Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 314: Do we dare to move?

When Christina heard my shout, she turned her head and gave me a glance, then turned around and began to fly back, and I myself called out Ye Ying to jump over and jumped up. As soon as Ye Ying felt that I was riding, I immediately started the dream shuttle ability, stepped into the gray smoke that suddenly appeared in front of me and disappeared, and the bullet of the God of Guns followed closely, but I missed it.

Immediately after changing the target, he changed his target and moved the crosshair to the side of Real Red, because he knew that Christina was going to rescue the Real Red, so no matter how she flew, she would definitely go to the side of Real Red. So, as long as you aim at true red, you can definitely hit, but what the Gun God did not expect is that although he is smart, Christina is not a fool. When he aimed at Christina's only way to wait for the opponent to throw a net, Christina shot eight light **** with a shake. The light **** exploded in the air and exploded in the air immediately after turning out in a fan shape, instantly turning the surroundings into a snow-white. The gunman's eyes were burned by the sudden burst of light.

As soon as the gun **** looked down, he felt something wrong, and quickly rolled towards the side, and then heard a loud noise, and then a mountain swayed, and the city wall below him collapsed and panic. He could only open one eye and barely recognize the surrounding environment and jumped to the ground next to it, but the city wall behind him had collapsed. It seems that if he hadn't responded quickly, he would have been buried.

Looking at the collapsed city wall below, I did not show much pride in standing in the air. This wall is not a sturdy wall. After all, this is just a small city. The surrounding walls are only eight meters high and have a small thickness. It's not that difficult to split a sword.

After glancing at the smoke and dust, I found the God of Guns that jumped out, legs of Ye Ying caught in the belly, Ye Ying immediately disappeared in the black mist that appeared in front of it in a vertical leap, and then shot from the gun the next second. God came out behind him.

The Gun God felt the movement behind him and immediately turned around and stabbed him over. But his dagger was caught as soon as he waved it. With a great force, the dagger in his hand was directly picked up, and then the **** of guns immediately tilted his head back to avoid a swept edge, but what he did not expect was to follow one foot closely. He stepped on his chest and stepped his body directly to the ground. The gun **** in panic dropped his spear directly, grabbed the ankle of the foot on his chest with his left hand and wanted to twist my ankle with force. Use my joints to force me to kneel. But as soon as his hands were pinched on my ankles, he felt the heat of his fingers as soon as he didn't work hard, and the blood poured out instantly.

The equipment on my body is different from that of the average person. There is a back blade behind the ankle of the Dragon Soul suit. The bottom of this back blade is connected to the heel position of my boots. If necessary, it can be refolded to the sole of my foot to serve as an ice skate. When it is stowed, it will stick to my heel and the back of my calf. When kicking people behind the legs or heels. In fact, this blade hit the target first. This is why few people dare to pick my flying leg, because it is almost equivalent to picking the blade with bare hands, and the power will be much greater than ordinary weapons, and it will never be able to catch it.

The gun **** was wrong because of his eye injury. He pinched it on the blade and scratched his finger instantly, thanks to my failure to attach eternity here. Inevitably his fingers are gone.

Gunshot was frustrated because of his finger injury, pinching my ankle and twisting it, and his movements became sluggish. I quickly took the opportunity to step on his chest and step up, kicked his leg and kicked his chin, kicked him all over, and then stepped directly on his face and hit the ground with his back of his head. Give me steps. This power can be said to be very great. In reality, if someone comes this way, the person stepped underneath will be severely concussed even if he does not die. Amnesia is considered minor, and paralysis or vegetative results are normal. But the physical fitness of the people in the game is super high. And the defense is amazing, the most important thing is that the gun **** guy has a helmet. So this time he just hit him with dizziness and blinking Venus, but did not cause fatal injuries.

Although I didn't get a fatal injury this time, it was almost finished to be transformed into this virtue on the battlefield. However, when I was about to start and found him, I suddenly found a metal flying claw not far from the oblique side. This metal flying claw accurately pinched a simple and domineering sword and dragged it. Go back.

When I saw the sword, my eyelids jumped immediately, and I couldn't help giving the gun **** a fatal blow. As soon as I reached out and grabbed the saddle on the back of Yeying, he followed him in the direction of disappearing flying claws Rushed over.

The sword that I saw just now is nothing ordinary, it is the sword of Tianzun with gold coins. This thing is one of the national set. If you lose it, the national set of gold coins will be incomplete, which is a huge loss for all players in our country. So I did n’t even give the Gunslinger a final blow and rushed straight up.

At the speed of the night shadow, it was just a flash to the position where the flying claws had just disappeared, but when they came here, they found that the flying claws came out of the house, and now no one can see them at all. If it was normal, I would definitely go in for a search, but now it is completely empty. After all, national instruments are too important for a country, so I started to call the magic pet to help.

"All come out to help."

With a dragon chant, the little dragon girl appeared directly on top of our heads, and the huge body instantly covered the sky over half of the city, and then a large circle of magical array with green light suddenly appeared on the ground, followed closely by A large area of ​​smoke and dust suddenly burst out at the edge of this map, and then the area covered by the entire map began to rise slowly in a rumbling sound. From this rising urban area, a large number of branches and vines grew crazy. Instantly isolated this city from other places.

As the rose vine skyrocketed, not only the following city was lifted up, in conjunction with the little dragon girl's gravity technique, this city was still rising higher and higher, and with the constant levitation of this city. The trailblazers also began drilling holes in the city, breaking the ground below the city.

With the deformation and disintegration of this whole urban area, the buildings in it were of course collapsed and shattered. Then, at the moment when one of the buildings collapsed, three figures suddenly jumped out of the three windows in the building at the same time in three directions. Flew out.

The three silhouettes are fast. But they did not expect that our response would be faster. The guy who jumped out from the east direction was hugged by a golden figure that appeared suddenly as soon as he stepped out of the window. Then, with the flash of light, the two figures disappeared at the same time, and appeared at more than one hundred meters in the next second. In the air, following Jingjing and Lingling rushed up, chop that guy into meat with lightning speed.

According to system regulations. It is impossible to conceal the national weapons robbing other countries, that is to say, national weapons cannot be put into space equipment, and cannot be transmitted directly. They can only be transmitted by ordinary transport or fixed-point transmission arrays in cities. And the Chinese weapon cannot be invisible or camouflaged, so this thing is easy to expose. Because of this setting. Therefore, the battle for national weapons is often very fierce, because there is no way you can cleverly avoid enemy detection and take the national weapons apart.

Just after the guy was taken by Lei into the air, Jingjing and Lingling found that this guy couldn't see the Tianzun sword at all, so he just cut this guy out of the way to avoid interference.

Except for the guy jumping out of the east window, the one coming out of the west is also unlucky. As soon as this guy jumped out, he was wrapped up in a group of oncoming spider webs, and then dragged into the middle of a group of dragons instantly. Fortunately, I was too lazy to find it. Longyan burned this guy into flying ash. Anyway, Tianzun sword is not bad, as long as this guy sparks. If the Celestial Sword was in his hand, it would naturally fall out.

It is a pity that nothing suspected of Tianzun sword appeared in the ashes of this guy. There was only a large pile of metal that had been burned into molten iron, which could be identified as his own weaponry.

Neither side succeeded, and the remaining side naturally became the top priority, of course, there were also guards on this side. The guy who jumped out was forcibly pulled by Pepper, and Ling directly used the soul bombing on it to smash the soul inside him, and then turned it over on his leftover corpse. Unfortunately, nothing.

None of these three people found anything, but the Blazers rushed to my side and spit out the body of gold coins.

The dead bodies of people in the game will not be refreshed automatically. It needs to be buried before it can be refreshed, and then gold coins have just been killed. Refreshing is not so fast. The trailblazers just eroded the ground in this urban area just to find the corpse of gold coins, because just look at the situation on the corpse and you can know what broke out.

It's not bad. The luck of the gold coins is very good. Everything is complete. There is no big explosion that I don't want to see, but only two things. Except for Tianzun Sword, the Tianzun Tabard behind the gold coin was gone, everything else was there. Of course, these on the corpse are just appearances. In fact, when the gold coins are resurrected, these things will appear on her, and the rest of the corpse will not be able to lie down. Only the missing ones really exploded.

It is now certain that, in addition to the Celestial Sword, another robe is missing.

"Rose vine, crush me here."

With my order, a lot of rattan sprouts grew in the cave-filled urban area that had been drilled by the pioneers in front of me. These rattans grew wildly among the buildings in the urban area, and then twisted continuously. Tear and shatter the rest of the city.

Under our total destruction, the man who snatched things can no longer hide. Sure enough, the guy actually hid in the building where the three people just came out. When the building collapsed, three guys flew out from three sides, just to attract our attention. In fact, the last one never stayed out, but was buried in the ruins of the building. Of course, judging by the attributes of the player, as long as you think about it, you can come out at any time. It is impossible to kill people with a little rubble.

After this guy found that the rubble under her had been completely ground, she knew that she could no longer hide it. She could only jump out from under the rubble, and then wanted to break through, but she just rolled up and the surrounding rattan rolled up together. Going up and wanting to tie her up, unfortunately this guy is very clever. He can still twist his body in the air to avoid the entanglement of the rose vine, and he even jumped even higher with the help of the rose vine's rattan.

Seeing that the player broke through the entanglement of the rose vine, I immediately planned to do it myself. Who knows that at this time a gunshot suddenly came from the side, immediately following me, I immediately felt a flower in front of me, and the whole person hurriedly turned in a direction and flew out of his head and feet. I didn't know how many to turn in the air. He followed and crashed into a building, and it was not until this time that I felt a severe pain in my chest.

"Damn!" He touched his wet chest. I know there must be a big hole in that place. The moment ago was definitely a spike, because I knew my heart was completely penetrated. Of course, I am not dead now, because I have Xiao Feng, the magic pet.

According to Xiao Feng's attributes, me and all of my magic pets have a chance of resurrection in half blood. That is, when I was killed, the first death would not really die directly, but would be resurrected in a half-blood state immediately after death, without going to the Temple of Resurrection, and without receiving any punishment. This is a unique attribute of the Phoenix Magic Pet.

Just a moment ago is definitely a good thing to do. Because only his attack power can cause great damage to me, and just now he used an absolutely expensive gold coin bomb, because I was hit by his ordinary bullets before, it has never been so powerful, It was at most one time that I lost one third of my blood volume. It was the first time that my case was shot in a second.

Supporting the ground hard to lift up the rubble on my body, I directly lifted all the rubble around with a skill, I didn't see the gun **** when I looked up. It's a group of players in the Rainbow Alliance.

After seeing this group of people, I immediately understood that they watched me fall here to confirm my life and death, but what I can confirm now is. They must be dead.

After a little induction, they looked up to the sideways, then extended their palms, and those people gave a stun before they reacted. The guy with the fastest action called out, "Don't give him time, he is calling his weapon!" The guy rushed up as he shouted. It's too slow.

As soon as he jumped up, he saw a red awn in the distance that instantly penetrated the back of one of the people who surrounded me, and then got out of her chest. Shot into my palm. I squeezed my hands and pulled to the sides. Eternity instantly becomes a hook sickle.

Hold the eternal hook sickle to dance a gun shadow, and then suddenly the pistol slammed on the ground, everyone around was momentarily stationary, and the next second, these people seemed to be brick walls but forgot to use the adhesive Instantly fall apart.

Instead of looking at the pieces of meat on the ground, he turned to look at my magic pet in the distance. What I can see now is the smoke and some of the limbs of the large magic pet's body that occasionally appear. Because that area was completely crushed by the rose vine and the trailblazer, the surrounding rocks are crushed. With the addition of a few big guys, the smoke and dust that naturally formed are now invisible, and now I can't see anything.

Although I do n’t know what ’s going on there, but my magic pet is over there, the gun **** must be there, so I rushed up without saying a word, but suddenly I heard a anger and unwillingness in the next second Long Yin sound, and with this Long Yin, I saw that lucky guy fell out of the smoke.

"Lucky!" I yelled and flew over, but luck had fallen to the ground completely. There were two large holes in his chest, and some kind of burning marks could be seen, and the diameter of the hole was enough for a person to drill through. Not surprisingly, this is also a gold coin bomb, and it is something like a fire bomb. The Dragon's constitution is definitely not easily killed by drilling a hole. It can completely kill a dragon in such a short period of time. Unless the head is cut off, it is only possible for the weapon such as the incendiary bomb to take effect inside, otherwise Even if the heart is broken, the dragon can persist for seven or eight seconds before falling down. This is where the dragons are powerful.

Obviously, the gold coin bomb power of God of the Gun is too powerful, my magic pet can't stop it. Jingjing was still hit by a blow under the premise of opening the Holy Shield. Although there was not much damage, the power of this bullet was already conceivable. But now, I still underestimate the power of this gold coin bomb.

After thinking about it, I don't expect to be able to get the gun **** and the player who grabbed our national weapon in the usual way.

"All magic pets, fit."

With the launch of my skills, all the pets fighting in the battle were instantly drawn to my side and merged into my body. A flame of fire ignited from under my feet and instantly wrapped me in. The Gunslinger even seized the opportunity of a few tenths of a second and pulled the trigger at me again.

During the transformation, I was not unable to move, so after seeing the action of the gun god, I directly raised my shield. Accompanied by a loud noise. In this way, I glide backwards for more than ten meters while keeping the shield of the giant shield. Then I sat on the ground with one buttock, and two large trenches were plowed out by my legs on the ground. However, although it was pushed for more than ten meters, it also fell down. But when I got up, it had no effect. The bullet eventually fell off the front of the shield and became a flat metal pancake.

The Gun God looked at me for a moment, but I never expected that I could hard-wire this bullet. I just guessed that he used gold coin bombs, but he knew very well that this was not just a gold coin bomb, but a super-standard gold coin bomb. The bullet he just used was an armor-piercing round. The absolute lethality is not high, but the armor-piercing ability is extremely exaggerated. That is to say, even if it is hit, the lethality is not too scary, but it can generally penetrate the defense to give target damage. but. From the bullet to the pancake, it can be confirmed that the gold coin bomb did not penetrate at all. Being able to carry this kind of gold coin bomb hardly means that at this time more than 70% of the gold coin bombs in his hand have no effect, because this level of gold coin bombs can no longer hurt me at all.

"God of guns, you really made me angry." I roared, then suddenly disappeared from the place, and appeared next to guns of God the next second.

Feeling my presence, the gun **** immediately turned back and shot. I pushed his muzzle directly, and the bullet flew over the side of my head, although it shook my ears. However, it did not produce the slightest lethality. After all, as long as the bullet was not hit, no matter how powerful it was, it was futile.

After pushing the muzzle away, I did n’t give the gun **** a chance to fight back. I pulled the muzzle backward and dragged him to the front, and then my right hand instantly and pointed into a knife, eternal moment covered the surface of the palm and sharpened. Then my palm slammed forward, piercing his chest in the horrified look of Gun God. He grasped his heart, and then his fingers contracted. Slap ... God feels like he heard the sound in his chest. It was the sound of a heart burst, and then he stared down unwillingly.

Gunner's strength is indeed good worldwide, but this is limited to his long-range lethality. I was originally much stronger than him, not to mention that at such a short distance now, the Musketeer's advantage can not be exerted at all, and naturally it was easy for him to seconds.

One pinched the heart of the Gun God, and I immediately turned to look in the other direction. With a little concentration, a force shock wave flew out instantly, blowing away the east-west coefficient of blocking the road, while a running figure in front was kicked by the shock wave. However, this female player is very stubborn. After a big heel, she climbed up and ran like no one, and she didn't pause.

Looking at the player who was running farther and farther away, I immediately took a step forward, and my body disappeared directly into a cloud of black mist. The next step came out of the female player less than two meters away.

Seeing me appear, the other side immediately made a sudden brake, but unfortunately the speed was too fast to stop completely, but this girl was very savvy. She didn't want to resist, but she raised her hands and threw out Tianzun Sword and Tianzun Tabard in both directions. .

Tianzun Tabard is a cloak, and can change its shape according to the user's situation. The Tianzun tabard worn by gold coins has actually turned into a white fox fur cape, and it is very wide. It is not easy to throw it out. However, when the other party hid before, he had obviously considered this. The cloak is actually wrapped up, and it must have been added with a weight, because such things can not be thrown away without weight.

Although the opponent's movement is very fast, I am not an ordinary person. I turned around and rushed in the direction of the Heavenly Sword, but the wings on the back shed a lot of feathers instantly. As soon as these feathers fell, they turned into a giant candle bee and rushed towards the shirt. .

Seeing this situation, the female player did not choose either side to snatch, but rushed directly past my location and ran forward, but she only ran two steps and found that a large black sandstorm suddenly appeared in front of her. In the blink of an eye, these sandstorms that did not know where they came from gathered into a large group of fighting creatures with a wolf head and a height of three meters.

These sudden emergence is of course my death guard, these guys are the servants of Anubis. Although the combat effectiveness has not been seen to be very high, fighting is absolutely the same as nougat. Because there is no fear of death. And the resurrection speed is too fast, so as long as they are not particularly powerful enemies, they can entangle each other.

This female player is obviously just a master, not very prominent, if there are only a dozen death guards. She could handle it, but there were hundreds of them all at once, and she killed one and made up for another. In this case, of course, she had no chance of winning and she was blocked.

Just when the female player was trapped, I had caught the Celestial Sword. Stuff looked at it. It is true that our national weapon Tianzun Sword is right, so it was immediately inserted into the hanger on the back. However, the situation was not good for Candlebee. After catching up with the wrapped cloak, it turned out to be a bunch of rotten cloth strips, and what was wrapped inside was not our national celestial robe. In the face of this situation, I am not worried. Because the woman did not run away, but was stopped by the death guard, which means that although the opponent's scheme was successful, unfortunately, our side was too prepared, so her ultimate goal was still not achieved.

Her purpose was to lead me away with two pieces of equipment, and one of the Celestial Warriors was actually fake. Really still on her. As long as I go after either of the two pieces of equipment, she can break away and hopefully take this thing away. Chinaware is a complete set. One less will make a lot worse, so just bringing out one will make a lot of sense. unfortunately. Although she cheated me, she did not run away, so the plan still failed.

Looking at the woman surrounded by the center, I waved directly, and all the death guards took a step back immediately, forming a dense semicircular encirclement to block all her escape routes. At this time, the female player certainly knew that I must be back. So he turned to look at me and pulled the jersey from his body.

"A wise decision," I said as I reached for it. but. Just when I was about to touch the shirt, the opponent suddenly pulled back the shirt in his hand. Then use the other hand to simultaneously spray a white powder.

When I saw the white ash scattered over, I almost instinctively fanned it with my wings. A strong wind directly blows all the white ash back. The other person was stunned by the gray powder sprinkled by himself, but the other person could not bear it. With his eyes blind, he raised his hand and threw the thing in his hand into the sky.

The moment the Zun Zhan Robe was thrown up, a round of artillery shells that didn't know where they actually flew over our heads, hit the Zun Zun Robe accurately and took it out together.

This kind of thing is not the same as general equipment. It has no durability limit, which means that it will not be damaged. Destroying national weapons requires very complicated procedures, and it is definitely not the time to do it on the battlefield. Therefore, even artillery shells cannot destroy national weapons, but the projectiles flew out with their celestial robes.

Obviously, the other party must have discovered the direction behind me. Someone used a cannon to cooperate with her, so he deliberately used such a trick at the end. Her original intention was to temporarily obscure my vision with the white ash in her hand, and then throw out the Celestial Tabard. The shells will accurately hit the Celestial Tabard and bring it out of the encirclement, while others will respond outside. After that, she would take the initiative to attack me while I was affected by Baihui, so that I could create more trouble and win more time. As long as this time is good enough, we can ensure that our national weapons are taken away.

Unfortunately, her plan was only half successful. She didn't expect me to react so quickly, she fanned the dust with her wings and pitted herself. However, what pleased her was that the Tianzun Tabard should have been accurately hit by the shell.

The kinetic energy of the cannonball was very large, and it was taken out immediately after hitting the Celestial Tabard, but because of the resistance formed by the Celestial Tabard's opening, the cannonball did not fly far, but it did fly out of this small area near us. local.

Watching the Tianzun Tabard flying out, I jumped up almost instantly. The death guards around me also turned into a black sandstorm immediately following me. However, the city seems to have suddenly come to life. A large number of Rainbow Alliance players rushed out of the city and rushed to me. Suicide slowed me forward. I hope I can cover the people on the right and take away Tianzun. robe.

Seeing a player in the Rainbow Alliance reach out and touch the Celestial Robe that was embedded in the wall by the shell, I finally broke out.


Boom, a circle of heat waves visible to the naked eye swelled instantly, all the members of the surrounding Rainbow Alliance began to melt as soon as they came into contact with the heat waves, before the blink of an eye, all people, buildings and the ground turned into magma ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ The high temperature caused the air to roll over, and even caused a huge shock wave to completely ruin the city that had been destroyed for less than half.

My body was full of flames, stepping on the magenta flames one step at a time, a fire pit went to the Tianzun Tabard, and all the Rainbow Alliances around it had turned into dust. No one came to **** the Tianzun Tabard anymore, because they were completely Can't approach me within 100 meters.

Without any hindrance, walked to the side of Tianzun Tabard, reached up and picked it up, and turned to look at the direction in which the shells were flying before. As a result, it was not a single person, but a group of people. Yusina's girl actually came in person, and what surprised me even more was that there were several senior players around her, all of whom have been seen before, all of them are masters of the Rainbow League. Of course, it is far worse than me. However, so many people came together, and without Christina and Real Red assisting them, I would not have a chance to single them out. The main thing is that I have used the fit skills before, and I have used a lot of tricks. The magic consumption is quite serious, and it is very bad for me to continue to fight.

It's a question of hitting or running. (To be continued)


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