Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 203: BOSS artifact

The real red carrying the gorilla's one foot is still getting bigger, and the gorilla has been gradually overturned to the ground because it can't restrain the opponent's power, but because the real red is now busy a little bit Get bigger, so I didn't chase the gorilla.

Obviously, the growth of true red is not completely unlimited, because she just increased herself to a height that is shorter than that of the gorilla, and did not continue to increase her size. At this time, the true red height was already 800. It's more than a metre, and it's just a little shorter than a gorilla that is 900 meters tall. Of course, the size is still absolutely red, because the gorilla's body is abnormally burly, almost as round as a bucket, but the true red body is the perfect shape of a human. Although it is not skinny, but human The gap between the body size of the gorilla is still very obvious, so even if the height is about the same, the volume difference between the two is still very clear.

When I was wondering why true red became this way, the gold coin didn't know when it appeared to me. Just don't know what happened, I asked about the gold coins around me. Although I did not expect her to know the answer, after all, she and Zhenhong acted separately. But what surprised me was that the gold coins really knew.

"Before I was leveling separately from Zhenhong, I happened to walk and meet again, and then Xin found a creature with great challenge value. I went with Zhenhong and defeated that thing. Although the process was a bit hard, But the reward is very rich. Zhenhong got a monster beast, and got this skill after taking it. She can change her body size at will, and change her strength proportionally according to the body size. That is, if Enlarging your body 10,000 times will increase your strength 10,000 times and gain the same level of defense and health. "

"I depend, isn't that invincible?" Matsumoto Masa also appeared by our side at this time. He apparently heard the words of gold coins just now.

I also quite agree with Matsumoto's words, because everyone knows the power of true red, and Kaishan is like playing. Before, we had her and the dragon practice tug-of-war in the guild, and found that as long as she could find a place to use her feet without slipping, she could fight the power of nine dragons. What is the power of Kowloon? An average adult dragon can easily throw a three-ton iron ball with a claw over a distance of more than five kilometers. What is the strength of the nine dragons plus one? But now, the true red with such a terrifying force has the ability to double. How can I fight this? The Titan giant can be knocked down with a punch when she meets it. Is this still a fight?

Of course, invincible attributes cannot really appear under the system, and high-damage skills must have one or more restrictions on long preparation time, high consumption, long cooling time, or consumption of some special materials. The quality of large skills is often based on the strength of these restrictions, because basically the power of large skills is actually very good. The key is that some large skills do not have super lethality but cannot be used at all. Or you can only use it for a few seconds to finish it.

The ability of Zhenhong to act on her is almost invincible. Because her power had already reached the level of directly breaking the void, it was too scary to double it again. Therefore, this skill must be limited. And it's serious.

Sure enough, the gold coin said directly: "How can there be such a good thing? This skill requires burning magic, and the burning speed increases with the doubling value. Transforming twice the size will produce twice the speed of magic consumption. According to the current size, True Red supports up to thirty seconds. "

"I depend, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, just look at me for a while. It's not just the real red that benefits." The gold coin said here and took out a fairly ordinary gossip plate from his body. This kind of thing is very common in Taoists, the difference is that people are made of copper, but the real red one is carved from wood, and it seems that the workmanship is still rotten, it is just a defective product.

"What the **** are you doing?" Matsumoto asked.

The gold coins seemed to be waiting for us to ask. As soon as I heard Matsumoto's words, he immediately lifted the thing to show off: "use it exclusively, star reflection compass."

"What is the use?"

"Did I tell you to use brush?"

"But how do you brush this thing?" I asked Matsumoto Masagu more.

Of course, gold coins did not dare to fool me as much as teasing Matsumoto Masa, and directly answered: "There are mainly two ways to use this thing, mainly depending on whether you swipe or group | p."

"As a beautiful lady, can you hang something like n people together?" Matsumoto Masa finally found an opportunity to counterattack once.

"Huh." The gold coin gave Masamoto Matsumoto a glance, and then said to me, "This thing can create a special space, and then pull a target into this space. After that, you choose a person or a group of people to enter the space together. To deal with this enemy. This will ensure that they are not interfered by the opponent's allies, and if the enemy is a group of masters, you can come one by one without worrying about being beaten by the group. "

"Then you say there are multiple brushes for one person, is there any difference?" I asked again.

The gold coin immediately explained: "If you go in and brush alone, then no matter how strong the opponent's strength is, this thing can suppress the opponent's strength to a level with you, that is, the opponent's defense and attacks are all equal. If you are the same, if the opponent is stronger than you originally, then it will still be stronger than you after entering, but it is a little more than it, not a lot. Of course, this thing does not directly weaken the opponent, then it is too skinny .Although this thing will make the enemy's basic attributes similar to yours, so that you can compete with the opponent, but the part of the opponent's reduced attributes will be converted into health, that is, the opponent's attack, defense The speed and speed are reduced, and then the blood strip is greatly extended. In this way, as long as you bring enough medicine and good combat skills, then some enemies who couldn't challenge before can fight.

"I depend. Good stuff!" Matsumoto Masako couldn't help but sigh after listening. After all, although this thing will increase the opponent's health, the problem is that as long as the opponent's offensive and defensive attributes are not too abnormal, the total life is nothing. It can be polished. So, this thing really makes a lot of impossible possible. In addition, the more important point is that the enemy cannot escape in this thing. And even if the opponent has thousands of troops, once captured, it will be useless, because as long as the battle does not end, he will not be able to come out, and people outside can't forcefully come in to help. This thing is simply an artifact. If I had this thing before when dealing with the big turtle, how can I use it in cooperation with the big snake? I turned it over by myself.

"What if a lot of people go in together?" Blazing Dragon Ji asked with a word in his mouth.

"If there are many people on our side. It will be simpler. This compass can forcibly split the target into a number equal to our number. For example, if we come in with three people on our side, the other party will be divided into three parts. One of them is the main body, and the remaining are avatars. The strength of these avatars will be consistent with those of the opponents, that is, the attack defense and even the life value are the same as us. Of course, the power of these avatars is not in vain. And It is stripped from the main body. During this period, the main body's strength will lose this part of the clone. And if the target itself is a large creature that is larger than ours, then the volume will also be reduced when the clone. Of course, it is also with strength The reduction method is the same. After that, the people on our side need to kill these avatars, and we must also have someone on the side to stand against the strongest subject to ensure that they will not be killed. When the avatar is killed by others, The starlight compass will be stripped from the main body again for us to kill, and the main body's strength will further decline. After that, getting lower and lower body strength, and finally be killed. "

After listening to it, I said, "Isn't the person who carried the subject very stressed?"

The gold coin nodded: "That's for sure. This thing also provides a possibility that won't let you a player with hundreds of levels to pick up thousands of levels with this thing. The first method looks like Simple, but because the opponent's attributes are actually stronger than themselves, they are actually fighting for drug consumption and fighting skills, so the drug consumption is absolutely amazing, which is equivalent to spending money. The second method is relatively cheaper , But you must have a bull to resist that subject. Of course, if the target is not much better than your own staff, then it is simple. After two or three people have scored, neither the subject nor their avatars are as powerful as their own staff. One side fell into slaughter. "

"Then how many people are allowed to enter this thing if everyone enters it together?" I discovered the loophole in this thing for the first time. After all, if this thing can enter the infinitely, it would be too skinny. If that's the case, then I can even kill Hongjun. After all, even if the leader of Hongjun is installed, it will be divided into many avatars. At that time, I only need to pull in all the personnel of the Frost Rose Alliance. Tens of millions and players are like this. Strength is estimated to be low. Therefore, there is definitely a limit on the number of this thing, and it is impossible for you to draw unlimited people.

Sure enough, the gold coin immediately said: "The president is really smart. Yes, this thing is limited in number. Each person can enter up to nine people, which is less than a single digit. Enter no more."

"That's also very good." August smoked: "If it is divided into nine points, if the people who help us are all ours, the opponent's remaining power should not be much?"

Matsumoto Masako followed: "No wonder you are not worried about the gorilla at all, we just need to pull it in, and then all of us will go in together. When everyone gets a point, this guy will have little strength. . "

Matsumoto was just finished saying this, Blazing Dragon Ji suddenly asked: "No! Didn't you say that the power of true red can only sustain for 30 seconds? Why hasn't she responded yet? It's all one minute fast Is that right? "

The reason why we talked together and didn't rush up was because the real red over there and the gorilla were watching each other, and no one moved, so we have time to understand the situation first. However, the two sides did not move for nearly a minute after confrontation. This is obviously not normal. Besides, the really red skill should not be able to support it for so long!

The gold coin immediately added to our question: "Forget to say, this skill has a benefit. It is very large and the consumption of magic is very low, and maintaining the state does not consume magic at all, only the movement will consume magic, so if only If you stand still and scare people, true red can be turned into a giant standing 10,000 meters tall for several hours. But if it really grows so big, it is estimated that a sneeze will drain the magic. "

Although the real red and the gorilla are not moving now, but we already know the usefulness of this compass of gold coins, then, we do n’t need to let the real red go with the gorilla over there. Useless. Thirty seconds would definitely not kill the gorilla. True Red does not yet have that strength.

"Ghost car." I turned around and shouted at the Yaqi serpent. "Did you hear what I said? How about we work together to deal with that guy?"

The Yachi snake nodded and said, "No problem. I'll take the main body. You can destroy the clone as soon as possible."

"No, I will carry the subject."

What I said surprised the big snake, because he is the strongest being here in terms of strength, so he wanted to come. Of course, the hardest ontology should be him. And then wait for us to wipe out avatars constantly. That ontology became weaker and weaker, and he could finally be killed by him.

"Don't be surprised, I'm not mistaken. Although you are the strongest here. But it doesn't make sense to give you the ontology. If you are strong, you should deal with the avatar. This can quickly consume the avatar and reduce the strength of the ontology. The gap is obvious, but because I am small, I can deal with him, but it is easier to stick to it for a while. If you carry the subject, you can only fight for it, which is not cost-effective. "

Although the Hachichi snake wants to say that he will carry the subject himself, he has to admit that this guy is very strong, and he can pull away from the environment in this environment. Once he enters the enclosed space, his volume is very high. The unpalatable opponent opened up, so it was not easy for him to take charge of the body. After all, he is not a power player, and he focuses on speed rather than absolute output, so once the space is limited, he will lose money.

Seeing the hesitation of the Hachichi serpent, I immediately continued: "Don't feel uncomfortable. I assigned it according to the best combat effect. You don't need to feel that you are taking advantage. Just listen to me, that's right."

In the end, the Eight-Big Snake chose to believe in me, and then the gold coins began to take us closer to the other side. True Red already knew the arrangement of the gold coins. At this time, it quickly returned to us while getting smaller.

The gorilla over there saw that she was backing and getting smaller, thinking that she had frightened herself before, so she rushed up in anger and wanted to trample us all to death. However, just as it rushed in front of us, the gold coin turned the starlight reflection compass in his hand directly, and then pointed the disk at the gorilla, and a yellow beam directed at the gorilla the next second. Although the gorilla blocked, this thing is not an attacking skill, so it has no effect at all. It directly covered the gorilla and dragged it to the compass. In the process, it continued to shrink, blinking. Time disappeared at the center point of the compass.

"Okay, don't resist, come in quickly, we only have thirty seconds." After the gold coins were spoken, I clicked on the star reflection compass a few times, and then we received a question asking whether to assist the battle. After choosing to accept, we It was immediately enveloped by the beam of light and disappeared on the compass, and the compass automatically disappeared after absorbing us. Then no one can disturb our battle.

After entering the compass, we did not directly enter the battlefield, but first appeared in mid-air. There was an endless darkness around us, and there was only a platform below. The shape of this platform is like a flower plate, with a circular area in the center. This is the heart of the flower, surrounded by a circle of eight petal-shaped small pieces. The floor of these partitions is made of smooth black material, looks like stone, and the top is covered by something like a glass cover, and the large area in the center and the surrounding small areas are also separated by this cover Already. Can see each other, but can't get through.

After we appeared here, I found that the gorilla had been sent into the central area, and at this time it was roaring there with a glass-like ceiling for isolation, but of course the result was nothing. reacted. The roof seemed completely immune to his attacks, let alone damaged, and even the sound of the impact could not be heard.

As soon as we saw the environment clearly, the sound came. "Please select the person responsible for the main area."

"I'm coming," I shouted directly.

Because no one else objected, the voice was straightforward: "The person in charge of the main area determines and allocates the combat area."

With the appearance of this sound, I found myself inside the glass cover of the main area below, but it was strange that there was a horizontal wall inside the space that separated me from the gorilla. When the other party saw me, they rushed up to kill me in anger, but were blocked by the wall. No matter how smashed it is useless. Although visible, no sound could be heard. This isolation effect is really not good.

As soon as I appeared here, among the other eight small petals, there were also Matsumoto Masako seven of them, and we came in a total of eight this time. There is only one place to go. So except for a space around it, it's basically people.

Matsumoto is congratulating them on the same space as mine. It was also isolated, and then a lot of blue gas suddenly appeared on the gorilla on my side. It seemed to be sucked away by the vacuum cleaner and flew up quickly. Then they ignored the glass covers and injected seven other fighting compartments, and then gathered seven identical gorillas. However, although they look exactly the same, these gorillas vary in size.

The gorilla in the room where the Yaki snake is located is slightly smaller than the Yaki snake. After all, the Yaki snake has wings and a neck. The support there is very large, but in fact his volume is not so exaggerated. So in the case of the same volume, the gorillas are not as big as the octopus snakes.

The gorillas of the same size appeared in the rooms of several other people. Of course, because of the gorilla's body, these gorillas, although the same size, looked smaller than Matsumoto Masaru, but they were much stronger. .

After the allocation over there, the gorilla body on my side has been shrunk a lot. The main reason may be that the clone on the Yagi snake has taken up most of the power and volume, which led to this on my side. The body is not yet powerful and bulky.

The space in this compass is like this. The avatars are allocated according to the strength of the people who enter. Only the strength of the body is uncertain, but it depends on how much power the main body can leave after the separation. Stronger, and possibly weaker, depends entirely on the allocation result.

Although the avatar assigned by the Yagi snake occupies the majority of the gorilla's strength, the rest of the gorilla on my side is still not something I can handle alone, so my hope is not to kill it. This ontology is based on being able to insist that others first kill those avatars.

I have asked with gold coins before. In this star reflection compass, when using the multiplayer mode, the person who deals with the body is the most important, because once I die, then the main room will be empty. Later, the compass It wo n’t let go of the monsters or other people here, but it will pick one person from the rest of the people and ascend to the room where the body is located. What ’s more terrible is that the person's previous avatar will not disappear, and It will follow. That is to say, at this time, the person who is drawn out must not only deal with a avatar that is at a level with himself, but also deal with a subject that may be stronger than himself. There are only two ways for the people in this compass to go out. Either die or kill the target creature. Of course, the same is true for the target creature that is sucked in. Either die or kill everyone here.

Because of this setting, this multiplayer mode is actually very dangerous. In addition to dragging the ontology here, the most important thing is to maintain a balance. As long as I don't fall down, other people here can be at ease with the avatar I face, and only need to persist long enough. , We can gradually weaken the strength of this subject, until its strength is lower than my strength, we can completely complete the killing.

In fact, as a piece of equipment, of course, the compass should be assisted by the user, not the enemy. Therefore, although it is impossible to come up with a scene where the enemy must die if he comes in, this thing is still biased towards the owner Yes, so. This thing will actually create a variety of factors that are beneficial to the user to change the situation, which is why I think that if I persist long enough, I will definitely win. Because this place can actually be set up according to our own requirements.

When I was teleported here and isolated from the gorilla's body, the previous sounds started to remind me that I could freely set the environmental characteristics of the scene I was in. Of course I'm happy for such things.

According to the setting tips, the setting of this battle scene has a certain setting range, and it cannot be set arbitrarily. The scene state is set first. The selectable ranges are: sky, ground, water surface, underground, underwater, and ocean floor. There is a limitation in these settings, that is, you cannot set an environment that will cause the target to die directly. At most, this environment has a limiting effect on the other party, but you cannot directly create a mortal environment. For example, if the target creature is a flying unit, you can choose an underground environment to prevent him from flying. Thus limiting his combat effectiveness. But you cannot set the underwater environment to drown him directly. That's the limit.

The target we are dealing with this time is a gorilla-shaped creature. This guy has two legs and four hands. He is muscular and amazing. But this thing is not water. Therefore, the environment with water cannot be set. Only the sky, ground, and underground environments are available.

For a flightless creature, this choice is too simple. I chose the sky environment without hesitation.

This so-called sky is not a certain height, but it means that we will always be in the air. Although we have been falling during the battle, no matter how long we fight, we will not hit the ground. This is the so-called sky environment.

Although this gorilla is very powerful and muscular, he has no wings, so the air environment is a huge limitation for him.

After selecting this sky environment, I found that there are additional options at the back. The original so-called sky environment is not a complete sky, but there are still many borrowing points that can be used. There are three situations that can be selected on this setting. The first is the top of the sea of ​​clouds, which is surrounded by clouds of sea, and at the foot is the tip of a mountain peak that sticks out from under the clouds like plum blossoms. Fighting on this is actually almost the same as on the ground. The difference is that these peaks are a small piece of land, so you need to jump constantly when maneuvering in a large area, and the alignment is very demanding. Because once it does not fall on the top of the mountain, it will fall. However, this option does not seem to have much restriction on this gorilla. After all, this guy's body is an orangutan. Although I don't know if it also climbs the mountain, in reality the orangutans are very good at climbing, so I don't think this environment has much effect on it.

This second option is a bit safer than the first, and that is Fu Shan. With this option, there will be large and small floating mountains, and if you do not cross the floating mountains, the result is actually the same as on the ground. Of course, I would not choose this kind of environment, because there are too few restrictions on gorillas.

The third option is significantly better. The content of this option is Fushan Rattan. There will also be floating mountains in this terrain, but the distance is very long, and there is basically no chance to go up. In the main battle scenes, there will be full of vines staggered like spider webs. The battle scene will be on this kind of vines. Equal to fighting on a wire. But like the first one, I think the orangutan may be more suitable for this environment, so I give up decisively.

The fourth and final one is this pumice environment. Pumice stones are not the same as Fushan. This thing will not be too big, and the environment shown will be a lot of pumice stones distributed in the air and at the same height as us. In this map mode, the gorilla is not completely without borrowing power, but it will obviously be very disadvantaged. Because pumice is different from the stones on the ground, it floats in the air, but it has less weight than the floating mountain, so the stability is very poor, so if there is something on it, it will shake, and you go hard If you pedal it, it will move. Therefore, the power of the gorilla is difficult to exert here. After all, when the ground is unstable, no matter how strong the power is, it is difficult to really exert all its power.

Compared to that gorilla, my advantage in pumice environment is too obvious. Leaving aside my magic pets, I alone have good flying ability. At least I can control my flight status at least compared to the gorillas who need to jump around on unstable rocks.

Because the benefits of this pumice scene are too obvious. So I chose this option without hesitation.

After selecting this option, there are still the following options. This time, the scene-assisted environment is selected. Because it is aerial, the biggest environmental impact is atmospheric phenomena. Here you can choose to limit the other party by conditions such as thunderstorms and strong winds. Of course, common weather such as rain and snow are OK, and sunny days are also acceptable.

Considering that the extreme weather affects my flight more than the other party, so I did not make anything like squalls, but set up a moderate intensity cyclone environment.

The characteristic of the whirlwind is that it is left and right for a while, it is not stable at all, so whether it is flying or jumping, it will be affected by this whirlwind. but. Because I set a whirlwind of medium intensity. So although our movement trajectory will be deviated due to the sudden change of wind direction, I am in controllable flight and it is better to correct it a little. The gorilla was relatively miserable. If he jumped up and encountered a whirlwind in mid-air, he would fall down without hitting the next stone because he didn't find the landing point. Although there are many pumice stones in this air environment. Even if it falls, you can catch other pumice stones below and jump up a little. But this way will consume a lot of physical strength. And the most important thing is that it is very time consuming, and all I need is time, as long as I can deal with this guy here. Relying on the advantages of the scene environment, the Yagi snake and Matsumoto Masaharu can certainly kill those avatars, and as long as each of them detaches another avatar, the ontology will become weaker than me, and it will not be any responsibility at that time. I slaughter?

After setting up the auxiliary control environment, new settings have appeared here, and the content of this setting is time. In fact, it is to choose the lighting situation. I did not hesitate to choose the late night, and the designation was late night without moonlight and no starlight. I have perfect night vision, and I have a lot of skills that I can rely on in the shadows and the dark environment. Therefore, darkness is my closest comrade in arms. Regardless of whether the other party has night vision or not, night will definitely help me a lot.

After the time point is set, there are two final settings here, namely the ambient temperature and the space energy density.

The temperature setting range is very large. The upper limit of the high temperature is limited by the opponent's blood loss. That is to say, if the opponent is a fire phoenix, then you can set it to a thousand degrees. However, if the opponent is a snow monster, the maximum temperature setting cannot exceed 50 degrees, because the environment of the snow monster above 50 degrees will begin to reduce blood.

The gorilla is not like the type that is afraid of cold and heat, plus the environment itself can not directly cause blood loss, I simply set an ambient temperature of twenty degrees, all my magic pets in this environment It can be adapted so that I can switch the magic pet at any time as needed.

The final energy density setting should actually be understood as the magic speed setting. Because the player and Warcraft or the rebirth is essentially the speed at which the body naturally absorbs magic from the surrounding environment. However, this absorption rate is actually not a stable value. In addition to being related to individual magic affinity and some special abilities, it will also be affected by the external energy intensity. If a mage is in a magical vacuum zone with zero energy density, then he does n’t talk about magic, even if it is completely motionless, the magic power will continue to decrease at a slow rate, which means that not only will not return magic but also leak magic .

By the same token, if the energy density in an environment is so high that you can even see near-substantial energy with the naked eye, the magic speed must be as fast as the stopwatch. You can throw a forbidden spell or whatever, in minutes I'll give you back. This is the effect of ambient energy density on the speed of magic recovery.

The world in the star reflection compass cannot adjust this energy density in a large range. It uses the basic energy intensity of the main world map as a reference line. It can increase the energy density to three times this reference value. The lowest value can be reduced to one-third of the reference value.

This gorilla-like guy is obviously not magical. Although he has a lot of field control skills, the speed of mana consumption of this skill is almost negligible, so it is meaningless to limit his skill use by reducing the energy density. . In contrast, the magic pets on my side and my own magic are very powerful and require a lot of magical support, so I simply set the energy density three times, so we have three times the magic speed, and for us Improved combat effectiveness has greatly helped.

After all these are set, the surrounding scene suddenly changes. The original black stone floor below it disappears, and the other surrounding rooms are not visible. We have become a large sky here, and the surrounding looks endless. , As if there were no boundaries at all. However, in this sky, it is not empty, but a lot of pumice, large and small. The largest of these pumice stones can be as large as an aircraft carrier, and the small one can only have the area of ​​a bed. I was standing at my feet with a pumice stone that was so small, the area of ​​two double beds. At the foot of the opposite gorilla was a pumice stone as big as five basketball courts.

If it was a previous gorilla, this pumice stone could not support it, but because the avatar of the Yagi snake absorbed a large part of the volume of the subject, and the avatars of other people also absorbed a part of it, so Now the body in front of me is no longer the giant monster that is 900 meters high, and it is now less than 50 meters in height. Although this height is still very large for me, it can be at least a battle. Already. However, I think this volume should be considered an advantage for it, because if this guy is still the giant who was nine hundred meters high, the pumice stones here ca n’t bear its weight at all. At that time, with the exception of the pumice stones that are as large as those of the aircraft carrier, it can hardly move even if it is moving, then it is really passive. Now this way, although his volume is much smaller and the combat effectiveness has been greatly weakened, at least he can still fight here. After all, most of his pumice stones can be used as a foothold ~ ~ Unlike the calmness on my pumice stone, the gorilla over there suddenly noticed the environmental change. This environment was originally set by me, and I can fly, I'm not afraid of heights at all. Naturally, I can calmly look at the gorilla on the opposite side, but the other party obviously does not know that the environment will change, and this guy is an enhancement. It's just a version of the beast, so I'm always a little scared of suddenly appearing at such a high place. However, this guy is really similar to what I guess. His balance is very good, and it takes almost ten seconds to fully adapt to this environment. Of course, even if he is used to it, don't want to take advantage of me, after all, I can fly.

It was probably waiting for others to choose the scene. The barrier between me and the gorilla over there was still there, but the surrounding glass cover disappeared after the environment changed. After waiting for about three minutes, the prompt suddenly sounded, telling us directly that all of our scene selections were completed, and the battle barrier would be cancelled after fifteen seconds, followed by a countdown. When the countdown returned to zero, the isolation barrier in front of us suddenly collapsed into a sky of light particles and disappeared into the air.

"Come on, you big guy, come and catch me if you have the ability." Looking at the gorilla who was glaring at me over there, I taunted directly, and then turned around and ran immediately after the other person really started to skip. I don't believe that you can catch up with my winged stones relying on those dangling stones? (To be continued ...)

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