinger's mobile fortress? No. We don't have that kind of force. So, counter-attacks now have no meaning except to give them heads. "

The president of a Russian guild opposite said immediately and said excitedly: "But let's just leave it alone? Frost Rose Alliance has hit our site ~ ~ Do we still have to endure? It ’s not the land of your Banshee Alliance that you lost, do n’t you feel bad? ”

"How do you say that?" The next president of the Russian guild pointed at the guy and said, "Discuss the problem and discuss it. Don't attack it personally. We are in a very embarrassing situation now. , Then we really have no help. "

The scolded Russian guild president calmed down after hearing the man's words, but he still disapproved of the Frozen Banshee's plan. The Frozen Banshee also seems to be able to see that these people will not easily agree to her plan, so she continued after a little silence: "So then? Our Banshee's House pays you to compensate you first how about it?"

The words of the Frozen Banshee were literally a blockbuster. The people around them immediately became confused again. Some people shouted that they couldn't do this, while others were excited and asked if they were true.

Looking at the conference center with the same market, I smiled and said, "It seems that even if I don't mess with them, it's not easy! Unfortunately, even then, I can't soften my hands." A few players said: "You are optimistic about them, I'll go and add some oil to them." (To be continued ...)

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