Starting from Zero

Vol 6 Chapter 7: perfect

The dragon king did not tell me that the steel claw would punch holes, and a piece of dirt exploded on the ground. The steel claw entered the ground at an incredible speed. This guy was faster than the mouse!

Steel silver bee and blood butterfly are flying creatures, and steel claws have no way to drill them! When I beckoned, all the blood butterflies turned into colored feathers and returned to my wings. The iron silver bee was kept to ensure my own safety.

The steel claw entered the ground, and I had to fly to the sky, and the ground was not safe now! Suddenly, a ground bag was raised from the ground, and more than twenty tentacles flew from the ground at the same time, and their goal was clearly me! Hurry up to heighten to get rid of the tentacle attack, but the Dragon King watching beside him shouted: "Don't fly up, you have to get out of the illusion!"

I'm dizzy! The height of this **** illusion is different from place to place. The illusion in the forest is as high as 40 to 50 meters. It is only 20 to 30 meters high! Ca n’t go up and just flash to the side, but unfortunately the dodge speed is not as fast as the tentacles! Just before the tentacle was about to reach me, I finally flew to a height of more than 20 meters. The Dragon King said that the tentacle of the steel claw was only a dozen meters. I should not be so far from him!

Unfortunately, the tentacle reached me effortlessly, and I was entangled by the tentacles after a rush, and then the tentacles pulled me down sharply. Of course, my strength was not as large as the steel claws and I was pulled without resistance. He fell heavily on the ground. This time it was worse than the last fall. The whole person was shocked. After climbing up, I felt that everything around me was spinning!

的 The ground not far away suddenly swelled again, this time a big bag. Steel claws emerged from the ground, shaking off the dirt, and he suddenly embraced himself into a ball. The back of the steel claw has a very sharp dorsal fin like a dragon, and he becomes a huge knife wheel after holding the ball. Don't worry about the next thing, this guy rolled at me at a very fast speed!

The dorsal fins with the steel claws standing outside are sharp blades, and the power brought by high-speed rotation is even more terrifying. But the worst part is that the dorsal fin of the steel claw is not flat. This dorsal fin is jagged, and once rotated, it becomes a chainsaw!

Feng Shui is taking turns. Just now my steel silver bee chased around the steel claws. This time, it turned into steel claws chasing after me. It's not a problem to run like this, I suddenly turned and faced the steel claws. Cross your hands in front of you and catch the impact of the steel claws with the blade claws! The high-speed rotating steel claws were suddenly stopped, and the jagged dorsal fins constantly rubbed against my blade claws, making a harsh sound, like the sound of a wheel saw cutting an iron bar. Mars splattered where my blade and his dorsal fins touched, my hand was trembling with soreness, and even worse the ground was too soft, I felt like my legs were sinking into the mud!

钢 The steel claws stopped completely for a full 8 seconds, and they can no longer turn without inertia. He jumped back wisely and stretched his limbs to land on a smooth landing! The steel silver bee was about to attack, and this guy got into the soil again! I had to go to heaven again when he landed!

The steel claw king next to him couldn't stand any longer: "When are you two fighting like this? It's all finished! Both come out!" Both the steel claw and I returned to the ground, and the steel claw king continued: "You must not fly. Do n’t use that little thing to attack. ”He pointed to the steel claw again:“ Do n’t drill the ground, and do n’t attack with tentacles anymore! ”This method of Steelclaw King is really good, otherwise we two go to heaven and one No one can treat the other side into the ground!

I nod! "Come back!" The steel silver bee huffed and flew to the feathers behind me that turned into silver sparkles and hung back to the wings. The steel claws there nodded and put the tentacles into the body! It seems that the Dragon King does not know the steel claws, and their tentacles are more than ten meters in length, and these tentacles do not need to be stretched out at all, and they can be retracted when not in use!

Without special weapons, the two of us had to confront each other! The steel claws rolled around again and rolled over. I teleported to his side, transformed into a werewolf form to increase strength, and pressed hard at the center of the rotation to kick. The steel claw was suddenly attacked and lost his balance. Although he immediately expanded his body to stabilize the body, he could not control it. The long horns on this guy's head were suddenly inserted into the soil, but the body turned over because of inertia. The past turned into four corners and lay there.

怎么 How can I let go of such a good opportunity! One jumped up to him and pulled out the dragon gun with his hands, and pierced the ground. Although his stomach was covered with carapace, it should not be so **** his back, not to mention that my spear itself was punctured. attack! Unfortunately, the steel claw is not a low-level creature, even if the corners are facing the sky, he can protect himself! A big tail suddenly swept over. After all, my attack and defense were not as high as his, and it was not cost-effective to change it. Simply put the spear across the side to resist his big tail. I felt like I was hit by a truck and flew out. After landing, I even stepped back a dozen steps to support the ground with a spear to barely stand still! This guy has too much energy!

Steel claws turned over, and his head rushed towards me. Just one tail knocked me out of anxious ten meters. If you hit the horns, don't fly out of the island! When I was about to run, I suddenly found that Jihuo Blade was not far away. As soon as I reached out, Jihuo Blade flew over and landed in my hand. Wielding a big knife and hitting it with a full force from top to bottom, the set of fire blades suddenly felt like how long my flame burst out. A knife went down the mountain and swayed, and a flame extended in the direction of the sword in the center of the guy's head.

Boom! There was another explosion, and the steel claws flew upside down in the flame. A small black dot spun out with the sound of wind, and fluttered into the ground in front of the Dragon King and the Steel Claw King. At a glance, the two kings discovered that this was the horn of a half-steel claw beast! Looking over there, the steel claw beast attacked by me turned over and climbed up again, as if not seriously injured. He raised his claws and touched his horns, only to find that the horns on the left were half missing. The guy jumped at me, and I waved the sword again, but nothing came out this time! This **** set of fire blades is sometimes ineffective! No way, I could n’t do it and turned and ran!

之后 After flashing the attack with teleport, I simply summoned the two avatars. Hey, there should be hope for three fights and one! The steel claw king next to him wanted to call something, and was held down by the dragon king. It is probably the dragon king and him explaining the issue of avatar.

战士 I took a look at the soldier and me, he nodded, and the two of us rushed together. In front of the mage's avatar, a red magic symbol flashed, and the fighter's avatar and me both glowed red light at the same time. Because the avatar and I are one, the self-blessing type of magic that the mage avatar used just now will have an effect as long as it is applied to him and the fighter avatar.


The steel claws on the opposite side sprayed yellow smoke at us and looked very angry! When his eyes lighted up suddenly, the horn that I cut off started to grow automatically, and soon returned to its original state! This guy can be reborn! After the recovery, the steel claws rushed at us!

战士 The soldiers and I each took out a small red bottle and swallowed the liquid inside the stomach by breaking the bottle opening. "Wild Fury!" Two of me faced the steel claws that rushed in at the same time. The two of us grabbed one corner of the steel claws and turned him over by the force of his forward charge. Despite the use of wild fury, and two of me working together, his arm was numb by his brute force.

I was turned over by the steel claws of the four corners of the sky, and I just wanted to turn it over, and the soldier and I were biting together towards his neck.

"Ah, hey!" Unexpectedly, both the soldier and I jumped away, covering our teeth. "Oh! My teeth! This guy's shell is so hard!"

Steel Claw was startled by us at first, only to find that we couldn't bite his shell and flipped back proudly. But before he had time to attack, he heard the voice of the mage's clone over there: "Dark Blast!" A black magic seal fell from the sky, hitting the steel claws.

With a loud bang, a big explosion occurred around the steel claws at the same time, and the steel claws were blown up. Covering my teeth, I just saw the steel claws flying above my head. Good opportunity! I picked up the set of fire blades and jumped up. It was a knife to the belly of Steel Claw. If I hit it this time, he would be guaranteed to open his belly.

"Stop!" The Steelclaw King suddenly whispered beside him.

"Ah? Oops!" I suddenly fell on the ground, and the steel claws fell on me accurately. "You bastard! Hurry down! Oops!" A steel claw weighs at least two or three tons, and coupled with the inertia from the sky, if it wasn't for his good armor, he would have been killed!

The steel claws on his back quickly ran over to me. I got up and shouted at the King of Steel Claws, "Why do you stop?"

"I just won the game, I don't need to compare it anymore!" The King of Steel Claws came over and said, "I agree with your request, no need to compare any more!"

"You agree? Great!" I quickly turned on the city manipulation function, selected the guardian beast to establish, and entered the name Steel Claw. A large magic contract appeared on the side of the steel claw king. The steel claw king used a claw to stamp a chapter on the contract, and the contract disappeared immediately. A reminder sounded on my side: "The Frost Rose Alliance has successfully won the Guardian Beast Steel Claw. Thereafter, the Frost Rose Alliance will receive a Steel Claw Guardian Beast. The main city of the guild, Isinger, will receive 1,000 Steel Claws to station the city.

"Okay!" King Steelclaw said to me: "The confirmation is over, the guardian beast will appear directly in your city, your own is also inside, you can confirm it!" He turned to the Dragon King and said: "I go first!"

After the King of Dragons nodded, the steel claw king quickly became transparent and disappeared in front of us, and the surrounding steel claws disappeared one by one. Originally thought that the steel claws had all left, but the steel claw king suddenly appeared next to me again. "I forgot to tell you!" He picked a few flowers from the ground, and made a lot of small black particles from the flowers for me. "This is the seed of Lianchunhua, you take it back to a variety of points in your city. Our steel claws like the fragrance of this flower the most, just like the effect of catnip on cats. The smell of Lianchunhua can make us happy, If you eat it, you can suppress the pain for a short time! Well, that's all for now, goodbye! "The flower petals that flew from the ground this time saw that they were really gone!

I carefully collected the seeds of Lianchunhua and turned to the Dragon King and Queen Fenglong and said, "Let's go back to Isinger?"

恩 "Well!" The Dragon King asked me to get on his back, and the Dragon Queen flew up. You don't need to worry about the route when you go back, you can fly directly through the illusion to the sea and fly back to Isinger.

It's just 12:23 noon now, my movements are quite fast, and the problem of the city guardian beast was solved one morning! It took more than an hour to return to Isinger, and we were close to Isinger at two o'clock. Seeing the city crooked there all the time, it seems that the super weapon is not finished yet!

刚 I was surrounded as soon as I landed. "President! What is this?" A female player whose name I couldn't remember pointed to the iron claw beside me.

"This is the new guardian beast of our guild. You can use him as a mount in the future, and you can also be a helper when fighting. These guys are very defensive and can be used as meat shields!"

"But this thing is so horrible!"

gosh! I have reviewed the appearance of the steel claw, and there are actually female players who don't like it! "This ...! Although they are a little bit fierce, they will not attack our guild players, so rest assured! Besides, we have more guild girls. Isn't it safe to take him out?"

"This is too!"

After all, the shape of the steel claw is only more aggressive and not disgusting, so the female player just complained and passed. After reviewing Isinger, the queen of dragons agreed to be stationed in Isinger as a guardian beast, so we got another 1,000 city dragons and each player got a dragon that can be carried around.

Wu Fenglong's presence is much more popular than steel claws. When Fenglong is small and cute, it will become a variety of small animals. It has a pair of big eyes like cartoon characters. Secondly, the powerful carrying ability of Fenglong is very useful, especially our guild siege weapons are many, with Fenglong carrying these things will become much easier. The phoenix dragon around us will actually become a human shape, but because the volume cannot be changed, the phoenix dragon after the transformation is like a child! Because Fenglong's children are very cute, Isinger has become a large kindergarten, and many female players are running around with a child! However, male players prefer to let their own dragons keep their prototypes on their shoulders. A little dragon is more prestigious!

The only special thing in the Guild is my guardian beast! Because I am the president, the guardian beast I received has the word "boss" behind it. My spear is called the spear leader, my steel claw is called the steel claw leader, and my phoenix is ​​naturally called the phoenix leader. These leaders are not higher in rank than ordinary creatures, but each attribute is stronger, and the leaders are larger. Another point is that the boss can speak, presumably to show the difference!


After the establishment of the Guild Guardian Beast, I started to set up a canteen, and the entire NPC of Isinger was mobilized. Fortunately, Essinger's area is very large, and many places are still open, so temporarily adding buildings will have no effect!

I was so busy that the cafeteria was basically completed at night, but it would not work without a chef! I went to the NPC management office to find the management NPC to ask about the situation. The answer I got was completely different from my imagination! At first I thought that as long as we gave money, the system could directly brush out the chef NPC. As a result, the administrator said that we would post a notice in the city. Some of those civilian NPCs would sign up by themselves! Each of these civilian NPCs has a lot of cities, and their main function is to make the city look lively and look like a city. Without these NPCs, players would have run out to level up, wouldn't the city seem to be out of space! The management NPC told me that the system will no longer refresh NPCs in the future. All NPCs are generated through reproduction. The system will control the population by controlling the growth rate and number of births of NPCs, which is more true. In the future, every NPC will have a first name and a last name, and there are parents, families, and even families, unlike all previous refreshes!

还 I also got a message from the management of the NPC, that is, the NPC may build a new city by itself. The NPC building city will also suffer monster siege like the player, and then gradually upgrade, there will be cases where the NPC city attacks the player city. As for those existing system cities, they will gradually be transformed into NPC-controlled cities, and the main system will no longer directly manage the cities!

This news can be said to be good news or bad news. The main system does not manage cities and does not directly refresh NPCs, which means that there will no longer be millions of NPCs attacking in the future. However, the NPC's management of the city means that the offensiveness of those NPC cities will become stronger. It seems that the intensity of war will decrease in the future, but the number of war outbreaks will increase!

After listening to these reports, I asked Vinda to find someone to post a notice, not to mention that just after posting, a lot of NPCs came to apply. Of course, I'm not responsible for the review work. I just found a few NPCs from professional affairs and came to work as examiners. Anyway, at night, there are not many people going to transfer jobs, leaving two people to watch.

It ’s already early in the morning on the 5th, and Isinger is still obliquely there, but because the super weapon has been installed in the excavated space, we have reduced the city's tilt angle. Now at least people can walk normally !! I asked about the progress, and Wal-Mart told me that it would take at least 70 hours to complete! No way, the project is too big!

Anyway, the things in the guild were basically dealt with. I ran to the smelting center next to the port of Isinger with the fragments of weapons. This is the heavy industrial area of ​​Isinger, where all the urban components are processed. I came here to find Clark. The Holy Dragon's Tooth has been destroyed and I have no time to repair it. Now that I have finally found time, of course I will come here to repair my Holy Dragon's Tooth!

When he found Clark, he was directing a large group of NPC cast steel beams, which is the advanced technology dock to be built soon.


"Why are you here?" Clark asked, puzzled when he saw me. I didn't answer anything but just gave him the fragments of the Dragon's Tooth. Clark exclaimed when he saw the debris: "Are you broken again?"

I nodded and took out the fragments of the other sword. "That's what happened with this sword!"

Clark took the broken sword and looked at it, suddenly the boss stared. "Isn't this the Divine Sword of the Divine Angel Angel? How could it be in your hands?"

I took out a crystal to Clark: "This is the Dilling!"

"Then arrested her?" Clark looked at it with a little disbelief before returning the crystal to me. "You are so amazing! You have got the Holy Sword back!"

"It's not just her! The armor angel and the shield angel are also here with me! The shining angel Michal's armor is also here!"

"That doesn't mean you have 7 pieces of Bright Warframe parts?"

"You also know the Light Warframe?"

Clark nodded. "The light armor and the dark armor are corresponding. The two sets of equipment belong to the king of light and the king of darkness, respectively."

沮丧 I was frustrated and said, "I originally established Isinger and successfully guarded it. I am the King of Darkness. Unfortunately, now I have fallen out with the Temple of Darkness. Don't think about the King of Darkness!"

Clark said: "In fact, there is nothing bad!"


"You don't understand the situation and think that the King of Darkness is very airy, but it is not at all! The power of light is different from our power of darkness. The power of light is higher than the power of God, and the goddess of light actually obeys the leadership of the King of Light. But the power of darkness Here is divine power higher than royal power, that is to say, even if you become the king of darkness, you are still a subordinate of the dark temple! And the most disadvantaged is that the dark battle armor of the dark temple was lost hundreds of years ago, even if you become dark The King only needs to find the armor by himself. Unlike the King of Light, the seven angels gave the Light Warframe parts they guarded to the King of Light! "

"I rely! Thanks to me and the Temple of Darkness upset, otherwise I would not have lost an empty title but also helped to find armor, it is a big loss!"

"Do you have a dark temple! It ’s always dark to do things! But then again, the light temple is not really bright to do things! To put it bluntly, everyone is for their own benefit, there is nothing righteous to evil, everyone is just for survival ! "

"You are too brilliant! But you have to fix it for me!"

"Go with me to my yard! There is no tool here anyway!"

Clark came to us and Essinger received my policy support, so his small shop has been upgraded to a processing plant, and a large factory building is full of large magic stoves. I followed him through the outside plant to the precision machining workshop inside. This is Clark's own room. All the equipment is the best.

I cleared out a large table, and I put the pieces on the table. "Do you need supplementary materials for repairs?"

Clark looked at the damage and said, "Nonsense! How can it be broken without adding anything!"

"What do you need then?"

"You have something out, let me see if it's useful?" Clark crossed my bracelet. "Is this right? I'll take a look!" Clark gave the bracelet. He knew how to open it, and he would pour things out!

"do not……!"

喊 I shouted a little bit late, Clark activated the item cleaning function of the bracelet. So everything was poured out of the bracelet. The whole workshop was filled with a lot of things in an instant, and it was still thanks to my action that I quickly grabbed the bracelet back.

克拉 Clark and I can't move without being squeezed by a pile of things. Both eyes are wide and small!

"Why did you put so many things in the bracelet?" Clark didn't expect at first that I would put so many things in the bracelet.


"I usually do not bother to sort out, so I have not dealt with useless things, I have accumulated so much over time!"

"You are great!"

"You can't blame me, you opened it!"

"Okay, you can take everything back!"

I hurriedly started the recycling function, all the items in the room suddenly entered, and when I lost support, Clark and I crashed to the ground. "I'll do it myself!"

I turned from the bracelet for a long time and found a large diamond. "Strange! What is this?" I don't remember such a thing! Take a look at the property, the name is Creation Star. Think of it, this is a system reward when repairing the dragon set with Clark! (Mentioned in Chapter III of Volume III)

Clark took the diamond I passed and looked at it, "Isn't this the star of creation?"

"Do you know what it is for?"

当然 "Of course! This thing is specifically used to fuse equipment, with which you can fuse many different attributes of equipment items together, and will produce more favorable mutations! This repair equipment is just right!"

"Then use it! I'll see what else!" I found a parrot-like thing for a long time. "This is the squid weird tooth I encountered when I went out to sea. Do you see if it works?"

Clark touched it twice with a hammer. "It's hard, it's good material, it should be useful!"

对 "Yes, I still have this!" I took out a beautiful bottle from the bracelet. "This is the exquisite crystal bottle found in the dragon cemetery. But I don't know how to open it!"

Clark looked at him, "Isn't the Dragon King with us? Look for him!"

"Why did I forget him! Wait for me for a while!" I ran outside and dragged the Dragon King in and took out the bottle for him. "You dragons should know how to open it?" The Dragon King nodded but didn't speak, and I asked, "How on earth?"


"Smash?" Clark and I both stared at the Dragon King.

The King of Dragons said: "This bottle can't be opened at all. To open it, you need the dragon spirit in the bottle."

也就是说 "That means the key to open the bottle is in the bottle?"

"That's what it means! So the only way to open the bottle is to smash it! After smashing, the dragon spirit inside will automatically unlock the seal and open the cap!"

"Rely on it! What did you do when you broke the bottle and opened the lid?"

The King of Dragons smiled and said, "Do you think that the Dragon's bottle can be broken easily? This bottle will be restored to its original state even if it is broken 10,000 times!"

Sure enough, it is a high-grade product, and it can be restored to its original strength automatically if it is broken. "How do you smash it? I guess this thing can't be broken casually, right?"

"Of course!" The dragon king placed the bottle on the ground, and then stretched his left arm over the bottle. "Give me a sharp dagger and turn it into a human-shaped claw is not sharp enough!" I handed him my dagger, and the Dragon King took the dagger and killed his arm. Bright red dragon blood dripped on the bottle, and a red halo immediately appeared around the bottle. The Dragon King returned me the dagger and drew a magic circle on the ground. Put the bottle in the array, and then start using the spell. At this time, I used the full Dragon language, and I could n’t understand it anyway! At the end of the spell, the magic circle lit up, and the Dragon King said to me, "Okay, just find a bigger hammer and hit it hard!"

明白 "Understand!" Clark is a blacksmith's factory here, with more hammers. I walked over with a sledgehammer and slammed into the bottle. A delicate and delicate exquisite crystal bottle was smashed into pieces by me. But just as the bottle shattered, a lot of real dragon spirits flew out of the bottle.

The debris on the ground suddenly flashed, and all of them flew together to form a completed bottle. It was impossible to see that it had been broken! One of the souls scurrying around the room suddenly flew towards the bottle and crashed into it. The eight faucets under the bottleneck opened their mouths at the same time, and the eight chains that were originally medicined were disconnected at the same time. The bottle cap stumbled to the floor.

As soon as the bottle opening was opened, the room immediately became messy. The dragon souls flying all around were sucked back as if they encountered a tornado. Some dragon souls that had already flew out of the workshop were unable to run away and all were sucked back. The Dragon King said to me: "Drop your blood into the bottle while it is still closed!"

I quickly took off the gloves, cut my fingers, and dripped blood into the bottle. There didn't seem to be any change after the blood and water entered. The bottle is still absorbing the soul, and the dragon spirit outside is sucked in without even pulling it! When the last dragon soul entered the bottle, the cap flew up and covered the mouth of the bottle. The eight chains returned to the eight dragon's mouths, and the dragon's mouths re-bited the heads of the chains.

The King of Dragons gave me the bottle on the ground and said, "There are dragons who have committed serious faults in the past. After they are killed, their souls are sealed in exquisite crystal bottles, which have destroyed their will. , But it retains the power of the soul. If you need to inject the soul later, you can use the dragon soul in this bottle! "

"But I don't know that spell!"

"No need! I just let you drip blood into it ~ ~ The exquisite crystal bottle has your consciousness. When you want to open it later, you can pull the bottle cap and lock the chain by yourself. I put the lid on the chain and went back to myself! "

"It's convenient!"

"In addition to the dragon soul inside, you can also use this bottle to hold other souls. Just point the mouth of the bottle at the target, and then open the lid! You can see the specific attributes!"

It turns out that this bottle is not just a prop for the soul, it is also a real weapon! I looked at the properties, and the properties I couldn't see before were displayed! Sure enough, it is an item that can gather the soul. The sucked-in NPC soul will remain sealed in the bottle until I release him. The soul disappeared immediately after being sucked in, and the player was unable to play for two hours. Not bad, you can control the enemy! Unfortunately, this bottle requires that the soul who has left the flesh is sucking, and the soul cannot be drawn directly from the flesh!

The King of Dragons left when there was something to deal with, and Clark and I began to study how to repair the weapon. The creation star must be added, and the squid's mouth. In addition, the last time I defended the city, the system gave me a chance to upgrade the equipment, and the success rate was 100%. I also plan to use it together to ensure safety. By the way, it is still the sacred sword that has become fragments and the set of fire blades I scammed from Polaris King. These are all good things! Thinking of it, the dragons are still three weapons sealed in the keel. Now I just have to find it out. If they are not easy to use or are also weapons like the sword, I will simply merge them together. This time, 100% success Rate, this shop is gone after this village!

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