Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 254: Finally came back

"I am! Who is that guy?"

"Don't you even know him?" A person next to him who didn't come out to stop us said to the guy who stood up, "Are you out of Mars?"

"How? Do I have to know him?"

"It's really unnecessary, but not knowing him means you are ignorant."

After trying to stop us, the guy looked at us who had entered the temple, and then thought for a while that he did not return to the line, but walked straight towards us who had entered the temple. When he walked in front of the temple guards, he also learned to look like me, reached out his hand, and popped a gold coin. The gold coin rolled and fell on the ground in front of the guard, making a jingle, and two golden short sword stands. In front of this guy's neck.

The blocked player actually looked at the guard holding the sword on both sides in doubt, and then asked with a little surprise: "Isn't it for you?"

"Bold. Does the dignity of the temple guards allow you to wait for mortals to insult." The guard said, then took the golden sword and chopped down the guy's head. If the guy reacted quickly and escaped, this head would be cut Come down.

The player who successfully managed to get away from the attack still had a little overreach and rushed to the guard to shout, "Are you crazy? I will give you money, and you will still cut me?"

"Attempting to bribe the temple guard with gold coins, are you insulting us?" Although the guard said that, he did not catch up again.

The guy pointed unconvincingly at us who hadn't gone far and asked: "What's the matter with them? I just saw him throw a gold coin to you, and then you let him in."

"You're talking about this?" The guard showed the little Jin Chancan thing that I still passed before.

The player immediately pointed at the thing and shouted excitedly when he saw the thing: "Yes, this is the thing. This is it. Since you can accept his bribe, why can't I?"

"Don't you have a brain?" The guard didn't show anger this time. Instead, he asked very disdainfully, "Do you not know the purchasing power of a gold coin? What kind of existence does the temple guard have? Don't you know? In our existence, you just want to buy it with a gold coin? Are you sure of yourself? Is there a problem in his head? "

Originally, I was just angry that why we can go past them, but now I suddenly heard the guard of the temple say that, that guy immediately stopped. I hadn't noticed this before, so I didn't expect it. Now I was reminded and immediately reacted. It was obvious that what I had just done was not a bribe. Because it was developed in China, the currency is directly linked to the RMB, but now currencies around the world can be easily exchanged, so the RMB is only a reference currency, not that the money in the game can only be exchanged RMB.

According to the exchange rate of RMB, a gold coin in the game is equivalent to RMB 1 yuan. What can one yuan do? Buy a fritters? Change a packet of gum? Even in those poor countries. The value of one yuan is definitely not too high. If I had just bribed, then a gold coin is obviously abnormal. The temple guards didn't ask for food, but they paid one yuan for it? This guard is worthless, right?

Finally, I want to understand that the player who has the problem has a much lower voice at this time, which is why he has no confidence. "But you just picked up a gold coin and let him pass!"

"First. Our loyalty under the crown of the Sun God will never change. As a soldier under the crown of the Sun God, guarding the glory of the Sun God is the meaning of my life and so on. When a scum appears, it is never possible to betray the sun **** for the sake of a gold coin. Second, although it was indeed a gold coin thrown by Lord Ziri, it was not an ordinary gold coin. It came out, and at this time the player found that the color of the gold coin seemed a bit wrong. Although in the game, crystal coins, gold coins, silver coins and copper coins are commonly used throughout the world. However, the patterns of these four currencies in different countries are different, of course, their thickness, diameter and material are the same. This is a currency method designed by the system to improve the convenience of communication between players, while ensuring the nationality. Everyone's currency is the same. The difference is that the relief printed on the currency is different. However, this one is obviously not a gold coin of any country, because its color is not completely golden, but it is blue with gold and has high brightness, which is obviously a metal different from gold.

"I depend. It won't be pure gold, right?" People who really knew the goods around recognized the material of this gold coin.

The guard nodded and said, "Yes, this is a special fine gold coin printed by Frost Rose Alliance. It is not a currency, but a voucher. On behalf of Frost Rose Alliance, it means paying tribute to the local forces and borrowing the resources of the other party. Although the fine gold itself is a precious metal, its significance lies in the attitude of Frost Rose Alliance rather than its own value. If you feel that you have enough money to top the favor of Frost Rose Alliance, then I also Can let you in. "

Who dares to say anything when this sentence comes out? A favor of the Frost Rose League, the value of this thing can be large or small, but even if it is small, it is definitely not a gold coin to measure.

Neither I nor the Bear Claw paid attention to this outside episode because we had already entered the temple at this time. With the help of a dedicated temple priest, we stood on a dedicated teleportation array, and then were transferred directly to the great temple in the oasis of gods in the depths of the desert.

This oasis of gods is a closed city in the desert area of ​​Egypt. The location of this city on the map is a mystery. Because it has interference around it, any positioning method is invalid here, so the player cannot enter directly. Of course, no one came in. In fact, many players have been here, but most of them came in by accident. The outer area of ​​this place is like a huge maze. Most people will lose their direction when they walk into this area. Eventually they will be trapped in the maze-like area. Those who can get here are accidentally walking through the passage to get here, and you only have to come once. The city's teleportation array will be open to you, and you can teleport over in the future. However, although it can be teleported and entered freely, there is a limit on staying time. Each player can stay here differently according to the level. The lower the level, the shorter the time you can stay here. People below level 200 can only stay here for less than a minute, and people above level 1,000 can stay for more than two hours, so most people come here. He is in a hurry, and hurries after finishing things. Otherwise, once the time is up, these people will be immediately absorbed by the punishment system here. and so. Most people dare not time out.

My bear claws are all over a thousand levels, but we don't plan to stop here any more, this is just a transit station. As for the players who come here to work, they basically rush to the goal as soon as they are out of the teleportation array. Although the city can't go out for leveling because of the closed reason, the shops here can buy some special things that are rare all over the world. And it is said that there is also a mysterious businessman who appears from time to time in the city. The other party will randomly generate some uncertain things for sale, and the function of each thing is unknown, but the price is quite high.

Although that thing is expensive and not guaranteed, there are still a lot of people who are willing to buy it. This person is almost like those who gamble. Although everyone has said ten bets and nine losers, those who like gambling are still rushing. This mysterious businessman sells things like lottery tickets, although most of them are garbage whiteboard equipment that no one wants. But occasionally it is mixed with rare Holy Spirit or artifact-level things, and sometimes even this guy will post tasks, and the tasks posted by this guy only need to be completed. In the end, unexpected super luxury rewards will appear. Therefore, basically everyone comes for this task, as for the equipment or something ... the probability of that kind of thing appearing is too low, so everyone just hopes that not many people really expect to be from this mysterious businessman What good things to buy, there are many people who are all over the city looking for the refreshing point of this mysterious businessman. After finding it, wait for him to post the task.

Because this Oasis of God has many strange benefits, many players are willing to run here. Unfortunately, you have to walk in here for the first time, so there are only a few who can come here.

After entering here with Bear Claw, Bear Claw quickly discovered the surrounding anomalies. Because everyone is flying here, it looks like everyone is busy, which is completely different from other cities.

Of course I know the doubts of Bear Claw, so I explained the situation here without waiting for him to ask. I didn't expect that the first question after listening to Bear Claw was: "But if I have to walk in for the first time, why can I just teleport in?"

"Because you came in with me. If you change people, you can't come in." After I said it, I went directly to the teleportation array opposite to the teleportation hall. The teleportation array that just came was one-way, so Before you can transfer to another transfer array, you need to change another transfer array.

With the help of the teleportation array, we quickly reached another city, and this is the hub city that our Frost Rose League established in Egypt. This city is equipped with a large transnational transport array, which can directly connect to other transnational transport arrays regardless of national borders. Of course, there are no transnational transport arrays on warships, so we need to transfer from Isinger first.

When we arrived in Essinger, I was quite surprised that Bear Claw had come to Essinger, and I only knew that he had played here once before. After all, Isinger is a city that is open to the outside world, not a closed city. As long as it is not a hostile act, it is possible to play in the name of an individual. It's no surprise that Bear Claw has been here.

"Where's that device you said?" After arriving at Isinger, Bear Claw asked me directly where the gate of truth was, because he was anxious to return to China. Although he signed the agreement and promised to cooperate with me to allow me to extract the parasite, he did not want to completely break away from life in Russia, so in order to continue to mix in Russia in the future, he was very worried about exposing himself and our transactions. He stayed with us for too long, and this exposure became inevitable, which is why he was so anxious.

"Okay, I know you're in a hurry. Don't worry, I'll take you there."

Although the battle at sea is still going on, I was in a hurry to rush back to deal with the issue of naval warfare, but the things on this side are really not delayed, so I can only take the bear claws to the gate of truth.

Originally, my idea was to bring bear claws, and then make a wish, and let the gate of truth give a technique or equipment for extracting parasites. If the generated task is very difficult, then I will go in to do the task by myself, if the task is not difficult, then let the guild special task hunting team complete it. After all, the Gate of Truth usually has a dedicated task team responsible, so as long as it is not too difficult, you can generally give them.

However, I was slightly surprised that the task generated by the Gate of Truth was only a b-level task. Although the highest level of tasks generated by the Gate of Truth is 3s and the lowest is f, the b and a levels are already very difficult for most people. But the problem is that the mission hunting team we arranged is to do this. The strength is naturally extraordinary, and they have been strengthened specifically for the situation of the mission world. Everyone has a very good set of equipment. All provided by the guild, they can borrow various equipment of the guild warehouse at will as long as they enter the task.

With such an external condition ~ ~ plus the players who can be arranged to do the mission are also first-rate players, so our guild players have always had a very high success rate in doing this mission of the gate of truth. For example, the completion probability of s-level tasks is generally more than 50%, at least 90% of a-level tasks, and the b-level task has currently failed once. The reason for failure is that one of the players misses and makes continuous mistakes. It can be seen that the task of level b is not an issue for us at all.

Because the task was unexpectedly simple, I immediately threw it at the hunting team when I saw the task, and I arranged for someone to rush to the sea after watching some bear claws.

This joint operation between the Paladin and the Russians is too large, and now it is in a decisive battle, so I am very worried about the outcome of the battle. I have not been informed of this after being accidentally transmitted. Of course, now it is Come back in a hurry and see what happens.

Using Essinger's teleportation array, you can directly connect to the fleet's teleportation array. When I arrived on the Frost Rose, I found that there was a smoky surrounding, and the source of the smoke was found immediately after rushing out of the teleportation array.

"What's the situation?" (To be continued) r861

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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