Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 197: Giant beast

In fact, I feel fine at all, because it is indeed an earthquake. When the earthquake was sensed, I quickly collected all the pets around me, and then spread my wings and flew up.

It is not obvious when on the ground, and many things become clear at a glance. When I flew up, I knew what was going on. This wasn't an earthquake at all, but the hill where I was just ... it was moving.

I saw that the round mountain bag was slowly rising from the ground, and then kept shaking left and right to separate itself from the ground little by little, and then about a minute later, under the mountain bag Suddenly, a large pillar suddenly stretched out, and then this thing was directly pressed on the edge of the ground, and then the pillar suddenly straightened, pushing up more parts below, and at the same time another pillar was stretched out. It came out to support the edge of the big hole formed on the ground due to the sudden rise of the mountain pack.

By this time, I already knew that this was not a mountain at all. His grandpa was actually an animal. Although I have always said that this is a small mountain bag, the problem is that this small is relative to the existence of the mountain. No matter how small this small mountain is, it is also a mountain, and the small mountain bag in front of it is regarded as a large university. No.

In fact, the main body of this "mountain" that is gradually rising can be seen. This should be a shape close to an oval. Its maximum length is about six to seven kilometers, and its width is the widest. It's about five kilometers wide.

How big is a mountain bag of this size?

When those two stout pillars reached the ground, I quickly found the guy's head again. Although a large part of this thing is still buried under the ground at this time, I can probably determine what kind of thing it is. Although I don't know the name of this creature, I can see that the shape of this thing is very similar to that of basalt, that is, the shape of the turtle is basically maintained, that is, the shape of the head and limbs is slightly different.

First of all, the hind limbs of this thing are not visible for the time being, but the proportion of the length of the forelimbs is obviously slightly longer than that of the turtle, which means that this thing may have more athletic ability than the turtle. Besides, this guy is almost a kilometer long with one leg, even if it is as slow as a turtle. His crawling speed is definitely not slower. After all, the legs are so long, and the distance for one step is enough for me to run for a long time.

Second, the head of this thing does not look like a turtle, but it is a bit like a dragon. Not a dragon. It's the dragon. This guy's head is like a dragon. The lines are thinner and longer than Shenlong's head, and there is not so much meat. It feels that the surface part is almost bone structure. It's the kind that looks amazingly hard.

After supporting the ground with his two forelimbs, the monster quickly pulled his hind limbs out of the ground, and then shook his body, and this shake was as if an earthquake had occurred again, and he was directly northward. The covered soil and plants shattered a lot, but even this guy still has a lot of soil. If you don't look around, you dare to connect like an island that can walk.

This thing completely climbed out from the ground did not take me as a target. In fact, such a big thing is unlikely to use me as a small food, so this guy started to crawl in one direction after coming out In the past, and by the way I found out that this guy's moving speed is indeed as fast as my guess. Although his movements don't look very fast, the step-by-step frequency can even be said to be slow, but because its legs are too long, the speed of walking is still quite exaggerated. More than 50 kilometers. Moreover, judging by his cadence, this guy is estimated to still be in a walking state, and it is difficult to imagine how fast this thing can run.

"Hey, are you stupid?" Xin shook her palms in front of me and regained my attention.

Then I remembered that there were people next to me, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I rarely see such a big thing, a little bit distracted." I'm the truth. Although there are many giant Warcrafts under my hands, the largest is only a few hundred meters long. Hei Yan is the largest of my magic pets, but even if he is restored to the original state, it is only five or six kilometers long. Although this length is not much different from the big turtle in front of you, the problem is that everyone is a turtle, and Hei Yan is a snake! One meter long snake and one meter long turtle, which one do you think is big? Besides, my Hei Yan has no parents yet.

Even Heiyan is incomparable to this guy. Fortunately, the so-called large magic pets such as lucky and plagued them are almost as big as the little white mouse beside the big buffalo. This gap is too scary!

"You're scared at such a small size?" Xin asked indifferently.

I shook my head and said, "I'm not scared, but surprised. I'm not afraid of this thing."

Before my voice was over, Xin immediately answered: "Then kill it and prove it to me."


"What are you looking at me for?" Xin said pretentiously. "Don't you say you're not afraid? Let's prove it."

"I ... but ... that ..."

"Are you afraid?"


"Then go."

"Do you really want it?" Although I can't see it, I know my expression must be hard to see.

Xin said with a mischievous expression: "Rest assured, this is a special training, I will not pit you."

"For Mao, I think you're opening me?" Of course, this is the thought in my heart, and I won't say it. "What ... Xin, discuss something!"

"You said."

"Can we change goals?"

"No, this is your next goal. Unless you plan to end your training now, I hope you kill this creature right away."

Knowing that the results have been impossible to change, I can only helplessly ask: "Is there a limit?"

"What restrictions?"

"For example, how to kill, and what props can be used."

"It doesn't matter. As long as you have the ability to kill it, you can do whatever you want. Even if you use those imprints to summon those little guys to help."

"That's not true. I haven't been an idiot enough to waste such important resources in this kind of place." I said, and then chased the monster over there and flew over. The movement speed of this thing is really quite fast, we just said a few words of effort and it has already run far.

It is not difficult to catch up with this thing. After all, this thing is just crawling on the ground. It cannot be faster than my wings. The key is **** this thing. The speed at which this gadget moves is negligible to me, but its defense is really something that can't be ignored.

Anyway, you need to try it first. I thought about it and slammed my fingers, luck appeared directly next to me.

"Oh my dragon god! What kind of monster is this?" I was shocked when I saw the thing below, even though he was over a hundred meters long. But they are six or seven kilometers long. Fortunately, fifty to sixty times longer. In addition, the dragon is actually not much fatter than a snake, so the gap between the size and this thing is very obvious.

"Okay, okay, I need to kill this thing now, please go down and try some water first."

"What? Let me test the water?" Fortunately, looking at me, asked, "Master, are you sure you are not doing tricks?"

I nodded vigorously: "Yes. We're doing tricks. So please hurry up and let me see how I can die better."

Fortunately, after hearing what I said, I shook my head helplessly. Then he said, "Okay, this is what you said. It's not my business to mess with that thing for a while." Fortunately, I just dived down without waiting for my reply. Then in the blink of an eye, it was near the head of the thing.

Fortunately, the level of intelligence is higher than that of normal human beings. At first glance, it is known that the structure is similar to a turtle, so fortunately, he did not consider the body of the island directly. Saying that attacking that kind of thing requires at least an atomic bomb weapon to make a difference? Therefore, fortunately and wisely, the target was directly selected on the head of the thing below. At least this part should look like it can be tried.

Soon after getting close to the guy's head, he started to inhale, and then directly used the dragon's most powerful signature skill, Longyan Jet.

The dragon's dragon's power not only greatly exceeds the lethality that their minions can produce, but also far exceeds most of their magic power. When two dragons fight together, what really can hurt the other is It's only Long Yan, and their minions can rarely cause damage to the opponent in battle. After all, the scales of the dragon scales are so strong that their own claws and teeth won't break their scales.

However, although the body of the thing below may not be as strong as the Dragons, its volume determines that its skin thickness will never be much thinner than the city walls. Although we often say that who has a thicker skin than the city wall when scolding people, it is not a metaphor but a fact. I'm sure this guy's skin is definitely thicker than the walls.

Fortunately, the Dragon's Flame skill is activated fast, so in the blink of an eye we see a bright red beam of light sprayed on the neck of the thing, and then ...

"I rely on it, nothing happens?"

If the lucky attack did not cause any actual harm, then I was able to understand that the thing was driven away, but the problem is that the thing did n’t even have a look back after being sprayed by the lucky bite of Long Yan. Obviously It was because the other side didn't feel the pain at all, only when there was a bug flying around himself.

"Master, that guy didn't respond!" Fortunately, after contacting me for a few seconds, he contacted me directly with personal contact.

I said helplessly: "You get closer and see the effect of the attack."

Fortunately, he nodded and continued to approach the guy's neck immediately. When he found that the other party had no intention to care about himself, he simply landed on the neck of the other person, and walked to the position where he had just attacked to take a look. First, I was lucky to find a lot of magma on this guy's neck, which was burned by Long Yan. After all, this guy still has a lot of earth and stones on his body after coming out of the ground, so there are a lot of them on his neck. This time, he directly burns these dirt and rocks into thunder.

After staring at this large piece of thread for a while, I was lucky to think that my attack was still very powerful, at least such a large piece of stone was burned. This temperature is obviously high enough. However, this situation is obviously not satisfactory to me now, so fortunately I walked over and pulled the thread with my paw.

The dragon is not afraid of threshing, even some kinds of dragons also like to take a bath in thor to facilitate the removal of dragon lice. After all, this small thing can live on the dragon's body, and its defense and attack power can be seen. Now, even if you can kill these little devil without thre, it is always very troublesome. In contrast, it is easiest to take a bath in thre.

Because he is not afraid of threshing, he is lucky to set the front face pit aside. Then found that the soil below was actually black. He was surprised to set aside the soil. Then it was found that the soil was actually still below, so I continued to dig, but after digging at a depth of five or six meters, I finally touched a layer of hard stuff, which was identified. This is the guy's skin. That is. He just sprayed all of Longyan himself on the dirt. Didn't touch this guy's skin at all.

"Master, just now Long Yan was blocked by the soil." I was lucky to report it to me after I found the situation.

"Soil? You said that guy was all soil?"

"Yes. After I burned off all the burned parts, I dug down five or six meters before I saw the guy's skin."

"I rely, is this too perverted?"

"It's abnormal. This guy hasn't taken a bath for at least thousands of years!"

"Okay, you quickly get rid of the dirt on this guy and try again."

"Wait a minute."

Fortunately, this time a guest excavator was set up, first cleared a large piece of dirt from this guy's body, and then re-elevated to prepare to spray Long Yan and quickly flash.

After flying to a suitable height, he was lucky to have a blast of Longyan, and this time he used a little trick of the Dragon family to inject the dragon language magic directly into Longyan and spray it out, which could greatly enhance the power of Longyan. .

Without the obstruction of the soil, Longyan's effect was much better this time. The lucky bit of Longyan spewed out the thing below that immediately screamed for a lifetime, then turned his head to look at the lucky side, and the well-prepared lucky one immediately spread his wings and accelerated to fly. After flying to my side, I was lucky and turned to look at the monster behind me. At this time, the thing had stopped completely, and there was a roar to our side, and the air had a visible wave. The sound is really like a mountain tsunami. However, although the sound is scary, it is just that, because this guy obviously can't fly, and the four legs are not suitable for jumping at all, so this guy has nothing to do with us in the sky.

After helplessly snarling at us for a while, the guy also realized that he could not reach us, so he turned and continued to walk. I also took the opportunity to fly over it to take a look at this guy's wound. It turns out that the area of ​​the wound is still quite large. It looks like a large piece of black paint, but the problem is that the volume of this guy seems to be the same as someone burned by a red electric iron. The location may hurt. , But to say something fatal ... Are you kidding me?

Looking at the behemoth in front of me, I have already begun to consider whether there are other ways to get rid of it. We don't know the fighting power of this thing for a while, but his defense is really abnormal. This defense ability mainly comes from its volume, and we now seem to be holding a heavy machine gun to destroy a 10,000-ton ship. Although the thing in hand is really good, it is obviously too small compared to this ship. Now, even if it can damage some parts, it can only be considered a minor injury to this ship. Not to mention sinking it, it is very difficult to affect navigation.

"Xin, are you really sure you want to kill this thing? I think our attacks are tickling this guy!"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"All right. I'll think of another way."

Real attack is estimated to be impossible. The way I can think of that can hurt this guy is to use Divine Fit, and then use the most powerful tricks directly. In that case, it should be possible to damage this guy, but it is still unknown whether he can kill him. But the problem is that there will be very severe punishment time after using such a big move. In this world, even mud loachs by the river are very dangerous. If I enter the punishment time and become a vegetative, I will not have even bones left unharmed. what?

"So what? Ask me. May I ask Matsumoto to congratulate them to help?"

"This is your personal training. What do you think?"

"All right!" I reluctantly gave up the method called reinforcements, but the other methods are really hard to think of. My own damage output is obviously lower than the upper limit of this guy's health. Even if it does not fight back, let me convert all my magic box strength into damage and output it to it. It is estimated that its vitality is just serious injury. Can't die at all. In the face of such enemies, it is not a question of skill at all, but a huge gap in strength. There is no chance at all.

However, I'm not that easy to give up. If you can't figure it out yourself. Then you need to use external forces. This external force can be many things. But I think that in the context of this world, the easiest way to find the external force may be another giant beast.

The floodland is an era when monsters are as many as dogs. There are mountain-sized creatures everywhere, so other things are hard to find in this place. Super monsters are catching a lot.

Now that you've set your goals, it's easy. Looking at the following thing, it seems that I have completely forgotten my existence and continue to rush. I also try to approach this guy slowly. It didn't cause any reaction from this guy until it finally fell on its back. It seems that this thing is not originally a combative species, or it is really too powerful and does not take us seriously. Anyway, it just ignored me.

After landing on this guy, I directly sent out the lucky dragons, the dragon girl, the dragon, Xiaofeng, and the tank. They were larger creatures. Of course, Hei Yan did not participate in the operation. Because he is not good at moving, he may not be able to return when he goes out.

Fortunately, they are not let out to attack this guy together, but to go out and pull monsters. To be able to fight this thing, then you can't find too small monsters, so the creatures that attract us here should not be too small. If you are harassed by a dog, you may of course pick up a brick to chase it, but if it is a mosquito, would you go for it? Obviously not. Therefore, in this kind of place, you can't use ordinary magic pets to attract strangers, only those that are large enough.

Not to mention, the monster resources in this place are really not abundant. Fortunately, they came back just a few minutes after they went out, and they brought me a bunch of monsters.

"I rely, I asked you to lead a monster back to fight with this guy, and then we can sit for the benefit of the fishermen. How can you bring me back a group? You want them to connect me What happened to the fishermen? "

Fortunately, while flying, he shouted in the spiritual connection: "It wasn't what I wanted to draw out. We were caught by this group of things just less than a hundred kilometers away and had to bring them back!"

"Forget it, bring it back, bring it all back, all lead to this big turtle, let's see how their combat effectiveness."

In fact, it wasn't the creature the size of this big turtle that was brought back. After all, the monsters were all different in size. So how happened to find one that was the same size? But at least these creatures are of an order of magnitude. The length of these attracted creatures nodded at about one kilometer, and the width was less than five hundred meters, much smaller than this big guy. However, the shapes of these creatures are much more fierce than this big turtle with a dragon head.

In fact, the shape of these things looks like a water rat with a crocodile head, but without the long, hairless tail of a mouse. There is only a hair ball behind their butt, and it can almost be said that there is no tail.

The head of this thing has very exaggerated teeth, which is obviously over-spec equipment relative to their body shape, and by looking at the red eyes of these guys, it is a very cruel creature. Moreover, the most important point is that not only one was attracted this time, but a nest, a whole dozen or so of these little monsters.

As the saying goes, a tiger can't stand a group of wolves. Although this turtle-like thing is large, these mutant versions are not small, so if the number is sufficient, it should not be a problem to kill this big turtle.

Fortunately, they came from the side of the big turtle, and the guy stopped and walked abruptly, then turned directly to look at the lucky side. Obviously, he didn't feel sensitive enough, but didn't treat us back. It's nothing. Fortunately, the group of monsters and mice they brought with them had just reached the radius of fifty kilometers and they immediately discovered their arrival.

The tortoise that stopped completely turned directly on the spot, and pointed his front to the big mouses. This phenomenon is quite satisfying to me, at least it shows that what we have attracted the attention of this tortoise. However, for safety's sake, I have now taken off to high altitudes, and a monster war is about to occur in the next moment. I don't want to be stepped on by anyone during their battle. In terms of the size of these guys, I could kill half my life with one foot.

Soon the big mouses successfully appeared next to the big turtle, and they cooperated very well to automatically transfer the target to this big guy. Obviously, compared to this big turtle, fortunately their size is still too small, these large mice are more willing to hunt this large creature.

After confrontation between the two sides, the big mice immediately dispersed around the big turtle to form an encirclement. This behavior is a bit like a wolf pack. Of course, these guys are much uglier than wolves.

After the big turtles surrounded the big turtle, they started to circle. Obviously, they wanted to find the weakness of this thing, but the big turtle's defense ability was almost dead-endless. The shell on it is basically the same as dropping Bao, it is impossible to penetrate at all. The only weakness is that it has four legs and a head plus a large tail. However, the limbs and tail are obviously not the type that is easily lethal, and there are claws on the limbs. There is a row of bone plates on the tail, which is obviously not a good place to eat. As for the head ... this part is equally difficult to get, after all, this guy's head is very similar to a dragon head ~ ~, and the dragon's head defense is high except for its name.

Obviously, both sides were a little afraid of each other, so they started to go around in circles and didn't dare to move. I looked at Tianshan for a long time and couldn't wait for my own shot, but before I actually started, the monsters below were already fighting.

Surprisingly, it wasn't the big mouses but the big turtles that got started first, and this guy's attack was scary enough. This thing can spray things with the dragon at a glance, but it is not fire but acid. One of the big mouses couldn't respond to being sprayed all over. It rotted to bones in less than two seconds, and then he died after another seven or eight seconds. The other one was accidentally splashed on the leg, and instantly burned a large hole, then was bitten in half by the big turtle, and was swallowed directly.

"I trust, this guy is not good for a long time!"

"Do you think there is a good stubble in the flood season?" Xin asked sharply.

I shook my head helplessly. This is an era where even plants can eat people. It can grow so big. Naturally, this big turtle cannot be a good man, but I still underestimated the fighting ability of this guy before. Our imagination. (To be continued ...) ()

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