Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 269: Brutal killing

Seeing a shield wall in a large-scale battle is actually not a rare thing. Although players cannot completely replicate the reality in the game, there are still many things that can be copied. The shield wall itself is nothing. The technical content is nothing more than a large iron plate plus a handle, and then it is ok to stand behind a strong man, there is nothing really complicated.

Because of its simplicity, players from all countries basically have their own shield experience, of which Russian players are the most used. Not because Russian players like shields, but because Russian players have more initial power points than other countries. Of players are a little taller. That's right, a little taller.

`` Zero '' actually has a lot of hidden settings, one of which is not discovered until the game has been running for a long time.The initial attributes of players in different countries are not the same.

This so-called initial attribute length refers to the attribute growth that players have obtained during the first twenty levels, that is, during the activity period of Xinshoucun.

The growth of attributes in most countries is basically similar, but some countries have special divisions.For example, the player strength attribute in Russia will increase quickly, and the intelligence of players in France and Germany will rise rapidly. Have their own bias.

Because the power of Russian players is higher than that of players in other countries around them, for them, heavy weapons are a more suitable choice.Although the shield can not be regarded as a weapon, this thing is hand-held after all. In fact, it is counted as a weapon, but its attributes are slightly special.

Just because Russian players use so many shields, the Russian guild presidents embroidered in front of me did not show any panic when facing the row of shield walls in front of them. It is because of their guild There are many players using shields inside, so these Russian guild presidents also know how to destroy the shield wall. After all, they see a lot and can always accumulate some experience.

The Russian guild presidents didn't care much when they saw the shield wall, but when they really hit the shield wall, they finally found the difference. They thought that if they hit the shield wall, they would It is blocked, but the people behind can rely on their impact to continue to hit the shield. Then push it down, or at least deflect it, so you can use the gap in the shield wall of the opponent to kill the people behind This is a set of standard fighting methods summarized by the presidents of the Russian guilds. They have been used many times in the country and it has proven to be very useful. However, this tried-and-tested method suddenly failed here.

The power of Russian players is indeed greater than that of players in other countries. But they are still just players, and their power has not left the player's category. However, behind this shield wall is not the player, they are mobile angels. , Is a group of amazing constructing creatures that don't know fatigue.

Because the power of this tumultuous angel is too great, when the presidents of the Russian guilds hit the row of shield walls with the power of the charge, they felt as if they had hit a real wall. Shake this wall for the slightest.

After the Russian guild presidents in the first row were blocked, the Russian guild president in the second row immediately bumped into it again, and then tried to push the people in front to overwhelm the city wall, but the result was still the same, they could not let the city wall There was a slight shake.

The third row in the back and the fourth row of Russian guild presidents slammed behind the Russian guild presidents who were congested in front of the shield.However, even if so many people took it up, they still couldn't deal with this. The Dao Steel City Wall has no effect. It still stands there as it was before.

The Russian guild presidents who were still contemptuous at this time finally realized the problem, because they were all fighting with soldiers and were very familiar with the battle array. Once this assaulting legion failed to charge Opening the opponent's shield wall, what is the consequence? They have seen it more than once on the battlefield.

Just when these Russian guild presidents just reacted, the front shield wall suddenly moved. As if it were a whole, the entire shield wall suddenly pushed forward at the same time, and then The shield rose, throwing the row of Russian guild presidents on the front of the shield upwards. Following the shield wall tilting, a row of spears suddenly emerged from behind the shield. Instantly in this group of Russian guild presidents There were at least five or six blood caves in the body. However, these Russian guild presidents did not respond to what to do next. The shields were closed again, and then they continued to push them back, and then they lost their balance again. At the moment, the shield was immediately tilted to clear the gap, and then the spear reached out.

In fact, the fighting method used by Mobile Angels is not complicated. All Mobile Angels have to do is to take a step forward-lift the shield-push-turn the shield-assassinate-close the gun-turn the shield back-again Take a step forward, and then cycle like this.

If it is a player or npc to perform such a task, a commander is needed next to it, and then constantly shouting: "" Push, assassinate, forward, push, assassinate, forward. "" But because of this time The shield is supported by excited angels.These guys are just like robots, so they don't need any slogans to uniformly pace, and they can be uniform.

Don't look at this simple way of pushing, it looks like it can be learned by individuals, but you must know that it also contains quite complicated things. Although this series of moves is very simple, the entire team needs a uniform pace. That simple thing, as long as any one of the team moves slowly, the entire formation will be disordered, and if the enemy seizes this loophole and breaks through the shield wall, it will be more complete. [,! It is invincible only when it becomes a whole, and once one of them is penetrated, it has no meaning.

The presidents of the Russian guilds on the opposite side were quite surprised to see the uniform movement on our side, because they did not notice in the confusion that the mobile angel was behind the shield wall and thought that it was the npc troops. They want to come, the npc troops that can have this strength are definitely a terrible team.

Although the mobile angels were not as strong as they thought, the mobile angel force in front of them showed considerable lethality, and after a while, they caused heavy casualties to the presidents of the Russian guilds, even in During the retreat, the teams of the Russian guild presidents have begun to merge with the teams of the Russian players and the Paladins behind.

\ "Are you kidding me? \" I saw that my team was actually blocked by a shield wall. There were a few of them who had a relatively high status among the presidents of the Russian guilds and couldn't help frowning: \ "It looks like frosty roses This time, the alliance has taken out the bottom of the box, should we also let the secret of the snow be revealed? \ "

One of the presidents of the Russian guild said with a smile: "" The frozen banshee even took out the essence of snow. Is there anything else that can't be used? I think it's time. \ "

The remaining presidents of the Russian guilds nodded after hearing this guy's words, and then said in unison: \ "Then use it. \"

Immediately after these people made up their minds, one of the presidents of the Russian guild immediately took out a pyrotechnic launcher on his body, pulled it into the sky, and accompanied by a sharp whistle, a red glowing signal flew straight into the sky. Suddenly, the rear hatches of several ships on the Russian battleship at the back were lifted.

We have n’t paid attention to it before. The Russian decks have something similar to a helicopter platform on the rear deck, and there is a structure similar to a helicopter hangar in front of that platform. However, there is no helicopter in the game. Some things have some aircrafts that can take off vertically, and some have warcraft that can take off in situ, but those are not helicopters. So it is obviously strange to prepare a helicopter hangar on a battleship.

However, the Russian warships were equipped with such things, and obviously the contents were quite large, because the hangar was larger than expected. However, because these things were cleverly used outside the warship structure. It was covered up, so we didn't even notice that the Russian warship was equipped with this strange structure without knowing these things in advance.

As the flare lifted off, the warehouses on the Russian battleships opened one after another, and then the helicopter-like place at the rear of the battleship was opened directly, and a pair of robotic arms were raised from the inside. It is not the kind of high-tech robotic arm that everyone imagines. These two things are actually similar to the telescopic arm of an excavator. The structure is very simple, and it seems to be anxious to manufacture, but there is only a frame. There is no shell. All kinds of pipes are directly exposed to the air.

The two robot arms are not empty, but each hold a common box-like structure, but because this thing is closed, it can't see what is inside it.

As this huge box rises, the things in the front hangar have finally come out. No. It should not be used. Or it is more suitable to open it.

Located in the hangar is not a plane, but a monster. Yes. It is a monster, a steel monster.

This is a mechanical beast. It looks like a large cat that imitates, but I don't know what it looks like, anyway, I don't think it's wrong to say that it is a lioness or a cheetah.

In addition to the shape of a large cat, this mechanical beast also has a very special feature. It has two hangers on its back, and the box held by those two robotic arms is for this thing. prepare.

Sure enough, the robotic beast immediately jumped to the platform between the two robotic arms after appearing, and then the two robotic arms descended immediately, accurately hanging the two boxes on the back of the big cat's body. Side position.

The mounted big cat jumped directly from the battleship, then turned around and ran over towards Isinger Shuangcheng. Although it is a mechanical body, the shock absorption system of these guys is obviously quite advanced, so big It looks longer than a rhinoceros and weighs at least one ton.As a result, it is quite light and easy to run.It is not only very fast, but also not much noise.

After the first mechanical beast rushed up, the following warships successively jumped down on this kind of thing, and instead of only one ship, it carried five. Fortunately, not all warships carried this. This kind of mechanical beast, of which only a small part of the battleships carried mechanical beasts. At the end when the roaring beast was all down, we calculated a total of fifty-five. That is to say, eleven warships carried this machinery. beast.

These guys have elongations of more than four meters, running very fast, one-step spans of more than six meters, full-speed sprint speeds of more than 200 kilometers per hour, and it is no exaggeration to describe them with wind and electricity.

It took these guys only a short time to reach the gap in our walls, and then they jumped directly onto the wreckage of the warship and then stepped into the passage.

When I saw this thing falling to the ground, I was a little stunned because before, only our guild had been equipped with large-scale constructing creatures, and the noisy beast in front of them was obviously a constructing creature, at least a mechanical life. So the origin of these things is quite strange.

Russian technology is actually very good [,! ] But we have just robbed their technical laboratory before, although some research on constructing organisms has also been found in it, most of the targets are only our mobile angels, and no obvious machinery has appeared. Animal design. Of course, we did encounter something like a noisy dinosaur in the invasion before. Of course, the structure of those things is too complicated and the production is very difficult. It can only be regarded as a technical verification or a test product. However, these are obviously a mature and reproducible assembly line product, which is not enough.

For individuals, it is definitely more cost-effective to obtain a laboratory test product than to obtain an assembly line product.Because the laboratory test product is to verify technology, its materials and workmanship will be spared. Therefore, the test products produced in the laboratory are usually better in quality than the volume products on the assembly line. After all, the volume products on the assembly line are often sacrificed according to the actual construction difficulty requirements and cost control reasons. Performance, naturally, neither performance nor quality can be compared with laboratory products.

However, this kind of thing is actually only good for individuals, because as an individual, it is enough to have one. Obtaining a better quality product is of course what everyone wants. But, for an organization, mass production The product is actually the most precious, because once something can be mass-produced, it means that you can manufacture it in large quantities, thereby overwhelming the opponent with cost-effectiveness. And the quality of the laboratory product is even better. Only one or two can be produced. What is it for?

So, the noisy beast in front of us is far more valuable than the noisy dinosaur we found with the Russians.

After appearing in the passage, the roaring beasts were only restarted after a short pause.They even ignored their own people and ran straight in the crowd.I didn't know how many people stepped on the way, but they were There was no response at all, as if it was just the ants that had just been trampled to death.

Although many people were trampled to death, the disregarding charge method of this noisy beast is indeed fast, and it quickly rushed to the position where the frozen banshee and the gun **** were trapped. However, this noisy beast After the beast arrived here, he did not directly start helping the Frozen Banshee and the Gun God, but instead rushed past, and then rushed towards the Russian guild presidents in front.

What surprised me was that the noisy beast did not respond when it rushed past me, so it rushed directly, as if nothing could be lifted before the Russian guild presidents. Same interest.

Although this roaring beast did not regard me as a target, it does not mean that I will let them go. This is the site of our Frost Rose League, and of course invading our cities will pay a price.

Looking at the last mechanical beast that ran past, I suddenly moved without warning, and then I raised my hand and swept across with a sword. With a bang, I finally cut a hind leg of the last mechanical beast. Down. The eternal sharpness is unparalleled, the mechanical beast is obviously just an ordinary alloy, and for my eternity, everything is just like tofu.

After cutting the guy's hind legs lightly, the mechanical beast immediately plunged into the crowd because it lost its balance. As a result, a burst of people turned over, hurting many Russian guild presidents and their men, but The mechanical beast seemed to be completely indistinguishable from the enemy, struggling on the ground for a while, and actually killed several Russian guild presidents. What was more frightening was that this guy was biting random things after falling to the ground. This is how the unlucky eggs die.

I looked at the mechanical beast with a little experience. I suddenly understood a little why the roaring beast is now on the scene. This roaring beast is obviously not a new weapon, but a test product that has not been fully developed. Forced mass production, but the shortcomings of this thing are actually very obvious, and the biggest problem is intelligence.

When these things ran before, they stepped on and killed a lot of their own people. If this behavior of inferiority between the enemy and me can be understood as sacrificing the interests of some players for victory, then after the fall, random bites caused their own people to die. It is obviously a technical flaw.

Based on the behavior of that thing, I guess that it would bite because the leg was broken, and this injury made it think that it had been attacked, so it launched a counterattack strategy. There was nothing wrong with this part, but the following part was wrong. After the guy launched a counterattack, he did not correctly determine the cause of his injury, and even began to attack everything around it without any difference. As a result, those who did not bite us, but gave their own people to Bitten a few.

Although this thing is obviously a problem with the brain, the mechanical structure on the body is not bad. After the guy killed a few of his own people, the people around him started to move around it, and the guy found that there was no target. I got up from the ground, but because I lost half of my legs, I walked very steadily. However, it quickly stabilized, because I rushed over and cut off the other hind leg. The two legs are the same Although the speed of this guy has dropped significantly, he can at least move normally, but I will not let this guy continue to exist.

Jumping on the back of that thing, I cut the box on that guy's body with a sword, and then used the eternal twist to tear the thing directly.

Without the outer box, I immediately saw the contents of the box. However, it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, I was taken aback by this look. \ "I rely! \" Hurry to hold the communicator with one hand. I talked, but I didn't expect a sudden burst of air behind my head. I quickly lowered my head, and then saw a leg sweeping from the top of my head, but I didn't flinch, and suddenly that leg swept over my head. . [,! ] Stand up, drag this leg up, and then carry the guy who wants to kick me, and then just hold her legs with both hands. Take her back.

At this time I actually saw that the Frozen Banshee was attacking me, and my move was quite provocative. Because the other leg was carried on my shoulder by me. So when I fell forward At that time, she had to fall backwards. But after her body fell to the ground, my body continued to press her legs up, and the frozen banshee became a horse and fell to the ground. One leg was next to his head, but one leg was still in line with the **** body.

This awkward posture is not a good thing for female players, but the Frozen Banshee didn't care about this, but turned her hands over, pulled out the two ice daggers on her waist, and inserted them into my ears.

After feeling her movements, I quickly hugged her and rolled it out on the ground. I was forced to give up the dagger in the hand by the impact of the ground, and then I bounced off the ground as soon as I rolled out a circle. After completing the account switching, the staff in his hand smashed **** the ground after landing, a red ring of flames rippled instantly, the frozen banshee supported the ground backwards, but was still hit on the chest, as if it was concentrated sulfuric acid When it was splashed, the body immediately made a gurgling sound and blew white smoke straight.

\ "Zero impact. \" The Frozen Banshee is not easy to mess with, just after the stroke, I used my skills on the ground.

She is also pretty good at this trick.She actually stood up with the power of the skills forward, not only saving herself the time to get up, but also launching the skills by the way.

Zero shock is similar to the skill I used just now, the difference is that this is an ice spell, which is exactly opposite to my flame system. But I am not the same as her. When I use the skills, the frozen banshee sits On the ground, it is normal to not escape, but I was standing on the ground and saw the blue aperture sweeping over. I immediately turned it back and the blue aperture just rubbed my chest and flew over. It almost came across me, but almost came close.

\ "Damn! \" The Frozen Banshee cursed secretly, but soon she couldn't take care of it, because I had rushed up again.

Although I don't know if it is the ontology, the frozen banshee in front of me knows at least one thing. That is, whether she is the ontology or not, as long as she participates in other groups of battles, it will destroy our encirclement. Because those hunting squads The player can trap the Frozen Banshee, which is quite reluctant. If this Frozen Banshee suddenly helps other replica Frozen Banshee, then the hunting team will definitely be finished. Once the Frozen Banshee All of them are out of trouble, but we are in big trouble.

Because of the thought of those things, I understand that I must not let the Frozen Banshee run out to help other Frozen Banshees, and also because this Frozen Banshee did not rescue other Frozen Banshees in the first place. It's the trouble that came to me, otherwise our defense would be dangerous.

The Frozen Banshee did not expect that my offensive was so coherent. I immediately regretted seeing the approaching high-speed, thinking that I should rescue other replicas before. But now I have no time to think about it. She mentioned it before The Xuanbing Sword in my hand hit me again.

At this time, I was still in the form of a mage, and the wand in my hand collided with her Xuanbing Sword immediately after shooting a large amount of white mist. This is the ice layer on the Xuan Bing Sword by the heat on my Sun Stick The result is baked. Of course, if it is a normal ice cube, it will probably disappear directly.

Although this Xuanbing Sword can carry the frontal impact of my Sun Wand, but we all know that it will definitely be the sword of the Frozen Banshee that is not my wand. However, the Frozen Banshee also I didn't plan to hold me with a sword and I wouldn't move, but suddenly pulled back after struggling for a while, and then stepped on the ground with a fierce kick to swing a shock wave, instantly pushing me out.

There are seven or eight advanced players with this field control skill, including the types applicable in various environments. After all, there are times when the master also misses, so-called when the horse has a hoof. So, several necessary field control skills are required. In particular, this skill can push the enemy away, which will adjust time for yourself to gain time.

I was thrown away immediately after being pushed away, but this time was not the same as before. I was changing color as I ran. The original gold and white mage robe gradually turned black during the run, and then the shape of the armor also changed. Changing. Although the Frozen Banshee noticed my changes, she did not dare to change her previous skills preparation, because the opportunities that were so easy to win should not be missed.

As soon as I finished and rushed to her again, the Frozen Banshe suddenly stabbed Xuan Bingjian in her belly. I must admit that I had never thought of this before, and it The effect is also quite amazing.

I stabbed myself with a sword against the Frozen Banshee who did not die. Instead, I burst a white shock wave from my body instantly. This shock wave was filled with a lot of ice particles. And it was very fast, so Like the shock wave generated by the explosion, it spread instantly. I was so close. Before I rushed towards her, naturally I couldn't avoid it, so I was directly wrapped in, and the shock wave was always encountered during the diffusion process. No matter whether it is an enemy or one's own person, they all become a white ice sculpture.

Most people were taken aback by this horrible skill effect, but the Frozen Banshee was the most panicked, because after the opaque storm zone on the outer layer of the shock wave spread out, she actually noticed that a A transparent ball of light, and although this layer of light is covered with a layer of hard ice, the hard ice cracked immediately when the shock wave passed, and the frozen banshee was frightened. [,! ] Found a sword blade pierced through the ice, and then a sword penetrated her chest and picked up instantly, splitting her half of her upper body, neck, and head evenly from the middle. If this still survives, it is called immortal.

In fact, the skills used by the Frozen Banshee did not really insert Xuan Bingjian into her stomach.Although she stabbed a sword at herself, the blade of Xuan Bingjian touched her own belly immediately. Began to shatter, and the diffused white mist-like substance was the body of Xuanbing Sword.

Of course, this trick is not a skill generated by self-explosive weapons. In fact, the real body of the Xuanbing Sword of the Frozen Banshee is the hilt. The front blade part is actually ice, but the temperature is very low. However, the blade made of ice is blown out. As long as the skill is over, the same blade will soon grow on the hilt. The only consumption of this skill for Xuanbing Sword is that the sword is not in half an hour. The method was used because it took time for the blade to re-coagulate.

Although I was killed by the Frozen Banshee, I did not completely relax, after all, there were still five Frozen Banshees and three Gun Gods in front! Of course. Now that they are all trapped, they may not come out at half past one.

Don't worry about the previous problem for the time being.I look back at the battle array facing backwards. At this time, I just saw the situation of the noisy beast attacking our shield array.

The roaring beasts are very large, and our mobile angels are not small. But the inertial kinetic energy generated by the speed of these guys is too large, so when they hit our shield array, the noise The angel finally did not fully resist the pressure and was forced to take a step back.

If it just hits the shield array and backs down, there is nothing, the key is that after the noisy beast hit the shield array and actually grabbed the shield and jumped up, it jumped over the shield wall and jumped behind the shield.

When the mobile angel saw the mechanical beast descending from the sky, he immediately gave up the spear in his hand and used his own sword to face it. As a result, the mechanical beast fell to the ground before the sword was felt.

As the mobile angel was thrown down, a gap finally appeared in the shield wall, and then more mechanical beasts poured in, and the mobile angels fell to the ground. This time the presidents of the Russian guilds were excited. Howling and rushing over, they began to slash the people around us. No, it should be said that they were slashing the surrounding Japanese guild presidents.

Don't think that only the Russians know how to use the powerful and well-equipped guild presidents together, and we will. Of course, the Frost Rose Alliance is a guild, and the president is me, so there is no way to concentrate. Although I can't, there are a lot of Japanese guilds in Matsumoto's Masaga. These Japanese guild presidents have hundreds of people, and it is really a good force to gather here.

Of course. This battle is to improve the recognition of the Japanese guild presidents to us, not to pit them as cannon fodder, so our guild also appropriately compiled some senior players to enter. But this time we are not The acting is really empty, so there are not many people who can be incorporated, and the main force is still those of the Japanese guild presidents.

Originally, the front row of mobile angels was blocking them. These Japanese guild presidents thought that the battle would simply stay like this until the end. What they did not expect was that the Russian guild presidents were so fierce. It broke the shield wall. However, although these Russian guild presidents are fierce, the Japanese guild presidents are not bad.

If you want to ask which country ’s troops fight the most, it ’s definitely Japan. The Japanese Bushido spirit is actually like religious brainwashing, and the army of normal people is compared with a group of religious brainwashed lunatics. Of course, those lunatics are more brave, because they have no idea what fear is.

Of course, not many people in modern Japanese players still remember the spirit of Bushido in the past, but things like atmosphere are not easy to change. Japan has such a culture, even in modern times, many people have such a sense of Bushido, so Japanese players Fighting is actually very hard. If it weren't for the issue of command and the neighboring countries happened to be such a strong presence as China, they would be able to sweep across Asia.

Those Russian guild presidents are tall and tall, and they all look like polar bears, while the Japanese guild presidents are about one meter and sixty-five tall, which is more severe than those of the Russian guild presidents. Half-way, but to the surprise of those Russian guild presidents, these Japanese guild presidents are not weaker than them at all, but because the fighting will is so crazy, there is a crazy Russian guild after the shield wall collapses. The presidents gave a hard stop. Although the Japanese guild presidents did not have a shield wall like a mobile angel, they used their bodies and weapons to form a living city wall.

Of course, this violent lethality is exchanged for super high war damage. Although the Japanese may have the Bushido spirit to make their army full of impact, this unsustainable and endurance-less ethnic style also seems to have been inherited. See With the obviously thinner defense line formed by the Japanese guild presidents, the commanders behind us also began to make some adjustments to prevent the front line from collapsing.

\ "Heavy beast ready! \" Our commander standing behind the line of defense formed by the Japanese guild presidents shouted loudly, but it was a roar of beasts in response. (To be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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