Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 223: Frozen Banshee's Iron Curtain Device

Because the Russian side did not continue to block the LPG fleet, the LPG fleet entered the Russian air defense network very smoothly, but because it needed to make room for the US fleet, the area of ​​the fleet was not The avoidance will be expanded, and in this case it is not good for Russian players. Of course, everyone came in, and it was useless to be angry even at this time.

The fleets of the two sides have just finished mixing, and the aircraft in front has arrived outside the air defense fire network of the mixed fleet, but these flying units have not rushed in, but circled around the fire network of the mixed fleet.

"What are they waiting for?" The Frozen Banshee asked puzzledly as she watched the continuous flying units in the sky.

She didn't expect anyone to answer her question, but she did not expect to hear a strange voice suddenly at this time: "It should be waiting for some other weapon to be ready."

The Frozen Banshee looked back in surprise, and found that the person who spoke was actually the God of Guns.

"How did you come to my boat?"

"Russian friends have held up a protective umbrella for us. We can't always say nothing at all, right?"

"Show?" The Frozen Banshee asked dismissively, "Do you plan to give money or send us something?"

"None," said the God of Guns, "but I can hold an umbrella for you, just as you did for us."

"Put an umbrella for us? Just you?" Of course the Frozen Banshee didn't believe this happened, because the Paladins could not even protect themselves. How to protect their power?

"You don't seem to believe it." The Gun God said without waiting for the Frozen Banshee to say something. "In fact, I know that normal people will not believe it, but we do have a way to protect you. But the scope of our protection is not the same as yours. If you do n’t mind, I hope that you can issue an order for your warships to allow our air defense forces to land on your deck. Rest assured, our people will not enter your warships Inside, just on the deck. "

The Frozen Banshee is a very savvy person, and she can guess what the so-called umbrella is just by the words of the gun god.

The reason why the Paladin League is called Paladin is because more than 70% of the players in this guild are musketeers, so it has such a name. Because there are so many musketeers, the Paladin can develop specifically for muskets. Thus strengthening the strength of the guild.

No matter how strong the real musket is, it is also a gun. But the game is different. Like the gun of God of Guns, if you use special mode with special ammunition, the power is comparable to those of the large starships in science fiction movies. Of course, that kind of super-standard product is rare after all. But it is not too difficult to strengthen a weapon sufficient to shoot down the aircraft.

There are so many Musketeers in the Paladin. Many of them must have the ability to shoot down aircraft. However, with the player's musket to hit the aircraft in the sky, this hit rate and power will not be mentioned for the time being. At least the range is very problematic. Therefore, the Frozen Banshee guessed in an instant that the Paladin was not without air defense capabilities, but that their air defense capabilities were biased towards low-altitude close-range defense. If it is on the ground, air defense is basically not a problem, because the other party does not matter as long as they cannot hit them, anyway, the ground is not afraid of bombs. But in turn, this kind of air defense capability was obviously a bit undersight during naval battles.

The reason why the Paladin Union needs Russians to help them air defense is because of the lack of long-range air defense networks, so they have to resort to Russian air defense capabilities. However, under the premise that a long-range air defense network already exists, the Paladin Air Defense Network can play a complementary role, making the air defense network three-dimensional and complete. Therefore, what the gun **** said is not a big deal, they can indeed provide a close layer of protection for the Russian fleet.

Such a good thing, the Frozen Banshee, of course, will not refuse. She quickly agreed to the request of the God of Guns and informed the captains of the warships to let them pay attention not to inspire contradictions.

After the gun **** got permission, he just let his men go back to notify the control personnel to board the ship, but he did not return. The Frozen Banshee looked at the Gun God with a little surprise and asked, "Are there anything else for you?"

The Gun God knew that the Frozen Banshee wanted to ask him why he hadn't left, and he didn't go around the corner, and answered directly: "I plan to jointly command with you. After all, our fleet has been mixed. It's easy to get into trouble if you don't coordinate. You don't want to be taken advantage of by the Chinese? "

After seeing Gunslinger for a long time, the Frozen Banshee only said one sentence: "It's up to you." He no longer cares about him, but Gunslinger's guy started to command himself as if he was familiar with him. Their command comes.

The Russian fleet and the Paladin Fleet's fleet were mixed and completed the air defense deployment. At this time, the aircraft coiled over the fleets of both sides was still unprepared to launch an air strike, and still played around in circles in self-care. However, just when the following group of American and Russian players were about to be impatient, there was a sudden sound of familiar howling in front of them.

"Damn, it was long-range shelling."

Because the previous shelling has been paused for a long time, plus the subsequent mine attack and air force threats, and finally, the fleet of the Paladins forcibly broke into the formation of the Russian fleet. This series of events has made many people forget Far from the unseen horizon, a fleet with long-range artillery capabilities was staring at them. However, now they all think of this fleet, because their shells have reached their heads.

For air defense, the Russian and American fleets have come together. Although it is not as exaggerated as the ship is against the ship, the distance between the two warships is actually only the length of one warship. In other words, the distance between battleships and warships is currently only three or three hundred meters. This is the equivalent of two or three hundred meters long battleships in the game. Such a dense fleet was suddenly attacked by cover fire, and the consequences can be imagined.

Accompanying a rising water column. Dozens of huge fireballs took off, and at least a dozen warships were shot in an area to the right of the fleet. Basically, the warships that were shot were hit by three or more people at the same time.

Looking at the battleship that was sinking in smoke, the Frozen Banshee and Gun God were silent and silent.

After this round of shelling, the interval was less than thirty seconds, and the second round of shelling followed, but the area covered by the barrage was significantly larger than the last time, and this time there were basically not many shells hitting the water. Almost all the incoming shells hit their targets. There were at least hundreds of warships with huge fireballs on the surface, and half of them began to drop at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"Damn. How can these Chinese shells hit so accurately?" Gunsling, who just got up from under his seat, complained. The Russian battleship they were in was just shot. A shell landed directly on the front turret shield of the second turret. Although this position is the thickest armored position on the turret, the enhanced fragmented shell fired from the 633 mm main gun still blew up the entire front of the second turret. It should have been three barrels. There is only one large hole left in the position, and even the back of No. 1 turret in the front of No. 2 turret is significantly recessed.

Although this shell did not cause any irreparable damage to the warship itself. But the shock made everyone in the bridge fall over. Gunslinger was not spared.

The Frozen Banshee looked at the thick turret of No. 2 turret and ordered the people around him: "Notify the ammunition team to withdraw the ammunition of No. 2 turret and distribute the average to the remaining three turrets."


"Do you say Ziri intends to use these flying units to force us to gather the fleet so that they can shell it?" Gun God looked at the Frozen Banshee and asked.

The Frozen Banshee looked at the gun **** and said, "No. On the contrary. They are forcing us to disperse."

"Why are you so sure?" Gun Lord asked in confusion.

The Frozen Banshee pointed to the top of her head and said, "Because their shells can only cost us some warships, but those things can destroy our entire fleet."

The Gun God looked up at the things above his head, and then suddenly said, "But if we keep coming together like this. Is the damage from the shelling too serious?"

The Frozen Banshee shook her head and said, "No, the shelling damage looks very sad, but it won't hurt the root, but once we spread out, the consequences will be hard to say."

"Actually, I don't think it would be of much use even if we don't spread it out." As soon as the words of Gun God had been spoken, the Frozen Banshee looked over in confusion, but the structure found that Gun God was pointing diagonally upward.

The Frozen Banshee turned her head in disbelief, and then her expression suddenly became quite exaggerated, then she screamed in surprise. "Damn. Kasha, go tell Donovan to open the iron curtain. There is no time to hide now!"

"Iron Curtain?" The Gun God looked at the Frozen Banshee in wonder, but wanted to know what the Iron Curtain was, but the latter had no time to ignore him.

Soon after the girl called by the Frozen Banshee left, several Russian ships in certain locations in the Russian fleet suddenly changed. I saw one of the command towers in the middle of the battleship in the front of the fleet suddenly separated to both sides and gradually fell down, while the second turret behind the battleship and a series of superstructures on the central axis unfolded to the sides Huge gully. In this ditch, a long stick is gradually being supported by two thick hydraulic rods. At first, this thing felt like an oversized crane boom, but soon those players who didn't know it found that this thing was not a boom at all, because there was no hook installed on this thing.

As the huge jib-like thing was lifted up, it really started to stretch forward like a telescopic jib, but the top of the thing didn't become one after four or five knots were unfolded. Hooks, but instead broke out from a hexagonal structure and extended a bunch of hedgehog-like antennas. At that moment it felt as if the top of this thing had turned into a giant dandelion.

With the dandelion-like structure fully unfolded, the thick stick was completely erected, and the height of the thing was as high as 300 meters, it seemed as if the wind would blow off.

In fact, it is not only this ship that has undergone this kind of deformation. Many nearby ships have also undergone such deformation. Then, the gunman quickly found that there were many warships of this structure in the Russian fleet.

"What the **** are you hiding?"

"Iron curtain installation." The busy Frozen Banshee is finally free to explain this to Gunslinger. "In fact, it is an enhanced version of the protective cover, but we have improved this kind of thing, breaking down the central power source into multiple parts and loading them on different warships. In this way, even if one or two nodes are destroyed, it will not cause The protective cover suddenly loses its effect. Moreover, this multi-point energy supply protective cover also has the advantage that it has sufficient energy and can produce a strong protective ability. "

"Are you sure this iron curtain of yours can block the thing?" The Gun God pointed uncertainly and pointed upwards. That is, the Frozen Banshee who forced the iron curtain device before revealing the hole cards in advance.

In fact, the reason why the Frozen Banshee was so disoriented was not because of anything else. It was because the Frost Rose and Eternity led the only open air fleet of the guild.

In fact, there are many air warships in our guild, but most of them are hidden and have been posing as surface ships. In fact, at this time, about 20% of our guilds have completed the replacement of air warships. In other words, there are actually many air warships sailing on the sea in our Frost Rose Alliance fleet. Just because they never fly. So no one knows it.

The guilds outside thought that our Frost Rose Alliance had only two hundred or so air battleships. As everyone knows, our air warships have actually exceeded 2,000.

The two hundred or so ships that now appear are the air fleets that our guild is open to the public, but the so-called public disclosure is not to say that there is a big swing in front of everyone for you to visit. In fact, these air warships are still in a veiled state. Others can only occasionally see how these air warships are when they leave or return to port. In most cases no one knows where these warships are and what they are doing. Anyway, it is the mystery of God that does not make people understand the situation.

The real role of these air warships is not to fight, but to attract attention. Because we have been secretive about these air warships, the attention of other guilds has been focused on these air warships. It is unknown that they are just under their eyes, and the port of Essinger is listening well. Hundreds of air battleships. The hidden way of Chencang in the Mingxiu boardwalk works very well, at least no one knows how many air warships we have.

Of course, the reason why the Frozen Banshee responded so much was not because there were many air battleships in our guild. The 200 or so air warships that just appeared were the 200 or so air warships we usually took out to attract firepower, not the hidden air warships. However, although the number is not large, the volume of Frost Rose and Eternity is really a bit exaggerated. Of course, Everbright is useless, and the Frozen Banshee can't be scared directly by seeing a large air battleship. Otherwise, wouldn't Essinger's mobile fortress fly to where a large surrendering enemy would be?

What really scared the Frozen Banshee was that the Frost Rose came down suddenly from the clouds, and the part of his bow was just folded, just like their iron curtain installation, and then exposed a Big hole.

This opening is located in the middle of the teaching of Frost Rose, and it looks a bit like the intake of a turbofan engine used on large passenger aircraft. However, in this round air inlet, there are three circles of light rings consisting of blue short rod-shaped gratings that point to the center of the circle. At this time, these blue short rods that make up the aura are gradually shining, and the light is shining. Increasingly strong, and at the center of the circle they point to, a bright white dot is growing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and can also be stuck in the surrounding grating from time to time, a blue arc converges to the center Above this light sphere.

Even a fool can see that this is definitely a heavy weapon, and at least one that can kill several warships at once. It was the sudden appearance of this thing that caused the Frozen Banshee to start the iron curtain device urgently, because she couldn't afford to gamble, and she was worried that if we let us launch first, her hole cards would no longer exist. Because the power of that thing in the sky doesn't look very weak.

The Russian Iron Curtain device started later than us ~ ~ but it was completed quickly. Those giant dandelion-like things started to shine with dazzling blue light, and then started to shoot blue arcs towards the sky. These arcs started as if they hit something after dozens of meters. Spreading toward the surrounding area, a large fan-shaped area was quickly formed, and then the fan-shaped light films emitted by multiple "dandelions" were connected together to form such a huge hemispherical photomask covering the entire fleet.

"I rely on, what the **** is that?" At this time in the sky, I and the Chuang Wang were also surprised to look at the huge protective cover under the hair straight. The appearance of this thing is really a bit unexpected.

"It looks like some kind of protective cover?" As the president of Frost Rose League, I know a little bit about technical things. Besides, most people will guess the protective cover after reading it. After all, except the way of launch is a bit strange. In addition, this thing is basically not different from the ordinary protective cover, is it?

Suora Ziyi suddenly asked with a communicator: "President, do we still want to fire?"

"Of course. Why not? Just try the Russian shield is not hard enough."

"So is it. Then fire." (To be continued ...)

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