Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 364: Transfer of funds

"Wait first. ★★," Dad stopped me and asked, "Aren't you going to tell me anything else?"

"Oh, I almost forgot it again!" I just wanted to say to my dad, and suddenly it seemed to me that a bunch of people around me didn't seem to ask. But the young lady had great eyesight, and found that I was watching her, and immediately greeted the people around her all away. I saw the situation on Yusina's side when everyone walked away. "... That's the thing. My Frost Rose League is being beaten by Yusina's people in the game, and I don't know the situation at all. If it weren't for the son-in-law giving me a message, I wouldn't have known such a thing. ... but now everything is clear. "

"Then why do you want to come to me now?"

"I just want to ask if we can also be like Yusina. Anyway, now that the money is pinched in my hands, it will soon become waste paper. Can I also exchange a lot of money in the game?"

Dad asked me a little bit before answering: "You can transfer funds into the game, but the amount is limited. Although the money will soon become waste paper, but now there is still purchasing power, right? The country now needs to allocate resources Centralized use, so we must use funds as an engine to drive society. The situation on Yusina is slightly different from ours. The US population is not as much as we are, and they did not plan to take everyone with them, so the pressure Not as big as us. They have enough capital to squander, but we can't. "

"That means exchange is OK, but do you want to control the quantity?"

Dad nodded. "Well, you have the right to mobilize funds anyway. I wo n’t give you additional funds. You can use it for your own operations, but the group ’s liquidity needs to be guaranteed, so you need to confirm with your son-in-law at any time. She knows that How much will go out will not affect the operation of the group. In addition, the total amount of funds you transfer must not exceed three trillion, otherwise there may be problems. Anyway, this is my guidance. Ask your son-in-law for the specific situation, she thinks it can give you you Just use it, she said no or no. "

I nodded and said, "I see. Then I go back."

"Okay. Be a little careful during this time. The news should soon spread to some levels, and there will be some confusion at that time. Although a little rational people certainly know that they need to control the spread of the news, they cannot guarantee Encountered a few strange things, so you take care. The last year must not be a problem. "

"I know."

"Well, then I'm busy. You're also busy."

After saying goodbye to Dad, I watched Dad get into the car of the follow-up team and chase after the leader of the No. 1 team, and I went back to the young lady again.


"Well, let's go and see what you said about the reward. Where can I log in to the game near here?"

"Come with me." He turned and walked towards a military off-road vehicle parked at the gate. A few other her followers also walked over immediately, but I don't know why the young lady didn't let them get in the car, but instead reached out and shouted at me: "You go in my car?"

"Just lead the way. My external armor cannot be dropped here."

"But the place is quite far away. It will take a long time for you to follow."

I reached out and nodded towards the outboard armor. The sound of the mechanical pressure device starting came immediately behind the outboard armor. With the sound of exhaust, the gliding wings behind the outboard armor extended. "I can fly, do you think your car will be faster than me?"

"Isn't that wings used for gliding and landing during airdrops?" Miss asked very surprised.

I smiled without explanation. Instead, he went directly to the front of the external armor and jumped away from the armor. The rear plug-in armor automatically unfolded and accurately wrapped me in one step forward, and then the front-opened armor plate was re-closed and completely wrapped me inside the plug-in armor.

After putting on the armor, I took a step and walked to the lady's car. Then turned directly to look at the young lady in the car. "Let's go?"

What's the big thing? Just retract the car and step on the accelerator to turn on the main road and take the lead to drive forward. Although I had wings, I didn't really fly. Although the road in this place is not bad, it is not a highway after all. Besides, how fast can you expect an off-road vehicle to run? If I really follow it, I can only move at a very low speed. After all, the car has to go along the road, but I go straight in the air, so my speed can only be very slow and slow, and although this suit can fly, its wings are too small. It doesn't matter when flying at high speed. At low speed, the wings can hardly provide much lift. To maintain the altitude, the thrust of the engine must be used to offset the gravity. This energy consumption is too terrible, so I didn't really plan to follow the young lady. .

Watching the young lady's car go out, my mobile armor suddenly lifted my left leg and stood there with one leg. Then I saw two openings in the armor plate at the left foot of the mobile armor, and then two rows of full sixteen A small wheel protruded from under the feet. These wheels are fixed in a front-rear suspension. The two sets of wheels are arranged side by side. The structure is a bit like roller skates, but the difference is that there are a lot of wheels, and there is one more row of wheels than a single row.

After the left foot wheels came out, the armor plate was closed again to fix the wheels completely. Then I lowered the left foot and raised the right foot. The same two rows of wheels also popped up. After the wheels on both sides came out, I started to run on the road like playing roller skating.

This wheel actually has its own power, and the shock absorption effect is very good. If you use the action of roller skating, you can quickly increase the speed. If you do n’t want to be so troublesome, keep the squatting position directly. Do not move it. You can also let the motor drive the wheel to rotate like a car .

This roller skating system is not new. Our various robots and mobile armors, and even multi-footed combat vehicles are equipped with similar systems. After all, there are many roads in various countries, and the mechanical legs are in places where there is no road. The adaptability is much stronger than the wheels, but when moving over a long distance, you can directly use the existing road network to move quickly without the assistance of a transport vehicle. This can greatly improve the effectiveness of weapon use and battlefield flexibility, so we Most mechanical units using mechanical legs have this design.

The young lady found out that I didn't keep up, and because I turned a corner, I couldn't even see my shadow now. Thinking that something went wrong on my side, the young lady began to pay attention to the rearview mirror frequently. As a result, when she looked into the rearview mirror, she suddenly found that the corner of the curve in the back, my motorized armor used short track speed skating The athlete's turn-like movement suddenly flashed out from behind the curve, and she could not believe her eyes at that fast speed.

In fact, if it ’s really on a straight road like a highway, my mobile armor will definitely not be able to run high-end cars, because the maximum road speed of this roller skating system is only 200 kilometers, and this data is after full acceleration on a completely straight road Data, that is to say, it can't run at that speed. However, even if the car is a family car, as long as the speed limit system in the trip computer is removed, it can drive up to 220 kilometers. Of course, at that speed, most cars have no safety at all.

However, although the limit speed is not as good as a car on a straight road, due to structural problems, my motorized armor hardly needs to slow down when turning, and the corner will not affect my speed too much. Although the extreme speed of this thing is only 200 kilometers, even on the Panshan Highway with the same shape as the bowel, this thing can also sprint at a speed of 160 kilometers without being affected by the curve.

The location of the base here is in the mountain area, so the roads follow the surrounding mountains. There are almost no straight lines, and the entire route is constantly turning around. The speed of the car on such a road cannot be mentioned at all, but my mobile armor runs fast. In fact, if it is not for the young lady's car to lead the way, I can not only easily pass her, but also run at a full speed of more than 200 kilometers, because there are many loops on the road, I can jump straight through, so It ’s equivalent to taking a short road, so although I ca n’t reach a maximum speed of 200 kilometers, I can actually run more than 200 kilometers in terms of road distance.

The young lady saw that I was speeding up after catching up at lightning speed from behind ~ ~ Apparently I wanted to see the performance on my side. Of course, the result was no surprise. The chassis of the off-road vehicle is high and the turning speed cannot be too fast, so it can't get up on this kind of road at all. I followed in the footsteps of the court, without any pressure.

After driving out of the mountain, the car quickly turned to a main road. There were more cars coming and going. Many people pointed at me, a mobile armor that ran on the road, and some people took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures. . I didn't care at all about this situation. Mobile armor itself is not a secret. All developed countries have equipment. Although the internal design is confidential, the appearance pictures can be found on a military website. I was taken at most as a new model. No big deal at all.

After running a certain distance along the main road, the car reached the suburbs of Beijing, then off the highway, the young lady's car turned onto a lane. There are only two lanes on this road, which are not wide, but the road conditions are very good and the most important thing is that there are no cars. As soon as the young lady got on this road, she started to accelerate, and the speed soon reached one hundred and eighty. This is the limit speed of the military off-road vehicle, but I can keep up with it, after all, it has not reached the two hundred limit.

Because of the fast speed, we soon saw a residential area in the middle of a mountain forest. It is estimated that this is the destination. (To be continued ...) u

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