Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 359: Decide

The words of the Chief Executive No. 1 are quite heavy, but who is really relaxed at the scene? At this time, our group of people is here to decide whether to watch one person die or watch ten people die. This kind of problem is very cruel, and most unfortunately, we are not so eloquent as ordinary people can arguing. Because the end is in front of us, we go the third way. If we do not decide whether to let one person die or ten people die, we can only wait for eleven people to die together.

"That being the case, let's settle like this for a while?" Chief One asked and asked me, "Do you have any suggestions?"

I nodded: "Of course. In addition to the above suggestions, we need to revise the screening plan, because only 37.7 people can go now, so our original screening plan is not suitable, except for the elderly and physical conditions. In addition to those involved in immigration, as well as criminals and those who have left voluntarily, we need to screen out some people who should have been taken away. "

"Do you have any suggestions?" A minister asked with both hands on his forehead.

"The suggestion is actually very simple, but I have a choice and don't know how to decide."

"What kind of things are you not sure about?" Chief One asked.

I frowned: "You know, our dragons are too rational, so some things are not the same as humans. According to my original idea, we should screen based on genetic problems. Anyway, if we want to remove some people, we should simply screen genetically. , Select from those who have a history of genetic diseases, since we have to abandon some of them, then just come to the personal gene purification screening, leaving the genes excellent, remove those with serious genetic diseases, and so on At that point, the overall genetic quality of humans will be upgraded by a grade. Of course, these are only my initial thoughts, because this is the most reasonable decision. However, the biggest reason why humans are distinguished from animals is that we have complexity. The human emotions in these thoughts are also the most abundant. Therefore, I thought about it from the aspect of human emotions. The result is another completely different scheme. The content of this scheme is to filter by emotions. , Remove those who do n’t care, such as if someone is relatives or friends Many, if he is not on board, then his family and friends will be sad, it cost him away from emotionally. In contrast, if the kind of a loner no much problem. "

"You're not leaving all the orphans like this?" Asked a slightly younger head.

I shook my head and said: "Orphans also have friends. What I want is to find people with simple social relationships, that is, people who do n’t know much, even if they disappear, and do n’t care. In addition, I think we can consider referring to the moral court The setting plan will leave those people that everyone does not like. Anyway, they are more annoying, and if they stay, they will stay. It will not cause damage to everyone's emotions. "

"Is your idea too weird?" Asked a general.

I said, "I also said that our Dragon clan's understanding of feelings and humans are somewhat different, so this is a simple suggestion. If you feel bad, you can think of other ways."

Chief Minister No. 1 frowned and said, "Can't say that your method is bad, but this thing can't be done simply, otherwise we will lose the most precious thing in human nature. Human emotions are not so simple. But we are in Here we are talking about the future of human beings. Emotions need to be taken care of, but we cannot be completely emotional. After all, we still have to think about the future of everyone. I ca n’t see it this way. We will adjust the two plans together to bring genetic defects and feelings in interpersonal communication All of them are quantified into points. After that, you can use the points to screen out the people with the lowest points. What do you think? Also, those criminals ca n’t be killed with one shot, they must also be scored. For example, some people are jailed for manslaughter. The person in question is actually no problem, so he cannot be killed with a single shot, and can also participate in the calculation of this point. "

As soon as the opinion of the Chief Executive No. 1 came out, everyone expressed their support, and the plan was finalized. After all, this plan neutralized all aspects of the plan. Although it was a bit suspicious, it was still the only way.

"Do you have any other suggestions here?" Chief No. 1 looked at me and said, "I've found out now, you guys really have a good brain, much better than our old things."

"I still have plans here, such as the issue of opening up part of the news. I think that since immigrants have only been one year old, we can completely step up in some aspects. For example, we can limit the social elite class first. The open part of the news is, of course, not to tell them all at once, nor to all the so-called social elites. I mainly refer to those who have resources, whether human or material, to open information to these people. Give them a promise, and then they can requisition their resources, which can increase the progress of our immigration ship. Freeing up a few cabins for those who have a lot of resources can save hundreds of cabins and save hundreds of people. I find it a good deal. "

Chief Executive No. 1 also nodded: "This is indeed a good way. But this degree must be grasped, if necessary, it may cause social unrest. If things are out of control, then we humans will really be finished."

"Actually, I do n’t think you have to worry so much about the head. The news may have an impact on the social atmosphere after the news is spread, but this time has come. I think it is also feasible to conduct wartime management at the necessary time. Moreover, public opinion anyway Holding it in the hands of the country, we do n’t need to think about any humanitarian issues at this moment. All of them are killed and deliberately disrupted. Anyway, these people are a disaster if they are taken away. If they stay, they will wait for them to die. We will kill them It is just to let their deaths come a few years in advance. Moreover, as long as the people who like to incite the masses are thundered, the basic stability of the society can be guaranteed. As long as there is no leader, ordinary people will not inexplicably have collective behavior. of."

"What you said makes sense, but after all, this kind of thing is too involved and cannot be as simple as you said. However, we will take your suggestions, open up some news, and concentrate social resources. Do you think this can increase the progress of the immigration ship? ? "

"If this is really done, and there is no social turmoil, the immigration rate should continue to increase by three to five percentage points ~ ~ one percentage point is all good." The number one chief asked other people after finishing talking Road: "Shenlin has made so many suggestions, do you have any ideas?"

The following people also started to speak enthusiastically after asking the first leader. They were not without ideas before, but because they were always talking to me, so they did not answer. Now that the first leader has asked, everyone is of course expressing their opinions.

In fact, these people present are the top people in the country, so their thinking is very active, and their suggestions are very insightful, and some people have also patched the loopholes in others' suggestions. Everyone A discussion really came up with a lot of ideas.

"That being the case, the meeting is here for the time being. Everyone will arrange everything they are responsible for. Let ’s go ahead and break up. Oh, yes. Jianguo and Shenlin stay, I have something to say to you." . r1152

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