Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 395: Crazy plan

"Accelerate and speed up, rush up!" As the **** on the wings of my shouting bird began to shrink, several hard steel thorns on the upper and lower sides of the wings were gradually attached to the wings. These steel thorns are one of Asuka's air kits, which are used to provide auxiliary steering capabilities when flying at high speeds, and these things are also electromagnetic wave receiving antennas. After all, as birds are radar-guided, antenna signals are required.

The speed of the flying bird quickly reached eight times the speed of sound. At this speed, we are almost a lightning in the night, and the monster-like battleship on the opposite side found us only when we approached only five kilometers away. .

"That guy found us." I reminded Christina aloud.

Christina didn't respond to me. She was trying to gather her magic power. Just a few seconds later, when the distance between our two parties was less than three kilometers, the staff in Christina's hand suddenly moved forward a little.

With a buzz, a bright white beam flickered, and it only went out for a few seconds. However, there was a deafening roar from the opposite side. The monster-like battleship neck was directly penetrated through a large hole with a diameter of more than three meters, and with the perfect night vision ability, I could even see through this hole. Opposite things. Although the duration of Christina's blow was very short, the power of this one was quite amazing. It actually easily penetrated the monster's body and caused such terrible damage.

Although the big hole with a diameter of three meters is not particularly large for this monster, but because it is a penetrating injury, this one is actually quite serious. In the roar of the opponent, the bird flickered over it, and I took the opportunity to see clearly the appearance of Yusina and the Gun God.

"I depend, did you see that?" I asked Christina unbelievably.

Christina nodded stupidly. "They seem to be tied to it!"

"What happened over the Rainbow League?"

"Is it really a mutiny?" Christina asked uncertainly.

In fact, I'm not sure, but at this time we didn't work hard to discuss this, because the monster has already reacted. After roaring, this guy's huge head turned directly to our side, and then saw the third eye on his forehead flashed suddenly, a red light flashed, and the flying bird was rolling beautifully in the air. The red beam flashed past.

"Nima! I'm scared to sweat!"

"Be careful, here again!" Christina shouted.

"Jump!" I grabbed Christina directly and kicked the bird's back, jumping straight up. Because of my kick, the bird sank straight down, and we flew up. The red beam passed directly between us, and almost missed it.

The battleship monster's eyes flashed for the third time. This time, I separated from Asuka. Putting Christina back on my back, I quickly pulled out the top of Dragon Shield in front of me, and Christina also quickly gave me a temporary reflection shield.

Hum, there was a loud noise, and Christina's reflective shield broke instantly, but the rays passing through were obviously dim a lot, and it was easily bounced off by my dragon shield.

"Continue to brush the shield." I yelled and opened the training space at the same time. The night shadow turned into a black mist and appeared quickly under my body. As soon as we caught it, we jumped and disappeared into a black mist . The beam of the battleship monster passed through the dark mist but hit nothing.

Jumping out of the other side of the battleship monster, I immediately waved and flung forward, a black light blade flew out. The battleship monster seemed to have a hunch, turning his head and slap in the past. With the sound of a crisp sound, the black light blade I threw out was fluttered directly.


"The verdict." Lingling grabbed the holy sword and appeared directly in the form of advanced skills. A white light flashed. The battleship monster was hit by a hit on the neck. The scale was broken and a lot of black liquid was sprayed. Out. This thing is really not a pure creature, its blood looks more like motor oil.

The battleship monster who hit a move immediately stood up with four legs behind, and then the two front paws were going to catch Lingling, but Ling appeared at this time to attack the battleship monster with a lot of dense black light **** in the other direction. The paw of that guy was instantly flung on the flesh.

"Hmm ..." The painful battleship monster roared and opened his mouth in the direction of Ling, and then we found out that this guy had no tongue in his mouth and replaced it with a long, complicated device. This stuff created a light sphere in front of the battleship monster immediately after opening its mouth. This light sphere is very strange. Its main body is basically black, just like a black hole, but there are many blue blood vessels on its surface. The white arc flickered and looked quite strange.

After the light ball appeared, the teeth in the battleship monster's mouth seemed to become electric shockers, and they started to emit arcs, but these arcs were all connected to the middle light ball. In just over a second, the light ball changed from a basketball size to a big guy with a diameter of more than three meters.

After the light ball gathering was completed, the battleship monster suddenly shook his head at the fierce, and the light ball flew out instantly. Although the speed was not as fast as the speed of light, it was quite amazing.

Seeing that Ling was about to be hit, Jingjing suddenly appeared in front of Ling, and then spread the Aegis to connect it. Along with a loud bang, the Aegis was directly blown away, Jingjing and Ling were lifted off by the shock wave, and they were caught by Xiaochun after turning over in the air and not knowing how many followers.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!" Seeing that Jingjing couldn't stop this guy's attack, I could only order to withdraw. Christina reluctantly sent the guy a bunch of magic missiles, but although it blew up some scales, it could be said that it had little effect.

It seemed that we had hit this guy many times in a battle just now, but whether it was Cristina's puncture damage or Lingling's attack later, it was basically a thunderstorm with little rain. Although they all caused a considerable amount of damage to this guy, the damage to this volume of creatures is like a person accidentally cut his finger with a paper knife. Although it hurts and bleeds, to kill it with injuries of this magnitude, we must be busy for at least a few days.

At the end of the battle, we quickly evacuated from the scene, and the opponent chased us and launched a lot of attacks, but this guy's crosshair seems to be not very good, especially for our target that is too small for it, its attacks are basically Easily dodge without causing any damage.

This guy stopped attacking after we got out of the scope of its investigation. It seems that it has no intention of chasing. As for why not chase me, I can't think of it.

Fearing that this guy would follow us to find the location of the Junior Super Aviation Battleship, we made a big circle and finally jumped back with the ability of Night Shadow.

As soon as we got back on the boat, we were surrounded by everyone, and the Chuang Wang asked anxiously: "How is it? Has the strength of that thing been tested?"

I nodded and said, "It's probably a bit frowning."

"Come on!" Werma urged.

"First of all, this thing's reconnaissance ability is not strong. Targets of this size can only be found within five kilometers of the cover of the night. At the time we did not use any camouflage and hiding skills, so we only It shows that the other party's detection capability is average. "

"If the detection capability is average, can we use our mirage system to approach quietly?" Chuang Wang asked.

"This is temporarily uncertain because we don't know what his investigative capabilities depend on."

"What about other aspects?" Hongyue asked.

Christina helped me: "The thing in the Rainbow League is very defensive, and our attacks can produce good killing effects, but one thing is very problematic, that is, it is too big. Our attack is for it It's like tying a person with a toothpick and feeling pain, but it's not easy to kill. "

"That is to say it still needs a battleship?" Chuang Wang confirmed.

I thought about it: "Junior super aerospace warships have to be on board. We don't have enough destructive power. There is no way to cause serious injuries. Only the large weapons on the super super aerospace warships can do enough damage. But luckily this thing "We don't have a strong defense, so we have a big win."

"Apart from these things, what else do you know?"

"This guy's attack is very strong." I said, "My magic pets can't be blocked, so if the junior super aviation battleship is hit, it should be quite serious. If you can't hold it, you will be * Drop. "

"What can we do then?"

"I'll talk about this later." I interrupted Chuangwang and said, "We also found a very strange phenomenon during the investigation."

"What a strange phenomenon?"

"It's the young lady and the gun **** of the Rainbow Alliance who are now **** with their hands and feet upside down on the spine of that monster's back."

"Ah? You mean that Elsa and the Gun God were tied to the mast?" Hongyue asked in surprise.

I nodded and said, "That's almost it. We also deliberately looked closer, it was the two of them."

"But how could they be hung on their own boat?" Zhenhong asked. "Can it be a rebellion?"

"In the beginning, we thought the same way, but now it doesn't seem right. This situation seems unreasonable."

Hongyue also nodded: "Yes, Zi Ri is right. Even if someone wants to engage in a coup, it is impossible to do it at such a time and place. Therefore, the gun gods are hung on their own boats, and it is definitely not their rainbow. The Alliance did it themselves. "

"But if it wasn't for the Rainbow League, what would it be?"

"I don't know about your question." I shrugged helplessly, then looked at Woma. "How many drone attack aircraft are on our junior superairship?"

"A few hundred more." Woma looked at me and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I think there is a way to deal with such a big guy."

"You said."

I explained: "This fusion battleship of the Rainbow Alliance has now become like a monster, and it even has the characteristics of a creature, that is, this thing now has only one will. In normal naval battles, a ship Battleships can attack multiple targets at the same time, especially anti-aircraft firepower, and can attack multiple targets at the same time. However, the concentration of the creature determines that the creature can usually only lock on one target at a time to attack.

For this reason, I thought of using a lot of bait to attract the other party's attention. As long as the biological battleship can't concentrate on attacking us, we will have a chance to approach the opponent quietly. "

"and then?"

"Then it will be simple." I said, "Then we can directly confront this guy, focus the fire and make a hole in it, then the most important one. The junior super ship that made the team the most injured. The aviation warship directly opened the impactor, crashed into the opponent's hull, and then overloaded the solar furnace, blasting him from the inside at once. "

My method made all the people in the bridge stupid, because they had never thought that this hot method could be used.

"Don't you feel crazy?" I asked as I watched the room.

After hesitating for a while, Chuang Wang first responded. "No, President. Your approach is really good. Although the strange battleship of the Rainbow Alliance is very strong, its defense is not strong, and there are six solar furnaces on our junior super aviation battleship. Once this solar furnace The overload exploded, and its power was comparable to that of a small tactical nuclear weapon. This time it detonated six, and I didn't believe it would be killed. "

"But something so expensive as a solar oven is detonating ..." Woma was obviously reluctant.

Hongyue patted the table and said, "I can't bear the child's impatient wolf, let's go crazy this time! Zi Ri's suggestion is also the most reliable way at present."

It is obvious that everyone basically agrees with my method. Although this method will inevitably lead to the loss of at least one junior super aviation warship, we have only five junior super aviation warships left. If you rely solely on the firepower of these five junior super aviation warships, it will take a long time to kill this big guy, and the firepower of the other party is very strong, which means that even if we want to fight against it, in the end The result can only be wiped out.

Therefore, since a junior super-aircraft warship is destined to sink, instead of wasting it for nothing, it is better to go directly to the enemy and hug the enemy. It's enough to kill at least one.

After everyone has determined the plan, they start to prepare for each. As a result of an assault, our junior super aerospace warships must undergo final adjustments and renovations. Although there is no way to perform decent maintenance on the conditions here, at least some damaged areas can be repaired slightly. In real battles, victory is often the result of these small details, and failure is actually the same. So we need to eliminate the possibility of failure as much as possible and at the same time actively increase the possibility of victory.

According to my plan, first we need to use long-range artillery to interfere with the opponent's line of sight, and then in the second, the drone attacker will emerge from the nest. After all, there is no need to use the drone attack aircraft, so in this battle we will use a thorough suicide attack tactic, that is, the drone attack aircraft are all used as intelligent missiles. It is believed that these drone attack aircraft can interfere with the vision of the Rainbow Alliance warship, so that our junior super aviation warships can get as close as possible to the enemy. You know our side is our only hope.

As long as these drone attack aircraft can completely hold the attention of the Rainbow Alliance super battleship, we will be half successful, so the key to this battle is the drone attack aircraft. These small things can't be rushed too fast, because we need a certain battlefield interruption time, otherwise our primary super aviation warships will be troublesome if they are found far away. However, on the other hand, although these drone attack aircraft cannot rush too fast, they must not be too slow, because if they attack too low, they cannot completely attract the attention of the Rainbow Alliance monster warship, and as long as that guy's attention Without the ability to move away from us junior super aviation warships, our battles will become very passive.

After the plan was set, our fleet began to be busy preparing for preparations, but there was another scene on the Rainbow Alliance side.

Just inside the super-monster-like battleship, a large group of players of the Rainbow Alliance were suspended in that special room in various strange poses. These people are now providing a continuous supply of energy to that huge battleship as if they were humanoid batteries. Almost all of these players' blood-recovering and magic-returning abilities have now become the ability of this monster battleship, because it is absorbing the blood and energy of these players and recovering their wounds a little bit.

Although the Super Monster battleship used the players of the Rainbow Alliance as batteries, the players of the Rainbow Alliance were obviously not the kind of people willing to be used as batteries by the warships they once drove.

Although the players of the Rainbow Alliance are suspended in the air and absorbed energy and blood, their will is not affected at all, and they are still very awake. As a normal person who can think, these players of the Rainbow Alliance and of course will not wait for themselves to be drained, they are actually trying to find a way.

Because their thoughts are clear, they can now communicate and talk with each other. One of the guys winked at the companion hanging around him, and that companion immediately shouted to the other person around him: "Hey, I thought of a way to solve this monster battleship as soon as I tell you. You all Do what I say, everyone is ready. "

The player did not say what to do after speaking, but waited for a while, and then began to curse the control core of this super warship aloud, but after a long time, there was still no slight reaction.

After these two confirmations, the player immediately excitedly said to the people around him: "Great, this thing doesn't have the ability to monitor here, it doesn't know what we are talking about."

The surrounding people were relieved as soon as they heard this.

The player who first winked said to a person around him, "Hey, you can try to shake yourself and swing yourself over."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I have a short knife in the side of my boots. You are just at the right height. You can pull it out by biting the handle after swinging directly."

"Okay, let me try."

The Rainbow Alliance players in the belly of this super battleship and while busy playing the escape game, our preparations have been gradually completed, and now I can start the attack with my order, but We decided to give everyone a little rest first. Let most people sleep for an hour in the game, and then I wake everyone up and start preparing for the attack.

The next battle will be very dangerous, so we have to be careful. Especially the junior super aviation warship. This is the key to victory. We have only five junior super aerospace warships left. If all of them were sunk before crashing into the opponent's body, we will have no plans to talk about later, so we must ensure that the junior super aerospace warship can Reach the other side, otherwise everything will be free.

"Are you ready?" I asked aloud, watching the players around the bank.

Those in the guild immediately responded to my questions by shouting and ready. I nodded with satisfaction, and then shouted in the communication channel: "Attention, all junior super aviation warships, fire, full speed, let's rush up."

"Understand, ignite, at full speed." All the junior Super Aviation battleships suddenly and neatly dazzled the flames at that moment and began to accelerate towards the monster battleship opposite.

After all of our junior super aerospace battleships were on the road, I again ordered ~ ~ to start to release the Caixiong attack aircraft. "

"Greek attack aircraft released."

The launch ports around all the junior super-aircraft warships opened, and a large number of male-to-air attack aircraft swarmed out. Although more than half of the Heroes attack aircraft have been lost in previous battles, the remaining number is still quite exaggerated, and soon a large crowd of Heroes attack aircraft appears around us.

"Very good, keep the current state. The Hsifeng attack aircraft accelerated, went to the front of the team, formed a dense formation, blocked us, and never let the opposite monster see us."

Although the Xiongfeng attack aircraft did not answer, they answered my words with action. They quickly accelerated to form a dense flight formation in front of our five junior super aerospace warships. Although the gap between these Xifeng attack aircraft is very large, but Because there are too many male wind attack aircraft, and the layers are overlapping and blocking, it is actually not easy to see what is on the opposite side, and our purpose is this. Let that monster battleship not know that our junior super aerospace battleship is just behind the Hsiung Feng attack aircraft group, and by the time it notices it, we are already at a very close range. In this way, even if its firepower is fierce, then it will be lack of skills. R1152

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