Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 182: The situation is wrong!

"Attention everyone, ready for battle."

With a loud roar, Russian players above the city walls took their turns seriously. This is a fortress city in western Russia called Bear Castle. This is a player-built city, which is not very large in itself, but its defense level is quite exaggerated. This is a pillar city in the region and acts as a checkpoint. It can block and protect nearby cities from being attacked by the enemy. Because his own position is too good, he wants to attack the nearby cities The first thing that needs to be addressed is this city.

According to everyone's meaning, do not attack this city. After all, our second battlefield is just a look, and we don't really need to occupy the Russian city. But Rose and I mean the same thing, that is, the more realistic we are playing here, the more safe Matsumoto is to congratulate them.

In essence, the real purpose of this battle is to undermine Russia's counterattack plan, and what we call money-making operations is incidental. Although the money-seeking operation seemed tempting, we couldn't be blinded by our immediate interests, and ended up losing watermelons and picking up sesame seeds. Our occupation area is where everyone ’s real interests lie. This is not the point, so it does n’t matter if we succeed or fail.

Although all the cooperating guilds hope that we will not touch this bear castle, they can't help it if our opinions are unified. On the one hand, our previous decisions were very accurate, so they could not find the reason for refutation. On the other hand, the contract clearly stated that before we could stand still on the Russian side. The command of all participating guilds is in the hands of our guilds, so unless they intend to violate the agreement, they can only be obedient.

Under the premise that they did not dare to turn their faces to us, the Alliance players could only reach the outer area of ​​this bear castle under our command, and those Russian players who had known for a long time that they were coming were also on the wall immediately after hearing the order Ready to meet our challenge, but what they didn't expect was that not only our troops appeared, there was even a huge figure behind our large troops.

As a matter of fact, Russian players have seen the shadow of this stage for a long time, but they couldn't believe it at first, and finally confirmed this fact when they got closer. That is, the Isinger Mobile Fortress not only served as a transport aircraft for jumping tactics. It was also used as a siege tank.

In addition to the space jumping system and anti-gravity device, Isinger Mobile Fortress is also equipped with a crawler-type walking mechanism. We used this thing when we were in Japan. We used to go a long distance in Japan and pushed several cities along the way. The Essinger Mobile Fortress at that time was exactly a giant mobile bunker. Help us siege with powerful firepower. While relying on its own defense to resist enemy attacks. This time, we intend to use the method we used in Japan again.

Russian players froze when they saw Isinger moving over the fortress, and then started scolding their mothers. However, this is also human nature, after all, the battlefield roller of Isinger Mobile Fortress is too unbalanced. However, things are now in front of them, and it is useless to say anything. There is no other way for Russian players to prepare for a tough battle.

The long-range firepower weapons equipped on the Isinger Mobile Fortress are much more powerful than those on the side of Bear Castle. The starting range is also our Isinger Mobile Fortress, so we have not yet entered the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Before the edge of the city, our Isinger mobile fortress fired at Bear Castle in one step.

The Russian players in the fortress first saw a row of fire lights from Isinger's mobile fortress from a distance, and then heard the whistling sound of a whistle, followed by a large black spot from the sky.

"Bombardment, concealment!" Someone shouted as soon as they responded. Russian players nearby lay on the ground as soon as possible, and then there was a wave of shaking.

As a fortified city, Bear Fort is also quite scary. Compared with mobile weapons, the large artillery pieces in the city do not need to be moved, so they can be very large and naturally have a considerable range. However, Isinger Mobile Fortress can actually start shelling outside the range of Bear Castle, which indicates that the cannon used by Isinger Mobile Fortress is significantly larger. Because they are all super-caliber heavy artillery, the power of these shells is naturally quite horrible.

The number of shells fired in the first round of bombardment actually was not large, and the error was very large, because this distance was actually just the limit range for the artillery on the side of Isinger's moving fortress.

Along with the shaking of the ground, the shells fell down like raindrops, but after waiting for a long time, many people found themselves seemingly okay, so they looked up boldly again, and it was a joy to see this. stand up. The guy jumped straight from the ground, and then laughed and said, "Hahahaha, don't hide, the enemy's range is not enough, and the shells have fallen outside the city."

With the shout of this guy, everyone jumped up and then looked outside. At this time, the shelling had not completely ended, and there were still shells falling down, but almost all of the shells fell outside the city wall, and the ground outside the city was completely pitted, but it did not hurt the fort. The only effective hit was also a dozen meters outside the city wall, but because of the larger caliber of the shell, it was indeed a brick on the ancient city wall that shattered a few pieces.

The Russian players laughed at the situation, and the commanders were a little relieved, but when they just relaxed, they suddenly saw a ball of fire burst from the city wall, and then There was a loud noise. A section of a city wall that was almost seven or eight meters long was directly blown up by a third, and the guards above were completely disappeared. The scattered stones fell inside the city walls, smashing many private houses, and several areas also caused small-scale fires.

Although this was just a shell, this one was to stop all the laughter of Russian players. Someone with vision has finally understood. Although our shells did not hit the inside of the city wall, the range actually reached the wall. In other words, we are actually very close to the range. However, the range of the Fort Schumacher's own firepower is still several kilometers away from our Isinger Mobile Fortress. In this way, after the Isinger Mobile Fortress enters the range, they may still miss the Isinger Mobile Fortress.

Only a few people thought about this idea, but the laughter of Russian players completely disappeared. After all, many people were killed when they were hit by the city wall.

When the Russian player was cold on the other side, he stood on the other side of the tower. I looked away from the large dedicated telescope. Then he said to the army **** behind him, "No, the range is still not enough. Move 500 meters forward."

"But in this case, we may also enter the range of the Russians." War God reminded.

The gold coin next to it also said: "Russia is different from other countries. This is not the small country we usually bully. Their artillery skills are also very good. We're afraid we won't take much advantage."

When I heard the words of the gold coins and the **** of war, I said directly, "You just think about the Russian artillery. You have thought of our advantages?"

"Our advantage?"

"Yes. Although the Russians are very technical, but their cities are so big, our Essinger Mobile Fortress is a high-end city. So our cannons are larger than their cannons. Even Russian players can build cannons like ours, but their city levels are there, and even if they have such cannons, they will not be able to fit them! Therefore, our cannons definitely have a range advantage, and I am confident. You also know that our Isinger Mobile Fortress is much higher than their city. This high advantage can make our cannonballs fly farther. Finally, didn't you notice? "

I suddenly asked a little bit about the gold coins and the **** of war, and the red moon next to them helped them directly: "Today is the northwest wind, we are basically downwind. Even if the other attributes are the same, our shells have a range. Advantage."

"That's what you said!" Then the gold coins came to light.

that is the truth. Today's northwest wind has just helped us a lot. Because it is basically a downwind, our shells have a natural advantage, and because of the height problem of Essinger's Mobile Fortress, we also have an altitude advantage. These advantages combined to produce even more Great range.

After receiving my order, the **** of war instructed Isinger to move the fortress and continue to move forward for 500 meters, and then lowered the various supports and fixed it on the ground.

"Each cannonball uses one cannon to fire one shell, and we try to hit a point." I said.

The **** of war quickly conveyed my words, so the artillery positions and fixed turrets on the front of Isinger's Mobile Fortress moved. After aiming at the fortress, all the turrets started firing in sequence, and the shells rang again at the fort The roar of the air.

Because it is an extreme range shot, our trajectory path is also messy, and the shells flying over are very deviating, but after all, the distance has become shorter, so there is no previous situation.

With the sound of whistling, the first shell accurately landed inside the opponent's city, and then there was a loud noise, a small mushroom cloud rising into the air, and four or five buildings were instantly razed to the ground. There were several casualties.

It was as if the Charge was sounding. As the first shell landed, the shell in the back fell like a rain, and then it was completely chaotic inside the castle. Fireballs have been raised one after another and among the houses, which not only blew up many houses and streets, but also lit many houses.

Looking at the fireballs erupting around, those Russian players started to extinguish the fire actively. It did indeed quickly extinguish most of the fire locations. After all, this is a fortress city. It is different from ordinary commercial cities. All the buildings are in Considering the needs of combat when constructing, so there are few wooden structures, mostly masonry structures, naturally it is not easy to burn, even if it is lit, it is easy to extinguish.

Although the fire was gone, the nightmare for Russian players has just begun. Although the first tentative bombardment was messy, at least it all fell inside the city. So we found things right away. The turrets started firing uninterruptedly into the city here, and various ammunitions were detonated in the city. However, Russian players have long been psychologically prepared in this regard, so they are not too worried. After all, artillery alone cannot occupy the city. We need to send people in to occupy the city.

Although the Russian players were very calm, our side was still unwavering in shelling for a full twenty minutes. Twenty minutes later, almost two-thirds of the houses of Russian players in this city have been ruined. What ’s more tragic is that their walls are as if they were struck by dogs. There are gaps everywhere, and the most important city is The door was also blown away, leaving a pile of ruins. Anyone who comes here can easily climb over.

Facing the gate that had collapsed completely. Russian players can only do temporary repairs, and take the stones from the nearby bombed houses and pile them up at the gates of the city.

Although very confusing, Russian players quickly extinguished the fire in the city and dealt with the city walls simply. At least it looks like the city defense is complete. And thanks to the wonderful design of this city. There are many survivors of their battery.

At that time, the designers of this city did not know what they thought, but they scattered the forts inside the city instead of behind the city walls to form a unified line of artillery. It was because of this strange shooting. As a result, we have no way to focus on the turret. All the turrets that were hit were unfortunate. Most of the turrets survived because they were stronger than private houses. After all, this kind of thing is a weapon of war, and it is particularly strong. If it is not directly hit, it usually does not exist Too big a problem.

After the bombardment ended, our side did not immediately let the player troops attack their city, because we also knew that their turrets were basically still alive, and now they were ready to be baptized by enemy shells.

What? You ask why do we know that their turrets are still there? Isn't this easy? Because the giant mosquito outpost is listening to Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and now our enemy mosquitoes are almost everywhere in the enemy city. What? Did you say that the giant mosquito outpost should be monitoring the Frozen Banshee?

I trust, you believe the false information to lie to the Frozen Banshee? Didn't see that the players who commanded the battle here were other Russian guilds instead of Frozen Banshees? It was because the Frozen Banshee heard that we would send a giant mosquito outpost to stare at her, so she deliberately performed a fake command screen in the rear, but we did not know that we had no intention of monitoring her at all. There was a one-man show alone on her side.

Not to mention the Frozen Banshee being played, our battle situation has entered the second step plan. Because the enemy's turrets are still alive, we have directly started flying warships.

The number of air warships in this guild is actually quite large, but for the sake of confidentiality, there are a total of more than twenty ships out this time. This number is less than one percent of the total number of air warships in our guild. However, although there are only more than two dozen air warships here, critical moments can produce unexpected results.

Just when the Russian players over there didn't know what was going on, our battleships had flew from behind the moving fortress of Issinger, and then started approaching Bear Castle. At first glance, the artillery ceased, and we thought we would start advancing forward. I did not expect that it would not be a combat team but an air battleship.

"Look, what's that?" After seeing the air battleships on our side, the Russian players immediately became a little messy. Although it is not a big secret that we have air battleships, after all, we have been using this thing very carefully, so many people know that we have air battleships, but we have not seen many.

The sudden appearance of the air battleship did not approach the city directly from a low altitude, but after climbing up, it has been climbing at a forty-five degree angle. It seems that it is intended to fly all the way to the top of the bear castle.

People in Russia are not fools. Once these spacecraft are flown above their heads, you can know what happened after that, nothing more than bombing.

Although the liquefied magic crystal steam bomb in the game is very expensive, the explosives are not expensive at all, and the gadgets are not overly expensive. The reason these explosives are not valuable in the game is mainly because they are less useful. The first is because the in-game items will be refreshed, so the production of mines or bombs requires the skills of professionals, and ordinary people can only use the explosives if they use them directly. If you leave it for a while, it will be refreshed by the system. If it cannot be used to pit people, it can only be used for mining, but the demand is not large, the output of this explosive is not small, and the natural price is quite cheap.

However, because the players in the game have skills, although this explosive is very cheap, but considering the cost performance, it is not very good. However, it would not be the same if explosives were dropped as bombs from the sky. This bomb can be used by anyone. And as long as the spacecraft flies above the enemy's head, it can be thrown down. Such a simple thing can be done by individuals, and considering the price of explosives, making aerial bombs is obviously a very cost-effective thing. Of course, the premise is that you need an aircraft with sufficient carrying capacity. Otherwise, let Warcraft take a few bombs and fly around. The meaning is rather limited.

No matter how. Our air battleship is obviously very suitable for bomb dropping, so the Russian players discovered this situation as soon as possible. A large number of flying units began to fly from the city towards our flying battleship.

"Have you finally come out?" Hongyue, who flew on the flying battleship, jumped onto an anti-aircraft gun, and then shouted, "Attention all units. Shoot freely, don't let those guys come close."

The flying battleships of our guild are air units themselves, so there are quite a lot of air defense weapons and equipment. All of the battleships here are equipped with a large number of multi-barreled rapid-fire guns. These rapid-fire guns use the principle of real multi-tube rotary machine guns. After all, the structure of this gadget is actually very simple, as long as there is a metal slide to match a few The spring can complete the firing of multiple gun barrels in turn. As for how to turn these barrels ... the motor will not do it, you always use the pedals of the bicycle, right? Therefore, the revolver guns of our bank are all foot-operated and need to be fired while stepping on them. The biggest advantage of this control method is that you can use your own feet to control the rate of fire. When you need to step on the bullet a little faster, it will be very dense. If you want to save ammunition, it is simpler and slower.

Hongyue was originally a mage, but she was also a violent, so she became fascinated with this pedal-type multi-barreled machine gun. This time she finally caught the chance, and of course she had to be addicted.

The excited Red Moon crazily stepped on the pedals, and the cannon she controlled was spitting out tongues of fire. The ammunition used by this machine gun is actually a small artillery shell, with a caliber of 23 millimeters, and its power is quite good. At least it is very powerful to fight those flying Warcraft. Except for the abnormalities like dragons, the general flying Warcraft only needs to hit a San Wufa can guarantee the other party never to fly again. Even a single hit is enough to force the opponent to land.

As Red Moon fired wildly, other gun positions also fired, and when all anti-aircraft guns started firing, the special hatches under those flying warships also opened, and then saw a The air combat-type mobile angel of Bubu fell out like dumplings.

Nearly a thousand air combat mobile angels were thrown out by hula. The Russian players on the opposite side were instantly calm. There were only more than 5,000 flying units on their side, and the air combat mobile angels on the other side had 1,000. More and more terrible is that the Isinger Mobile Fortress below also flies up with a ticket for air combat units. That's the guardian spear of our guild. These guys all around the world know that it is the recognized king of air combat. In addition to super warcraft such as dragons, they can rely on other attributes to suppress their air combat capabilities. They fly in general. Warcraft saw that they did not dare to lift off. Although these guys' fighting power is not high, the motive force is too strong, and ordinary flying creatures can only be abused when they encounter them in the air, so our guild can always grasp the air superiority.

The way the pikes fight is actually quite simple. Sonic bombs are used at long distances. Although the power is not great, but because this is a special attack, it ignores the defense and directly hurts the blood. Therefore, if you are hit too much, you will die. And if the distance is close enough, the spears will use the long awl-like bone structure in front of them to puncture the cutting target. This attack method is very powerful, but the shortcomings are also obvious. It is easy to cause the spear to lose its power. Once it hits, it cannot fall away, and it will fall with the prey. However, the spears also know their problems, so they generally only use this trick in the last strike, usually using air superiority and enemy dealings. Then use the sonic bomb to polish the enemy's blood a little bit, and finally use the puncture skills to get it done.

Looking at the thousands of spears flying densely below, those Russian air combat players almost didn't cry. Air combat mobile angels are already troublesome enough. Now they still run out so many spears. Does this still make people live?

In spite of all reluctance, the battle still has to be fought. Russian players can only fight with gunfire and fight with air combat-type mobile angels under the play of spears, and the results are expected by everyone. In less than five minutes of fighting, the Russian air combat player dropped a large piece, and the remaining people only lasted for three more minutes, so the air combat was over. The difference in air superiority between the two sides is obvious, and Russian players did not fight with us in the air at all.

After successfully destroying those flying units, the air combat units on our side began to return. Those battleships flew over them as expected by Russian players. Immediately following the opening of the bottom hatches of these warships, large bombs, like syringes, descended from the sky and ran towards the ground with horror whistling ghostly.

Boom ... With a loud noise, the whole city seemed to shake. A large number of houses were instantly razed. Numerous players were killed or injured. The explosives deployed by the players in the game are not as powerful as those magical explosives. But this thing is cheap, and there is no technical difficulty. We can make these aerial bombs as large as possible without considering the carrying capacity. In this case, we directly produced this one ton super bomb. and. This one ton is not the actual weight of the bomb, but the weight of the explosives inside. The actual weight of the bomb was about one ton and nodded. Except for a layer of iron skin and an inertial acceleration detonator at the rear, the bomb was almost entirely filled with explosives. The power of this one-ton bomb can be imagined.

Because it is not valuable, our air battleship brought a lot of these things this time, throwing a bunch down in one breath, and then the Bear Fort side was completely finished. In fact, what those Russian players don't know is that, in addition to their powerful power, our bomb also has a very good feature, which is automatic guidance.

This so-called automatic guidance is not a high technology, but a purely indigenous method. We designed a hanging ring in front of the bomb, and when using it, let an archer who can guide the arrow skills stand next to the projection port and shoot an arrow at the target. There will be a rope at the tail end of the arrow connected to the one in front of the bomb. Ring, when he shoots an arrow, he will start the bomber by the way, and then the arrow will go down with the bomb. The arrow must be faster than the bomb during the fall process, because the bomb is only doing free fall, and the arrow has an initial velocity. Therefore, the guide arrow will drag the bomb in front of the bomb towards the target. Of course, the power of the guide arrow is very small, and it is impossible to carry a large-angle maneuver with the bomb, but if we drop the bomb from a high altitude, even a small deviation from the angle during the drop of the bomb can cause a huge deviation of the landing point, and the fall In the process, the bomb is suspended, and the force required to guide it to change direction is actually not great. Therefore, a bomb with a guide arrow in front is almost the same as a guided bomb, not to mention it can be directly dropped on a person's head, at least around him Within three meters is absolutely no problem. In terms of the power of such a one-ton bomb, the difference between three meters and one meter is almost the same.

Because our bombs are so powerful and scary with high hit rates, the Russian side finally learned to cry without tears and found that the battle defenses had all been reimbursed before the official start of their city defense weapons. Except for a small bed crossbow, it is unknown whether it survived because it was too small and was not found. All other slightly defensive weapons were killed by bombs, and these bombs were reimbursed when they were killed. A fifth of the guards.

The enemy has already suffered heavy losses before the charge begins, and the player in charge of city defense has almost no vomiting blood directly. However, the Frozen Banshee gave this to him. He couldn't escape. In desperation, this guy can only brace the scalp and organize the rest of the staff to carry out the style of hard combat, and stand against the ruins of the city wall against the artillery and bombs.

By the way, this city wall was completely reimbursed in the previous bombing. Although there are still a few sections of the city wall alive, but as long as we are not all 250, we definitely know that we need to go around, because apart from these In addition to the city walls being spared, more than half of the city walls have been completely collapsed, so many entrances. You can walk as you want, you don't have to worry about the walls at all.

The Russian players easily organized a line of defense after throwing bombs on our side, and our side finally began to dispatch regular troops.

I saw a huge army out of the army already prepared in front of Isinger's Mobile Fortress. It seemed that the army was very complete and very deterrent. However, to the Russians' surprise, the team's forward speed is very slow, and there are military bands around.

Although it is said that the magic player in the game can definitely generate auxiliary gain effects on friendly units on the battlefield, the situation of these people is not like driving gain effects, but just playing music. but. Although we are very strange performance. But the team is still moving forward, so those Russian players can only wait for our team to get closer. After all, no matter how bad the walls are, they can still block our magic attack, better than they rushing out and playing field battles with us.

The Russian players who thought they were going to die on the battlefield soon were ready to meet our attacking forces on the ruined walls, but they waited for more than an hour. Tense from the beginning. To later doubts. Bored again. Then it was completely helpless. The distance between the cities on both sides is really not too close, after all, this is the range of the cannon, but. Even if our team is slow, we should not walk for more than an hour. Moreover, it is even stranger that in order to reduce casualties on the battlefield, attacking forces usually hope to approach the city walls as soon as possible. After all, the slower your speed, the more defense waves your opponent can attack, and this will increase your own casualties. Although our air strikes have destroyed their defensive facilities, don't we need to show such a brazen superiority?

Those Russian players who were ready to be heroic just didn't almost fall asleep at the last position. At this speed, if they do n’t do anything, we can walk for at least an hour before they approach the city wall. This situation is obviously not quite right.

Finally, those Russian players who waited for another half an hour were finally intolerable. One of the more impulsive guys immediately jumped up and shouted, "Dying will make Lao Tzu die. What's the matter with you?" Then he rushed out of the city wall and committed suicide towards our large army. Charge.

Seeing this man rushing out, the commander in charge of commanding this line of defense immediately yelled and shouted that guy's name and asked him to come back, but the guy had been driven mad, so he hoped to die and forget it In one breath, I ran across the last short distance and rushed into the line of defense on our side.

Immediately after rushing up, this player immediately started fighting with our people. According to his ideas, he hit a complete infantry line by himself. It must have been knocked out on the spot. It may even be impossible to get close, and then die. However, the results were unexpected. He was indeed attacked by archers and magicians at first, but the problem was that when he thought he was dead, he rushed through.

Of course, he is not invincible, so it is inevitable when he is injured, but with six arrows in his body and he actually suffered two magic fireballs, he only lost one tenth of his health. Although he is a tank, with high defenses and thick blood, the problem is that this is a battlefield. He is set on fire by the enemy. Even if it doesn't drop in a round, it is very simple to destroy him. But instead of being beaten, he lost only one-tenth of his blood. Is this too easy? Did the collectives on the opposite side all deal the least damage? But this is too incredible, right?

There wasn't much time to think that he had crossed the coverage area of ​​the long-range weapon, and then collided with the shield man in front. At first he thought he would be blocked, and then strangled to death by the spearman behind him. When the two armies fought and attacked each other's infantry formation, the first few rows of the attacking side were basically dead, without exception. However, just before he hit the shield, he was stabbed three times by the spear protruding from the back of the shield, but he found that the opponent failed to break the defense, and then he hit the shield in front of him, and then Get into a ball with that shield player.

According to his idea, he should be blocked, but after the collision, he found that the guy on the opposite side had very little strength and did not block him. As a result, he was tripped because he didn't expect to be able to rush through.

The group of Russian players behind such weird things almost didn't stare out. One of them rubbed his eyes and said, "Isn't I dazzled? When did Bakanov become so fierce?"

"The ghost knows what's going on!" The person next to him also had a question mark in his head and no one answered it.

In fact, this guy has a question mark in his head. He doesn't know why he hasn't died yet. but. Since it wasn't dead, and rushed in, fight. He got up from a turn on the ground, and was cut by two knives during the period, but the injuries were slight. Then he slaped a knife and axeman next to him, and then looked at his palm in doubt, but did not wait for a response. Several people came to him and he started to fight back. But there are a lot of people across from us. Although he attacked high. But these people cooperated quite well, so he died eventually, but by the time he died, he had actually been inside this line for 30 seconds.

Alone attacked the Infantry Regiment alone. Not only rushed in. And it survived for thirty seconds. The one in Hongguoguo is the Meng general! But the problem is that everyone knows the strength of this guy. If you have a little strength, it is definitely not so fierce.

Most Russian players don't understand what is going on. But the Russian players are not all ordinary people, there are smart people everywhere, so someone suddenly responded.

One of the sub-captain-level Russian players suddenly stood up and asked a few people around him: "Do you believe me?"

Those people looked at him in doubt. Although very confused, they usually believed in this guy, because this guy is the leader of their squad. Usually everyone leveled together. His command can always protect everyone just right. So when he asked such a question, everyone just hesitated for a second and then said, "Believe."

"Good, now that you believe, follow me to verify one thing."

"You say it. What do we do?"

The player said: "I need you to follow me like Bakanov to attack the enemy's defense. I need to verify something. I can tell you that your impact defense will definitely be destroyed, but if my guess is correct Then we will get a lot of rewards. What are you willing to do with me? "

"That's okay?" Several people stood up.

The guy nodded in relief, then shouted forward with a weapon: "Crush!"

I do n’t know if it ’s because of emotional tension. This guy shouted that when he rushed, he rushed out not only under his own hands, but even the next few teams followed him. Although their movement was half a beat slow, they did rush. come out.

In fact, these followers did not believe them, but they got it wrong. Because Bakanov's single attack on the infantry square was so amazing, it caused a few captains here to be a bit disoriented, and the results suddenly appeared The team at the side of the plate began to charge collectively, thinking that they had not received the order of the charge. The result was such a confusion that they brought their own people up.

Several teams rushed together, everyone around them was driven, and finally somehow turned into a collective charge. The chief commander over there saw the whole wing rushed out, and then hesitated for a moment. I wanted to stop them, but think that it is impossible to call these guys in this situation. It is a death anyway. Be braver. Thinking of this, he simply gave up the attack order without hesitation, and it turned out to be the total attack power.

It was originally the side that defended the city. In the end, it became an offensive side, and it was a large charge of the whole army. This kind of thing is estimated that Maozi can do it.

However, what made those who originally held the dead mind did not expect that as soon as they contacted the opposing forces, a battle scene like chopping melon and vegetables appeared. But it wasn't the ashes that had been blown up that were cut, but the attacking forces that looked very powerful.

Originally, Russian players thought that these people should be very strong. After all, this is the vanguard and it is the attacking force. It should be very powerful. Coupled with our strong firepower preparation, these troops should naturally be very strong. However, in fact these forces are not weak, but weak and abnormal.

Those Russian players who don't know what's going on at this time don't care what the reason is at this time, anyway, since they can't die, kill them. Kill one enough, kill two to earn one.

Driven by this will to fight, Russian players even defeated our regular army, and then they found that Isinger's Mobile Fortress was actually reversing. This is clearly a posture intended to withdraw from the battle.

The Russian player commander here looked at this situation ~ ~ and then contacted the fighting situation here, and suddenly felt that he had a good idea. The guy directly slaps the command flag in his hand to the hand of the deputy next to him, and then turns around and runs while shouting here to give him the command, and no one is there in the blink of an eye.

The deputy looked faint at the command flag in his hand. Why is everything so strange today? The enemy's army was weak, and it turned out that the situation was about to reverse, but his boss suddenly ran away. You said that if you are about to defeat you, it ’s okay to say something, but the situation is very good, are you in a hurry to get a rebirth?

While the deputy was muttering there, their chief commander rushed to the surviving transfer station in the city. Regardless of the horrified eyes of the guards here, this guy jumped up directly and launched the teleportation array, which disappeared instantly. The next second he appeared in another city far away.

When this guy arrived here, he rushed to a tall house here for the first time, and here is the headquarters where the Frozen Banshee is now. She is here to command the entire battle. Of course, the code is used.

"Well? How come you are back?" Suddenly seeing this player running in the Frozen Banshee was startled, thinking that it was lost in Xiongbao? But this is too fast, right? (To be continued ...)

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