Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 385: True or false

Although we were much later by the three bear children, we are not too anxious about the arrest itself, because we have too many resources to call, so we are not worried about the other party running away. At least they would never throw us away because they had a satellite positioning system in the car they were driving. This thing was originally for car navigation, but on the other hand, this thing can also be used to let us locate where they are.

Because we knew the position of the other party, we did not catch up directly, but hung from a distance. We have no plans to play a road chase with them. Now is the peak of work, so there are a lot of cars on the road. If we chase forcefully, it may cause a lot of casualties, and our purpose is to make things end silently, not to make this thing known to everyone, so quiet. The pursuit is the best.

At first we also thought that this method was good, but when we opened it, we found that the situation was wrong. Although Everett is sitting in the back of the car, his computer has been sharing information with us, and he has consulted various materials to help us find a feasible interception solution. As a result, he found that the other party ’s movement direction was not the same. Too right.

"Hey hey, are they heading for the city center?"

Everett's voice made us all stunned, and looking out the window, it was really moving towards the city center. In this way, we will soon return to the vicinity of the Central Gate. This street is full of commercial streets, and today is Friday and tomorrow is a weekend. So everyone will choose not to go home after work today and go out to play. It is for this reason that at this time, the vicinity of the central gate is almost the time when the flow of people is at its highest, and people are looking everywhere.

"I rely on, have these guys learned anti-tracking?" Scarlett was also startled.

"What shall we do now?" Yeyue asked.

"Can't follow slowly anymore." I said to Yeyue, who was driving: "Speed ​​up and catch up."

"I like you to say this." Yeyue stepped on the throttle with a smile, and the whole car pushed forward, and then Scoot followed him quickly, that is, the brother who had suffered from the homework. They are driving trailers. At this time, the main roads in the urban area are basically when the traffic flow is lined up for partying. There is no gap at all. Our cars can be slightly interspersed and we do n’t even think about them.

No, we just started accelerating and I heard the voice of the brother behind me in the headset: "I'm starting to miss my multi-foot chariot! Brothers in front of you go first, we will catch up later!"

"You can't drive slowly." I said a word, then cut off the communication and started to view the surveillance video. Just now I have connected to the traffic control system in this area. Not only can I control the traffic lights, but I can also see the screen of the surveillance camera.

We need these things because we need to be able to get closer to our goals as quickly as possible.

At this time, the other party has completely disregarded any traffic rules. The car ran on the road without talking, and sometimes it was driving in the opposite direction. In the end, it rushed to the sidewalk directly and then ran on the sidewalk.

To be honest, we can do this kind of thing, but in order not to cause much impact, we did n’t do it. We just controlled the nearby traffic lights and turned all the green lights in front of us so that we could quickly approach each other. .

After we drove quickly to the city center, the other party really gave us a "surprise". They actually drove the car directly into the pedestrian street, and flew to the entrance of the underground mall among the crowd's screams and scolds, and then stopped there directly. The door of the three people was lost, and the car that was not turned off was directly lost. There then rushed into the underground mall.

There is an underground shopping mall in the pedestrian street behind the central shopping mall in the center of Nanjing. This underground shopping mall is not only connected to several subway transit hubs, but also has a large area, not only a wide range, but also divided into several floors, but the most terrible thing is that this place has N multiple exits. Not counting the hidden exits in the building, there are as many as six main entrances and exits of that type alone. Counting the entrances and exits connecting the subway and those commercial buildings, there are at least 50 entrances and exits.

This kind of underground mall has a very narrow line of sight, and the price is dark inside. Although there is monitoring, it really does not help. Not only is the coverage area insufficient, but many of them are not connected to the Internet. We don't have the query monitoring records of Kung Fu's store by store.

"What should I do?" Throwing the car on the road also caught us at the entrance, but now it's completely dumbfounded.

Originally, our dragons have a lot of tracking capabilities. For example, we can see the heat traces of footprints on the ground. Because the feet of a person have temperature, clear infrared marks will be left where you go. As long as you pay attention to these marks, you can easily find the tracking route. However, we were completely dumbfounded in the face of the human head that we could not see. All footprints, thermal energy, electromagnetic and odor information are completely confused by the flow of people in this ocean. We are like lonely boats in the sea of ​​people, and those guys are the fish that enter the sea, leaving no shadow at all.

"Son son, the situation has changed." No way, I can only report it.

The son-in-law didn't have much reaction, and said lightly: "I know you're in trouble. But there is nothing I can do to help you. If you have any solution, let me know and I can give you reinforce."

"If you want to solve it now, the easiest and most straightforward way is to block this underground mall, but the question is what do the people inside do?"

"No, if you do this, it feels like a loss." Nuwa said.

"Then what do we do?"

"I have a suggestion."

"You said."

"I suggest you go back to the car and wait there."


The words of son-in-law made us directly dumbfounded. What time is it Let's wait here?

Although the son-in-law's words were less reliable, we quickly wanted to understand why the son-in-law had such a request. Speaking of it, this was really a solution.

In fact, as long as you think about it, this problem is not complicated at all.

First of all, the three people we were arresting only instructed some secret middle school students, so they were not particularly dangerous people. In this case, we would not cause any harm to the masses even if we were slow.

Secondly, their real harm is that they have the possibility of leaking secret information, which is the key. However, before they were at home, the son-in-law had virtual control over the network of their house, that is, they thought that they were connected to the network. What they didn't know was that they were seeing fake information at the time, but they did n’t have Connected to the network, but directly connected to the son-in-law.

At that time, they applied for the storage space of several foreign websites for themselves, and then set the information to be automatically released. As long as they did not remove this setting for a certain period of time, the information would be automatically released. This may be a means they learned from television to prevent them from being used to threaten us in case they are caught. However, what they didn't know was that all the information they applied for was false, and the uploaded data was not actually transmitted at all, just that they thought they had passed it.

Because of this confusing means of son-in-law, they never leave home until we show up.

According to the son-in-law's actions, then until now, the only person who can leak information from the three people is the nanny, but now the nanny has been caught by us, so it is impossible for the three of them to leak any information. .

When the three of them fled after finding us, they took away the laptop at home. They didn't know if they had any other storage media, but they must have at least one copy of the data on them. However, although they are now in a mall with a lot of people, this kind of place is definitely not a place where information can be released casually.

If they shouted out here that the end of the world is coming, then no one would believe them, but they would think they were neurotic. As for the use of the underground shopping mall's network to transmit data externally ... this road has been completely blocked.

The son-in-law blocked the signal in this area after we hurried the other person to the underground mall. Now everyone in this area has no signal on their mobile phones, and the wired network is completely interrupted. If they do n’t leave the underground city, do n’t expect to The message goes.

Although there are many people in the dungeon, people do not always stay out of it. You will naturally go home at night, and this underground mall is not open overnight. If they kept hiding, they would have nothing to do until everyone had gone. And if they come out through any of the entrances, that's even better. Although the inside of this dungeon is not fully monitored, the cameras are densely packed on the outside. They will be found as soon as they come out, so as long as they come out, we can continue to track, and as long as they do not come out, we just wait.

After thinking about it, we are not in a hurry.

Drive the abandoned SUV out first, and someone will take the car away and check it again to make sure there are no generational data on the car. As for us, we went back to our car and drove three cars to the three main entrances and stopped here.

There are police lights on the roof of our car. As long as the lights are on, no one will be surprised even if they are parked in a pedestrian street, because police cars are often parked in downtown areas to prevent any riots and other issues. As for the local security police, of course, the son-in-law has given notice, so no police will come to us, we just need to pretend to be the police cars here and wait for the three guys to throw themselves into the net.

Since it is better than Naixin, of course we will not wait silly. The monitoring task can be handed over directly to the son-in-law. She is very patient, and we are all members resting in the car and then landing on the game again. Anyway, the son-in-law will wake us up.

When I came back online, I found that I was still in the bridge of the previous junior super aviation battleship, but the strange thing was that Red Moon and Chuang Wang were not there.

"Christina, what about King Chuang and Hongyue?" I yelled when Christina was alone looking out of the window on the front bridge.

When Christina looked back at me, she said, "Oh, President, are you back? The two of them just went to the junior super aerospace battleship in front. The six junior super aerospace battleships will have their first long-range bombardment. Now. "

"Long-range shelling? Have you determined what's happening around here?"

Christina nodded and said: "It can't be said that it is completely certain, but the environment has probably been checked. Although there is Warcraft in this place, there is no such thing as a threat to our large aerial targets, so we can fire at will."

I nodded and asked, "hasn't there been much movement over the Rainbow League?"

"How is that possible?" Cristina said, "After you went offline, we found that there were a lot of scout players sent by Rainbow Alliance to search around on flying WoW, and it turned out that they had discovered a lot of WoWs. People in the team Rainbow Alliance actually found our pilot, but their World of Warcraft was not powerful, and they did not catch up with our pilot. "

"Then they didn't find our fleet?"

"The King of Crash said that they may have found the position of our junior super-aircraft warship based on the position of our pilot ship, but the Rainbow Alliance fleet may not be able to determine our specific location and distance, so they just know that we are at It is absolutely impossible to follow them. What you want to fight back is absolutely impossible. "

Just as I was talking to Christina here, Gunslinger and Yusina were actually discussing our affairs.

Yusina frowned, looking at a concentric circle map in front of her: "This is the map you have now?"

"It's good to get such a map in such a short time." The gun **** pointed to a location on the map and said, "Our people found a very special flying battleship in this place. Although we have never seen it before. Model, but with the Frost Rose League logo on it, so it is definitely a Frost Rose League ship. "

"Do you know what it does?"

"Because the model has not been seen before, I don't know what type and function it is, but we speculate that this is the pilot version of the air version."

"Pilot Ship of the Frost Rose Alliance?" Suddenly hearing this name made Yusina very nervous, because she knew very well what our Frost Rose Alliance pilot ship was. Although the combat effectiveness of the pilot ship itself is almost negligible, where there is a pilot ship, it means that a large fleet is nearby, and as long as the pilot ship sees it, it is equivalent to seeing it. The firepower of our Frost Rose Alliance is not only well-known, it is not reassuring to be shrouded by the firepower of our large fleet.

Yusina asked, unhappy, "Did you not send someone to check if there were any Frost Rose Alliance fleets behind?"

"President, I understand your nervousness, but at this time your nervousness is actually meaningless!" Speaking of the gun **** here, he comforted again: "In fact, you can calm down first. Although we found the pilot ship, But the situation is not the same as outside. This is a special place, a place we haven't been to before, and I think the people of Frost Rose Alliance may not have been here. "

Yusina heard that we hadn't been here before the Frost Rose League and immediately got excited. "You said Frost Rose League has never been here?"

The gun **** nodded and said, "You think! The ships of the Frost Rose League have borrowed our space energy to jump over, so this jumping process is completed by both of us. This jumping is originally a delicate thing, we If the two sides work together, it's totally impossible to know where they will jump. So, Frost Rose League certainly doesn't know where it is. They are actually trapped like us. "

"Then they ..." In fact, Yusina was asking why they had to jump along with her, but when the words came to her mouth, she suddenly thought of the answer. The goal of our jump is very obvious, that is, to prevent their Rainbow Alliance fleet from harming Isinger, so it is reasonable for us to sacrifice ourselves.

Although Gunshen did n’t hear Usina ’s question, she also knew what she was asking, so he said, “I believe that you have already figured it out. The Frost Rose Alliance ’s fleet is here to keep us from attacking Isinger, so They have to come here as a last resort. In this case, the possibility that they have their own power here is very small. The greater possibility is that Frost Rose League is also here for the first time. "

"That means they have no supplies like us, do they?"

Strengthening nodded and said, "Not only is there no supply, but it is also very important that they only have six ships and no reinforcements. Without reinforcements, relying on six ships alone, even if the Frost Rose Alliance battleships are stronger than ours, six The ship will definitely not beat our more than 300 warships. "

After listening to it, Yusina felt as if it was the case, and immediately felt relieved. However, the gun **** and him just heard a sudden scream of screams just after finishing talking.

"What's the matter?" Yusina had just asked such a sentence and saw a huge ball of fire rising from the stern of an aviation battleship in front of it, and then the cabin in the middle of that battleship also started to spit fire, and then this The ship started to sink as it smoked, and soon got out of the queue.

"Damn, what's the situation?" The Gun God didn't quite understand why it would be attacked at this time, but now that it has been attacked, it doesn't make much sense to tangle it again.

Just when Gun God was wondering what was going on there, suddenly I heard that kind of howling again, and then I saw a light red light group rubbing the front side of a battleship and fell to the woods below In the middle, followed by a boom, a large fireball blasted into the air and burned until the bottom of a battleship separated from the sides of the battleship and continued to rise.

Although one shot was missed, the other two hit the target. One of the warships was shot in the middle of the top, and a big hole was opened in an instant. However, it did not seem to affect the navigation system. The warship was still moving forward, but I did not know why it was getting faster. Another one was shot from the side and rear. This one seemed to have hit the armor belt. The warship just crooked. Although there was a large hole in the back and there was flame burning inside, the warship seemed to have not been affected at all. .

In the blink of an eye, four shells were fired in succession, and three hits were made. The accuracy of this attack was not low. Both Yusina and Gun God quickly began to order the fleet to turn.

It can be determined from the trajectory just now that the direction of the artillery shells should be to the right of the fleet, so they need to turn the battleship and then charge in the direction of the enemy. Now they can only be passively beaten at this distance, they cannot fight back, so the most urgent task is to get closer.

However, just when the Rainbow Fleet's large fleet had just completed its turn, I heard a dense squeal coming from his right side. When Yusina and Gun God went to see there, they found a large one. The shells flew over.

"Damn, you're fooled!"

The shells that flew from the right side were actually fired by one of our junior super-aircraft warships. In other words, our fleet was divided into two parts. One of the Junior Super Aviation battleships was on the right side of the Rainbow Alliance fleet, while the other five Junior Super Aviation battleships were behind the Rainbow Alliance fleet.

When the battle started, the junior super-aircraft battleship on our right side first shelled the Rainbow Alliance fleet and deliberately suppressed the number of shells. This behavior is to make the people here in the Rainbow Alliance, or to make Yusina misjudgment, so that they think that the four shells we had before were testing and firing. However, what they do n’t know is that even if our junior super aerospace warship fires at full strength, the shells will not be much more than this, because there is only such a junior super aero warship there, his cannon There are so many in total, naturally not too many shells fired at one time.

When Jusina's side makes a wrong judgment, they will inevitably make action adjustments based on this wrong perception. Just like Yusina thought. Our Frost Rose Alliance battleships have a range advantage, so if they can't approach us, everything is useless and they can only be passively beaten. Therefore, the only thing the Rainbow Alliance fleet can do if it is to fight is to post it immediately and conduct a confrontation with our fleet.

This judgment is correct in Yusina's cognition, but it is incorrect in reality, because their cognition is wrong, and our fleet is not on their right.

After the Rainbow Alliance fleet turned and their bows were all aligned with our junior super-air battleship, they completely exposed the sides of the hull, and this is when we started to eat a big meal .

Many people who understand some naval battles may be confused. Shouldn't the enemy still be on their side when fighting, and then it is easy to use the firepower advantage? Why did we design the enemy to face the bow of our ship?

In fact, this matter is not everyone's cognitive error, of course, it is not our fault, but because the two are not the same thing at all.

Of course, the normal naval battle should take the upper hand, that is, the position of the T-head of the T-array. When in this position, the firepower of all your own warships can be used to the maximum, and each enemy's ship can only fire in front of it. This is why it is necessary to **** the position of the T-front.

However, we are a little different here.

First of all, the range of the battleships on our side is too long, so at this distance, hit accuracy is very problematic. If the enemy is facing us horizontally, then the range we can hit is a horizontal line, and if the enemy is the stern or the bow is aimed at us, then the range we can hit is a point. Do you think a point is easy to hit, or a line is easy to hit?

Therefore, the enemy's presence in front of us helps to improve our hit rate.

Second point. The reason why you don't want to be at the T-foot position in naval battles is because this position will be attacked by the enemy's full set of firepower, so everyone try to avoid this position. However, we are now very far away from the Rainbow Alliance fleet, and their warships are not the same as our junior Super Aviation warships. The range and accuracy of the magic hybrid artillery used by our junior super aerospace warships are unparalleled, so we deliberately chose a range beyond the enemy's range for shelling. In other words, although we are currently in the T position and the enemy is at the front, their cannons are actually out of range. Even if they are good for shooting, do n’t even hit them at all, because we are not at all. They are within range.

The third and very important point is that our junior super aerospace warships are actually not the kind of traditional warships at all.

The junior super aviation battleship is a multi-purpose combat ship. Its design philosophy is multi-purpose support operations, and the main combat method is not actually line-up with the enemy. Therefore, all its cannons are actually installed on the bow of the ship. There are no weapons at all. Regarding such a warship, whether it is horizontal or vertical, the firepower delivery density is actually the same, so it doesn't matter for us to grab the horizontal or vertical position, as long as the enemy is not behind our broken stock.

It is for these reasons that we will send a Junior Super Aviation battleship to the side to attract the Rainbow Alliance fleet to turn, and the remaining five Junior Super Aviation battleships are hiding behind the enemy, just wait As they turn.

Facts proved that our method was simple but very effective. The Rainbow Alliance thought that we had found our place, so they hurriedly turned around, and then heard a dense bombardment.

The shelling from five junior super-aircraft warships was more than five times as simple as before. Previously, it was to suppress the firepower and let the other party mistakenly believe that we were firing ammunition to adjust the firing. Therefore, at that time, the primary super aviation warship was not fired at all, but only one turret was firing. The first time there was only one The second time, the gun was fired in trio.

Just now it was attracting the enemy. This time it was a full-force attack. Naturally, all the cannons on our side fired, and in addition to those large long-range artillery, we also sent a large number of mobile angels and some aircraft.

These combat aircraft are unmanned fighters equipped with artificial souls. The artificial soul used in this gadget is a simplified version of the artificial soul used by Maneuvering Sky. We have already had such a thing, so it is not surprising. As for the aircraft, it is actually very simple.

The shape of the stuff is like a triangular kite, and the flat shape looks like a highly curved comb. Usually these aircrafts are inserted neatly into the dedicated berths of junior super aviation warships as if they were inserted into the memory sticks on the computer. When launching is needed, the armor plate outside these berths will open.

These armor plates basically open a door for each berth, but only one aircraft in the same berth can be launched at a time, and the other aircraft will be pushed to the proper position by the telescopic rod after the first launch. Position before continuing to launch.

It may sound troublesome, but in fact this launch speed is very amazing. Each berth on the junior Super Aviation battleship can dock twelve such aircraft, and the twelve aircraft in a cabin can be launched in only thirty seconds. And don't forget, the berth above the junior Super Aviation battleship is not the only one. In other words, those small planes were actually launched together. There are more than thirty such berths on a junior super aerospace battleship, and 36 of these aircraft can be launched in an instant. This speed is faster than the aircraft carrier's speed. Already.

I looked inside the bridge of the previous super-super aeronautical warship and looked at the small plane out of the window, and I felt relieved. Although our large battleships are not as many as the Rainbow Alliance's, the number of small aircraft is very large.

A junior super aerospace warship consists of 36 berths, each with twelve aircraft, which means that a junior super aerospace warship has 432 aircraft carrying capacity, and this is not all. Because there are dozens of spare aircraft in the back storage warehouse, the combat capability of this small aircraft is actually not very strong. Their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the mobile angel. The key is to win by quantity. And this thing is cheap and driverless, we certainly don't care about the loss. Of course, we definitely can't do this in this mission, at least we have no supplies now.

After Yusina and Gun God had just been surprised to find themselves fooled, and then watched the Rainbow Alliance fleet be hit hard by our Frost Rose Alliance fleet for a round of volleys, they have n’t waited for them to make tactical adjustments. You will soon find a lot of black spots in the sky.

"What's that?" As soon as Yusina's voice dropped, she suddenly heard a stern air defense alert, and no one answered her now and knew what was going on.

"Damn, it's a mobile angel." Someone lowered his binoculars and said.

The person who did not put down the telescope next to him shouted, "No, it seems that I have seen something other than the mobile angel."

"What the **** is that?"

"Looks like a kite."

"Damn, it's a fighter!"

In fact, this person of the Rainbow Alliance is not right, this kind of thing is not called a fighter. It should be properly named "Drone Attacker" in our Frost Rose Alliance. The reason to have a drone is because this attack aircraft is very cheap and large in number, so it is like a bee. When swarms attack, they appear in swarms, regardless of casualties. Such drone attack aircraft are such things. They can appear in groups on the battlefield, and then fight with the enemy first. If they can get the enemy, they will fight against the enemy. If they don't, they will simply engage in the Kamikaze attack. This set is learned from Japanese players. Their suicide weapons are not only well-known, among them the most amazing is the suicide missile, which is a giant monkey like a monkey, and there is a player sitting in it, and then using people. Guided attack instead of guidance system. Of course, this gadget proved to be of little use in the end and the input and output were not proportional.

Although this design of Japanese players has been eliminated, it has to be achieved, and the suicide attack is actually quite powerful, so we designed this kind of suicide attack weapon, which is what it is now. Although the drone's combat power is not high, it has a large amount of high power inside. Once it hits the target, it can cause considerable damage to the enemy.

Watching the drone attackers approaching the mobile angels, Yusina was a little panicked. But compared to Yusina, the gun **** is much calmer.

Although the Rainbow Alliance has now become the overlord in the United States, Gunslinger is only a player under Yusina, but the holy lance alliance that wants gunslingers is actually the most powerful guild in the United States before. The reason why the gun **** now has to be reduced to working for Yusina is entirely because of their mistakes in decision-making. When they first caught the door, they went to a place with our Frost Rose Alliance. As a result, we took the benefits and lost They let them eat, and then the God of Guns did not calmly fight our Frost Rose Alliance with resentment. Although the Paladin was powerful at the time, it was far from our opponent of the Frost Rose Alliance. After all, they are just one of the three major guilds in the United States, and our Frost Rose League was a hegemonic guild in China for a long time, and we have colonies around the world, which is a transnational guild.

The irrationality of the gun **** led to the collapse of the Paladin, and then the Neptune Hall was supposed to take over, but because of the resentment of the gun **** to me, or to our Frost Rose League, he eventually forcibly dismantled his guild. In the Rainbow Alliance, the result is that the Rainbow Alliance, which had no hope of becoming a hegemonist in the United States, has just returned to become a hegemony guild.

However, even though the Rainbow League has become the hegemony guild, this still cannot change the fact that the Rainbow League has not fought much before.

Among the three major guilds in the United States, the Rainbow Alliance was actually known for its economic development. In other words, the Rainbow League is the richest, but they are not the best. This led to Yusina being very good at shopping, but in fact, Rainbow Alliance has difficulty in bringing out the combat power of these purchased things. Of course, this problem has been offset a lot by the existence of the Gun God, because although Yusina is not good at war, she is at least good at management. Knowing that sometimes she is not good at something, she should not interfere in the truth. Therefore, she actually listened to the advice of the Gunslinger very much in the battle.

After seeing the drone attacking machine and mobile angel that covered the sky, the **** of guns is also a bit scalp, but at this time, it can't be soft anyway, and you must stand firmly against this attack.

After a little hesitation, the gun **** said to Yusina, "Chairman, we can't be afraid now. Although there are many such aircrafts in Frost Rose Alliance, they are definitely not too powerful because if this kind of thing is really powerful In that case, the system's pricing must be astronomical. The Frost Rose Alliance's fleet can be equipped with so many, indicating that this thing is not very effective. "

As Yusina seemed to have some sense, she asked the **** of guns, "What shall we do?"

The Gun God groaned for a moment and then said, "The Frost Rose Alliance sent these strange aircraft together with the mobile angels, which shows that their aircraft cannot actually complete the task. I guess this aircraft is harassing Master, so we do n’t need to worry about these vehicles. We just need to focus on attacking the mobile angels. ”

Yusina also felt very reasonable after hearing Gunslinger's analysis, so she issued the order, but unfortunately, they made a mistake.

Yes, the attack power of our drone attack aircraft is really not good, but the power of suicide attack is still very great. In contrast, although the mobile angel's combat power is explosive, there is no sudden explosive damage. Therefore, if you understand the combat mode and combat power of our mobile angel and drone attack aircraft, then the correct decision should be to intercept the drone first. Attack aircraft instead of mobile angels.

It ’s a pity that although the gun **** is smart, it is a pity that the drone attacker is something he has not seen before. No matter how clever a person is, he will rarely guess the right thing, and the gun **** is wrong.

Because of the wrong suggestion of the **** of guns, Yusina directly let the fleet air defense focus on attacking those mobile angels, and the tragedy happened.

Because the command received by the mobile angel is to hide in the attack group of the drone attack aircraft, and then wait for the opportunity to suppress the bridges of the Rainbow Alliance fleet warships, our mobile angels have deliberately slowed down a bit. It is a drone attack aircraft.

However, because of the order of Yusina, the Rainbow Alliance's combat air defenses were concentrated on mobile angels. As a result, the drone attack aircraft flew directly to these warships without much interception.

Immediately after reaching the surroundings of the warships, the drone attackers immediately started their first operation, which was to drop bombs. Four drone rockets hung under the wings of these drone strikers. This is a real rocket without any tracking capabilities.

The drone attack aircraft itself is an upgraded version of the missile, and of course it is impossible to equip it with expensive weapons, so the drone attack aircraft uses mass-produced rockets. The feature of this gadget is that it is particularly cheap, and because the internal process is simple, it can be produced in large quantities.

The first drone attack aircraft fired two rockets directly at the nearest Rainbow Alliance battleship bridge, and it was hit by nearby anti-aircraft fire. Although Yusina ordered the priority to attack Mobile Angels, she did not say that regardless of the Drone attack aircraft. So this drone attacker was still destroyed, but the rocket it fired hit the bridge with precision.

However, after the rocket hit, although the Rainbow Alliance personnel inside the ship were scared to death, but after the explosion, everyone climbed up somehow from their position.

The recent attack did shatter the windows, and the airflow and flames shook many people. However, this power is nothing more than that. The two rockets hit directly without causing casualties, which is too weak.

The news was quickly reported to Yusina, and then they were more certain that the drone attack aircraft was just a fake.

However, when everyone in the Rainbow Alliance thought that the drone attack plane was really just a good product, one of the drone attack planes that they thought was not a threat suddenly did something to scare them. The drone attacked the front of one of the ships after hitting all of its rockets, and then rushed straight in towards the muzzle of the energy gun at the front of the ship.

Energy weapons are generally relatively fragile ~ ~ This is a consensus, so this cannon is protected by a shield before firing. However, this drone attacker still bumped into it without any thought, and then it was a big explosion. Looking at the flaming launch port, the people in the command cabin immediately asked for a report of the damage. As a result, they were slightly panic that the shield was severely damaged. Although the cannon itself was not damaged, the shield could not be hit. opened.

Before the people here could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw the second drone attack plane rushing into the opening again. When the first drone striker crashed in, they thought it was malfunctioning or accidentally hit, but the second time was obviously not. In order to rush into this impact location, the drone attacker even evaded multiple anti-aircraft shells several times along the way, and then directly crashed into the location where the first drone attacker attacked.

This was clearly not an accident, but a suicide attack with precise targeting. And the effect ...

With a flare of flames, this medium-sized flying warship suddenly began to lose power and then began to fall, but before the impact of the ground, a big explosion occurred, and the surrounding drone attack aircraft was emptied a large area.

"Damn, those things are not airplanes, they are smart missiles!" The gun **** hysterically called. R1152

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