Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 310: 2 lose all?

The words of the two players in our guild naturally gave some associations to the two American weapon holders, but now they have the upper hand, and from the situation in the United States, it is also their alliance that has the upper hand. As for us The Frost Rose League intervened in this situation.In fact, the Alliance was only a bit worried and did not feel much threat.

This kind of confidence of the alliance stems from its own strength, but it is more because our current war with Russia has prevented us from drawing enough troops to participate in the war in the United States, so the alliance does not think that we The plan that can threaten them is at most the increase of the price they need to pay. This league is already mentally prepared, so it doesn't matter too much.

Because the Alliance generally doesn't take our Frost Rose Alliance's involvement seriously, so the two holders of natural weapons naturally have the same attitude, that is, they are not very jealous of us. Because of this emotion, this The two guys didn't show much surprise after hearing the players from our guild saying the previous words, but just hesitated a little bit and restored their previous attitude and restarted the fight because they all thought it was our okay Meeting players are bluffing.

Just when our guild players were struggling with these two American weapon holders and could not stand it, a huge golden beam suddenly fell from the sky and then hit the Indian directly. On the ground in front of the wizard, the shock wave instantly blasted the Indian wizard out, but the guy was almost inaccessible with copper and iron bones, so after being blown and flying, he turned on the ground a few times and then climbed up again. Then Suddenly holding up the strangely shaped wand in his hand and pointing at the figure in the golden light in front, a green thing like a whirlwind flew past.

When True Red came out of the beam of light, I just saw the oncoming green whirlwind. When I tilted my head, I wanted to flash it. Unfortunately, the thing was actually tracked. After the true red flashed, it caught up from behind. The fierce true red had to use his skills to turn around and punch again to blow up the green whirlwind.

The green thing was easily broken, but when it burst, it scattered a lot of small green fragments, many of them hit the real red body, and as soon as those things touched the real red, they immediately burned. Up, and the flames are also green.

Suddenly I was surprised to find that the fire was really red, but she hadn't waited for her to do anything. The gold coins had fallen beside her, and one-handed pressing on her shoulder, the green flame seemed to be sprayed by a fire extinguisher. It just went out instantly, and then the shards of Xiaoguang also fell to the ground one after another, but as soon as those things fell on the ground, they burned again.

\ "I didn't expect your witchcraft to be a bit more powerful. \" The gold coin said, turning to the Indian wizard who was opposite: "" Unfortunately, you met me today, it seems destined to be unlucky. \ "

Most of the people who were present with the words of gold coins felt that she was just talking big, or taunting each other before the war, and it wasn't important at all, but I know that what gold coins say is actually the truth.

The holder of this artifact is an Indian wizard, and the Indian tribe is actually the Chinese side. The Indians who got up early were actually the Asians who used the frozen Arctic Ocean to walk to the Americas, and then thrived in the area. It took a long time. After that, he formed his own unique cultural and racial characteristics. However, if you look closely, you can see that Indians actually have obvious Asian characteristics, which is very obvious. It is not difficult to identify.

The cultural background used in the game is taken from real legends and some real history, and the settings about Indians were created according to this Asian immigration doctrine. Therefore, the witchcraft used by Indians is actually similar to Miao Xinjiang Witchcraft is the same thing, at most the skills are slightly different, but the content of the two is actually not bad.

The characteristics of Miao Xinjiang Witchcraft are fast learning speed. It is a quick skill and has great power. After all, poisonous attacks are very annoying and can cause continuous damage. And there are not many people who really ignore poisonous attacks in the game, so Witchcraft Has considerable fighting power.

However, the basic occupation of gold coins is Taoist, and now it has advanced to the branch of the sword fairy. To put it plainly, it is the branch category of the gods in heaven, and these decent gods in heaven are all devoted to the demon, and witch Surgery happens to be in this range. In other words, the occupation of the Taoist system is exactly the occupation of the voodoo system, and the occupation of the American national weapon holder is just the witchcraft system, and the gold coin is the Taoist system. It's on the opposite side and just happened to be completely suppressed.

True Red, as a holder of national equipment, of course, also has a more detailed understanding of this aspect, so she did not grab the head with gold coins, but directly turned and ran in the direction of the other holder of national equipment, anyway Bian this is particularly suitable for gold coins, and she naturally does not need to steal the gold coins.

Seeing that the real red was about to go, the holder of the national weapon immediately wanted to stop it, but the gold coins were faster than him, and a flash between the guy and the real red cut it off.

\ "Where are you going? Didn't you see me here? \"

\ "You give me a break. \" The American weapon holder on the opposite side was not vegetarian, and he threw his hand and threw a bunch of black things with a roar.

After seeing this thing, the gold coin reached out without blinking, a silver light flashed away, and then saw that black spot quickly flew back and was nailed to the ground. But wait for the thing to be nailed Afterwards, both sides present were surprised.

The U.S. national weapon holder was surprised that his tool was actually broken. You must know that this trick is a very sudden attack. [,! ], It was almost useless before. I didn't expect it to be so simple. It was even worse. The black thing used for the attack was actually a kind of puppet, and it was very difficult to cultivate. Now it was killed. This loss is not small.

However, although the American weapon holder was very annoyed and surprised, the gold coins were not necessarily much better than him, because the weapon that nailed the black thing was rapidly dissolving at this time.

In fact, the American weapon holder threw out a black toad, and the weapon used for the gold coin was a silver willow flying sword. As a result, the toad was nailed to death, but the silver flying sword was given poison. Corroded, huge losses on both sides, and all were dumbfounded for a moment.

\ "Whose eyes of the two of you are in the game?" (To be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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