Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 380: Magic battleship

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"The propulsive force is generated by these rings. ○" Woma explained: "In addition to being a defensive force field, these rings are also energy converters and absorbers. They absorb elemental energy from the front end. Then it is ejected from the rear in the form of wind element spray, that is, a backward airflow is generated to propel the spacecraft forward. This is completely different from the theory in reality, it is a complete magic theory. "

Hongyue looked at the six spaceships and asked, "Then the rune decorations on the spaceships should also be the product of magic theory?"

"Not exactly." Warma said: "Our theory is to apply the in-game magic theory, not to exclude those theories in reality, so we use both. The runes you say are indeed It's a magic structure, but it's not entirely a theory of magic. "

"What are these things for?"

"The magic lines you see are actually a kind of compound magic array, and in addition to the side you see, there are magic arrays behind those runes. These golden rune boards you see are actually scales. The same structure, these things can be removed separately.

Each rune array is a shield. The magic array on the opposite side is a space-stabilized magic array with space anchors. It has two effects. One is that these scale-shaped shields can absorb most of the kinetic energy when they are impacted. It is inevitable that the spacecraft itself will be directly impacted. The second is to allow these scaly armor plates to leave the hull to actively defend against enemy attacks. "

"You mean those things can fly?"

"Well, not only can it fly, but it can also be manipulated at will. What you see now in this spaceship is actually the appearance of external armor. There is actually a layer of armor in this layer of things. The outer armor is usually adsorbed on the hull. On the surface, once the battle breaks out, these armor plates can fly up, and then automatically splice into protective shields around the spacecraft to block the attack, and if the enemy's attack is too strong, these shields can also form multiple layers of protection in a segmented arrangement, so that No matter how strong the enemy ’s attack power is, as long as our inlaid armor is still there. We can certainly block it. Of course, the premise is that we need to know how strong the enemy ’s attack is, and we can set multiple layers of interception in advance. ”

"You just said that the backs of those armor plates are space anchors and space solid magic arrays, so what is the front?"

"The magic array on the front is a compound magic array, and it uses the latest three-dimensional magic array structure we have mastered. This magic array includes many structures, of which there are three main functions: exile, atomic shock, and cyclone."

"Why add this magic?"

"Because these three magics are very useful magics. You all know cyclone, very low-level spells, but as long as you use it well. This magic actually has a great effect. Cyclone can be outside our armor plate. Forming a layer of rotating airflow, the biggest advantage of this small vortex is that it can make our airship form a layer of airflow around the space and the surrounding air flows. This turbulent layer of airflow can reduce the friction between the airship and the air, thereby reducing The effect of wind resistance to improve speed. In addition, the second advantage brought by the turbulence is that it can deflect when the flying weapon approaches our hull, so that the enemy's artillery shells or other projection weapons will jump more easily when they hit us. This improves defense. Of course, there are some small benefits to cyclone, such as making it easier for our carrier-based aircraft to take off and land. "

"What about atomic oscillations and exiles?"

"Atomic oscillation is a resistance spell against energy weapons. It can effectively reduce the power of energy weapons such as high-energy rays and reduce the damage value by about 30%. As for exile, it is a special application of special magic. You know that exile this spell? "

"It's the kind of spell that can turn the enemy into nothingness. You can see it, but you can't attack or attack other people at all, right?" Hongyue asked.

Woma nodded and said, "That's the spell. Exile is such a spell. Its usual role is to make an object nihilistic. Before the spell expires, this object cannot harm the surrounding objects, and of course it will not be affected by the surrounding objects. Damage. This is a very practical technique. In battle, player teams can often use this technique to exile meat shield-type characters among the enemies. Then they focus on attacking the crispy mage behind, and wait until the opponent from exile. When they broke free, the mage and the archer could not have been hacked to death. "

"But how do you use a constant exile spell on a shield?"

"The triggering effect of this exile spell is contact. That is to say, exile magic will be activated when an unauthorized object touches this external shield. Of course, we all know that the duration of exile magic is very short. And exile The larger the target volume, the shorter the banishment time, so the way we choose is not to banish the warship itself, because it requires a lot of energy and will affect the output of the warship. The method we take is to banish items that come into contact with the hull, such as The shells fired by the enemy. When the solid shell hits the shield, it will be banished, and then it will become nothingness. At the speed of the shell, it only takes a few tenths to pass through the hull, and then even the shell It doesn't matter to recover from exile, because it has passed through the middle of the hull and will not hit us again. "

"Well, this is a good way. Unfortunately, it only works against physical attacks."

"In fact, it is not completely effective." Warma himself said: "Because of some problems in exile magic itself, we have no way to make this magic array completely exile all nearby objects, only to set the speed and penetration angle. To decide whether to banish the target. For example, if you throw a stone at the hull armor at close range, the stone will not be banished, because the flying element of the stone is too slow and does not meet the banishment standard. Also, the banishment of magic The knight on the action surface is fan-shaped and unfolded upwards, so if the flying weapon is not perpendicular to the society, but there is a certain angle with the armor plate, then if this angle is less than 20 degrees, the flying object cannot be banished. Because it has no way Entirely enveloped by the French circle. "

After I heard it, I said, "This shouldn't be a big deal? Slow-moving objects have small kinetic energy and are easy to intercept, so unless the enemy fires a variable orbital magnetic mine, this will never happen. This kind of slow approach can also cause lethality, but in terms of the rules of the game, I don't think that there may be such a thing as an intelligent missile. After all, the missiles that can do this kind of thing are It ’s rare in reality. As for the issue of incident angle, it is not even a problem. If the incident inclination angle is less than 20 degrees, it will bounce, right? "

"Of course the first few times are no problem. But if you are frequently rubbed by shells, it will have an impact on the armor plate. If you rub it too much, it will destroy the magic array structure outside, so this is still a weakness, but the impact is not great. That's it. "

Hongyue nodded and asked, "The defense of this thing sounds good, but what about the attack weapon?"

"About this attack weapon, we designed it into many types of attacks, so that it can form a multi-layer, near-middle, and multi-layer firepower network. There are mainly two types of long-range firepower, one is a carrier-based aircraft, and the other is a mobile angel. They are all types that can be put out to fight. The combat radius is at least 500 to 1,000 kilometers. You also know that the flying units in the game have a very long dead time, so the strike range is super large.

At medium and long distances we have a ray weapon and a magic and chemical energy cannon. Ray weapons have a high degree of accuracy. When the conditions are good, the range can reach more than 500 kilometers, but the power will decrease rapidly with increasing distance. The truly lethal distance is within 300 kilometers. As you know, heavy fog, rain, and terrain restrictions can seriously affect performance. That compound cannon is much better. A dedicated booster magic array is engraved directly in the cannon's running tube. When the cannonball passes through the endless belt of these magic arrays, it will get a very large acceleration, and the magic array will help the shells start to spin. The advantage of this is that the barrel can be rifled without using a smoothbore gun. "

"Smooth cannon?"

"Um. In reality, the popular rifled gun is because the smoothbore can only fire ammunition with a stable tail. Otherwise, the ammunition that does not rotate will not be a stable trajectory, and the accuracy will be a big problem, but our magic array can help The cannonball spins, so we can play the rifling effect without rifling. And because the smoothbore gun has a small friction, the muzzle velocity can be very high, so the projectile range is very high. Our cannon uses a dedicated directional self-guided shell. At that time, the range can reach six to seven hundred kilometers, and the accuracy is very high. Because the shell is in a self-guided mode, the cannon only needs to aim at the general direction and fire. The shell will be guided by the magic array engraved on the warhead after approaching the target. So this thing is basically similar to artillery-launched missiles, except that it does not accelerate at the end. "

"Can all shells hit this far?" Hongyue asked.

"No, six hundred kilometers is the limit range. Gunfire requires gunpowder as the basic power when firing. The magic array is responsible for providing additional propulsion to generate a higher muzzle velocity. In addition, when the shell leaves the muzzle, light aura and wind are added. Assault, the resistance of the projectile and the gravity interference will be much smaller. The projectile's trajectory is not as curved as the traditional artillery, but rather straight. Although it is still a curved trajectory, it will look almost if it is not far enough. It is straight. If we need to attack a target of 600 kilometers, we will turn on all the magic array output, and then the charge of gunpowder will be added to the limit. However, this range is almost in addition to the shell with a seeker. There may be any accuracy, so in fact most of the shells have a range of less than 300 kilometers. At this range, the accuracy of our shells is very high. Basically, if we find the target, we can guarantee at least 80% hit rate. "

"That means accuracy is the limit, right?"

"Roughly the same."

"The precise strike distance of more than 300 kilometers is already good." I asked, "What about a closer range?"

"If you get closer, there will be more strikes. At a distance of more than 100 kilometers to 400 kilometers, there are a variety of attack weapons on the air battleships that can be used for defense, some of which are energy weapons and some are live-fire weapons. If The distance is further closer. If you are within 100 kilometers, you can start using magic weapons to attack. These six ships have dedicated magic guides, which can directly use magic to attack like a mage, and are fully automatic. The controller, which is improved by an artificial soul device, is responsible for the control. The attack accuracy and response speed are very fast, which can basically achieve the same effect as the real-time defense system. "

"It sounds good. I hope this thing can temporarily carry the Rainbow Alliance battleships!"

Woma said that suddenly she became somewhat depressed. "Yeah! I hope they can block the Rainbow Alliance flying warships!"

When Red Moon heard that Woma didn't seem to have the confidence, she rushed. "Don't you say that these aviation warships are very powerful? How can you listen to your tone without any confidence?"

Werma retorted angrily: "Our aviation warships are of course very powerful, but we only have six ships! How many enemies are there? There are more than 300 that have been found. Okay? One to fifty, this What kind of arrogance is needed to be confident? "

The white and red moon being stolen by Woma is also dumb, after all, what Woma said is also very reasonable. Our aviation warships are indeed good, but the number gap of one to fifty is too great. This number is enough to overwhelm the quality advantage ~ ~ It is like if there is a ratio in modern warfare The quantity ratio of fifty, even the low-level fighters of backward countries, can still kill the cutting-edge air superior fighters of developed countries, because even the missiles on your body are in full swing, there will be one to thirty after you have exhausted the missile The above ratio, how do you fight after that? Use machine guns to play air combat with others? Thirty beat one and fight a fart? People line up a box array and use metal storms to sweep you back and forth, left and right, no matter how good your performance is, unless you can be optically invisible and people can't see you at all, maybe there is something to do, otherwise The words are simply no chance.

This problem is now facing our aviation warships. Although each of the six battleships is a super battleship, it is no use to have more than 300 flying battleships coming to our battleship.

Although I am quite worried that these warships can complete our plan, they are already in this situation. What's the use of worrying? All we can do is hurry up these warships to block the **** Rainbow Alliance flying warships. (The novel "From scratch" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign "Add friend" on the upper right and search the public No. "qdread" and pay attention, speed up!) (To be continued ...)

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