Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 191: Celestial Treasury

\ "What kind of price do you wish us to give?" "The emperor Yuhuang looked at me and asked.

\ "About the price ... In fact, I don't have a fixed concept. \"

\ "Then how to talk about it? \" The Emperor Jade asked in doubt.

\ "This thing is like this. \" I organized the language a bit, and then interfaced: \ "Although we have done a lot of business in the Frost Rose Alliance, the business partners who work with us are all in one organization. You can use ordinary items or settle directly with money. However, heaven is a protoss power, and some of your resources are not universal, and you have many resources that are useless to you. However, it is of great value to us, so I don't think it is appropriate for us to directly quote prices. The most suitable method is to make a list of all the things you can use as compensation, and then come up with some detailed information. Such as the use of these things and how to use them. In this case, if we have any transaction in the future, as long as we directly check this table. \ "

\ "This is really convenient for the transaction between us, but this kind of thing takes a lot of time to sort out, and we will not be ready for a short while! \"

\ "About this issue, I think we can sort it out and let me choose accordingly. When you sort it out, I can choose what I need by the way, and I can use it as a chip for this transaction when I find something valuable. . \ "

\ "This is OK. \" Jade Emperor turned and said to Tai Shang Laojun: \ "Laojun, this matter will trouble you. \"

\ "Old minister complies. \" Tai Shang Laojun said that he led me to leave Ling Xiao Bao Dian, and after I left, all the gods here celebrated. After all, the things that were given to me did not matter. How much is nothing to them, but it is a real benefit to get a lot of income from the power of faith, so these gods and Buddhas are all excited.

While the gods and Buddhas were celebrating there, I had already walked to a place behind the heavenly court with Tai Shang Laojun. However, unlike the palaces in the ordinary heavenly court, here is This place is actually not a palace, but a floating mountain. Although there are many floating mountains in the heavens, this one is definitely quite strange. Because it is different from those floating mountains that are basically flat on the top, this floating mountain is a whole Diamond-shaped structure. It feels as if the bottom of the two mountains are docked to form such a mountain.

We arrived at the widest point in the center of the mountain, and there is a place similar to a cave, but this place is obviously renovated. The entrance to the cave has not only been built with a gate, but also a small square in front.

\ "老君. \" As soon as we stepped on this square, two Jinjia gods suddenly appeared next to them. The two did not know where they were hiding before. I didn't see them before. But as soon as I landed, I found that they appeared directly in front of us, and they were already saluting Taishang Laojun. If they were not saluting, but they attacked us, wouldn't it mean that we were not cut off by the other party? Don't you feel the other person? This ability is really against the sky.

Tai Shang Laojun did not have any abnormal response to the appearance of these two golden armor gods. If it had not been known for a long time, it must be that he had a way to discover each other in advance. But I do n’t know how they returned It is just a guess that the abilities of the two Jinjia gods should not be their own abilities, and may have something to do with this floating mountain.

After the two golden armor gods were about to finish the ceremony, Tai Shang Laojun immediately said: "" I serve the will of the Jade Emperor. Bring President Ziri here to choose the reward, this is the law seal. " A golden aperture.

One of the golden armor gods will immediately catch the aperture and say: "" The seal is correct, Laojun please. "

Tai Shang Lao Jun nodded his head, then walked forward and said to me: "" President Ziri has heard of Baoshan? "

\ "Baoshan? \"

\ "Everywhere there is a saying that went deep into Baoshan but came back empty-handed, this is the floating mountain originally. This is one of the treasure houses in the heavenly court. It contains a lot of magical instruments, spiritual treasures and other things. That ’s also a terrible thing in the world. However, the guards here are very strict. Most people do n’t want to bring out a thing without consent, so there is a saying that they have entered Baoshan and returned empty-handed. \ "

I nodded and said, "Is the guard here very strict? I saw two guards!"

\ "The guard does not have to be on the outside! \" Tai Shang Laojun said and pointed to the two stone lions on both sides of the cave entrance. \ "Do you have an idea to see this gatekeeper?"

When I heard the words of Taishang Laojun, I took a serious look. I didn't really notice it before, but I noticed the problem immediately when I focused on it. It was clear that the two beasts were squatting there, not at all. What a stone lion. Although I can be sure that the outer layer is really a stone shell, but the inner one is a real beast.

\ "I rely, isn't this 饕餮? \"

\ "That's right. This is a tadpole, and it is a very rare two tadpoles. Their fighting ability is much stronger than their companions, and they have a special hobby, that is, sleep. The longer they sleep, the more they wake up. The more hungry, the combat effectiveness will increase. These two have not been awake for thousands of years, so once I wake up, even me, beware. \ "

\ "I know you have a lot of good things in heaven. \"

\ "What's this, I'll take you in and take a look and you'll know." "Tai Shang Laojun said and guided me into that gate.

This door looks like the door of the ancient Crown Prince's house. [,! ] Almost. The red door is decorated with a large number of copper nails, and the door knocker is a metal ring surrounded by two beast heads, but this metal ring is not a simple ring, because it is actually a small golden dragon coiled up. Forming.

When we approached, the little dragon on the door swam up automatically, then entangled to the beast head on one side, and then the door opened by itself.After we entered, the door closed automatically, and the dragon swam back to lock the door again. live.

The real cave is behind this gate. Although there is no decoration. But the walls are cut and fairly flat, and there are fluorescent gravel on the ground, not only it looks pretty. What's more, these stones act as The light source illuminated the entire cave.

The entrance to the cave is very long. But after you walk up, you just have to walk forward and you will feel like walking on the conveyor belt. You obviously feel that you are only walking at normal speed. But you can feel the wind in your ears and estimate the speed. At least 80 kilometers per hour. I don't know if this is too old Laojun cast spells on me in order to save time or the way of this place.

After walking a long distance, we soon reached a very large cave. This cave is more beautiful than the road in front because there is a lake. There is also a lot of luminous fluorite in the lake. It shines on the ground through the lake. The top becomes a color between ice blue and tender green, which is quite beautiful.

Most of the area of ​​this huge cave is occupied by this lake, and the rest is a crescent-shaped land, and an altar is built at the widest position of this crescent, and it stands on the altar. There is a single door. Because we entered the side of the crescent, we can directly see the front and back sides of the door. The door is not attached to the wall, but stands in the center of the altar. I have seen many doors of this structure, and this construction usually means that this is a portal.

Tai Shang Laojun did not rush to the door, but took me directly to the lake, and then took a stone from the ground as soon as he reached out and raised his hand and threw it in the lake. Go out. I saw that the originally calm, mirror-like lake suddenly spun up, and then I saw a huge head popping out of the water with a lot of scattered lake water. I was too old Jun quickly brushed a layer of protective cover on his body, and then looked at the lake that fell like a waterfall outside and flowed along the protective cover before removing the protective cover.

Of course, it is not a monster that comes out of the lake, but an authentic Shenlong, but this is not a golden dragon, but a cyan-blue dragon with almost a color of lake water.

The size of this Shenlong does not seem to be very large. At least as far as I know about Shenlong, this one definitely uses spells to reduce his own volume. After all, even the Dragon Girl, which is still in the childhood stage of the Shenlong family, has already It is hundreds of meters long. This dragon can be guarded in the treasure house of heaven. How long can it live for thousands of years? How can this power be only 200 meters long? Isn't this a joke?

Immediately after the Shenlong appeared, he snarled at Taishang Laojun: \ "You old guy throws stones into my lake every time you come, are you sincere? \"

\ "Did I remind you that a guest is here?"

\ "I just need time to wake up, where do I need you to remind? \" Then Shenlong said suddenly he flew up to the shore, and at the same time his body was changing rapidly. When he landed, he had become a very handsome Tsing Yi Son. Of course, the two dragon horns on the dragon's head are still very conspicuous, so even a fool knows that this is just the dragon.

To be honest, the genes of the Shenlong family are really very good. The changed image of the Shenlong looks in his 30s, but this 30s is not old, but a calm temperament. At first glance, I feel very young. After carefully reopening, I will think that this is a middle-aged man with a beautiful face. Of course, in fact, this should be a real old monster. After all, there are at least a thousand in front of this. Aged, saying that the old monster is not exaggerated at all.

In addition to looking calm and calm in his looks, the Shenlong's body is also quite standard. It seems that at least one meter nine is tall and tall.Although he is wearing a schoolboy's uniform, he has a kind of knight. The feeling is not obvious. After all, this is a dragon. If this can be regarded as weak, how can others live?

After becoming a humanoid, the Shenlong looked at me, and then came directly to clenched his fists. \ "In the Xiabaoshan Lingbao Grottoes, the immortal monk Ao Lai, I do n’t know how to call them? \"

\ "在下 紫 日. \" It was strange that the other party started to use classical Chinese without even consciously speaking.

\ "Oh, it ’s Ziri Xianyou. This is the place of heaven, most people are not allowed to enter. But since the old man brought you here, I want to come with the jade emperor's purpose. I do n’t know if I want to come to pick things up this time. Save something? \ "

\ "Is fetching things. \"

\ "Oh, please follow me. \" This talks well, but it seems that there is a mustache with Taishang Laojun. Anyway, it is obvious that this is quite unseen for Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun usually looks like a fairy-like bone, which seems to be very elegant, but I don't know why the temperament of the whole person has changed a bit like the old hooligan after seeing this. It is said that each person has several personalities. Is it too old? There is a big gap!

Follow Ao Lai to the altar. Then the other person gently pushed the door and the door opened. But I know that if you change someone, the door you see will not be the place we see now but the hole behind you. It's a wall because Ao Lai is pushing the door. [,! ] A certain ability was obviously used at the moment. There was a very strong energy spreading out. Therefore, he must be a part-time key to the gate, and no one would want to open the door without him.

I have made several guesses about the situation behind this opened door, but I was shocked when I actually saw it, because the behind the door was so amazing.

The space behind this portal turned out to be a cosmic star, and immediately after we walked in, it entered a state of no gravity. The surrounding is empty, and various celestial bodies can be seen in the distance. If there is no oxygen here, I I must have thought that this was in space, but what surprised me more than the space environment was the densely packed treasures.

The space inside this gate is a completely gravity-free environment, so everything can be suspended in its place. As long as you don't touch it, it won't move. And at this moment in front of us is a countless baby The wall that is composed of so many uncountable babies just hangs around us, and the scene is really spectacular.

\ "This is the treasure of heaven? \" Looking at the baby who couldn't find the edge at all. My excited heartbeat started to rise unconsciously.

Ao Lai explained: \ "These things you see are stored here in heaven, but this orangutan is not a baby, at most it can only be regarded as some equipment, and it is still not commonly used equipment. \"

\ "Then you mean the baby in heaven is not here? \"

\ "Of course the real baby in heaven is not here. \" Ao Lai said seriously: \ Of course there is a baby that will be used, how can it be hidden here? Those better gears are held in the hands of various gods It is impossible to exist in such a place. However, there are some very strong things that are not used because of special reasons or there is no suitable user. Those are considered real treasures, and of course those things cannot be placed here. Instead, there are special storage points. \ "

\ "Then can I go and see? \"

\ "This is not something I can decide. \" Ao Lai said: \ "The real treasures are guarded by other people. \"

Taishang Laojun also said at this time: \ "If you want to see Ziri, I can also take you there, but first of all, those are very expensive things. If you want to take them away, at most two are possible. I'm going to offset the entire reward this time. \ "

I glanced at Taishang Laojun and said: "Now I just count the supplies, but I didn't say that I want to settle down now, I will still go to the Emperor Jade Emperor to talk about it, you can't directly price me."

\ "Xing Xing Xing, I will be responsible for showing you the way anyway, you and the Jade Emperor will decide. \"

Laojun nodded too much, so Ao Lai directly took us out of this place full of stars, and then walked to the other end of the crescent moon. One end of this crescent-shaped land area is the cave entrance, and the middle The location is the gate of the starry sky, and the other end is another passage.

With Ao Lai, we quickly walked out of the labyrinth-like passage here. It is said that this place is a labyrinth, and the people who enter will be suppressed by all attributes, unless you can find a way out, otherwise It can be trapped inside, because it is useless for you to have the ability to penetrate the earth, because it can't be out at all.

Ao Lai knows the detailed traffic methods here, so he didn't take a detour and went directly to his destination.

The cave behind this maze is also protected by a cave, but it is not the same as the previous one. This is a tapered cave, the top of the cave is small and high, and the bottom is getting larger and larger. The bottom of the cave is A huge circular area with a diameter of more than one hundred meters, and the height above it is at least forty meters. A light beam is projected from the top of the hole above, and is shining at the center of the bottom of the hole. A huge golden lotus is on the ground, and on top of this golden lotus, it is more appropriate to sit alone, or it should be said that it is more appropriate to sit on a great god, because even Tai Shang Laojun and Aolai have come here. I dare not pant loudly.

I also dare not speak out when I saw the reactions of Ao Lai and Tai Shang Laojun. Everyone knows the identity of Tai Lao Lao, that Ao Lai can be a guard in such a place, and his status will not be too bad, but this The two in front of this golden lotus did not even dare to breathe in the atmosphere, then this one above is not a level with the leader of Hongjun? Because I seem to think that the last time the leader of Hongjun was too Laojun has never been so nervous. Does this mean he has a bad temper?

I was thinking, but the above one suddenly responded.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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