Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 326: Find a helper

"What? Qiongshan City was attacked?"

Suddenly I heard the message from the domestic branch of the Frost Rose Alliance. Rose and I were bothered, not because I was afraid of being attacked, but because I felt incredible.

"Someone will attack a barracks?" Rose looked at me in surprise and asked, "Are you sure the message came from the **** of war?"

"When I heard the news, I had the same reaction as you. But unfortunately this is indeed the case."

After Rose got my confirmation, she started thinking about why this happened. There is a demon in the so-called abnormal situation. How this attack is considered to be an abnormal thing, so there must be a reason we do n’t know.

Although Rose and I did not respond for a short while, why did the enemy attack us, but our guild was not just us. In thinking about this problem, in addition to the two of us, there are all senior players in the guild, because everyone knows that this is definitely not normal, so I want to find out why the enemy will use three people Raid our barracks city.

While Rose and I were still having their brains there, the results came from the guild think tank. God of War soon contacted us to tell us that the think tank had analyzed the enemy's motives.

"Analyzed? That's great. Tell me, why did the other party attack our barracks? And only three people were sent."

"In fact, the answer is very simple." Su Mei, as the chief adviser of the think tank, explained to me on behalf of all think tank players: "According to our analysis, the purpose of these three players of the Rainbow Alliance attacking us was to pull us in. War, so that the Free Protoss has an excuse to join the war. "

Rose asked in doubt: "No! Are we not in war mode now? Although there is no excuse for the Free Protoss to participate in the war, but even if we continue to go deep into the war ..." Speaking of which Rose stopped suddenly . "I see! No wonder!"

"I said, who do you guys explain to me?" I looked at Rose and asked.

Rose turned to me and explained: "We are mercenaries in the Temple of Neptune, so even if we go deep into the war, there is no excuse for the Free Protoss to intervene, but if there is another American guild and we are at war, this guild does not have a battle with the Temple of Neptune Entering a state of war, then our mercenary status is invalid for this guild, so there is an excuse for the Free Protoss to intervene. However, those who attacked us in the United States easily attracted people from the Temple of Neptune and attacked Isinger Moving fortresses is not an easy task, so they found the easiest place to start, which is domestic. "

After listening to Rose ’s explanation, I can fully understand why there are three ordinary people running to attack our city. This general act of killing is really for killing, because as long as the two sides conflict, the war mode will Ready to start.

Although the antecedents and consequences of this matter have been clarified, even if they understand the antecedents and consequences, they can only be allowed to continue to develop.

The Rainbow League was very thorough. The three players carried bombs when they attacked our city, and they exploded directly after being caught. The death of these three people is not a big problem in itself, but the key point is that in order to drag our Frost Rose Alliance into war mode, they all joined the re-registered small guild. The number of guilds has just reached the minimum number of guild registrations required by the system, and all of them are made up of the trumpet players of the Rainbow League.

Of course, this guild spelled out by the trumpet is unknown to everyone except themselves, and they committed suicide immediately after attacking our Frost Rose Alliance, so that although we know that we and the guild are in war State, but there is no way to end it, nor to change its nature.

There are three ways to end this state of war. First, the two sides negotiated a settlement and then revoked the state of war. But this one is obviously personally known to be impossible. A guild that was registered just to get us into a state of war, how could it be possible to promise to lift the state of war?

The second method is to make one of the two combatants disappear. A war requires at least two forces to fight, otherwise you ca n’t fight yourself? Therefore, as long as one party completely destroys the other, the war will naturally end, because there is no longer any need to fight.

However, this trick is still useless for this guild. First of all, we must not destroy ourselves, so we can only destroy the other party. The problem is that the other party is a guild formed temporarily. The ghost knows where their headquarters is, and we do n’t even know this line except for the three players who died. There will be several people and who they are. That is to say, our understanding of the enemy is basically zero, except that we know that the other party deliberately pitted us for the Rainbow Alliance, and knew nothing else. What do you want us to do with such a guild?

Just like when the old American was attacked by Uncle Bin Laden, it was not a problem that the nuclear weapons in their hands would exterminate all human beings, but there was nowhere to start. There was a feeling of hitting a fist on the cotton. This is the situation we have now. Although our Frost Rose League is the world's first guild and its fighting power is extremely powerful, but we don't know who the enemy is, what do you want us to fight? Can't you kill someone when you see someone?

The third method, and the only method we can achieve, is waiting time.

The state of war does not continue. As long as the two sides do not continue fighting, the state of war will naturally be lifted after 72 hours. However, as long as the Free Protoss participates in the battle, only ten hours are enough to join the battle, so seventy-two hours is meaningless to us. Besides, even if this time is shortened to only one hour, can the enemy not attack again? Our Frost Rose Alliance has industries all over the world. In this case, it is not easy to defeat us, but it is too simple to just harass it.

Failure to lift the state of war means that sooner or later the Liberty Protoss will join the war, so we now have to count the Liberty Protoss among our enemies. Moreover, because my personal relationship with the Statue of Liberty is not good, I estimate that the Protoss of Liberty will hate us very much. It is impossible to fight at all. On the contrary, the Free Protoss will completely burst out of its fighting power.

"It seems that the participation of the Free Protoss in the war is an inevitable result. We don't discuss the issue of preventing them from participating in the war now. What we need is how to block the counterattack of these Free Protoss." Rose said to me and asked. "How many troops did you bring back this time?"

"It's all here." I gave Rose the number of troops. Rose briefly looked at it and handed it back to me.

"Although there are many of these troops, I am afraid they will not play much role in the battle between our senior staff!"

"Can the chaos and order have a manpower transfer?" I asked Rose.

Instead of answering my question, Rose looked at the **** of war. The God of War also knew that Rose needed intelligence support, so he said, "Russia has been frequently mobilized recently, but we are not sure that they only intentionally attracted our attention in order to cooperate with the Rainbow Alliance, or whether they really intend to take advantage of a surprise attack. Can't draw conclusions for the time being, so ... "

"That is to say, there is no way to determine how to allocate combat power?" I asked.

The God of War nodded directly: "This is the limit. Our intelligence network has been severely hit in Russia. Most of the current information is derived through the analysis of external intelligence. Besides, we are now joining During the American Civil War, the guild's investigation methods were all concentrated on the United States side, and Russia's investigations naturally dropped a lot. "

I nodded and said, "I didn't intend to blame you. But seriously, this is not really easy to solve now! Russia has attracted a large number of our troops, and the United States has civil war again. We really Neither side cares! "

"Fortunately, Europe has been relatively calm recently, otherwise we would really have to burn our heads!" Rose suddenly sighed.

Suddenly I heard Rose's sigh. "Did you just say that Europe is calmer?"

"Yeah! Is there any problem?" Rose didn't expect that I was suddenly concerned about this problem, so she asked, because she knew what I thought about, otherwise she wouldn't say that.

In fact, I did think of some problems, but now it is only a rough framework, and I haven't fully figured out whether it can be implemented.

Rose also probably found out that I was still thinking about integrating my thoughts, so I didn't ask again, and stopped the army **** to talk, so I waited quietly for me to think about everything.

I didn't ask Rose to wait too long, and I quickly thought of a solution. "Yes."

"What did you think of?" Rose asked me.

I smiled and said to Rose: "Our problem is solved."

"Tell me."

"Remember Jehovah?"

"The Holy See?" Rose didn't expect my thinking to be so jumpy. I was still talking about Russia. Why did she jump to Italy in the blink of an eye? Although I don't know why I asked this suddenly, Rose knew that I wouldn't talk nonsense, so my words must be related to subsequent questions. "Do you want the Holy See to use them to solve our problems at this time?"

"It is indeed my good wife. You guessed it. The easiest way to solve the current problem of our inadequate strength is to pull in a temporary ally."

"How can this temporary ally be pulled?" Rose asked puzzledly. "Furthermore, the Holy See and Russia are not next to each other. What can they do even if they are willing to help? You can't expect God to help us directly to fight for freedom Goddess? "

"Of course that is impossible. Besides, I suspect that Jehovah may not have beaten the Statue of Liberty. Although Jehovah is stronger than the Statue of Liberty in terms of divine power alone, the two are not the product of a concept. Jehovah ’s theory of the tribe Stronger and more thorough understanding, his divine power is much stronger than the Liberty in terms of strength and understanding, but the Liberty is like a trained female killer, her strength and physical strength may not be the top in the world , But can easily kill beings stronger than her when fighting. So although Jehovah is stronger than the Statue of Liberty, if two people fight, the result is really difficult to say. But you do n’t have to worry about it, because I ’m not at all There is no plan for Jehovah to confront the Statue of Liberty head-on. "

"Then what are you going to do?"

"This design has some things between the European protoss forces that I know before, and one of them is the peculiarity of the Holy See."

"Is the Holy See special?" Rose asked in wonder.

I nodded and said, "Yes, the Holy See is very special. They are not exactly the same as the general protoss. You also know that in reality, believers of God are all over the world, so I made some adjustments to this in the game. This adjustment is very The only thing I know about this adjustment is that the Holy Sees all have very special attribute settings, and they are hardly restricted by local protoss rules. "

"Do you mean that the angels in the Holy See can actually go abroad without any excuses?" Rose asked in surprise.

I shook my head and said, “It ’s not that you do n’t need excuses at all, it ’s that the excuses are very simple and easy to find. Anyway, you can come up with any way you want, and you can go far. The time limit is also very vague. In short, the Holy See ’s Everything is very simple, they can go abroad if they want to go abroad, and there are almost no restrictions. "

"But even then, would they come to help us fight?" Rose asked.

"Of course they don't, at least I don't think Jehovah does." I said, "but we don't necessarily need them to help us deal with Americans!"

"You mean let them invade Russia?" How clever Rose is? As soon as I had a little meaning on her side, she understood.

"In fact, this question is actually very simple from another perspective." I explained to Rose in detail my intentions, and Rose is more intelligent, so as long as I say some important points, she can understand a lot of things, so It only took me a few minutes to let her know what I meant.

Actually speaking, my idea is very simple.

The European Temple of Darkness and European Temple of Light, as well as the Protoss of Olympus, have been invaded by the Holy See before, and the scale of this battle is very large, it can be called a large-scale battle like a religious war. Such a war directly caused the European Dark Temple and the European Light Temple to be a little overwhelmed. In the end, I even had to call me as a middleman to help stop the war. However, the Holy See showed its muscles outward, so that More people realize that this is a very powerful organization, not as simple as one might think.

Although in the eyes of other protoss, I saw the desire and strength of the Holy See, I saw more things.

First of all, since there has been a religious war before, it can be confirmed that Jehovah is definitely not a stable master. He is very ambitious. Otherwise, he will never invade the territory controlled by other protoss forces.

Second point. There are so many protoss forces in the world. Why is it that only the Holy See of Jehovah can take the initiative to invade? Although he was not engaged in territorial aggression, but only engaged in a war of faith, for whatever reason, Jehovah certainly had a way to get his troops to wage war. No other protoss forces at this point.

After knowing the above two points, if we look at Jehovah's Holy See in reverse, we can see that Jehovah's Holy See is actually a highly expanding religious organization, and their foreign policy is actually quite aggressive. So why can't we take advantage of this character of Jehovah's Holy See?

Before the expansion of Jehovah ’s Holy See was stopped by our Frost Rose Alliance or by me, but now we can go and find a target for him, and this target is Russia.

The players in Russia are really strong, but when it comes to Russian protoss ... really not so good. The original Russian Protoss and even our guild did not do anything to destroy them all. Although the newly formed Siberian Protoss was slightly better than the previous Russian Protoss, but because the Siberian Protoss was established too short, it was a bad group composed of a group of young people. It had neither a plan nor an idea. It was true except for its enthusiasm I don't know if there are any advantages worth mentioning.

It is precisely because the Siberian protoss in Russia is relatively weak, and because they have been attacked by our guild many times before, the Siberian deities now are far from the Siberian protoss when they were just established. Although everyone is getting stronger and stronger, this Siberian Protoss has been unable to develop their strength because they are separated by the masters of the Frost Rose Alliance, so far they are still in a very embarrassing state. On the one hand, they need to establish prestige in the country, so as to be supported by the power of faith generated by believers. However, on the other hand, they are completely unable to fight the chaos and order protoss that our Frost Rose Alliance and our Frost Rose Alliance belong to, so the Siberian Protoss has been suffering since they contacted us. This state has caused the current Siberian Protoss to change There are a lot of messy gathering places of protoss, and it can almost be said that there is no decent fighting power.

However, although the Siberian Protoss has basically become a protoss with a war-like scum, the floor they control is unexpectedly large. Russia's area is the largest in the world. Although the population density is not high due to geographical location, the amount of belief power produced per unit of land area is not high, but after all, the base number is there. Even if there are no people in such a large area, the total population in the end is still quite exaggerated. Of course, I am talking about the population in the game, which includes a large number of npc.

The power of these beliefs will be continuously supplied to those Siberian protoss, and the Siberian protoss will not have many people because of the continuous war and the newly established, so the current situation is that they only use a small number of people, but enjoy a lot of faith Power. It is estimated that in addition to our guilds around the world, the Siberian Protoss is the most deficient in faith.

The power of these beliefs makes the restoration and strength improvement of the Siberian Protoss faster than ordinary Protoss. Otherwise, the general Protoss will be collapsed several times by our guild. It is estimated that they have collapsed long ago. They can still persist to this day. It is the power of faith.

A group of incompetent Siberian protoss controls the super-high-yielding Russian land. This kind of thing is basically the same as a child standing in a downtown area holding huge sums of money. Many greedy eyes are watching these beliefs. force.

However, because of the game settings, a very strange situation appeared. Although the power of these beliefs on the Russian land in the surrounding countries is slobbering, but because the system is too strict, they have no way to **** the power of these beliefs. They can only find ways to encourage their country. Players go and help themselves to grab Russian land. The problem is that although this Siberian protoss in Russia is not useful, Russian players are not at all advised. On the contrary, Russian fur bears are sturdy and their combat effectiveness is all overwhelming. Otherwise, such a strong guild of the Frost Rose Alliance, the Rainbow Alliance and the Paladin Union, which can fight across the sea, cannot fight. They, a Russian, can actually resist our attack, and often come back to our country. This is the best proof.

Just because the Russian players are too strong, the Protoss in various places on the Protoss side cannot come forward, so the surrounding Protoss forces can only look at drooling, and they do not know how to eat these fats.

However, if the other protoss cannot eat, it does not mean that the Lord ’s Holy See also cannot. They can go abroad and ignore the system restrictions, and this is the greatest convenience. The Russian Siberian Protoss are weak, but their players are strong, so taking the high-end route is much safer.

My plan is a targeted method based on this status quo, and this method is to guide the Holy See of Jehovah to Russia and the Siberian Protoss to grab land.

Although the strength of the Siberian Protoss is not too strong, it is a protoss after all, and its combat effectiveness is not bad. Although these Siberian protoss can not fight alone, they are still very threatening to us as high-end military forces and cooperate with Russian players. This is why we have been afraid to move the chaos and order of the Protoss, but to keep them on the Russian side.

However, if the Holy See of Jehovah really starts to invade Russia, even if they point their finger at the Siberian protoss, it will be a major impact on Russian players.

First of all, because the Lord ’s Holy See and the Siberian Protoss are fighting, by then the Siberian Protossians will certainly not be able to help the Russian players against us. In this way, as long as we have conventional combat power, we can guarantee the security of the Russian Development Zone, The super-standard power of the Order Protoss can all be transferred to the United States to work against the Free Protoss.

If Russian players choose to wait and see what happens then, they can only wait for the Siberian Protoss and the Holy See ’s own victory to regain the support of the Protoss' war. The Russian development period is now considered semi-Chinese territory. Assisted. Under the premise that the other party does not intervene, it is too easy for us to defend the Russian Development Zone.

Of course, there are two possibilities for Russian players. One is that they can help one of the Siberian Protoss or the Holy See of Jehovah. This can speed up the process of the Divine War and allow them to quickly regain the support of the Protoss. However, whether they continue to cooperate with the Siberian Protoss or help the Holy See of Jehovah, the losses in the battle will not be too small.

The Siberian Protoss are fighting locally. Once Russian players are found to abandon them, they are absolutely terrifying to do harm to Russia. In contrast, although the Jehovah ’s Holy See travels long distances, they are highly combative. If Russian players help the Siberian protoss to deal with Jehovah ’s Holy See, Russian players must pay a certain price, and this price is definitely not too small.

No matter which side the Russian players help, anyway, as long as they are involved in the war, it will take time to recover their strength. Even when the Protoss war can end quickly, it is impossible for them to counterattack our development zone in advance. As long as you leave us a window, we can let the chaos and order protoss temporarily give up the defense here to the United States to help, and then the free protoss will join the war, because we also have chaos and order protoss. Confrontation, so there is no one-sided situation. Even if we are lucky enough to defeat the confidence of the players in the Rainbow League, then we can completely reverse the situation and regain the dominance of the Neptune Hall.

Based on this situation, we can be sure that as long as the Holy See of Jehovah is really willing to go to Russia to grab land, we are tantamount to solving the Russian threat.

Of course, Russian players can also choose to let the Siberian Protoss and the Lord ’s Holy See fight against themselves regardless of the Protoss war, and they will attack our development zone. They can indeed have a relatively sudden effect by doing so, but they will not have any impact on the war situation, and they will even castrate their own offensive ability. Because they ca n’t get any help even if there is a Protoss war, and our court here clearly stated that they would desperately help us to keep these places. Although restricted by the system, they can only send additional staff according to the enemy's offensive strength, and they cannot send all the forces in the heavens at once, but as long as the heavens have this mind, it is enough. The players in our Frost Rose League are not paperless. Protoss help to support those strongest enemies. The remaining players in our guild can definitely handle it easily.

In addition, if the Russian players choose not to participate in the Protoss war, this is actually a failure, because no matter whether the Siberian Protoss wins or the Lord ’s Holy See wins, it is not a good thing for Russian players.

If the Siberian Protoss had won by themselves, after the war they would think that we are facing such a dangerous situation, and you wouldn't even help at all. Can this still play happily together? And if Jehovah ’s Holy See wins, it is even more tragic. Have you ever seen an invader who confessed the people of the enemy country as God after occupying the enemy country? How do you mix without first getting a killer? Therefore, if Russian players choose not to intervene in this matter, then no matter who wins, Russian players will definitely lose anyway.

I can think of this. Naturally, there are people in Russia who can think of it. Therefore, they will definitely not stand idly by, because then, even if they lay down this development zone, they will lose a lot. Russian players are not stupid. Who would do the obvious thing? Therefore, they must participate in this divine war, and as long as they participate in the divine war, they will not be able to threaten our Russian development zone. As long as the Russian development zone is not threatened in the short term, we can let go of our hands and engage in the American civil war.

Our Frost Rose League is the world's number one super guild. The previous battle with the Rainbow Alliance was so difficult because we could n’t get out of the world and face two strong enemies at the same time. We could n’t concentrate our fighting power. Naturally, Can't threaten each other. But as long as we can extract all our strength and concentrate on the United States, then we are really not afraid of anything. As long as the chaos and order of the Protoss are in place, plus our guild's war machines and high-level units, then God can really block God and Buddha.

After listening to my plan, Rose also felt that the plan itself was good, but she still raised a question. "Although I am in favor of your plan, now there is a problem that must be resolved before we can implement your plan."

"I know what you mean." Without listening to the rose, I said directly: "What you mean is simply because Rome, where the Holy See is located, and Russia, where the Siberian Protoss are, don't you?"

Rose nodded and said, "You have a solution? Although the Holy See of Jehovah can go abroad to fight, they should not be able to go across several countries to fight? Even if they can, how will the protoss forces in those countries along the way cut this thing? Do they allow Jehovah ’s Holy See power to easily pass through their territory? I do n’t think it is possible? ”

"No, this is possible."

I said directly: "The first point. The Lord ’s Holy See is really different from the general Protoss. They can indeed fight across regions, and they can pass through several countries to fight without being restricted by the system. Of course This only means that there will be no restrictions from the system, not that there are no other restrictions. "

"That means that you will be limited by your country, right?" Rose noticed the point.

I nodded: "These countries will not allow Jehovah ’s Holy See to easily pass through their territory, but the reason why a plan is called a plan is that we need to calculate and plan, not that things themselves will be done naturally. So, open up these countries. We need to complete our joints. "

Rose was lost in thought when she heard me, and she looked up a few seconds later, "I think you can persuade the protoss forces of those countries to make a way for the Holy See of Jehovah, but do you have enough time?"

Rose's words are clear-cut, because what we lack most now is time. But the reason I can raise this problem is naturally thinking of a solution.

"It's not that simple in general, but I think it can be tried because I don't need to go to those protoss forces one by one. Don't forget that we have the ring of commandments, so we can completely use the protoss forces of the relevant country. Please come to our Frost Rose Alliance and talk to them intensively. If this is the case, the speed can be much faster, and this action can actually open the way with our faith. "

Rose didn't refute what I said. After thinking for two seconds, Rose suddenly smiled and looked up and said, "You convinced me, this method is feasible. But there is still one of the biggest obstacles-how do you let Jehovah take his Trouble for the Holy See to find the Siberian Protoss? Don't forget that the relationship between the two of you is very bad. No, the relationship is not enough to describe the state between you. I think if it is informal, Jehovah looks Your first thought was how to eat you alive. "

Rose's remark was not a nonsense. He had trampled on the Temple Mount before, and then the Jehovah almost didn't get angry on the spot, and later he chased me along with a bunch of angels, almost chasing Olympus. Going up the mountain. If it weren't for fear of causing a god-fighting war with the Olympian tribe without permission, Jehovah would have to catch me and boil it last time.

However, I am not worried about Rose. Although Jehovah hates me, the nature of this hatred is actually a matter of interest.

Previously, our Frost Rose Alliance helped the European Dark and Light Temples and the Protoss of Olympus to fight against the Holy See ’s power. The result was that the Holy See ’s power was severely lost. What ’s more important is that Jehovah ’s ambitious religious expansion plan is because of us. The Rose League's intervention was completely finished, and the Temple Mount afterwards could only be regarded as an addition, so the real problem lies in the battle for the power of faith, that is, the religious war, not the so-called Temple Mount. For a large organization like Jehovah's Holy See, a mountain is a fart? If you want, you can forcibly raise one from the ground in minutes, which is not impossible for the protoss. Therefore, the collapse of the Temple Mount is a shame at best, and the actual loss is really not great.

However, this time I went to Jehovah not to fight him, but to give him benefits. As long as Jehovah ’s Holy See can successfully reach Russia, then the battle with the Siberian protoss can almost be a one-sided result.

The Siberian Protoss is not much better than the chaos and order protoss of our guild, but our chaos and order protoss are just guild protos, so we can see how bad their power is. The Jehovah ’s influence in Jehovah is a large-scale power even in the old-fashioned Protoss, and his combat strength and basic strength are very strong. It would be strange if such a large protoss force could not do anything about an emerging small protoss. When the time comes, they will not be killed by the Siberian protoss. It is happier that Jehovah himself finds a piece of tofu and hits it to death.

I am not worried at all about the strength comparison between the Siberian Protoss and Jehovah ’s Holy See forces. What I really need to worry about now is whether the Free Protoss will give me this time to talk to the Holy See ’s forces in Jehovah.

Rose probably thought of this problem too, so she pushed me up without a word. "Okay, instead of thinking about it here, let's move first and fight for one second is one second. You must go now and go to the Holy See immediately. Be sure to be fast. Even if they are in the Protoss side, we will meet at half-time. It wo n’t be a big problem, so we can stick with it. "

The **** of war also followed: "Actually, I think, since the President, you think you are quite sure that the Holy See ’s powers of Jehovah will fight against the Siberian protoss, that is to say that the threat of the Russians to our development zone is no longer there , So I think that even if we ca n’t let the chaos and order protoss all move to the United States to participate in the war now, there should n’t be a big problem if we transfer some of them first? ”

Rose also said, "The words of the **** of war make sense. Even if Hades can't get over, at least Starfire and the peacock can come over first? With them both sitting here, I don't think the Liberty Protoss can make much waves. "

The reason why our chaos and order protoss are not as powerful as the local protoss is not that our chaos and order protoss themselves are weak. The real difference is actually that our chaos and order protoss are not enough. There are hundreds of thousands of protoss in those places. Our chaos and order protoss together add less than 500 people, which is too wide.

Therefore, although we often say that chaos and order protoss are not as good as local protoss, our high-end combat power is not bad at all. It can even be said that our chaos and order protoss are far superior to some local protoss in some special fighting protoss .

Such as Wei Na's right-and-left protection, that is, Starfire and Peacock, these two are absolutely monster-level existence.

Although Xinghuo is from Gao Tianyuan Protoss, another identity of the family is Guanyin Bodhisattva. For the time being, let's not say what the fighting power is. The logistical support is definitely one of the top ten. With the Xinghuo, our chaos and order are definitely possible. The combat effectiveness is explosive.

As for the name of the peacock-King Peacock Ming is not a scream.

When he was in Buddhism, the peacock was a monster-level thug. One of his shots was to make the peacock wolverine a bit, and he could n’t kill him. In the end, he was an enemy. Joined the Buddhist gate, why? It's not because the peacock is too strong, it's not easy to play, but it can only be recruited.

Even the big day Ruyi can't figure out the ruthless role. After our guild, the power of faith has opened up the supply. What level do you say she is now? If it were not for the attributes and achievements of those local protoss after becoming the guild protoss, the power would have dropped a lot, and now the peacocks can be done in seconds. However, even if the strength was limited by the system after becoming a guild protoss, the actual combat effectiveness of the peacock is still more than 90% of the combat effectiveness when he was in Buddhism, and according to the power of this belief, no money is required. It ’s not too long before she can make herself better than she was then. Of course, the peacock has been suppressing her own growth rate. She thought that she knew that relying on the power of faith to force the seedlings to boost their strength was unreliable.

Unlike those protoss who are completely cultivated, the peacock is a natural beast, and it is a hard-hitting strength. She has a thorough understanding of the battle, so she knows that the desire is not reached, and the improvement of strength can only be slow. Slow accumulation and sudden improvement are not good.

However, even if the strength is suppressed, the peacock is still a very strong existence. This is beyond doubt.

Now that we have determined that 80% of Jehovah's Holy See can fight against the Siberian Protoss, so that all Russian players will be "warned", then we do not need to continue to hoard a large number of troops on the Russian development zone. When the Siberian Protoss and Jehovah ’s Holy See split, it is estimated that no three or five days will be absolutely impossible, and this time should be enough for us to fully lay down our side in the United States.

Besides ~ ~ Even if the war between Jehovah ’s Holy See and the Siberian Protoss is over, can Russian players who have participated in the Divine War turn around and start fighting with us? Even if everyone says that the Russians are fighting nations, they do n’t bring such a shaft?

Now that the plan has been finalized, we will not delay. Rose remained on the American side to continue to command undefense and subsequent combat arrangements. Of course, the **** of war was his central system, and at the same time notified the chaos and order protos, and evacuated some of the higher chaos and order protoss from Russia, and then Support came to the American battlefield. As for how to arrange it, anyway, if Rose is here, just ask her.

I do n’t need to worry about things here, but my things are the most important, because I have to persuade Jehovah to fight against the Siberian Protoss, and I have to persuade those Protoss forces along the way to make way for the Holy See ’s power. This is no easy task. Of course, my grasp is actually very big, because I have interests to guide. Unless the other person's head is flooded, as long as those protoss and Jehovah can follow the basic principle of profiting and avoiding harm, they will definitely agree to my conditions, after all, they promise me that they are good. If you do n’t promise, there are disadvantages. Fools do n’t promise. r1152


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