Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 295: American upheaval

\ "Yin Qi will not have any impact on us, but you ca n’t say it. \" Ling looked at the tsar and said: \ "There are three choices now. \"

\ "What choice? \"

\ "It's very simple. First, I can seal you here with a special magic array now, and then come back to pick you up after we confirm the mission goal. \"

\ "Seal? \" The Czar obviously did not expect this method.

Ling explained: \ "The seal itself is like a sealed cover, which can completely wrap you inside, so the damage of the external yin can be ignored, but this method also has disadvantages. First you need It's boring here. Secondly, in case someone attacks here, the seal itself cannot provide too strong protection measures. So I don't recommend this method. \ "

\ "Are there any reliable ways? \"

\ "There are two reliable ways. \" Ling continued: \ "One of the master's magic pets is called Yeyue. She has a petrified pupil. We can turn you into a stone statue and carry you away. As a stone It will not be affected by Yin, and in general, when encountering an enemy, you will most likely not be the first target of the attack, so the security is guaranteed. However, the disadvantage is that you will be uncomfortable on this road because of changes Although you can still see and hear the sculpture, it cannot be moved, so it will be very uncomfortable. \ "

\ "What about the remaining method? \"

Novel \ "The simplest method is that we still take you to move with you, and then continuously **** the yin in your body on the road, so even if you are affected by yin, there is not much problem. Because the yin is as long as It is not harmful if the concentration does not reach a certain label. \ "

\ "You said to suck? \"

\ "Actually it should be eaten. \" Lilith didn't know when she appeared next to the Tsar, and then smiled and said, "Hello, my name is Lilith, and if I need it, I can help you with your whole body. The yin gathers to a certain part, and then just let me eat this part to completely eliminate the yin.Of course, this process needs to be repeated, because even if I cleared the yin from your body at that time, you will still Gathering together again, as long as we don't leave this place, this kind of thing needs to be continued. And because we don't know the length of this task, you may need to be bitten by me many times. \ "

\ "No fourth possibility? \"

\ "If there is, we will tell you. \"

\ "Then I choose to turn into a stone statue. \"

\ "No no no. I'll fix this. \" A sudden voice rang out behind us, making us all stunned. Looking back, there were actually a few more people beside the stele behind us.

\ "Gold coins, Christina, Radamantis? How did you guys appear here? \" I was quite surprised when I suddenly saw the group of people behind us. Because these people should be busy now Correct.

The last speaker was Christina. She came to me and said: \ "There is something in the guild that you need to deal with. And we know you have come here to do the task, so I will come to help you complete this task, so that you can Get you back to the guild faster. \ "

\ "Hurry? \" I asked.

\ "It's not urgent. But it's better to get it done quickly. \" After Christina said, she looked at Tsar: \ "For the problem of Yin erosion, let the gold coins get it. \"

\ "I'm good at this kind of thing. \" Did the gold coin walk directly to the Czar after speaking, and then raised his hand to slap a yellow rune on the Czar's head.

The czar suddenly felt that someone had posted something on his head and naturally tore it off, and then looked at it and asked: \ "What are you doing with this thing on my head? This is not what you Chinese use The kind of spells against undead creatures? \ "

\ "You still know a little about us! \" After the gold coins were spoken, the note was quickly robbed, and then I slap it and put it on the other's head. \ "Although you know a little bit about us Culture, but it is really just a little bit, so you still have to listen to this matter. This thing is specifically used to suppress the evil spell, that is to suppress the yin, blocking its circulation. Although usually all It is affixed to the door, but now you are in the wild, so it can only be affixed to your head. \ "

\ "Can't you change positions? \"

\ "The head is where the soul is, and the main cause of Yin erosion is your soul. Where do you want to stick it to the forehead? \"

\"okay then!\"

The Czar reluctantly accepted the gold coin's suggestion and left the charm on his own head.If it wasn't because he was wearing the wrong clothes, he would be a zombie.

Seeing that they were troubled, I looked at Christina again and asked: "What the **** is there for the guild?"

\ "There is nothing too big, just two things need you to handle. \"

\ "What two things are specific? \"

Christina thought about pulling me aside and deliberately avoided the Tsar there, and then said: "The first thing is about the presidents of the Russian guilds. After returning to Russia, the presidents of the Russian guilds Began to assemble the army, and it looks like we will storm our development zone again. \ "

\ "Come back? Don't they want to trim it just after they lost the battle? \"

Christina also shook her head: \ "Which kind of thing do you ask me, who do I ask? Anyway, now the entire Russian side is building a large force, the number has exceeded 100,000, and it is still increasing rapidly. When will they start to attack We do n’t know, but it ’s not so much to gather so many troops. [,!] What a good thing, if you can come back soon, it is best. \ "

I nodded and said, "I know this, but what about another thing?"

Christina took another look at the Tsar's side, and then said: \ "The other thing is our own side. The court said they were inspired by our behavior of opening up the land on the Russian side, so they wanted to and The last time you saw it, it seems that they have something big that you need to do. \ "

\ "A big move in heaven? What big moves can those guys who are delicious and lazy do? \"

I was just talking to myself. But Christina thought I was talking to her, so she replied: \ "I don't know this well anyway, I know that heaven sent someone to look for you, if you can go back, Go back and take a look as soon as possible. \ "

\ "I know this, is there anything else? \"

\ "There are many other things, but in comparison they are trivial. \"

\ "You are here anyway, so tell me all. \"

\ "Okay. \" Cristina said: \ "One thing is that our guild's resource reserve is not enough, Sister Rose said that let you find a way to get back a little. \"

\ "Resources? What resources? \"

\ "What resources are not enough. In recent foreign wars, you have to eliminate the old warships in the guild, and the mobile angels have to be updated. So all kinds of resource consumption are scary. Now what is really not enough used.\"

\ "Are there so many mining areas in our guild that look good? \"

\ "The production capacity of the mining area has dropped very recently because of the large number of manpower deployed in our war, so ..."

\ "Why no one tell me about this kind of thing? \"

\ "Previously these were responsible for Sister Rose. She can turn around and schedule anything, and you don't have to worry about it. Recently, isn't it too much? Sister Rose can't be too busy? \"

I thought for a moment: \ "I see. What else? \"

\ "There are two more things. The first one is the Neptune Hall over the United States to let you go there. But they didn't say anything. So we listed it as a non-urgent thing. In addition, the kind that the Czar got The parasite has developed some eyebrows, but for the time being, I only know a little about it. The research institute also said that you can go there when you are free. Maybe you need help. \ "

I nodded again: \ "Okay, I know this thing, things have to come one by one, and now even if you dismantle me, I can't handle so many things at once, let's take our immediate task first Let's talk about it! \ "

Christina said: "Of course this matter is the first priority, after all, you have already walked halfway. Now everything before the stop is in vain."

After talking to Christina, we went back to the Tsars there again.Before knowing that I and Christina had secret content to discuss, the gold coins deliberately took the Tsar far away, and now seeing me return Ask me immediately if I can start doing the task.

I told the Tsar that we are in a hurry now, so I can only wrong him, and then I jumped to Ye Ying's back without waiting for him to react, and then threw him out. Of course, I won't let He fell to the ground, but fell directly on a huge dragon head, and behind him was a dark figure.

I looked at the tsar and explained: \ "This is my demon servant chief Scott, don't be afraid, now you will be with him. He will be responsible for protecting your safety. We need to hurry next time, so we must not be slow Slow down. Now that we have a helper here, let ’s push it all the way. \ "

\ "I like it the most. \" The Czar reluctantly smiled.

Now that our customers are no longer there, we naturally go straight to the road. Although our team originally had only a few people, but since we plan to push evenly, we have to take out the momentum, so I directly released my summoned creatures. Groups of death guards and unicorn warriors followed me, plus a large group of magic pets, the whole is the size of an army. Such a huge team running in the mountains and forests is like an earthquake, in the surrounding woods We don't care if there is anything hiding, because as long as it is not a fool, after feeling our number and the energy intensity of several of them, those guys can only choose to continue hiding, because those who dare to take the lead are now corpses.

Because they are full cavalry, our movement speed is very fast, it took almost ten minutes to rush to the periphery of the city under the mountain. The guards in this city saw the so many of us rushing down together and immediately rang the city. The alarm bells in it, after all, do not look like a good thing for our large-scale troop invasion.

Although the mission did not say that this city is the enemy's force, according to the mission introduction, we need to go to a prison in the city to rescue our mission npc, and according to this setting, our future missions will inevitably Conflicts with those npc forces in this city. If we are not in a hurry, it is not impossible to negotiate slowly and mediate, after all, I am very good at this kind of thing. However, we are in a hurry now, so we have no time to explain to others Then it can only come hard.

When the squadron rushed to the outside of the city wall, we can already determine the general situation in the city. After all, I have an air force here. In fact, this city is not an ordinary player city or an npc city, but a ghost city. There are undead creatures in the city, no, not all. Because there are also some things like monsters in them. Anyway, in mythology in China, they are all bad guys.

These guys gather in the city, defense. [,! ] The arms are naturally undead creatures. Across the distance, I found that all the skeletons standing on the city walls were skeleton soldiers, and there were many ghosts floating in the air inside the city walls. At a glance, I knew that this was an undead army. I haven't missed the hidden zombies under the ground, it's just that they were deliberately not seen.

I don't plan to use any complicated tactics for this kind of city. Because I already know the number of troops here by means of aerial reconnaissance, I will let my own dragons open the road as soon as I come up.

The undead sentinel standing on the city wall saw a few huge black shadows in the distance sky zooming in quickly, and then after the other approached, they found that it was actually a dragon. And the dragon in the front had begun to suck. Angry.

The reputation of Longyan Jet is too great, so the undead below found the luck to do almost immediately, so they screamed and began to escape. The undead creatures in this place obviously do not look like ordinary undead creatures, because they are normal in most cases. The undead creatures are not afraid of death. However, these guys in front of them reacted after seeing lucky to spit fire, and the reaction is completely different from everyone's imagination. These guys will scream and run away. Of course, It's too late to run again at this time.

With his wings spread out to keep the glide close, his head was hung under him, and then a spit of flame burst out. As he advanced, the pillar of fire swept straight down the ground and hit the gate, accompanied by There was a loud noise, and the cities actually burst into flames in Long Yan. But luck did not stop, but they flew into the city along the top of the city wall, and the flames burned all the way. Although The average flame does little damage to undead creatures, but this flame obviously does not include Long Yan. The lucky Long Yan sprayed all the way and immediately burned the undead in the city to a crying father and a large building. When it was ignited, the city gate became a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

Fortunately, the city gate was burned after the plague and Xiaosan followed the wall. The plague reached the head of the wall and began to slam the wings forward to slow down. Those undead creatures standing on the wall tried to fight back with bows and arrows. Unfortunately, it was impossible to stand in the strong wind brought by the plague, and all of them were blown under the city wall. The plague almost flew to the city wall without any barrier, and then turned around and swallowed the dragon flames along the wall. The top sprayed all the way, instantly turning the city wall into a sea of ​​fire.

Xiaosan did the same thing on the other side of the gate, and soon the city turned into a sea of ​​fire facing the city wall on our side, and the city wall was clearly collapsing at the speed visible to the naked eye during the burning. The temperature is too high.The material used in this star wall is obviously not very resistant to fire, and it actually started to collapse in the flames.

After burning through the city walls, Xiaofeng and Christina arrived one after the other, and then Christina directly made a big move to turn the city into a sea of ​​fire. Then Xiaofeng flew into the flames, and suddenly appeared only on the ground. The situation of a layer of flames turned the entire city into a huge fuel pile.The flames burst into the air several tens of meters high, and the rolling heat wave made Christina have to avoid the edge.

\ "Hey, wouldn't it be a problem if you burned our guide like this? \" The Tsar looked at the city who had completely turned into the scene of the fire and asked weakly.

When I heard this, I suddenly stopped. Yeah! Patronize in a hurry, forget that the guide npc is still in the city. "" Damn it! "After complaining, I rushed directly into the flames, and then I came out again in less than half an hour.

The Tsar looked at me and asked directly: "What about our guide?"

I reached out and took out a jar, and then poured a large piece of white ash backhand. The tsar was messed up instantly. "" This, this ... Did you burn our guide to death? \ "

\ "This thing is a bit complicated, so do n’t ask. Although our guide did hang up. But fortunately, our guide is not an undead creature, but a living person, so when he is After his death, his soul appeared. I was able to arrive in time and rescued him as soon as possible. \ "I said, and then bounced a white glass marble-like thing forward, after the marble landed A large cloud of white smoke erupted immediately, and a figure appeared in it.

\ "Are you the one who took the task? \" Ghost Shadow looked at the Tsar and asked.

I didn't know what they said later, because I was called aside when they just talked about this part.

\ "What are you guys doing? Why are all one or two running to me? \" Looking at the real red appearing here, I really don't know what to say. The real red road is not awkward, just pull it I'll leave. I quickly held her and asked: "Where are you taking me?"

\ "Go back. \" True Red simply said. At the same time, I increased strength to pull me away. Even if I have good attributes, it is obviously not comparable to True Red in strength, and it was directly pulled away. I didn't want to fight so hard.

\ "I don't think you want me to go back, but at least you let me figure out what's going on? \" I asked, looking really red.

True red let me go this time. Then turned and explained: \ "The situation on the Russian side started to worsen after Kristina and the gold coins they left. Their large troops are experiencing a very exaggerated rate in our development zone border season. At present, the total strength has exceeded two million. \ "

\ "Two million? \"

\ "Well, and it continues to increase, according to the previous speed. It is also normal to go over ten million. \"

\ "How can there be so many people? \" I asked frowning.

Zhenhong shook her head and said: "" I don't know the specifics, but according to the results of the consultation between Sumei and them, 80% of Russian players have used their strategic reserves. [,!]. \ "

"Zero" is a game that can be exchanged with real currency, which means that you can bring outside money into the game for trading, and if you have money, the easiest way to improve your strength is to buy npc troops. Russian players I have just experienced two failures before, and the first time is this development zone we created in Russia.

Although the failure this time was caused by the Russian player's mistakes, the heavy losses are obvious to all. Based on this situation, Russian players should theoretically have no military power, but later, the Russian players came up with a sea battle plan. Not only did the presidents of the Russian guilds appear in our waters with a large number of Russian warships, but they also mingled with the American Paladin Union and conducted a joint operation.Although the number of battle losses this time is not too exaggerated, it must have also been The Russian player ’s family is almost tossed about. So, in this case, the Russian players should need to rest for a period of time. This is why I left Essinger and went here to do it. Reason for the task.

However, things are not necessarily performed in the most reasonable way every time, and small probability events are not inevitable, only the probability of occurrence is not high, and this time it is clear that such small probability problems have occurred. Russian players obviously use Because the currency in the real world has been exchanged for the troops in the game, it was so fast to revive and create such a large army.

In this case, our guild is bound to need to deal with, and this is probably why the guild is so anxious to find me back.

Anyway, the situation is quite unstable now, and if I do n’t go back, I may have serious losses, so the task of the Tsar is obviously a bit too much for us.

The task cannot be ended as soon as it starts. If we leave, the scroll of this task may be wasted for a chance. This thing has a limit on the number of times it can be used. So if we waste this time, we may not have the next time. According to the agreement signed between me and the Tsar, we will face huge compensation once the task is not completed. Although this compensation is certainly not as large as the loss of our Russian development zone being attacked, I still hope that we will not lose This is more than compensation.

However, if I continue to do the task here, it is obviously a more unreasonable decision to let the development area adventure, so I am in a dilemma for a moment.

Although I was in a dilemma here, as the saying goes, the three tanners beat Zhuge Liang, so although I didn't think of a way, some people thought of it.

\ "Do n’t have to be so troublesome, this is all right. \" The gold coins shouted at me directly behind me, and as soon as I looked back, I found out that the Tsar's guy had turned into a rune mummy, and it was still twisting.

\ "I rely, what do you do with him? \"

The gold coin said with a rune: "Aren't we temporarily out of time for the task? Just freeze the task."

\ "Freeze task? \" I have not heard of this method before.

Of course, I also know that I do n’t understand gold coins, so I started to explain to me: \ "It ’s like this. The main character of this task is not you, but the czar, which is our customer. Considering that the task itself has no time limit, so as long as The Tsar stood up to himself and didn't touch the following tasks. The task progress was actually frozen. \ "

\ "But the task is not adjusted automatically? \"

\ "Yes. The task system will be adjusted automatically. If the player is too brave at a task progress point for too long, the task will adjust some changes to start the player's task progress and let him restart the task. Usually the player will be more eager than the system. Complete the task. However, we are in a special situation this time. We do n’t want to continue the task. The system does n’t know. So, I used this rusty seal rune to seal the tsar here. After I start my spell, he will It will enter a state of nothingness. Other monsters cannot see him or touch him. Except for me and the Tsar himself, unless someone can destroy the entire space here, it is impossible to find the Tsar. However, The existence that can destroy space cannot be everywhere, and there will not be half-positions of this kind of mission, so it should be absolutely safe here. As long as the tsar goes offline, put on his own size, before we call him he Do n’t log in the trumpet again. In this case, this trumpet is the same as maintaining the task without moving forward or backing, and we will come back to continue the task when we are free, it will not affect anything . \ "

In fact, the gold coins are not complete, because the completion time of the task is one of the important judgment items for task evaluation, so if we deliberately wait until we have time to come back, the evaluation of this task will not be too high. Of course, there is no way to do this kind of thing Yes, and as long as we can complete the task, then our contract with the Tsar is complete. As for the task evaluation ... We are not listed in the task requirements at all, so this method requires a small loss in addition to the Tsar. Besides, there are no other disadvantages. Besides, he wouldn't be able to complete this task without us.

Although the Czar also wants to complete the task early, he is not stupid. Our new colony is threatened, and we certainly want to go back. At this time, he will definitely not be of any use even if he is playing tricks, and will let us team him The impression of I was negative, which was totally worthless. Therefore, the Tsar performed very generously this time, and let us go to work directly and wait for time to come back.

Now that everyone has agreed, I naturally have nothing to say. Let the gold coins complete the seal in a few minutes to completely hide the Tsar into the half plane, and then we just turn around and leave. Of course, I will leave the Tsar before leaving. Next life-saving thing, just in case. [,! ] In case of force majeure, he can use this gadget to instantly pull me to him, so that he can ensure that the task will not be closed at any time.

After this was done, I took back my magic pet, and left the world with everyone to enter the previous mass grave.

There was a lot of delay when I came, but it was more convenient when I came back. I already said that this task was wrong at the beginning, and it should be done with gold coins. Sure enough, I was passing by the mass grave post. At that time, a large group of lone spirits, ghosts and living corpses gathered, but the gold coins just pulled out a small bell from their body in a hurry, and then gently rocked. A bit of a crisp sound, then All dead souls freeze as if they were in the body fixation.

\ "Hurry up, I can only block them for more than ten seconds. \"

\ "That's enough. \" This place is in China, so the transfer can be carried out directly. Several of us directly transmitted in place back to Isinger.

I probably knew that I would be back the first time, so when I arrived at the teleportation side, I heard the notice of the army god, let me go to the transnational teleportation side.

I was kind of weird. What do the Russians want to invade and let me go to the Transnational Transit Front? Russia ’s development zone is now our territory, that is to say, it is now Chinese territory. It is possible within the same country. The ordinary teleportation is used to teleport each other, so if I want to go to the development zone, I can teleport directly. However, the **** of war now says that roses let me go to the cross-country teleportation. This is not normal.

The transnational transport array is used for transnational transmission, and the development zone is now considered to be in China, which means that the purpose of letting me go to the transnational transport array is that the place where I want to go is not a development zone.

Although I can't understand why Rose asked me to go to the international teleportation team at this time, since Rose called me to go, there must be something, so I transmitted it in the first time.

As the most important international transportation hub in our guild and even in the world, the transnational transport array has a tremendous amount of people and materials inside it. So how to evacuate and load the people and materials to be transferred as quickly as possible becomes very important. .

It is precisely because the human and material traffic on the transnational transport array is very large. Therefore, a large number of auxiliary transport arrays are designed near the transnational transport array. The role of these transport arrays is to transmit or use transnational transport arrays. The personnel and materials of the array are diverted or concentrated as soon as possible, so that we can save time and allow us to complete the transfer of personnel and materials as quickly as possible.

I just used this divergent transport array to quickly reach the transnational transport array. Although the transnational transport array is crowded every day, it is more scary than the railway station during the Spring Festival. But Rose and I are fathers. Telepathy we are though No. But we have the ring of love. The couple players in the game have a lot of benefits. The ring of love is also very useful, among which the more commonly used items include the couple radar function.

The function of this radar is that when the distance between the couple is close to a certain range, the radar will automatically indicate the position of the other party. This function is very useful to prevent scattering when doing tasks in the wild. Especially that kind of special Maze scene.

With the help of this thing, I quickly saw Rose. After all, she is the chief logistics officer of our guild. It cannot be crowded into the crowd like a traveler who rushed home for the New Year. She was standing in a suspension at this moment. On the platform in midair, behind her are two mobile angels who stand against the Protoss as guards, and in front of her there are several players holding a piece of crystal plate and handing it to her for her One by one.

The name and principle of this crystal board are very complicated, and they are all part of Atlantis's crystal technology. However, this kind of thing is well understood to us because you only need to imagine it as a magic tablet Of course, this thing has no way to play games, and there are not so many apps for you, but at least this thing can play the role of a display screen, and it has certain information processing and transmission capabilities, which is enough. Of course I think this stuff is actually more suitable for holding 13 because this thing is translucent and ice-blue, plus the content shown above, if you stand with such a thing, whether it is a janitor or a commander Scheduling will seem to be unique. At least the janitors in the bank will like to use this thing to check the passing people, and then open this thing and compare the database to see if there is a legal registration. Of course, the root cause of this stuff is so good At War God, if there is no War God, this thing is at best a handheld display plus a communicator, and there is still no dial key.

After seeing the rose, I immediately walked over, and then jumped up to the next step. When Rose saw me, she just smiled and continued to review the information on the crystal plate in my hand, and I could only stay aside. Stand. It took five minutes for Rose to get the job done for the group of people and assign them to do something else.

\ "You finally came back. \" Rose turned to me.

\ "I heard that Russia seems to be consolidating troops, but what did you call me here for?"

\ "Of course there is a reason for you to come here, but it is inconvenient to speak here. You follow me. \" After speaking, Rose directly pulled me off the platform and walked to the transnational transport array.

The destination of a transnational transport array can only be one place at a time, and everything on it, whether it is a person or a material, will be sent to the same destination at one time. That is to say, the transnational transport array does not have the ability to deliver multiple points. The transnational transport array uses a shuttle-like method. One transfer point at a time. The people and supplies that need to go there need to wait by the side until the next transfer is determined. [,! ] The goal is to go up the same way as your destination. Otherwise it will be teleported to another place.

Just after completing a transmission, the transnational transmission array cannot immediately start transmitting, but must receive a transmission.When the personnel and materials from the opposite transmission array have come down from the transnational transmission array, the broadcast will immediately sound.

\ "Essinger mobile fortress of this teleportation, please do not board the international teleportation team. Repeat again, this teleportation ... \"

The sudden broadcast made the surrounding people instantly confused, because according to the plan, the next transmission was not to go to the Essinger Mobile Fortress. These people had already queued up to wait here, but when it was their turn, they suddenly had to change the coordinates. It's people squeezing, which of course will cause some people's anger. But. Those who are angry are intercepted. And soon most of them are quiet because they are shocked by their anger. While facing the line of defense formed by the guards around the transnational transmission array, they found that Rose and I were holding hands and embarked on the transnational transmission array.

The transnational transmission array is something of our Frost Rose Alliance. It has two purposes for opening up. It is to make money for us for a while. The second is to increase the influence and reputation of our guild. However, everyone knows that even if it is open to the outside world, this transnational transmission array It is still something of our Frost Rose Alliance. It is not that you are allowed to sit, you are its master. The transnational teleportation array is still an important item of the Frost Rose Alliance, so when we have an emergency mission, the transnational transmission array needs Priority is given to the people in our guild.This is the same reason that military toll stations on highway expressways are given priority to pass.

Essinger Mobile Fortress is not the same as Essinger Twins. Most of the ground cities of Essinger Twins are open to the outside world, and the Sky City is also open to certain ally guilds or special individuals. However, Although the Isinger Mobile Fortress is usually parked above the Sky City in the Twin Cities of Isinger, it is an independent mobile fortress that often needs to go out for activities, and this Isinger Mobile Fortress is thorough At the bottom of the military unit, except for those in our guild, outsiders are generally not allowed unless they have special needs.

The target of this teleportation was the Isinger Mobile Fortress, and I entered the transnational teleportation team with Rose, which shows that this is an emergency military service, which is understandable by everyone, so most people see this situation It is no longer noisy. Of course, there are some second sons or purely mentally handicapped people roaring there. Of course, our Frost Rose League is a large international guild, with our demeanor, so we directly to those who shout Ignore it. As for the real brain damage that Xin Ji has on our guards, of course we will not be polite, as long as the opponent does it, it will be dragged away immediately.

Scolding or giving back means that we have quality, and it is not our habit to fight back.

Soon after Rose and I entered the international teleportation array, some supplies and a group of mobile angels and a small number of people went to the two. There were not many people and supplies at the Isinger Mobile Fortress, and it was not like going elsewhere. Every time the international teleportation array is crowded.

After all the people and materials on our side were in place, the teleportation began immediately, and then Rose and I disappeared on the international teleportation array.After the flash of light, I and Rose went to the Essinger Mobile Fortress.

As soon as I came out of the teleportation array, I immediately felt wrong. It was not the ambush around, but the temperature was not right.

At this point, the Essinger Mobile Fortress should be right on the Russian development zone, and the frozen land is over there, and the temperature remains below zero all year round, so it should be very cold around it. But now I I can feel a very obvious point is that the temperature of the surrounding air is at least above 20 degrees, although it is not hot, but this is definitely not the temperature in Russia. It is even stranger that I can smell the fishy smell in the air. At that moment, I I understand why Rose sent me to the Transnational Transport Front.It turned out that Isinger Mobile Fortress is no longer in Russia.

Originally, the Essinger Mobile Fortress was parked on the side of the development zone, and the development zone has been assigned to the territory of our country. Therefore, any teleport array we use in China can be directly connected to the Essinger Mobile Fortress. .Of course, people without permission ca n’t be connected, but Rose and I are obviously fine. However, Rose finally let me go to a transnational transmission array, and this transnational transmission array is used for transnational transmission, considering that now It ’s clear that the temperature and the sea breeze around it are obviously not in the development zone, but somewhere above the ocean. And according to the moving speed of the Isinger Mobile Fortress, the only explanation I can think of is that Isinger's Mobile Fortress is over the Pacific Ocean.After all, the sea over Europe is too far away, and the Arctic Ocean should be colder.The only logical thing is the Pacific Ocean.

\ "How could Isinger Mobile Fortress be on the Pacific Ocean? Where are we going? United States? \"

Rose said with a smile: "It really is my husband, I guessed it at once. We are now on the Pacific Ocean, and Isinger Mobile Fortress is heading for the United States."

Immediately after hearing Rose admitting that Isinger's Mobile Fortress was marching towards the American mainland, "Is the plan over the Neptune Palace not smooth?"

Rose nodded again. \ "You guessed it again. The time of action of the Neptune Hall was too accurate, and the sighted people knew that they had breathed with us, so the gun **** guy retaliated and died with the Neptune Hall. Fight to the end, and then deliberately issued a surrender application to the league. Don't I say anything later? \ "

The roses have been explained so clearly, but I do n’t need to say anything. The current situation actually only needs a little thinking to understand. Our Frost Rose League almost equals the collapse of the Holy Lantern League, and the God of Guns Not convinced, even with. [,! ] I hate the Neptune Hall that cooperates with us. I would rather give the Holy Lance to the Alliance than let the Neptune Hall get it.

Of course, we can't look at this kind of thing, because this Neptune Hall gave money, and in the end it was weighed down by us. Would this be the reputation of our guild if we spread it out? Let ’s talk about it American things are not bad for us, at least in the future, Neptune Palace will always remember the old feelings for us.

\ "You think so, let Isinger move the fortress to speed up, we have to hurry to help the Neptune Hall get the alliance. \"

After I finished speaking, the rose actually held me back, then smiled and said: \ "No rush. It's better to arrive a little later than a little later. \"

\ "Ah? \" (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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