Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 318: Ask for help

When the guard in the Temple of Liberty rushed to the door, he saw three dead bodies lying in a pool of blood. A gust of wind blew through the woods not far away. It seemed that something had left here, but because the guard came out a little slower , So I saw nothing. ;.

Although three people died outside the Temple of Liberty, this is a game where death is a common occurrence. Besides, these three people who are not the Temple of Liberty naturally have not caused much repercussions. If they die, they will let the Temple of Liberty The guards felt a little strange.

About half an hour after the three Rainbow Alliance personnel who contacted the Temple of Liberty were killed, Yusina finally realized that her own people's action plan had failed.

"Do you mean that you were lying in ambush at the gate of the Temple of Liberty?" Yusina asked, looking at the three players in front of her.

Those three were the three players who had just been resurrected. The one who took the lead said: "President, I see that the person who attacked us this time clearly got the information in advance, otherwise it is impossible to be so coincident, we just got there Was attacked. "

Yusina frowned after thinking for a moment and said: "It is possible, but it may not be the case, because you are not sure if the other party suspects that we may contact the Temple of Liberty in advance, so someone has been standing there for a long time, But for whatever reason, at least one thing is certain. Since you were attacked, our plan to ask the Temple of Liberty to join the battle is completely Paul. "

"What shall we do?"

"This is very simple, but the next thing is not necessary for your participation. I will deal with it. You go ahead and busy you."


After watching the three people quit, Yusina thought about the current situation. After a simple analysis, she looked at a senior player next to her, and then said, "This thing is still troublesome for you to take a trip. "

"Are you worried that the Temple of Neptune and Frost Rose Alliance will continue to send people to guard the intersection from letting our people pass?"

Yusina nodded: "Yes, this situation is quite obvious. It is definitely not the purpose for the other party to send someone to squat in front of the Temple of Liberty. That is to say, whether you guess it or the information leaked on our side, you can The certain point is that the other party already knows that we will ask the Temple of Liberty to join the fight, so they will definitely prevent us from contacting the Temple of Liberty. There are too many routes in other places, they do not know where we will pass, so there is no possibility of ambush. , But no matter where our people start. In the end, they will go to the Temple of Liberty. Therefore, it is inevitable to squat outside the Temple of Liberty. However, the inside of the Temple is a no-war zone, and the opponent will chase the door at most, and it is impossible to enter Inside the Temple of Liberty. It should be very simple to break through the blockade and enter with your ability. "

The player who was watched by Yusina nodded, "I'm the best at this kind of thing, just leave it to me."

"Well. It's not too late. You go now."


At the same time as the player who received the order set off. People in our guild are also ready to intercept this reassigned person.

"Can you just send them both?" Looking at the players in front, Terry was obviously a bit uneasy.

I comforted him: "Don't worry, this is a senior player in our guild. Specialized in assassination missions, so this kind of thing can definitely be done easily. Besides, they are not acting alone, and they have double insurance."

In fact, the double insurance that I am talking about is a bomb carried on the means of transportation. This is a liquefied magic crystal steam bomb. Although it looks small, the power is absolutely shocking. At that time, as long as the two assassins throw the bomb first, the other person's personnel will definitely be severely hit, even if they are not killed. Afterwards, the assassin will take a shot and will be killed with absolutely no accident.

Things are similar to what we expected. The player sent by Yusina thought that it would be safe as long as she passed the woods in front of the Temple of Liberty, but he did not expect to be attacked by a bomb that came suddenly when she was just out of the forest. The bomb was too powerful. Although he opened his shield in time, he was blown away. The next thing is simple. After the injured Rainbow Alliance player landed, he was jointly assassinated by two assassins sent by our guild. Each of his throat and eye socket parts was instantly hanged.

This guy died simply, and Yusina soon got the news, and then she did not dare to send another person to report as she did last time, because she already understood that our side would definitely emit a powerful interception. The officer intercepted her messenger, so the average person could not send the information at all. In desperation, Yusina could only take the most extreme way, which was to gather all the senior staff under her to send a letter with her in person.

This decision can guarantee that we can't stop them anyway, because we don't have such a strong fighting force, but the negative situation brought about by this decision is that at this critical moment, senior officers in the guild must be transferred, which is a defense against them. Very disadvantageous.

However, to the surprise of Yusina and the people she took out, they were not attacked by anyone this time, and they arrived at the Temple of Liberty so safely.

In fact, there are more than just Yusina, and Terry is one of them.

"I said, Vice President Hongyue, why didn't we stop this time?"

After hearing Terry's question, Hongyue explained it seriously: "Anyway, I already know that I can't stop it. What else should I stop?"


"I know what you mean, but two consecutive teams were attacked before, and the second one was still a very powerful expert, which means that Yusina has taken this matter very seriously. In this case The messenger was still killed. Do you think that the third wave of personnel sent by Yusina at this time may be shrimp soldiers? "

Terry shook his head and said, "Should not be impossible!"

"That's it. After two previous visits, this time I promised that Yusina wouldn't even go by herself. The two guild holders in their guild would definitely go together, so we'd better be in the absence of Zi Ri Don't rush into such a team, this kind of head-to-head battle is not good for us. "


Red Moon saw Terry still seemed to want to attack the liaison force, and could not help but said, "The other party transferred all the elites. At this time, the local defense was very empty, and we could just take advantage of them and grab a few more resources and A populated city, so that we can grow our team. After Yusina talks with that free protoss, they will find that the strength of the two sides has changed dramatically. "

Terry thought about it and asked again, "Well, where did President Ziri run away? At this time, he is not here to fight for us, why is he missing?"

"What does it mean to run away?" Hongyue said angrily: "It's not for your guild. The president you promised him before said that all of it was used in your war, so the president ran away. I'm looking for those Protoss to buy npc troops. I'm probably talking about business now. "

The facts are like what Red Moon said. I was helping Teri to buy NPC troops at this time, but the number of troops purchased this time was too large, so I could not buy them from a Protoss power at one time, and I could only run a few more.

"What are you talking about? Are you going to wholesale Skeleton Soldiers?" Di Tans asked looking at me in surprise. "Don't you always take the high-end route? When did you remember playing Skeleton Sea?"

"Who told you that I only take the high-end route? I'm tailored to local conditions. Will you choose the right combat armies according to the situation?"

"Then why did you buy a skeleton soldier this time?" Di Tans asked.

"I say you sell it. What so much nonsense?" I slap a card on the table. Then he stretched out his hand and pulled two dragons from the Fenglong space beside him, which were large enough to fit in two huge metal cans. "In a word, do you do this business?"

Dietans glanced at the card I took there. Then I looked at the two huge metal cans I took out. There was no response at first, but when I accidentally saw the seal at the mouth of the tank, my expression was wrong. It was as if sitting on the needle and jumping on the whole person, then jumped to my side and pushed away and held the jar, and then said that my eyes were directly on the seal of the jar. After looking at it for two seconds, the guy turned around in a stunned look and asked me, "This is ... this is ... this is this thing?"

I casually sat on the sofa and nodded while drinking. "Don't forget that I managed the underworld affairs part-time in the heavenly courts. I can still find out by searching and searching at work. How about it? Are you interested?"

After hearing what I said, Di Tans nodded desperately, and then seemed to react. He first glanced at me, and then asked, "What's the density of that stuff in this?"

"The strength of the standard concentration of faith, this bottle is at least 20 billion units."

"Two ... two billion?" Di Tans didn't bite his tongue so easily. After listening to my words, he looked at the two oversized storage tanks in front of him and asked very politely: "Please ask , Is this the power of primary faith, or ... "

"It's been refined. It's all a pure faith that has removed magazines and unrelated emotions. It should be considered a finished product."

"Twenty billion units of refining faith?" Di Tans looked at the bottle for a long time before suddenly turning his head and asking me: "How many skeleton soldiers do you plan to change? The price of this thing ..."

"I know you must think that I will speak with a lion, because the value of the power of faith is too high, and the value of the skeleton soldiers can be changed to countless. However, I am not going to replace you with all ordinary skeleton soldiers. , So you can rest assured. Besides, I don't only need skeleton soldiers. "

"You say, what do you want? It's better to have a specific list."

I thought for a moment and thought, "I don't have a list, it depends on your sincerity."

"I'm absolutely full of sincerity." Di Tans clapped his hands after speaking, walked in a Lich, and Di Tans immediately said to him: "Gather the cursed legion, I'll pass."

"Yes." The Lich agreed and left immediately.

After the Lich went out, I looked at Di Tans with a smile and said, "Cursed Legion? You are really sincere."

"That is of course. President Ziri is interesting enough, and I will not play with you. I think you should be very clear about what is in the cursed legion. As long as you need the arms, you can choose whatever you want."

I nodded and said, "I like those guys in the cursed legion, but I need some other special existence."

"Another special existence?"

I nodded and said, "I heard you have taboo samurai here?"

After hearing my words, Di Tans took a few steps directly, then looked at me in surprise and asked, "How do you ..." He just suddenly got stuck after asking three words, because he suddenly remembered the reason. "By the way, that guy Ling is under your hand, how can I forget her! No wonder you know. But, are you sure you really need those guys? That's very difficult to control!"

"Just sell it to me. I don't need you to undertake after-sales service. What are you afraid of?"

"That's what I said!" Di Tans thought for a while and asked, "That's the case. I'm embarrassing and said in the front. You can give me anything you want. But I will not be responsible for any problems, we use these things ourselves There are also frequent problems, and the danger is very high, so if you want to, then you have to bear the consequences yourself. "

I nodded and said, "Rest assured. I know this. I don't have to worry about you. I will bear all the consequences by myself. Okay, it should be almost right now? Let's go and see your team."


Di Tans took me out of the parlor room and immediately detoured the teleportation side. It then teleported to the garrison at the Temple of Darkness. There are several huge tunnel bases near this place, among which there are a large number of dark system troops. Many of these arms are familiar to everyone, and the most famous of these is of course the skeleton soldier.

In fact, the skeleton soldier is not a single unit. This is a huge system, the most representative of which is the lowest-level white skeleton soldier, which is the default skeleton soldier of the system. In addition, there are many special types of skeleton soldiers on top of this white skeleton soldier. The levels are messy and there are almost any level. The total number of species may exceed 500, and there are many variants.

Dietans' Cursed Legion is a legion made up of pure skeletons. The biggest feature of this legion is that it is composed of bones from top to bottom. The chief commander in the legion is a crystal skull king. This guy's skeleton is said to have been the skeleton of a high-level angel before, and then became a skeleton soldier due to his unique talents, then added some adventures, and finally became the diamond skull king. Although this guy is also a kind of skeleton, if you treat him as a low-level stuff of skeleton soldiers, it would be miserable. Don't talk about skeleton soldiers. The body of this Crystal Skull King is almost completely diamondized, and defense alone can make you headache. Most weapons have zero damage to this guy, and this guy's vitality is too scary. If he is to be hacked, unless there is a weapon with a law of severance like my eternity, otherwise All I had to do was isolate this guy and fight the protracted battle.

In addition to a Skeleton King, of course there are many other skeletons in this cursed legion, such as skeleton mages, and skull bows and the like, among which there are even flying dragons of various types such as ancient dragons and various flying warcraft bones. Skeletons, in short, have all kinds of things. Of course, the most terrifying thing about this legion is not this, but their characteristics of nougat.

As we all know, undead creatures always have the characteristics of replenishing soldiers on the battlefield, and the skeleton soldier is a very easy to refill. The number of low-level skeleton soldiers in this cursed legion is large enough to entangle any enemy, and as long as it is in a melee, the characteristics of the skeleton soldiers' fear of life and death will bring great compensation advantages, and there is another important issue. That is, skeleton soldiers are a kind of undead creatures. When they gather in large numbers, they will form a high concentration of death gas around them. Fighting in this environment, all creatures will lose their physical strength, magic power, and vitality very quickly. Important things, so if the fighting time is long, the general creature will suffer.

Of course, because the skeleton soldiers themselves are very weak in combat, it is inevitable that they will be killed in large numbers. However, because this is a huge skeleton legion rather than a simple skeleton soldier unit, the team's professional cooperation is very complete.

There are a large number of skeleton mages in this cursed legion, and almost all of them are good at a sign magic-skeleton reincarnation.

Although this magic is a magic. But it is a magical magic, that is, a magic tube controls many things.

Skeleton rebirth is a magic spell that does not need to distinguish between enemy and self for those cursed mages of the Legion. When this magic is thrown on its own skeleton soldier, its role will be divided into two cases. If your own skeleton soldiers still exist, that is, they are not crushed, then this skeleton rebirth is equivalent to healing for skeleton soldiers, which can restore a certain amount of health and repair the damaged bones on them, even if they lack arms. Less legs can be repaired. Of course, because Skeleton Rebirth is low to medium magic. It is impossible to cure a spell by throwing it in the past. But as long as you throw a few more, even a skeleton soldier with only one head can completely repair itself to become full body.

If this skeleton turns into life instead of alive skeleton soldiers, but hits those bones that were crushed and scattered, then the effect of this spell will become-repair.

As long as the broken bones on the ground can form a skeleton soldier. Then as long as this skeleton is reincarnated and thrown up. These bones will automatically recover and splice a complete skeleton soldier. Skeleton soldiers are rarely completely destroyed during combat. Usually it is just crushed or scattered, that is to say, as long as the skeleton reincarnation is thrown away, these scattered skeleton soldiers can climb up to restore combat effectiveness.

In addition to the above two situations, they missed themselves. There are also times when this skill is missing the enemy.

When the skeleton turns into an enemy in life, two things will happen.

If the person being hit has more blood, then the effect of Skull Rebirth on him is equivalent to-attack spell. Yes, it is an attack spell. Skeleton Rebirth will weaken its vitality when it hits a living creature. It will not only reduce the target's health, but also affect its physical strength. Although the value is not high, because Skeleton Rebirth is a covering skill and can be superimposed, so the battlefield It is also disgusting to encounter a large group of skeleton mages.

Of course, in addition to players with more blood, there are definitely two types of players on the battlefield, namely dying players and dead players.

When a skeleton turns to a dying player in life, the skeleton turns to judge this player. This judgment is actually a probability calculation similar to a lottery. If the judgment skill is effective, then this player may be emptied directly. The remaining vitality, then the flesh disintegrated, turned into a skeleton soldier and stood up. In addition, if the remaining magic value of this player is directly reincarnated, the level of the regenerated skeleton will be high. In addition, the strength and level of this player will also affect the skeleton after reincarnation. In short, The higher the player's level, the more powerful the skeletons will become.

If the skill judgment fails, the effect of Skeleton Rebirth on the dying player is to directly reduce the health value, just like hitting the player with more health. Of course, if the remaining blood amount is less than the blood amount deducted once, then the skill will be forced to succeed, that is, the person will be directly transformed into a skeleton soldier.

It was mentioned before that the skeleton rebirth hit the corpse directly. In this case, 100% of the skeleton soldiers would crawl out, but the specific skeleton soldiers crawling out of the corpse are not necessarily. Anyway, the strength of this corpse during its lifetime will be converted into the total combat effectiveness of the skeleton, but this combat effectiveness is not necessarily in the form of quantity or quality. To put it simply, there may be a super-high-level skeleton soldier, or a bunch of low-level skeleton soldiers, but no matter how many of them appear, their sum of fighting power should be equal to that of the corpse before his death. In addition, this situation of hitting the corpse is indiscriminate between the enemy and me, that is, hitting the enemy's corpse and hitting the corpse of the person will burst out the skeleton soldier.

In addition to the above situations, there is another situation in the rebirth of the skull is that it is crooked, and instead of hitting the target, it falls on the ground. At this time, it depends on the situation on the ground. If people have died in this area before, or corpses have been buried below, then new skeleton soldiers will crawl out from below, and the number will be determined according to the number of dead people before. However, even if this place has never died before, it does not mean that it will be fine. When Skull Rebirth hits the ground, it will affect the ground. According to the system settings, it will increase the negative energy content in this land. When the negative energy reaches a certain standard, the land will become a cursed land, and Once the skeleton rebirth hit the cursed earth. Then there must be new skeleton soldiers.

In general, this skeleton rebirth is a skill specially used to summon or treat skeleton soldiers, but at the same time, it can also cause the enemy to lose blood, pollute the land, and then make more skeleton soldiers. Considering that the number of skeleton mages in the cursed legion is very large, and this skeleton rebirth is a low-level spell, which consumes little, so there will definitely be a large number of skeleton rebirths flying on the battlefield, and then there will be new ones constantly. Skeleton soldiers crawled out of the ground and corpses, and the number of cursed legions increased. Until the enemy is drowned.

It is for the above reasons. So even though all the cursed legions are skeletons, they don't seem to have much combat power, but this army is one of the main forces in the Dark Temple. If I hadn't brought out so much faith this time, I guess the guy at Di Tans would not have been able to come up with this cursed army to exchange with me.

When we arrived at the station of the cursed legion, I saw the whole picture of the army. Because Di Tans had informed them to gather before.

Skeleton soldiers are absolutely disciplined in terms of discipline. With so many skeletons standing there, they are as dense as the National Day military parade. Each square matrix really looks at one line and one line vertically, neatly like a mechanical legion.

"Such a big team, don't you think it's a loss for me to hand it over?" I asked, looking at Di Tans. to be frank. Although the amount of faith power I gave was large, and I also took out a card with 200 million crystal coins, the price is not low, but the number of this legion is still beyond my expectations, because the cursed legion is actually There are tens of millions of skeleton soldiers. At a glance, I saw that the team stretched out of my sight and out of sight. I could not count the exact number. If the skeleton officer next to me told me statistics, I would have no way to visually observe The number of legions.

After hearing what I said, Di Tans said, "Don't think too beautiful. This is more than 100 million skeleton soldiers. How can I give them all to you, and there are many high-level skeleton soldiers in it."

"Isn't it all for you?"

"Crap, of course not all, otherwise you wouldn't be able to double your money."

I'm not surprised by this answer, because this number is indeed too much than expected, and I was relieved to hear that Di Tans said that it was not all for me. "Then how much can you give?"

"It depends on how you changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning, is all of your money used for the cursed army here? Or do you plan to pay back some of it and then exchange the rest for something else."

I thought for a moment and thought, "I want these skeletons of the cursed legion. By the way, there are the taboo warriors mentioned earlier. How much can you give me?"

Di Tans weighed it a bit and said, "If you still want to ban warriors, then I can only give you a third of the cursed army here. Don't bargain, I'm the bottom line, I didn't give you Bargain. "

I thought for a moment and asked, "How much do you give me, taboo samurai?"

"Twenty should be almost there?"

I nodded and said, "The deal. In addition, you need to open a portal for me to send all these troops to the United States."

"Rest assured, this is a big order for you. I'm in charge of shipping." Di Tans was very happy because he confirmed the transaction, and directly contracted the freight. You know, it takes a lot of money to send so many skeleton soldiers to the United States, but considering the previous transaction value, this is all small money, and it doesn't matter.

After the orders were finalized by both parties, we completed the transaction directly, and I asked Di Tans to take care of the delivery. I myself asked Di Tans to open a private transmission channel for me to send me directly to Egypt. there. But Di Tans didn't know if he was too excited or not good at space spells. He got the wrong coordinates and threw me directly into the Egyptian desert. Fortunately, I have a map of the desert here. Otherwise, how can I get out? There is a problem.

Because I have a good personal relationship with Anubis, I have permission to use his temple teleport in Egypt, so I do n’t need to transfer to the private teleport array in the temple of Anubis.

When I came down from the teleportation array in the Temple of the Underworld, I just saw two Death Guards coming in, and these Death Guards also looked at me a little, but there was no such thing as direct blood. The two death guards suddenly focused on me after a moment of stinging, and then stooped down and saluted, "Hello, Death Guest."

I nodded and asked, "Is Anubis in?"

"Master Grim Reaper is not at home."

"Not in?" I froze for a moment. Then he asked, "Do you know where he went?"

"It should be with Lord Cohopra."

"Oh, I see." I promised to turn around and walked to the teleportation array again, and then teleported again.

I also had permission for the teleportation side of Cohopra, so I came directly. Unfortunately, when I saw two humanoid beetles here, I asked Cohopra to go out with Anubis.

"I'm on? And not? The two gods don't stay at home all day long and do nothing to run around?" The two beetles in front knew my relationship with Cohopra, so there was nothing to listen to my complaints React, dare to intervene after I complain.

"Sir, Cohopra and Anubis actually went to the Styx. If you pass now, maybe you can catch up."

"Minghe? Why did you run there?"

"I don't know about this."

"Okay. I'll go after them. If Cohopra or Anubis who came back didn't touch me, please tell me to let them wait here and don't run around. I'll find them urgent. "

"Yes, sir."

There are many ways to get to the underworld, but the problem is I don't. So you can only go through the existing channels. The Yin-Yang road over there is too far. There was a gate of **** in Anubis's temple. So I can only run back to the temple of Anubis, and then go through the gate that separates life and death to the underworld from here.

"Huh, it ’s really cool in the underworld! What a hot dead person in the Egyptian temple! No wonder the mummy is all dry. It is estimated that they are all roasted and dried." While voicing the environment on the side of Egypt, I was facing the side of the underworld. Walked around and met the two mummyes halfway through. After inquiring, I knew that Anubis and Cohopra were really beside the Styx River and didn't know what they were tinkering with, but as long as they knew they were still there.

Following the routes provided by those two mummy, I quickly saw where Cohopra and Anubis were. Of course, it was impossible for Cohopra and Anubis to be alone. How to say Anubis and Cohopra are the more famous gods among the Egyptian protoss. Of course, it is unlikely that they will come out alone when they go out, and this time they seem to have something to do and actually bring it out. Many people, the Anubis guy even brought the entire army out, and at least tens of thousands of death guards stood on the river bank.

"I depend, what are you doing? I ran a lap before I knew you were here."

Because my identity is not a secret on the Egyptian Protoss side, Anubis' death guard did not stop me, but instead let me walk directly to Anubis and Cohopra.

Because they didn't receive the report, they suddenly surprised me when they heard my voice.

"Why are you here?" Anubis looked surprised when he saw me.

"Is it strange to be here?" I asked, looking at Anubis.

Cohopra explained to Anubis: "It's not surprising that you are here, it is strange that you are here now."

"what does it mean?"

"Isn't this obvious?" Cohopra said, "I've always been paying attention to things on your side. I heard that your Frost Rose League has been fighting with Russia recently. You seem to be helping the Americans to fight the civil war. Is n’t it strange that you are not at the front line at this time and come to us? Have you seen the coaches run to other places when the army is fighting? Does the country meet with the leaders of other countries? "

"Of course I came here for a reason." I didn't expect Cohopra and Anubis to know my situation so well, and I saved a lot of explanations. "You know, I'm helping Americans in the civil war, but I'm having some trouble now."

"I guess you come to me with eight achievements is this kind of thing." Anubis said in a charitable tone: "Say, what help do you want? If you are not strong enough, I don't mind lending you a three or five Million. "

Anubis was completely joking. Of course I knew he didn't really look down on me, let alone my strength. Few people are really qualified to look down on me. The people who are qualified to look down on me in this game must be mentally disabled except for the higher gods.

Anubis and I have a better relationship, so this is obviously a joke, but this guy is not the same as the general Protoss, that is, there are more soldiers. Like the Dark Temple or the Heavenly Court, the troops are all normal troops. Whether they are alive or dead, they are all living things, and undead are considered living things. However, Anubis's Death Guard is a very special unit. This unit is a half-spliced ​​half of Anubis's power and a little faith, plus some sand in Egypt and blank souls. Magic creature. Its characteristics are similar to elemental creatures such as water or fire.

Because it is not a completely independent creature. Therefore, the number of these Death Guards in Anubis has always been so scary. Every time there is war with Protoss in other areas. Anubis never lost money in the initial stage, because the number of these death guards under his control is not only unlimited, but can be infinitely regenerated, as long as the energy and the power of faith are no problem. Anubis can also create Death Guards indefinitely. And it is made in batches. Although in the battle between the protoss these death guards can not help. However, in the early stage of the divine war, the soldiers usually fight hard. Therefore, Anubis never lost in the early stage of the battle. Every time, the other protoss can take advantage in the later stage.

Because there are too many Anubis death guards. So if he wants to borrow me 30,000 to 50,000, it is not a big deal. After all, the number of tens of thousands of death guards brought by the death badge on my body is sent by Anubis, and he doesn't care to give me more.

I smiled when I heard Anubis's words, and then said, "Although I need your Death Guard very much, it is a pity that 30,000 to 50,000 is not enough."

"You can't let me help you sweep the entire United States with the Death Guard," Anubis said. "I and the Free Protoss haven't entered into a hostile relationship. I can't get involved in things in the United States like this."

"Of course I know you can't get involved in this kind of thing, and you don't have to do it yourself. Don't we Frost Rose League still have chaos and order protoss? So we have a lot of high-end force, but don't worry too much."

"Then why did you come to us?" Cohopra looked at me and asked.

I was about to explain to Cohopra and Anubis the purpose of my visit. I did not expect that a death guard over there suddenly ran over to give Anubis and Cohopla a salute, and then said, " Report, the guide is ready. "

"Oh, so fast?" Cohopra looked at the timer in surprise, then said, "Did not it take a long time last time?"

"Aren't we improving?" Anubis said after looking at me. "You can wait for us for a little while, right? We will be fine soon."

Although my affairs are also very anxious, it seems that things on Anubis and Cohopra will not take long, so I nodded and said, "This is fine, but What are you doing? May I see it? "

Anubis said without thinking, "You want to see it just right, maybe you can give some advice."

Anubis didn't say that Cohopra hadn't thought of it yet. Anubis said that Cohopra immediately responded and said, "Yeah! How can I forget you. Are you the Frost Rose League? Do you engage in these technical weapons? "

"Technical weapons?" I looked at Anubis and Cohopra in surprise and asked, "Are you working on technical weapons?"

"Should be similar, but not exactly, anyway, you just know when you look."

Led by Anubis and Cohopra, we quickly walked to the edge of the Styx River, where a large number of very complicated things were placed, the core of which was a staff. The shape of this staff is very beautiful, and it can be determined that it is also superb in the artifact, because the appearance of the equipment and weapons in "Zero" and their attributes are basically symmetrical, that is, the more gorgeous or cool the shape The more that the properties of this thing are very good. On the contrary, the appearance of low-level weapons is often unremarkable or unsightly or gray.

The whole staff of this staff is glittering and looks like gold, and the surface of this stuff is also mirror-finished, and its reflectivity is very high. The main body of the hair extension is an elongated rod. The top of the rod is a semicircle composed of a pair of open wings. Inside the semicircle is a complete closed ring. The middle of the ring is a Very complicated pattern, it seems to be some kind of magic circle, but I can't understand it.

There is a fairly large platform at the bottom of the staff. This platform is made of stone, but it is inlaid with a large number of metal wires. It can be seen that this is an altar, and a large number of magic arrays and magic gems are used. It should be able to produce Something like a force field. After all, the structure of this magic array is simpler, and I can barely understand it.

There is also a circle of strange-looking stones on the outside of the altar. These stones are also filled with the words of golden runes, and there is a servant in the back behind each stone, and these servants also hold a A golden jug, I do n’t know what it contains.

"What are you doing?"

"Can't understand?" Anubis asked disappointed ~ ~ I glanced at the things over there again and said: "You can see that the altar is full of protective law, and then The stones on the outside circle are rune words such as dispersal, suppression, and guidance. As for the wand in the middle, I really can't understand it. But looking at your meaning, is it necessary to put some This energy leads out? "

After hearing what I said, Anubis and Cohopra both looked at me excitedly. Anubis said: "Haha, I'm sure you understand. Yes, this is the device used to guide the magic on that staff, but we did it several times before, every time because of that staff Too much energy on the device caused the device to melt. "

After listening to it, I looked at Anubis and Cohopra in surprise and asked, "So you moved things here to try to use the water in the Styx to cool down after something went wrong?"

"Right. Any questions?" Cohopra asked.

"Fortunately, I'm here, otherwise I don't know how to die!" (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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