Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 246: Powerful environment adaptability

\ "You bastard! \" Supported by the guy I photographed on the deck, he immediately snarled at me angrily immediately after he got up from the deck, and his body was still deforming while roaring.

When this guy just came out of the battleship cabin, it was basically no different from normal players. It looked like an ordinary player. He didn't feel that he was the person who injected the injection. But now, I can completely Certainly, this guy did use that kind of injection, because the changes that are happening on him now are the same as those of the guys who covered the battleship before. A large amount of meat began to squeeze out of the gap between the armor on him. And then quickly expanded, eventually covering his armor completely. However, after completely covering this guy's entire body, these swollen meat pieces began to collapse quickly, but did not retract the inside of the armor, but The surface of the armor is hardened to form a layer similar to the biological armor wrapped around the previous kind of battleship.

Because I was curious about this kind of thing, I did n’t stop the other party from deforming. In fact, the deformation process was not very long, and it took only three or five seconds to complete. Of course, if I think about it, this time is indeed It was enough for me to bash the place.

The completely hardened shell on the opponent's body is dark brown, the surface is quite smooth, and it even has a shiny feel. This is significantly different from the carapace outside those biological battleships, because the `long` wind` literature` \" / / cfwx \ "target = \" _ blank \ "> cfwx carapace is non-reflective.

In addition to the color and texture, the shape of these carapace is also quite different from the layer covered by the biological battleships. The biological crusts wrapped outside those warships look very irregular. The pieces of the crust itself are very connected. It is messy, and the surface is very uneven. However, the shell on this player is like a precision-designed armor, which not only has smooth lines, but also has a reasonable structure. It does not affect the activity after shaping according to the needs of body movements. But just looking at it gives a feeling of high defense.

That guy was just injected with that injection, so these abilities should be used for the first time, so after growing this layer of armor on his body, he actually looked down at his hands and legs, obviously he also I was curious about this body on himself. But he still knew how much he was in combat. So after just looking around, he rushed directly towards me again. But this time the situation was slightly unexpected.

I wasn't surprised that guy rushed over, but what happened afterwards made us both startled, because the guy just flew directly in front of me as soon as he lifted his feet, and that speed was so fast that it was also my reaction ability. Just came and guarded it with his hands, and barely blocked it. Then the two of us flew out of the deck together and fell into the sea from the rear of the battleship in the surprised thoughts of both sides.

The main reason why this happens is that this guy's movement speed has increased geometrically. Although his speed was also very fast before, it is far from being so exaggerated. Now this speed is completely a near-instantaneous movement. The general state. Also, according to the reaction of the guy when he hit me, he obviously did not expect such a speed, so that he hit me directly without any attack.

After falling into the sea, of course, the guy and I were separated. Because I was blocked by my arm, the impact damage was not great, so I immediately turned over after falling into the water, and my wings spread sharply, and the whole person immediately turned towards The front slides out. My wings actually have quite high mobility in the water, and using the wings to propel in the water is actually quite good. Although it takes a bit of effort, the speed is very good.

Compared to my flexibility, that guy was more miserable when he went into the water. He fluttered in the water and stirred the bubbles in the surrounding seawater, but he couldn't control his posture at all. I can see that he is not incapable of Swimming, the reason why the movement is out of control is because you can't control your own strength.

Those who have played racing games should know that for a novice, a car with less horsepower and moderate steering ability will tend to run out of high speed than those top sports cars with high horsepower and high mobility, which is not to say that lower-level cars are more But because novice players are not suitable for advanced running out of that exaggerated acceleration ability and a flexible steering wheel, so you can hit things with just a little throttle. Although most cars in the racing games will not completely crash , But always rushing out of the track or bumping obstacles, the speed will naturally not be faster. So for novices, instead of driving super super uncontrollable to run out and bump around like bumper cars, it is better to always change to another one Normal cars running at maximum horsepower are faster.

This is the problem that this guy is facing now. His body is like the top sports car, it is too powerful, and it responds to the brain commands amazingly fast, but because the physical conditions are too good, he ca n’t Take control of your body. Also, this guy is still in the water now, which proves that if he is on the ground, he will definitely be worse than now, because the resistance in the water is great. How much is he here It can also suppress a little strength on his body.When fishing, without water resistance, his body will definitely become more difficult to control.

In fact, even when I was away from the guy when I was on the boat, and it wasn't seawater behind, but a wide enough land, he would definitely fall miserably, because he actually had no focus before he hit me. What a matter. He basically tripped himself first, and then knocked me into the sea together in the process of throwing forward. So, his power is actually completely out of control. Of course, this state It won't last too long. Although it is difficult to precisely control the super power, it is necessary to ensure that the basic action is not thought about. [,! ] As difficult as in. According to my previous experience, as long as there are only three or five minutes to pass the field, it can roughly adapt to the basic state of activity of the body, and the initial adaptation is about ten or twenty seconds. Then ... it is not possible without a week or two. After all, it takes a year or two for a baby to learn to control the muscles of the whole body! Adults are actually weaker than babies in this regard.After all, brain synapses are stereotyped, and learning these things is not as fast as babies.

Anyway, that guy only found a basic control method in just ten seconds. Although the movement is still messy, but Panpan finally adjusted to the direction of the head and feet, and finally changed from back to back. Became facing me.

If I really want to kill this guy, I have had a few chances before, and I still didn't make a shot just now, just to see if this guy's body has adapted to this change, but the guy has a little grasp A little changed after the equilibrium.

The armor that had been shaped on his body suddenly began to soften at this time, and then deformed again. First, the guy's feet began to extend, and soon grew into a structure similar to the fins worn by divers, and this thing It is also soft and can play a good propulsive role in the water. Of course, the webs on the palm have not fallen, and the membrane connected between the fingers obviously plays this role.

In addition to these webs, this guy also cracked a few shutter-like gaps on the side of his helmet, and opened and closed the movement. It is not difficult to see from the occasional bubbles, this thing should be a gill-like component In addition, there are two things that look like wings in the back of this guy, but they are not as big as real wings, very thick, a bit similar to the air intake of an aircraft, like two large pipes hanging on this Behind the guy.

Finally, in addition to the above changes, this guy's body armor surface has undergone subtle changes. In addition to the overall structure looking more smooth, the armor surface has also changed, from the previous smooth mirror-like structure to A state similar to the matte effect.

In fact, I can probably guess some reasons for this strange texture.

The mirror-like armor structure on the guy before was changed in the air, and according to the characteristics that the fish gills can grow in the water of this guy, this biological tissue has strong environmental adaptability. So, no It is hard to think that the armor on his body became this structure in order to adapt to the underwater environment. The thing on the back is likely to be a jet thruster. I can think of the working principle. It is nothing more than the principle similar to the heart pumping blood. First, the rear end of the pipe is closed, then the central soft tissue mechanism expands, and the seawater is sucked in from the front, and then the front end is closed, and the soft tissue is compressed, squeezing the seawater out from the back, thereby generating forward propulsive force. This work method is simple and conforms to biological Body works.

The gills on the side of his neck will not be said, this thing is an underwater breathing apparatus. The webs on the hands and feet should assist movement and control the direction. The more streamlined shape is to improve the ability of underwater movement. The shell with a matte effect should also be used to reduce resistance. Don't look at the matte texture, but I'm sure it feels like sandpaper. In fact, the shark's skin is just like this sandpaper structure, and this This kind of rough skin can break the stickiness of the water molecules and the skin on the surface, thus reducing the resistance in the water. This structure is far more suitable for water sports than the smooth appearance.

Although this guy couldn't beat me even if he turned into a shark, his super adaptability made me want to get a bottle of this thing to study more. So many players in the guild, most of them Only adapt to combat in a part of the environment, and if this thing is available, and everyone can obtain this ability to change the shape according to the environment, then everyone in our guild will become an all-terrain adaptive combatant. That will greatly strengthen the fighting power of our guild. So, this thing is more and more attractive to me.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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