Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 375: First aid and crazy people

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Normally, the preparations required to transform a human into a dragon are very many, and the equipment required is also high-end and large. Therefore, in general, dragon conversion can only be performed in a few specific professional facilities. Only in progress. £ ∝Vertex Novel,

However, just as there are many civil methods to solve some very troublesome problems, the Dragon transformation does not necessarily require those high-end atmospheric equipment. Of course, although the local method has many savings in the process, saving money, time and effort, the local method is inversely ineffective and risky, and even if it succeeds, problems such as sequelae may occur in the future. . However, under this situation, I am really okay. If I can't get through this, then the young lady won't need to worry about the sequelae, because the dead people don't need to worry about anything.

Of course, the identity of the young lady is more incisive after all, so I can't really joke about her future. In fact, the method I plan to use is very simple, that is, to use the transformation and regeneration characteristics of b13 cells to parasitically protect the young lady's nervous system.

The b13 cells actually existed in the organism in a manner similar to parasites before being completely fused with the organism, but this parasite is not a parasite like a common parasite, but exists in the form of a community organism . In other words, although the parasitic target organism may have many b13 cells, it can only be regarded as a parasite. Although they appear to be a large group of individual cell bodies, they are actually a part of a complete life body. This is why the previous b13 cells have always been called b13 viruses, because their structure as a cell seems to be incomplete, and only viruses in nature are organisms with this structure. But then with the mass production of our dragons. We started to learn more and more about b13 cells, and later we discovered that these are not actually viruses, but components of a complete organism.

As a community parasite, the b13 cell community has a certain collective consciousness, which means that it can actually be considered. Although this thinking ability has only the most basic stress response and biological instinct. But this is after all a reflection of the ability to think.

Because the b13 cell community has a certain biological instinct, the first step after it enters the target organism is to start parasitizing the neural network of the target organism. In this parasitic process, the b13 cell community will instinctively affect the life form of the organism. Provide protection to prevent target organisms from dying before parasitism is completed, because the nervous system is the most vulnerable. Once dead, type B cells will not be able to fully regenerate, and even if regeneration is complete, the neural cells themselves carry a large amount of memory and instinct information. So even if replication repairs nerve cells, some memory and behavior problems can occur. This is very bad for the later survival of the organism, because these memories and instincts may be things like survival-related experiences. Therefore, in order to ensure that the existence of the living body after parasitism is not affected, the b13 cell community will first protectively parasitize neural networks such as brain tissue to prevent loss of important survival information.

After the b13 cell community performs primary protection on the nervous system of the target organism, b13 cells will begin to protect and transform the circulation and life support systems such as the vital organs of the target organism. This process is also to ensure the existence of the target organism's life And an instinct. of course. After this, the parasitics will continue to continue, and may take a long time. Because this process requires a lot of energy, and the b13 cell community is not a bacteria and virus without intelligence, it has a collective thinking ability, so it understands temperance. It stimulates parasite organisms to allow themselves to find energy, and as long as energy input begins, parasitism and transformation take place. When the energy is insufficient, it will be suspended to ensure that the organism will not die due to energy exhaustion.

These are all parasitic processes, but I don't need those now, I mainly need the first two steps. The first and most important thing is to make the b13 cell population quickly protect the young lady's brain tissue and spinal nervous system. This is the most important part of humanity. Both thinking and consciousness rely on these things, so as long as there is no problem in this part, even if the other parts are replaced, the person is still him and there will be no problems.

As for the second step, this process is actually optional to me. Because we have the backing of Longyuan Group, as long as there is no problem with the nervous system, we can completely rebuild a body for the young lady. It is not only slow to rely on b-cells to transform themselves, but the transformed body is not as good as our direct creation, because the transformation process is a slow replacement process, and in order to ensure the survival conditions, the transformation process cannot be carried out too thoroughly. The body we re-cultivated in the ideal environment works well.

A few people quickly got busy at my request. The big man went out and found a bunch of high-voltage wires on the car that set the battery on fire. Cheng Zhen went to the room and got two bottles of boiling water. Cheng Zi went to tear up the new quilt and got a lot of clean cotton. As for Jia Hongjian, he just ran out of the chaos just now. I do n’t have to manage him now, anyway, no matter what happened He must not run away.

"Something is coming." Several people ran back with their things, all fast.

I looked at it, then asked them to hold the young lady, and then I ran out quickly, took off a suitcase from my external armor, and ran back quickly. Put the suitcase on the ground, and quickly remove the armor from your body. Although the armor was very active, it was still a little disturbing during the operation, so I quickly took off the armor and tossed it aside, then ran back to open the box.

This is a multi-functional suitcase. After opening, you can see first aid medicine and some tools. I first thoroughly cleaned the clothes around the abdomen of the young lady with scissors, and then pulled out four very thin hoses from the box. These hoses are the ones with needles at both ends.

Let Cheng Zi hold the head of the young lady and lift her head slightly, then I carefully took out a tube and slowly pushed the needle at one end from a position on the neck of the young lady. The tube was just inserted OK, the red blood immediately entered the transparent tube, and then when the blood flowed to the needle position, I pinched the tube to restrict the blood flow. Then quickly inserted this needle into my own neck.

After I got one tube, I inserted another tube directly into the blood vessel in my neck in their surprised eyes. The red blood quickly flowed through the transparent tube, and then just as before, when the blood began to flow out of the needle on the other end, I pierced that needle into another blood vessel on the young lady's neck.

Cheng Zi looked at me with a little surprise and asked, "You just transfused her like this? Don't you need to test the blood type first?"

"My blood is special and I don't need to check my blood type."

After explaining one sentence, I started to quickly fill the young lady with two more needle tubes, so that the blood of both of us became cross-flowed, and the blood would cross-flow in the two of us. My blood was completely filled with b cells. When my blood is mixed with the blood of the young lady, my blood will quickly inflate and increase the blood of the young lady. Depending on the chemical energy stored in my body, this value will increase very quickly, which is faster than relying on the young lady The energy stored in the body is much faster. She is just an ordinary human. The chemical energy reserves in the body are very small, so b cells will control their own speed of division and replication, and my energy reserve will allow b cells to multiply at full speed, which can shorten the protection of the nervous system speed.

After the four tubes were connected, I quickly took out a scalpel from the box. But I was held down by Cheng Zi before I even started. "What are you doing?"

"Cut open!" I explained: "Her spleen is ruptured, and no matter how much blood she bleeds, it will dry out."

"But you're not a doctor, can you do this casually?"

Cheng Zhen heard her sister's words and said quickly: "Sister, don't stop, he will do."

Cheng Zi glanced at Cheng Zhen, then thought about it and let go of my hand. I won't explain any more. I quickly cut the skin near the wound of the young lady, and then put my hand in accurately, and then quickly found the location of the spleen. I have an advantage over the average doctor. That is, I can rely on electromagnetic induction to accurately locate the position of blood vessels and nerves. There are weak bioelectrical signals in these blood vessels and nervous system, these signals are like road signs in my eyes. Allows me to pinpoint exactly what I need to find. What's more, unlike ordinary doctors, my hands don't shake.

The human nervous system generates various interference signals. When a person is breathing, the muscle groups above and below the body will unconsciously follow the movement. This is not a big problem for ordinary people, but the surgeon and sniper For pinpointed occupations, this slight jitter can have a big impact. But I'm different. I am a dragon. My nervous system can precisely control all muscle groups and internal organs in the whole body, and I also have a set of internal bones. This skeletal system can basically be regarded as a skeleton-type robot controlled by my mind. The robot does not shake hands due to breathing movements, so my hand can be said to be very stable, and even when I am ready, I can even perform micron-level precise positioning with my bare hands. Even if there is only one pencil. I can also draw free photos like pictures. This is the advantage of the Dragons.

After accurately finding the point of occurrence, I found that the nearby tissues were severely damaged. This spleen had no way to save it, so I did a very exaggerated thing and directly cut off all the connecting pipes between the kidney and the human body. Then quickly tied all these blood vessels and lymphatic vessels to death, and then blocked the bleeding port with cotton to allow it to coagulate naturally. Because the blood vessels are ligated and tied up, the pressure and speed of the blood flowing out are greatly reduced, and the blood's autocoagulation function is sufficient to seal the bleeding.

In fact, this method of treatment is useless in normal first aid work, because although it can extend the life of the injured person, it will affect the subsequent first aid, so it is not suitable for emergency, but we do not need to save the body, It only takes time for b cells to complete the parasitic protection of the nervous system.

Although I was confident here, Cheng Zi was scared to death by me. It's not that she was timid, and seeing that I took a **** meatball from the body of the young lady without screaming or fainting has shown that she is very strong, but after all she escaped from the young lady's belly s things. Cheng Zi doesn't know what organ this is, but at least she knows that everything in the body is very important, except for the cecum, there is almost nothing to cut. The thing in front of her was obviously not the cecum, so she was completely frightened by my actions.

After seeing Cheng Zi's expression, I immediately explained: "This is her spleen, which has been smashed by bullets, and it is like a sieve inside. It leaks blood everywhere, not to mention us, even if we are sent to the hospital, there is no way to make up, It can be removed in its entirety. Compared to four leaking capillaries, the aorta is so large that it is easier to occlude. "

"But can a person survive without a spleen?"

"Of course people don't have a spleen, but we don't have to worry about that."


"I can't explain it to you right now, anyway, you know I can do it anyway." I said and took out a cylindrical glass tube with the thickness of a thumb from the box next to it. A cover. After unscrewing the cap on one end, you can see a short needle on this end of the glass tube. I shoved the end with the needle in the position of Miss's heart, and then I saw that the liquid in the tube began to drop quickly, and it was injected into Miss's heart within a few seconds.

I have done so many things before, the young lady has never woke up from a coma, but this thing goes down and the young lady slams up and feels like the whole person is about to jump up, but I already knew her It will, so hold it down in advance.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Adrenaline. Help her strengthen her body."

"Will nothing happen? Such a large dose?"

"Rest assured, I have a sense." After I finished speaking, I quickly wiped the blood in the abdomen of the young lady with cotton and water. Then connect directly to the network call base in your brain.

After finishing the cleaning work, I asked Cheng Zhen to help move the young lady to the sofa. Then I found a stool and sat next to her while waiting for people from the base to come over and monitor her parasitic progress.

When a b-cell divides, it generates a super-strong electrical signal that is more than ten times stronger than the current intensity of the human nervous system. Such a clear sign of current is my best beacon, and it will let me know where the parasite goes.

In fact, because of my direct connection to blood transmission, the progress of b-cell parasitism in the body of the young lady is amazingly fast. It takes only a few minutes for the outer part of the young lady's nervous system to be completely wrapped. This layer is similar to myelin, which is the protective medium produced by b cells. It is an overproduct, and this layer of myelin will be broken down again when the nervous system is completely transformed into the system structure compatible with system B.

Cheng Zi and Cheng were very anxious while we were waiting. The two of them have been around us in circles, and Cheng Zi always felt that he should call an ambulance, but I told her that it was useless to call an ambulance. Since Cheng Zhen knew my identity, he believed me very much and insisted on letting Cheng Zi listen to me. Although Cheng Zi was skeptical of me, her brother's persistence made her compromise.

Ten minutes later, the sound of car brakes suddenly sounded outside the house, because my attention was focused on the parasitic progress of the b-cells, so I didn't find anyone outside until I heard this obvious rapid braking sound. But when I heard the sound, I was not happy, but frowned.

I have already contacted the base and asked them to send someone to help, and I also know the general situation there, so it must not be a car but an aircraft. Of course, the time is the fastest when the plane is in a hurry. When the car on the other side of the base drives by, it must be dead. So, this is definitely not the person of our dragon fate. But if not ours, who is this?

I was in doubt, and suddenly I heard a rush of footsteps outside. I could n’t move because I was connected to the young lady and the blood vessels, but the bodyguard quickly moved up and walked to the door. As a result, he flashed backwards just after he reached the corridor entrance, followed closely. It was a muffled sound and the sound of a porcelain bottle bursting.

The muffled sound just came from a pistol equipped with a silencer. I can confirm this, and now I can see the target across the wall. The opponent's pistol is now like an electric bulb in the infrared band, so I can see it very clearly. Also, in my electromagnetic induction. In addition to the gunman, there were five people behind, and all of them were carrying guns. One of them was holding a miniature submachine gun.

Cheng Zhen's bodyguard flew back to the room and immediately yelled to let us hide, but in the end attracted a burst of firepower. The opponent fired directly across the wall according to the position of the sound, and the fire was quite dense.

This is not a big problem for ordinary houses, although the brick walls are not too hard. But blocking pistol bullets is definitely fine. The key problem is that this is a villa, because it has three floors in total, so it does not need to bear too much weight, so it uses a frame structure. In other words, this villa only has load-bearing columns and beams, and the external wall is made of reinforced concrete and hollow bricks. The interior rooms and the rooms are made of lightweight and special sound-proof foam materials. This kind of material is as light as foam plastic, fire resistance is very good, and sound insulation, moisture resistance, heat insulation, it can be said that in addition to not strong, is the best building material.

Because the inner wall uses such a very hard material, even a small-powered pistol can make holes in the wall as easily as the window paper. But the bodyguard responded well. After shouting, he quickly turned over and rolled into the nearby kitchen. Although the materials here are the same, there are tiles on the walls, and cupboards and refrigerators are relatively strong materials, which can effectively block bullets after passing through the wall.

Although the bodyguards reminded us loudly, in fact, we didn't react to those people entering the living room. Cheng Zi was scared. Cheng Zhen was not that kind of sensitive person. Although he was a genius, exercise was the only thing he was not good at. As for me ... it's just too lazy to move.

The man with the gun came in, looked at us, and looked directly at the kitchen. Then took the gun and walked over, apparently to kill the bodyguard. But what surprised him was that a kitchen knife suddenly flew out of the kitchen, and although he avoided it in time, it was still hanging. But soon the people behind him also came in. A few people stared here, and the bodyguard didn't dare to take the lead.

After these people came in, I realized that the last person was actually Jia Hongjian who just ran away. After thinking about it a little, I probably understood what was going on.

Jia Hongjian's family is very powerful, but his behavior is obviously the kind of second generation ancestor who did nothing. Such people are of course irresponsible, and things like taking responsibility have never been with him. Just after the fire broke out, Jia Hongjian felt that he had killed someone, and he did not want to assume this responsibility. Not that he was afraid of the death penalty. People like him have never thought about what legal liability they will bear. He just felt that if this matter was passed on, he would definitely be punished by his family. It would be light to ban his feet and limit his pocket money. The beating was the least punishment.

Although these punishments are really nothing compared to a human life, how can someone like Jia Hongjian take the life of another person seriously? He just felt that he didn't want to be punished at home, and didn't want to be scolded, so this guy directly came up with a super malicious plan.

He intends to kill all of us, and then find someone to impersonate the murderer, and he can appear in the eyes of everyone as a survivor. At that time, this will be a tragedy. As for whether the perpetrators can be caught, it does not matter at all, anyway, Jia Hongjian will not be implicated.

By that time, all the insiders were dead, and the people he brought must have only listened to him. With the power of his family, it was not a hassle to do it well.

Of course, he thinks so, I think it's all because of his incomplete information. He did not know the identity of the young lady until the end. If he knew the identity of the young lady, he would not have thought of such behavior, because if the Chief Executive No. 1 ordered a thorough investigation, his family would never be able to bear the power. As for my young master of Long Yuan, although he usually dreads it, his second ancestor's understanding of the Long Yuan Group is limited to the surface. It is impossible to really know the horror of our Long Yuan Group, so he felt It didn't matter much to kill me, as long as there was no evidence left.

The person brought by Jia Hongjian stared at the kitchen, while he himself looked at us and said with a grin: "Did you still give up? Unfortunately, my life cannot be stained, so I can only Don't bother you to speak. "

"Jia Hongjian, what are you going to do?" Cheng Zi was originally scared, but after seeing Jia Hongjian, only anger remained.

Jia Hongjian said arrogantly: "Isn't this obvious? I want to kill people."

When Jia Hongjian was talking, one of the people he brought suddenly came to my armor. Because I was going to perform an operation on the young lady, I took off the armor and put it aside for convenience. The guy didn't know how to pay attention to the armor, then walked up and raised his hand and shot at my helmet. Accompanied by a crisp sound. The bullets flew directly and almost hit their companions, scaring those people to shrink their necks, and many people scolded them directly.

"Sorry." The guy who shot the shot said, "Haha, this rich man's collection is different. It is really bulletproof. Monkey. You are the thinnest, you can definitely put on this thing and put it on. He went in and killed the bodyguard, he just had a few kitchen knives, and the guns couldn't get through.

He said that the people around him also reacted. Not to mention wearing it all, as long as you put on a helmet and breastplate, it's basically okay. Even if the limbs are not protected, the opponent's flying knife may not be so accurate. Besides, as long as the key points have helped each other, even the strokes on the arms and legs are not easy to kill.

The skinny monkey came over when he heard this, and seemed to really want to put on a look. The guy talking in front saw the skinny monkey coming over and bent over to pick up the helmet on the ground, while I was watching this with a smile all.

Jia Hongjian has been watching me, so he found that my expression was not right, he quickly turned back and shouted, "Wait a minute." Unfortunately, his reminder was still one step behind, that guy has pinched my helmet. Immediately after that, I heard a crackling sound like a popping bean, and the guy was spitting and frothing like a sheep epilepsy. The body was still smoking, and some people even noticed that an arc had flowed between his body and the floor.

My armor is not really a cosplay toy. This thing is military equipment, of course, there is an anti-theft system. The guy was shocked by a strong electric current as soon as he picked up the helmet. The whole person was turning black at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and his body was in smoke. Less than fifteen seconds before and after that guy fell completely on the ground, and his body also exuded a scorching smell of meat.

The people at the scene were frightened, and no one expected that this thing would be so powerful. Everyone has seen a live defense system. Those stun guns can easily mob the mob, but they can burn people in 15 seconds. Who has seen this?

The terrible electricity made the guy unable to shake off the hand holding the helmet until he died. The **** that directly contacted the helmet also turned into a dark color, apparently completely carbonized.

Just as everyone looked at the dead on the ground in a daze, Cheng Zhen's bodyguard suddenly rushed out of the kitchen, and the two sharp knives in his hand were thrown off directly, centering on the wrists of the two men, shooting the gun in their hands to the ground Then, he quickly pounced on the ground pistol and wanted to counter, but unfortunately those few people reacted quickly. The first two people in the stroke quickly kicked their pistols, and the rest responded by raising their guns and firing several shots at the bodyguard, but the bodyguards have actually participated in the battle. Personnel, the response was quite good. Several bullets were dodged in a row, but they were shot. However, he was more fortunate. Two bullets penetrated from the waist, only the meat was injured, and the internal organs were basically okay. The other shot hit the thigh, and it did not seem to touch the large blood vessels, because there was no root. How much blood is shed.

Although not dead, this bodyguard is now considered abolished. The opponent pointed at the bodyguard with a gun and obviously did not intend to make nonsense, and apparently wanted to kill him directly.

Seeing the reaction of the place, I could only speak to attract attention. "Hey, I said, how many of you are stupid? So many people are horrified by guns and they are forced to do it alone, and there is still one who was electrocuted. Do you say that you are stupid?"

The remaining few people immediately focused on my side when they heard me, and did not manage the bodyguard for a while.

Seeing them all came at me, I felt relieved. To deal with this kind of miscellaneous fish, I can win even if I'm sitting still, not to mention that they only have a pistol, even if they bring a grenade and a rocket launcher, it is useless. Besides, now they are in bad condition.

Jia Hongjian brought five people together. This kind of thing is obviously not suitable for publicity. Of course, fewer people are better. If it weren't for the fact that we have a professional bodyguard and there are many people, he was afraid that if one ran away, it would be too much trouble, so he brought a few more people. Otherwise he would just bring one or two people.

However, one of the five people had been electrocuted, and two of the remaining four had their right wrists penetrated by flying knives. The sore face was now discolored, let alone fighting, and they all fluttered while walking. It was a tough guy to endure not to call out. In other words, there are only two people left who can really fight. As for Jia Hongjian himself, the combat effectiveness is basically the kind that can be ignored, although he also has a gun in his hand.

"Your kid is trying to die, right?" One of the people brought by Jia Hongjian looked at me fiercely and said.

Instead of answering his words, I asked instead: "Do you believe me sitting here can get you out?"

"It's up to you?"

"Well, let's try it?" I heard a pop as soon as my voice fell, and the glass of the room burst instantly, but the guy did not look at the window, but looked down at his belly in disbelief. A metal arrow popped from his stomach, not even dripping at the tip. And just as he looked at the arrow suddenly appearing in his stomach, he suddenly started to unfold four barbs. Then the arrow was pulled back abruptly, the barb caught his stomach directly and dragged him upside down, and then flew directly across the sofa and smashed the glass from the window and flew outside.

The rest of the people were completely frightened by this incredible scene, and they didn't know why the guy was suddenly pulled out by a flying claw.

In fact, if the young lady is awake, she may be able to guess the reason, because she knows that my external armor is parked in the garage.

When I came here before, I was afraid that passers-by would be curious, so I parked the external armor directly in the garage attached to the house. After all, that thing looks like a large robot, and it's inappropriate to put it on the side of the road like a private car. This is why Cheng Zi and the few of them, and Jia Hongjian who returned and returned, did not know that this thing existed. Because they never went to the garage. Their cars were on the side of the road and they didn't drive into the garage at all.

The guy who just attacked that guy was the auxiliary climbing tool used on my external armor. It is also called an anchor. This thing uses high-pressure air to launch, and its range is adjustable. It can fly up to more than a hundred meters high and has enough strength to nail itself into the granite and play a supporting role. Just now I just let the external armor shoot through the guy's stomach with this thing, and then dragged him out. The anchor is designed to tow the external armor itself, so the design purpose is to pull several tons of things, and it is naturally easy to pull individuals.

The guy dragged out didn't stay alive. I don't have time to play with them at all now, so after pulling the guy out, my mobile armor directly crushed the guy's head.

While the people inside were still in a daze, I suddenly shouted to the only remaining good killer: "Hey, look at me."

After hearing my voice, several people instinctively turned their heads to look at me, and my eyes suddenly met the guy. Although hypnosis is not my specialty. But I don't know how to do this. At the moment when my eyes changed, my electromagnetic control ability followed his brain waves to invade his thinking system, and then the guy felt like he couldn't move anymore. Even if he could not move, he was even more afraid that his body moved out of his control after a two-second pause.

Suddenly, the guy slowly raised the gun in his hand and turned towards the injured two companions. One shot at a time, then he quickly raised the pistol to his temple and pulled the trigger.

Cheng Zi and Cheng Zhen's bodyguards were both silly watching the guy who killed his two companions first and then committed suicide. He didn't know what the situation was, but Cheng Zhen looked at me thoughtfully. . Feeling his gaze, I turned my head slightly to look at Cheng Zhen. After discovering the inquiry in his gaze, I nodded slightly, and the other side immediately showed an excited expression.

Although everyone on our side was puzzled, they felt relieved, but Jia Hongjian on the other side felt cold from head to toe. The five people he brought are now dead, leaving him one. Even if he can get rid of us, no one will give him a cure, which means that his plan is impossible to achieve, and things are worse than before.

The reason why Jia Hongjian was not killed was not because I was afraid of the forces in his family, but because I simply did not want to be strong. The other party hit the granddaughter of the first chief, and they could think of such a maddening way of killing people. When someone turned around, he would naturally pick up him, and I didn't have to fill my head. Although Longyuan Group is strong, it can't offend people everywhere, right? The Chief Executive No. 1 moved him reasonably, no one would say anything, but my shot was a bit inappropriate.

However, although I didn't plan to kill him, this guy didn't plan to just wait to die. He even pointed his gun directly at me, and his fingers began to tighten, apparently ready to shoot. I thought that someone like him should have the courage to shoot at us, but I obviously underestimated him. This kid actually fired, and didn't say any nonsense, he almost fired.

With a dull gunshot, both Cheng Zhen and Cheng Zi shrank their necks, but the bodyguards there did not respond. He participated in that operation, knowing that our dragons are terrible. Pistols are simply children's toys for us. Even if we do n’t do any resistance, it is impossible to kill us with a pistol, because we only need to The electronic brain will not die, and the alloy outside our electronic brain is a real black technology product, let alone a pistol. Even if it is bombarded with an anti-tank gun at close range, it will take at least several shells to hopefully penetrate. With a pistol, even if the barrel is broken, it is unlikely to cause any harm to us.

Sure enough, when the gunfire passed, he showed a slight smile, because he saw a bullet that was spinning at a high speed in the middle of the muzzle. Yes, the bullet was blocked by me in the air. Among all the killing weapons, metal projectiles are the least threat to us because we can control the magnetic field. Any metal is as obedient to us as our pets.

Although the bodyguards were not at all surprised, Jia Hongjian, Cheng Zhen, and Cheng Zi were the bosses with their mouths open and had no idea how to react. Although Cheng Zhen knew my true identity, he did not expect that our Dragon could actually do this. He just knew that a group of us existed, and knew that we were strong, but he didn't know exactly how strong he was. Although he has also made assumptions, it seems that his phenomenon is still too conservative now.

After a few seconds of stupefaction, Jia Hongjian seemed to react suddenly. His eyes gradually changed from stagnation to terror, then to hatred, and then completely hysterical. In the end, he emptied the entire magazine in one breath, and of course the result was that there were several more bullets in front of me. The low-power ammunition designed to reduce penetration and recoil is inherently low in kinetic energy ~ ~ It is really effortless to hold down this ammunition.

"If you don't think there is an assault rifle over there, but I want to remind you that if you really do that, I may not keep it."

My words were like the devil's declaration. Jia Hongjian was dumbfounded, then suddenly turned and yelled and rushed outside, apparently he was really scared. People like him are not the kind of people with good psychological qualities. Of course, when they dominate, it is nothing. Once the situation reverses, their nature will be exposed immediately.

Although the guy ran out, he didn't run away at all, because as soon as he rushed out of the gate, he found a metal giant standing more than three meters tall, and then raised his left hand before waiting for what he did. Aimed at him, then the mechanism on his arm flipped and unfolded something like a gun barrel. With a gurgling sound that seemed to pull out a wine bottle stopper, a large net suddenly sprayed out of the very thick tube, instantly binding him into a mule. (My novel "From Scratch" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign "Add friend" at the top right, Search for the public account "qdread" and follow it, speed up!) (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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