Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 335: Please god

The president of the Russian guild quickly laid a large pile of metal parts on the ground with several men he brought with him. ;.

The shapes of these parts are very regular, and each piece looks like a sliced ​​pizza. When eight such metal pizzas are completely pieced together, they form a round metal plate. Of course, the volume of this gadget is very large. In fact, when the assembled metal plate is placed on the ground, it is larger than the elevator area in most shopping malls.

After the assembly of this strange part was completed, the remaining people immediately began to dig trenches on the ground next to this thing. After digging a small ditch along the outer ground of this thing, they took out seven or eight gasoline from their bodies. Large buckets like buckets, and then began to pour the liquid from these buckets into the ditch. Soon this magic-like thing on the ground was surrounded by a circle of gullies full of liquid.

After all this was done, the group of people quickly moved back to one side, and then one of the legal professions raised their hands as a fireball and lost it. The fireball hit the ditch filled with liquid just now, followed by a loud noise. The liquid in the entire ditch instantly burned, and the huge fireball emptied like a small mushroom cloud.

Because the flame temperature was too high, the surrounding Russian players had to take a step back. This flame was more powerful when it started to burn, and soon the flame began to become smaller. The reason for the decrease was that a transmission channel appeared in the center of the flame. This transmission channel is not the same as the transmission channel usually seen, it is not standing there. The general transmission channels are erected there like the gates in our house. People just need to walk through. But the channel above the teleportation array lay on the ground, looking like a sewer wellhead.

At this time, the flames burning in the surrounding gully seemed to encounter a huge vacuum cleaner. The rising flames did not burn upwards at all, but just turned away from the surface of the gully and turned to the central channel opening and was sucked in.

As the flames continued to enter the channel, the area of ​​the channel also continued to expand, and soon became about the size of the magic array on the ground.

After confirming that this thing has formed, the president of the Russian guild waved a few hands. Several people around immediately went up and took out a dozen more barrels of fuel and poured in. Then the flames immediately became much larger, but the flame did not rise at all The trend, but still sucked into that black hole.

After seeing this situation, several players next to him looked at the president of the Russian guild together. The president of the Russian guild nodded. Then the front Russian player immediately jumped into the huge black hole in the center without hesitation and jumped into the flames immediately, then disappeared as if it had fallen into the abyss.

As this player jumped into the black hole, those surrounding Russia also jumped one after another. Finally, the president of the Russian guild saw that most people had gone down and said to the two players who were responsible for pouring fuel before: "Help We are optimistic. "After waiting for the two players to answer. He jumped in himself.

After all players on this side disappeared. The two players outside looked for a place to sit down. Their task is to come over and pour some fuel from time to time. Make sure that the flame in the center does not go out. This magic array is obviously a very special flame start method, that is, only the flame can start it, this design is quite unique.

The outside people didn't say anything. Just say the president of the Russian guild who jumped in and the group of Russian players. After falling into the black hole, they kept falling, but the speed of falling was not getting faster and faster, but it was getting slower and slower, and finally they drifted down slowly.

It took them seven or eight minutes to see the ground below, and that ground was not a good place, but a huge crater. At present, these people are heading towards the crater. If they do not take measures, they will most likely fall into the crater. However, as these people descended, their speed became slower and slower, and they finally stopped falling when they were hundreds of meters away from the crater.

After being completely suspended in the air, three players in this group suddenly summoned their magic pet. The magic pets of these three people are different, one of them is a golden eagle-like raptor, the other two are a small bird like a parrot, and the other is a very ugly flying dragon Type of creature.

After these three creatures appeared, one of the golden eagles and the parrot was to grab the armor on the back of their master, and then took them forward, and the flying dragon behind was much more fierce, directly One claw grabbed four people, two in their mouths, and two hung on their backs, and flew towards the front.

The three flying creatures are obviously not affected by gravity in this place, and the flight is very lightweight. In addition to the air resistance, the gravitation seems to disappear here. Anyway, it ca n’t fall even without wings, but I want to Moving still requires wings.

There were three flying creatures carrying them, and they quickly left the crater just above, and then reached the foot of the mountain.

There are generally several situations under the volcano. One is that the volcano has not erupted long ago, so most of the foot of the mountain is covered by large green plants. There is also a case where the volcano has just erupted in recent hundreds of years, and then the rocks formed after the magma has condensed down the mountain. Because the original soil is covered underneath, there will be no plants. The third case is that the volcano has just blasted or is blasting, and there is a sea of ​​fire under the mountain, and there are red lava flows everywhere.

The above three are the basic conditions under the volcano, but this volcano is very strange. One side of it is indeed a normal volcanic formation, and there are all black condensed volcanic rocks on the other side, which means that it has recently been sprayed. As for the other side of the mountain ... it's all ice.

Yes, the foot of one side of the volcano is completely covered by snow and ice. It feels as if from Africa to the North Pole in an instant. The snow on the ground is at least a foot thick, and there is ice under the snow. It doesn't look like it is near the volcano. After all, this place doesn't look like a very high place, and the temperature is not low at all.

These Russian players hanging on flying creatures were carried by these creatures directly to the ice layer, and then it seemed as if they suddenly crossed a certain boundary, the gravity suddenly recovered, and then the flying creatures under the crowd were all abrupt. Sink down, the worst of which is the parrot, which can scarcely move its owner. Can barely glide past him. Then, when I was a few meters above the ground, I released my paw and let the other party make a rolling landing on the snow. Fortunately, the snow layer on the ground is thick like a cushion, and it does n’t hurt to fall. .

The bird of prey like a golden eagle, though not very big. But the flight ability is quite strong. Even a person older than himself can still maintain a flying attitude. Finally, he calmly put his master on the ground.

Of course, the last dragon is synonymous with powerfulness, and there are so many people hanging on it that they don't feel the slightest effort, and they land very easily.

After the people landed, they recovered the magic pet and walked away from the crater. However, the snow on the ground was too thick, so it was very difficult and difficult to move. Fortunately, these people were prepared and brought snowshoes to walk on the snow without sinking.

After walking a relatively short distance on the snow, these people entered a mountain pass. The snow here is more exaggerated than the crater side. You can't see anything except white. It's everywhere. snow.

After entering the pass, these people began to consciously gather together, and then moved carefully back to back. Obviously, this place is dangerous, and these people know the situation here.

Sure enough, after passing through the mountain pass there wasn't much distance in front of which was an open valley. Then a few people noticed that there was a beautiful woman standing on the snow not far away, a body white and snow-white, with orange-red eyes shining. Stunning beauty with hair flying in the wind. Originally, the faces of the players in the game will not be too ugly after being modified, and most of the npcs are also quite beautiful types, so players have improved their ability to adapt to beauty. However, the beauty in front of this still makes many players uncontrollable, because the beauty you usually see is covered by clothes, and this-nothing. It was really nothing, and even the most important three points were not covered, and it was completely vacuumed.

Beauty is nothing, beauty without clothes is amazing. When I saw this beautiful girl, the president of the Russian guild stepped on thunder several times. It wasn't until the fourth time that he reacted. It turned out not that he was unlucky, but that this beautiful girl was a pit.

Seeing the beauties over there, one of the Russian players in front couldn't help wiping the saliva from his mouth, and then said, "Boss, what's this ... what's going on with this beauty? Is this the mission? npc? Otherwise, should I communicate with you? "

This guy didn't care if the president of the Russian guild ran straight to the other side without answering. As a result, before hearing the two steps, he heard the following statement from the Russian guild president: "I want to die You go. "

The guy just got his feet stuck in the air, then turned to look at his boss and asked, "President, is there a problem with this beauty?"

Without waiting for the president of the Russian guild to answer, the Russian player next to him slaps the Russian player directly. "You idiot! In such a cold place, a beautiful woman sits wearing nothing, and normal people are frozen early. This is obviously a trap, okay? Trouble you to use your brain, don't think about everything with your lower body! "

"How can I have it! I don't want to investigate!" The Russian player quibbled, and then asked, "Yes, what is the beauty of this beautiful lady?"

The president of the Russian guild glanced at the Russian player, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile: "The beauty is actually ... a certain organ."

"Ah?" The surrounding Russian players were stunned when they heard the answer, and then the first drooling player looked at his boss and asked, "This isn't it ...?"

"Not so disgusting," said the president of the Russian guild. "This beautiful knight is a monster's tongue. The monster's body is under the snow layer, and then the tongue is put out on the snow surface. On the one hand, it can be used as a bait, specialized Attract you like this crazy bee wave butterfly to die in the past. In addition, this tongue, like the snake's tongue, can sense the odor molecules in the air and is equivalent to a detector. "

"I rely on, wouldn't we be dead if we approached?"

The president of the Russian guild said with a smile: "Nonsense, there were a few people in the team we came with at the time. Many people thought that this was the task npc, and it was less than a second after the elapse. It ’s gone. The speed of the attack is so fast that it is completely invisible to the naked eye. When you react, there will be snowflakes flying around. ”

"Is this too strong?" The Russian player asked.

The president of the Russian guild said with a smile: "In fact, it is not very strong. As long as you attract that thing, you can easily kill it. The key is that the assault of this thing is too fast, so it must not be in an ambush. When you approach it, you will be killed with a single blow. The level of this thing is not high, and the defense is average. As long as you do n’t pass it. When you let it come out and chase it yourself. Normal people can single out this thing. But , Its attack power is absolutely second to none in the same level of monsters, even a lot of players higher than it is also a one-kill kill. And its attacks are often completed within a few seconds, to our human The reaction speed is too late. "

"Then there is nothing to worry about, just go there," said the Russian player next to him.

The drooling guy said regretfully in the game: "But it's really pretty! If only you can take a picture!"

"It's okay, you can let it eat you, I will help you to record a slow-motion frame by frame afterwards. I will definitely find a picture of you." A Russian player joked.

The joking guy hurriedly said, "Go and go, make your best idea."

"Okay, now we start to be on guard. We move forward a little bit and avoid the attack range of that thing. Its attack range under the snow is a fifteen-meter radius, and the center point is the position of the bait. , And gradually walk away, it will jump out and chase itself, as long as the guy comes out, there is no problem, it only has a particularly powerful attack under the snow, and there is no problem when it comes out. "

"That's simple."

The group of Russian players, led by the president of the Russian guild, started to move around the bait, and then began to move away from there. Sure enough, when I found that these people had not passed, the "beauty" immediately turned her head to look at this side, and then she smiled and stretched out a hand hook at them. It was enough. The drooling guy couldn't help but look at it A few glances turned out to be laughed at again. But the guy knew that this was a trap, so he didn't go directly, just glanced at it a few more times.

I found that my bait didn't take effect. The target was still far away from me. The monster finally couldn't help but jumped out from the ground suddenly. As soon as this thing came out, he rushed towards this side in a frantic manner, scaring these people to jump for a while.

Originally, this group of people would not have any fear of this kind of thing. The key is that after this thing came out, there were countless large and small sores on their bodies, and many small things were curled up in these sores. These little things are the same creatures as this big monster, that is to say its cub. This guy's biological habit unexpectedly resembles toad. Toad just likes to put the cub in the skin of his back to hatch. After the little toad comes out, he will leave holes in the back of the big toad, so the toad looks so disgusting. The thing in front of him apparently had a similar habit, and the thing was more disgusting than the toad. The **** skin and the densely packed cubs looked numb. Several players at the scene almost turned around and ran as soon as they saw what this thing looked like.

"Don't be distracted, attack fast, this thing has a low defense force." The Russian guild president finally made some Russian players who were scared around understand what he was doing now, so all kinds of skills flew randomly and gave this thing instantly Blast into slag.

As the president of the Russian guild said, the defense of this thing is very bad, and its own attribute value is not high. Almost a round of salvo was given by the skills of everyone. However, all the cubs of this thing ran off the mother after the mother died. Then rushed over here.

Seeing those cubs, many people became nervous again. As a result, the president of the Russian guild said directly: "Don't panic, these things are disgusting, they have no attack power, they don't break the defense at all, and you can kill them with ordinary attacks.

Although the president of the Russian guild prompted him very promptly, it was a pity that the people around him were not as calm as him, and their skills were still flying, and then they destroyed the little monsters around them. But obviously. This is a waste. There is no need to use skills to deal with these small things.

Although the people around him were not completely obedient, the president of the Russian guild didn't say anything, because he knew it was human. It's like suddenly there are more than 100,000 cockroaches rushing towards you, and normal people will definitely be scared to death. But we all know it. Cockroaches don't actually bite at all. And if you have a machine gun at this time. Most people will use machine guns to sweep the ground in an attempt to eliminate those cockroaches. When you are calm, most people know that hitting cockroaches with machine guns is pure waste, and those cockroaches will not hurt people. They will be fine by the time they pass. But when you are on the scene, most people don't have the mood to analyze this analysis, while screaming with their eyes closed while sweeping with a machine gun is the normal response of most people.

After this group of Russian players vented, they found the bodies around the ground and the overturned snow layer before they found that they had made a big deal, but think about the feeling just now, many people think that if they try again, they will do it again. of.

The president of the Russian guild did not blame everyone, but asked everyone to come together and continue their journey. Afterwards, they encountered three such monsters one after another, and they were all easily killed. Except that they lost a lot of magic each time, they did not cause much problems.

After passing through the snow on this side, the exit of the other side of the mountain pass obviously showed a rising temperature trend. From this side, the mountain ridges became narrower and narrower in the past. In the end, it turned into a ray of sky. Some people with large armors even need to turn sideways to pass .

After passing here, you can see a green environment in front, green plants everywhere, and the frozen environment ends here suddenly. The dividing line is clear and it feels like this is an artificially constructed scene.

The green grass here looks very peaceful. You can even smell the unique smell of flowers and grass in the air, and there is a small river not far away that looks very beautiful.

After seeing these, those Russian players were still a little happy. Who knows that the Russian guild president who had not responded before was very serious here. People around him knew what was happening when they saw his expression. Obviously, this guy's reaction is definitely because it is not safe here, but it is more dangerous than the snow over there.

Although the crowd didn't see anything famous, but since the boss is like this, of course they should pay attention to it. One guy simply asked: "Chairman, is this place dangerous?"

The president of the Russian guild nodded: "It's hard to say if it's dangerous or not. Don't say anything, wait a while and try to keep quiet."

Although everyone didn't know what their boss meant, this was the command of the president, so these Russian players chose to be obedient, and they all looked around quietly, while trying to find something, while waiting for their boss's observation results.

After standing in place for about ten minutes, just when the Russian players were almost completely impatient, the Russian guild president suddenly spoke, but this guy spoke with a very, very low voice. Speaking at his own volume, "Keep quiet, don't make a sound, don't talk, be careful not to hit the armor with the armor and the ground. Imagine that you are sleeping next to the prison guard to steal the cell key."

A Russian player turned his head and pressed his voice and whispered, "Why?"

The president of the Russian guild pointed at a particularly lush tree beside the woods and whispered, "There are terrible demons over there."


"Hushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the moment the guy spoke a little louder, the president of the Russian guild next to him quickly covered his mouth and whispered:" The unbelieving person looks down the other side of the river with a telescope A particularly lush tree, you will know after reading it. "

That tree was not far from them at all, at most it was 150 to 200 meters. This distance. A tree can still be seen clearly. However, since their boss asked for a telescope, everyone had to take out their own telescope and watch it.

It didn't matter if they didn't look at it, and everyone was scared to death. The tree over there is actually not lush foliage, on the contrary, it is actually a tree that grows not so well and does not have a few leaves at the root. But why did everyone see this big tree before and think it was lush? That's because the big tree is covered with a dense layer of flying insects. The two wings behind this flying insect are completely emerald green. When it rests on a branch, the gathered wings hang there like leaves. And when millions of tens of millions of flying insects lie on a big tree. It looks like this big branch is leafy, in fact, it is not a leaf at all but a bug.

The president of the Russian guild whispered over there: "Did you see the mouth of those things? That thing is just like the shredder. If they launch an attack, one of us can be completely destroyed each time. We There are only a few people in total. They were killed after being attacked a few times. Also. There are too many things. The magic of calculating surface attacks is uncertain, and even if they are killed, there is no benefit, so it is best to deal with these things. The good way is to stay away from them. Just go around. "

Because everyone is holding a telescope, the Russian guild president ’s statement is very agreeable. After all, they have seen the shape of the mouth parts of the worms through the telescope, which is clearly a carnivorous worm! Moreover, the number of this thing is really terrifying. Although the size of each bug is almost the same, but tens of millions of bugs are flying together, which is really a scale that can scare people.

Knowing that this thing could not be messed up, everyone took back their weapons at the suggestion of the president of the Russian guild, and then removed all the armor on their bodies, and then moved forward wearing their underwear crouching. Although this state will reduce the defense, they do not need to fight at all here. As long as they do not alarm those things, there is no other danger here, and it is no problem to wear no armor. And if they are alarmed, even if there is armor, it is useless, because it is said that these things will drill inside the gap of the armor, and it will be even more terrible.

The movement of this group of people is very light, but the speed is not slow. They soon touched the bank of the river, then carefully poured water and started to circle around the woods. They soon reached the other side of the flat. . There is a cliff here, and a statue can be seen standing on the cliff. The portrait of that figure was weird, not a hero sculpture, but a sculpture of a suffering prisoner. This man was **** with his hands, one eye was gone, his ears were cut off, and his mouth was stuffed with a chewing head like a horse, but the most horrible thing was that this man was still full of The thorny thorns are covered with large and small scratches.

The sculpture of the victim was quite strange on the top of the cliff, but now everyone has no control over this, just carefully approached the mountain rock and started climbing up the cliff under the command of the president of the Russian guild.

The height of this cliff is not too exaggerated. Although the mountain is almost straight up and down, because there are many protrusions on the surface of the mountain, there are many places to borrow, as long as you have a little flexibility and can climb up.

Everyone was specially selected. The president of the Russian guild thought of this link when they selected them, so they chose careers with flexible skills, so this cliff did not cause them any obstacles. A few minutes later All went up to the top of the cliff.

Immediately after coming up, the president of the Russian guild collapsed on the ground and said, "Okay, rest assured, there will be no problem here. You all put the armor back on."

A Russian player next to him asked the president of the Russian guild, "Why don't we just fly up?"

"Do you think those flying insects can't eat your dragon?" The president of the Russian guild said dumb to the other.

Another Russian player looked at the direction inside the cliff top and asked, "That's our destination, right?"

Their destination is behind the forest behind the top of the cliff, not far behind the forest there is a mountain peak higher than this side, and at the top of the mountain is a group of buildings. Obviously, this is the destination of this trip.

"Why are they all black?" A Russian player asked, looking at the forest in front and the mountain in the distance.

In fact, the forest is not black, but the trees here are super dense. And the leaves are all dark green, plus the ground under the forest is not covered by the sun, so it looks really dark. As for the distant peaks-the stuff is really completely black. There was no vegetation on the mountain peak, and there were black rocks everywhere, and the edges and corners were clear, and it seemed quite barren. The building complex on that mountain is probably built with rocks on the mountain body, so it is also black. Basically it looks like the black forest is connected to Montenegro, and the Montenegro is the black palace complex.

"It feels like a Black Forest, do you think?" A Russian player asked.

The president of the Russian guild said: "The color of this place is because it is the residence of the evil gods. The deities we are going to contact are not the local guardian deities. They are evil gods, so everything here is evil Style. But rest assured, I have a special relationship here, we will not be attacked. However, there are some Warcraft in the forest in the front. And the level is not low. Need a little attention. "

After hearing the explanation from the president of the Russian guild, the group began to walk quickly into the forest. They are advancing fast here, because although the forest is dense, they are not walking in the primeval forest. In fact, they came across the cliff and walked into the forest only a few meters into a horizontal road. The road then turned in the direction of the palace complex they were going to. According to their boss, this road leads directly to the palace over there, so don't worry about getting lost, just run along the road.

Although the road in this forest cannot really be the same as the highway in reality, it is a compacted dirt road after all. The ground is very dry and hard. The most important thing is that there are no obstacles, so they move fast. .

This group of people was very lucky. Although their boss said that there was Warcraft here, none of them had encountered it. They only encountered a freak when they were about to leave the forest. This thing looks like the two centaurs removed the human part and then docked the wound together, then transformed the position of one of the centaur's **** into a mouth full of teeth, and then let the thing The growth of a red sarcoma is basically the shape of the thing in front of him.

Although this thing is disgusting, its attack power is very average. The key point is that this thing is completely blind. It had no eyes, and its hearing was average, and because the thing was on the road from the beginning, the group saw it all the way, so it stopped there and waited for a while before it went away.

After avoiding this thing, I reached the foot of the mountain, and the road up the mountain was a step that seemed as if it had no end. It is said that Wangshan ran a dead horse. When the mountain was seen in the distance, it didn't feel too high, but it was found that the height of this thing was really not low, and the lower step was too scary.

"I'm dizzy, when is this going to climb?" Someone complained.

"Go up no matter how high. Shut up and hurry up!"

At that Russian guild president's urging everyone to start climbing the mountain desperately, and then climbed for an hour at a stretch, the physical value was completely exhausted to reach the mountainside, the crowd took out the preparation of physical strength and then drank it. One Russian player tossed the bottle and started to complain: "I finally know why you bought two more potions when you let us out! This is even more tiring than a marathon!"

"Say this place can't fly up?" A Russian player asked ~ ~ Protoss will shoot down any existence who dares to fly around your own temple, you don't want to be hit and fly. Said the president of the Russian guild.

Another player immediately said: "I began to miss the Temple of Darkness. People built it underground. No matter how deep it is, there are no more steps!"

"It's half crawling, don't complain, hurry up, it won't be useful to go back late!"

At the urging of the president of the Russian guild, the crowd climbed for another hour, and finally reached a square in front of the building at the lowest position on the top of the mountain after draining another bottle of physical potion.

"Your sister! Finally came up! I swear, I will never climb the mountain again!" A group of Russian players slumped and complained while panting on the edge of the square, even their bosses were panting.

"Well, it's finally here, take a break and call the door." (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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