Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 272: The true ability to copy scrolls

In fact, when we rushed to the side of the gun god, he had already come out of the encirclement, but the hunting team of our guild did not humiliate us. Although all were killed in the end, the gun **** was not good. || When we saw him, he was standing there with his gun on the ground, and almost all the torn clothes were covered with sword injuries, but the most serious was the left shoulder position. The half-broken large knife was stuck in his shoulder blade, and it seemed that the entire left arm had been completely abolished, but it was still attached to the body, which was almost the same as without.

In addition to this most serious knife wound, there is a large blood stain on the right thigh of Gunslinger. It seems that there is a penetrating injury in the leg muscle group, and it has seriously affected his actions, otherwise he would not use a gun. When the crutches make it.

When Gun God saw us, he did not resist, but smiled miserably, and the meaning was already obvious. As soon as I reached out, I stopped the real red who was approaching, and looked at me in confusion, but I didn't explain anything. The gun **** on the opposite side understood something, and I took out a scroll from my body and laughed it Squeezing off, followed by a loud noise, leaving only a piece of meat residue in place.

"Why did he commit suicide?" Zhenhong asked, looking at me inexplicably.

"Just don't want to be outfitted by me." After I said it, I locked my eyes on the next target.

To be honest, just after this gun **** committed suicide, my previous guess was a little bit uncertain, because I wanted to come. After the ontology was killed, the other replicas should disappear or die, but it is obviously not there now, so I began to wonder if there was an ontology among the remaining three gun gods. However, according to my previous speculation, this situation seems not very similar.

Although it is not known whether there are real guns in those replicas, but since they still exist, they must be eliminated one by one. This does not need to be considered. Without hesitation, I turned and ran towards the next goal.

The target of the attack was still a clone of the Gunslinger, but this Gunslinger was not as powerful as the previous one. He not only did not kill the hunting team that besieged him around him, he was even beaten by the opponent. I guess he won't be able to last long without us.

Such is the case with combat. Even if the gunshot combat power copied by the system is exactly the same, there are too many factors that determine victory in the battle, not that you will definitely win if you have high attributes. Sometimes people with very low stats are out of luck and hit a vital attack and a crit. A move will give a lot of people who are more powerful than themselves. This is all normal. Just like on the modern battlefield. It is also normal for a special-flighted soldier to be hit by a stray bullet biased by a recruit. This is not surprising.

This gun **** was because he accidentally tripped over the corpse when he was surrounded. Although he did not fall, he was killed by a hunting team member because of the delay of a few seconds. Hit the back. At that time, one-tenth of his health was lost, and the combat effectiveness was reduced due to injuries. He has been beaten down since then, and it is quite difficult to sustain it until now.

We have no nonsense for this gun god. True Red jumped in directly from the outside of the war circle, and then punched the gun god's head out with a punch. The reason why this is so easy is because the gunslinger is too injured, and he blinded his eyes. The really red attack is just in his blind zone. He can't see it at all, and the sound at the scene is noisy. Easy.

Kill two gun gods in a row. Now we have four frozen goddesses and two gun gods left in our target. After a little hesitation, we still choose the target as one of the gun gods, but this time our goal is A bit beyond imagination.

Although the eight of us are running around on the battlefield, we are not running blindly. In fact, the battle on our side has always been under the guidance of the army god. The army **** will give the most reasonable configuration according to the battlefield situation. Then guide us to kill the most needed goals, but this time the goals are different.

In the report of the God of War, this target was not very threatening. Our hunting team has been holding back no signs of breakout. However, just a few seconds after we killed the suspected gun God before this, this The fighting power of the Gunslinger suddenly changed. It's not that this guy's attributes have changed, but that his fighting consciousness and fighting methods have changed. First of all, this guy started to focus on using several skills in the battle. Before, he had always superimposed his skills in an orderly manner. Basically, all skills would be used, but suddenly it turned into staring at a few of them. . In addition, this guy has a very significant change is that he suddenly started using special ammunition.

The fighting power of the Gun God was originally high and scary. Once he started to use those expensive scary gold coin bombs, the power was even more terrible, and when he discovered that we were here, he even took out a quite special one. The bullets were loaded into the launch tube below the barrel.

The gun in the hand of the gun **** is almost the same as the Transformers, and can be deformed according to needs. I have seen at least ten forms myself. According to the information exposed on the website, the gun of the gun **** is actually A weapon consisting of three cores and up to more than two hundred types of components can be assembled at will. Depending on the different cores of the combined components, it will also deform to produce different special effects. The bullet that the Gun God filled into the launcher just now is just like a grenade. It is as big as two grenades connected together. This launcher is not a common barrel, but a dedicated launcher under the barrel.

We knew it was bad when we saw Gunslinger loading that special bullet, but it was too late to stop it at this time. The gun **** directly raised the gun loaded with special ammunition and pulled the trigger towards the sky. This change made the surrounding hunting squads all stunned, because he did not expect that he would shoot into the sky, but we will soon know Why did he do that.

The gun **** shot at the sky not to warn us, of course, not because he didn't want to hurt us, but because his special ammunition was used this way. I saw that as he pulled the trigger, a golden streamer suddenly went straight to the sky, but the speed of the thing was too fast, and it disappeared in just one second, and then we suddenly saw at least five things in the sky before we even reacted. Ten golden streamers came straight towards us like falling meteorite, and the speed was so fast that we were hit almost when we saw it.

Gunslinger ’s trick is actually an air-explosive shotgun, and the speed of this thing going up and down is too fast, there is no time to react, but dodge is useless based on the point where these things fall, because the thing seems to be With locking, not randomly distributed.

Our side was almost covered when I saw the falling golden light. With a loud noise, I was directly taken off by a light bomb that fell on my feet, and the whole person did not know in heaven After many laps, I fell back and forth and fell into a pile of corpses. I got up and took a look and found that the distance was not far, but the situation was not good, because the **** of guns was loading his gold bombs again, and this The second aim was actually Christina.

Unlike us, Christina has not just been taken off by the explosion because she has activated elemental form and is immune to physical damage. However, she needs to take double spell damage. However, now the guns are loaded with absolutely no form. The multi-series damage-type ammunition dropped, so I know that if he was sent to Christina, Christina is probably dangerous.

Fortunately, Christina is not a soft persimmon. When she saw the gun **** wanting to shoot, she was just an elemental impact that shook the gun **** and then folded her hands in front of her. Then she slowly opened it, and a purple light ball was on her two. The palms quickly formed, and then when the ball became as large as a volleyball, Christina pushed forward violently, and the ball immediately flew towards the gun **** who had just risen.

The gun **** over there felt the danger and immediately turned around and flew off the attack, but the light ball hit a Russian player behind him, and then a big explosion occurred. The shock wave pushed the gun **** forward and made him. Some focus is unstable. As soon as I wanted to stabilize my body, I found that True Red rushed towards him. In anxiety, he could only turn the muzzle first and aimed at True Red and pulled the trigger.

True Red did not give up the attack because she was targeted. Instead, the whole body shone with dazzling golden light. The two dragons swayed forward along her right arm, and finally broke out of her boxing position into a golden light. Directly ran into the bullet fired by Gun God, the two stalemate for two seconds and a big explosion ~ ~ The shock wave overturned everyone nearby, but Gun God just got up. A black spear descending from the sky was poured from the sky cover. After passing through the whole body, the gun pierced through the legs and inserted into the ice layer under his feet, instantly turning the gun **** into a human meat skewer And nailed to the ground.

Pandora came out from behind him without any sign, reached out and grasped the gun god's neck, and then as Pandora's fingers contracted, the gun **** as a whole dried up as if it had been a dry body that had drained the body's water. , And finally turned into a ball of white ash sprinkled to the ground.

"Have you made a mistake, how can this be so powerful?" Zhenhong avoided her by holding her right with her left hand. Obviously she had been hit by a fist just now.

Christina frowned: "It seems that the copy scroll can not only reproduce the replica, but the body can be moved to the replica after death, and it seems to take away some attribute enhancement effect during the transfer process. . "

"Isn't the remaining gun **** more powerful?" Matsumoto asked.

I was worried about calling the **** of war directly: "Pay attention to the remaining gun god, has his combat power changed?" (To be continued ...) u

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