Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 263: Post move

\ "Look, this is the gap that Zi Ri blocked with the wreckage of the warship. We want to ... rush in from here."

After hearing the words of the Frozen Banshee, a Russian guild president next to him asked with a little doubt: \ "Why do you particularly emphasize rushing in from here? Do you mean you can only enter from here? We have all abandoned the city walls ? \ "

The Frozen Banshee nodded surely: \ "Aisinger's wall is more than 450 meters high, the outer wall is almost perpendicular to the ground, and the inclination is less than three degrees. Now there is still a layer of ice on the outside, you Think we can climb up with our bare hands here? \ "

The president of the Russian guild said unconvinced: "But if we abandon the city wall and just rush in from this entrance, we are likely to be attacked by fire from the wall personnel, and the casualties will be very large."

\ "Surely there will be casualties, how can there be undead in battle? \" After the Frozen Banshee smiled and added: \ "But this time our casualties will be very small. \"

\ "Are there any tricks left? \" The surrounding Russian guild presidents were watching the frozen banshee seriously waiting for her answer.

Sure enough, the Frozen Banshee was obviously in a good mood and took another thing from her body.This was the first time she laughed after this operation began.

\ "Don't look at this thing in my hand as if it looks like a stone, but its effect you can't imagine. I won't explain it to you in detail, anyway, as long as you know-long-wind-literature {c} { f) (w) {x}, this thing can build a layer of protective force field, so as to limit the attack on us on the city wall. So, we just need to open this gap. Any weapon on the city wall and No one can hurt us, unless they come down and fight face to face with us. "

Although I don't know what the stuff in the frozen banshee's hand is, after hearing the promise of the frozen banshee, those Russian guild presidents also obviously relaxed. At this time, the frozen banshee was obviously not. Will joke with them, and the smile of the frozen banshee cannot be fake, which shows that the cobblestone-like thing in her hand can really produce the kind of effect she said. Then, if this thing The ability is real, then the rest is simple.

Although we have sealed the entrance with the wreckage of the battleship, it is not a wall 500 meters high after all, so it is relatively easy to go in. As for how to rush through the passage inside ... this is nothing more than trying to consume. Anyway They are also prepared desperately, sacrifice is inevitable, but as long as the goal can be achieved, everything else is not a problem.

The Gun God looked at the Frozen Banshee with a little worry and asked: "But even if you really say that, the people of the Frost Rose Alliance can only fight with us when they come down the channel, but have you thought about it? Such a narrow aisle cannot be used by any means. What you can do is fight hard. But you all know the high-end combat power of Frost Rose League. By that time, Ziri and his group of high-level thugs will go there. How can it be? If the width of the front is large. Of course, Ziri alone can't stop our army, but now there is only one passage, and there is no way for Ziri to rush through! \ "

\ "You don't have to worry about this. Because I have everything ready. \" The Frozen Banshee smiled and said: \ "Although there are many high-end forces in the Frost Rose Alliance, have you ever thought about it, if they What about a massive invasion in that occupied area of ​​our country? \ "

After hearing the words of the Frozen Banshee, the shotgun was suddenly stunned. The development zone that our guild just created in Russia can be said to be a double-edged sword. Because of the existence of that development zone, we have become a two-tiered sword. Combat, once it is attacked over there, we definitely can't let it go. Even if I don't pass by, the elite players in the guild will definitely go to the rescue. And once there is a fight there, we The guild's war machines and npc forces will inevitably be pinned there, causing problems with the defense on Isinger's side.

Of course, we also have another option, which is to transfer personnel from the Russian development zone to strengthen Isinger's defense. In this way, Isinger can guarantee foolproofness, but the problem is that the development area will definitely not be able to keep it No matter what is wrong, it is a good thing for the Frozen Banshee, so she doesn't care about our choice at all, anyway, it is only good for her.

\ "This alone cannot guarantee that we can defeat their defense, right? \" The gun **** wants to understand the joints, but this is the benefit of the Frozen Banshee, and it has nothing to do with their holy lance alliance, Isinger only It's their goal. As for the development area ... the victory or defeat has nothing to do with them. When I thought this operation had failed, the Gun God did want to join the Frozen Banshee for their future. Some plans, but now he saw the hope again, and his idea was naturally different.

Of course, the Frozen Banshee also understands the idea of ​​the gun god, so she continues: "" I just said one aspect, and I have other means. You also saw that the surrounding environment has now become more polar than the Arctic. The circle is still cold, and I don't think you know about the rumors about me? \ "

The Gun God just hesitated for a second and asked tentatively: "" You mean that online legends can kill the rumor of Zi Ri as long as the temperature is low enough? \ "

The Frozen Banshee nodded: \ "Yes, that's actually not a rumor, but it's true. I used to get a designated training field with a special task scroll, although it was only a training field with a limited number of uses, It will not generate experience points and will not explode equipment, but it can train my own combat skills, and I can also do some tests. I designated Ziri as the test. [,!] Test subjects, and then use the system according to the purple The data of the day and the virtual target simulated by the battle mode were tested. I challenged Ziri's simulator 20 times under the environment of minus two Baidu, and all won. \ "

The Gun God frowned immediately: \ "But Ziri is an individual, not a program. The simulation test does not mean that it must correspond to reality. You defeated the simulated Ziri, but you did not mean that you could defeat the real Ziri, because you live People will change their strategy according to the situation. Besides, when was your test? It seems that I have heard this rumor for a long time. Are you sure you can still win now? \ "

The Frozen Banshee smiled and said: \ "Although the simulated person is not equal to a real person, but since I can guarantee 100% victory over the simulated person of Ziri in an extremely cold environment, the real person who challenges him is not completely without chance. Speaking of the test time ... I just spent the last chance on the training ground last night. This time, the strength of Ziri was generated last night, and I won again. \ "

It ’s hard to say anything about the gun **** here, but I still say: "Even if you can get Ziri, Frost Rose League will not have such a trouble. The rescue operation over the development zone does not require all their masters together. In the past. Real red, gold coins, Christina, at least one of these three people will stay with Ziri. Even if you get Ziri, I can't guarantee that I can get any of the remaining three. \ "

\ "I didn't expect you. \" The Frozen Banshee was very shocking and said directly: \ "I just promise that I can kill Ziri, as for other masters of the Frost Rose League ... Of course I will get it. \ "

\ "Are you really sure that you can deal with Zi Ri and the other experts in the Frost Rose League at the same time? That is all in the top ten of the battle list, and the ranking is higher than you!"

\ "Of course I ca n’t do it, but what if there are many me?" "The Frozen Banshee said and took out another scroll. \" This is the summoning scroll obtained in the last part of the training field mission, which can be summoned. Create up to ten clones exactly the same as the summoner. The clones are like the test body in the training field, have all the attribute data of the summoner, and have a systematic simulation of the opponent's fighting method, which can be said to be very close to the combat power of the copy target .Do you think if I use this thing, ten replicas plus myself, can I punch the switch card? \ "

\ "You Niu. \" Gun God heard that he didn't plan to say anything anymore, because he already understood that the Frozen Banshee was prepared, and this preparation was a good thing for him.

Just when the Gun God was convinced that the Frozen Banshee could break through the blockade, a Russian guild president next to him suddenly asked: \ "President of the Frozen Banshee, do you want this scroll to be used by the Gun God? ? \ "

The words of the president of the Russian guild made everyone around me stunned. I didn't think of it before, but after the sudden reaction, everyone felt that this seemed like a really good suggestion. Yes, the woman was frozen in the extreme cold environment. The demon is indeed very strong, but the problem is that the ranking of the gun **** on the battle list is much higher than that of the Frozen Banshee. The strength of the duplicator copied from this scroll is based on the strength of the summoner, then If the copy target is a more powerful gun god, does it also mean that you get more combat power?

In fact, the benefits don't stop there. The Frozen Banshee is a mid-to-close combat player, basically a warrior, and there are so many positions around a person, and at most several soldiers can attack at the same time, so even if there are Eleven frozen banshees can't beat me together. However, if there are eleven gun gods, it will be different. People are snipers, eleven people aim at a target ... It looks pretty good!

However, although those Russian guild presidents thought of this method, they did not answer because they were not as reckless as the Russian guild president just now, and they thought of other factors. This thing is the Frozen Banshee's Will he be willing to give the gun god?

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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