Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 415: Revenge and loot

"Target is north, full sail, full speed. △ Vertex Novel, .."

Under my command, the ghost ship underneath burst into super high speed, galloping all the way to the north. Of course, the dark power on my body is also being absorbed in large quantities, but this is not a problem for us. Because I still have a Yan Wangling in my hand. The king of the dark is the boss of Yin Cao Di Fu. This Yin is also a kind of dark power, so it can greatly supplement my consumption.

I did not expect that his broken ship could run out of this speed. The undead were desperately holding things such as masts that could stabilize their bodies to prevent them from being thrown out. The undead knight was standing in the bow and going crazy with excitement. The cowboy screamed.

In fact, it's almost as we imagined. Although the submarine relied on more than 400 meters of seawater to offset most of the attacks, it was a weapon against the city that could destroy a city, so even if it was hidden more than 400 meters deep, it could not completely escape. The spread of this weapon. Fortunately, although the seawater did not completely block these attacks, it at least offset most of the attacks. In addition, the submarine also had a protective cover, so the submarine finally survived, but the submarine at this time can already be said to be thousands. Sore holes.

If you enter the submarine's engine room, you will find that three of the four magic crystal power generators here are smoking out crazy, and the remaining one is turning hard with a harsh metal friction sound. At present, this submarine is relying on the only power system to make the lowest speed, and the remaining three have been completely scrapped and no repairs are required.

In fact, the power system is still a small problem. The real serious problem is the hull. As the first protection, the hull of this submarine has been burned beyond recognition, and many external facilities have been melted down. The periscope, magic antenna, induction magic array, protective magic array, and cabin door were all burned into a mass of metal solution, and then cooled by seawater to become a solid block connected together. If it weren't for the amazing destructive power of the players in the game, these people would surely be blocked in the submarine. However, this is not a big problem for players. Burning through the door with flame magic is only a matter of time.

Because this submarine currently has only one thruster that can work at low speed, and because the propeller used for propulsion is almost burned into a ball of metal. Despite simple repairs, the shape is still not regular, the angle is not in place, and the speed of the drive shaft is very low, so the actual power of this thruster is very small, and the entire submarine can only maintain a speed of about 3 knots. What's more troublesome is that because the steering system is completely destroyed, the submarine can now only rely on manual steering, that is, it requires artificial use of the player's power to turn the hull from the outside.

The method used by the Frozen Banshee is to use her magic to create two rudders made of ice outside the hull. She can control the direction of the ice rudder auxiliary control, but because this thing will damage the water flow and increase resistance, it can not be maintained all the time. It can only be obtained when turning, and it must be canceled when not in use. You can't turn too often, you can only keep going straight.

Compared to this run-down submarine, our speed is much faster. The speed of the ghost ship quickly reached its limit under my control. Then it seemed like a grasshopper along the way, hopping forward on the water. Each time the bottom of the ship collided with the water, it bounced up again, flying out of the boss and falling into the water again, and then continued to fly. Rather than sailing on the water, we are flying in the air, because the ship is in contact with the water for less than half the time it leaves the water.

The hurricane's rushing ghost ship quickly reached the target, while the bird responsible for reconnaissance reportedly found the target at high altitude.

Because I didn't plan to wait for the other party to return to Hong Kong slowly. So we didn't mean to slow down at all, the ghost ship rushed up at full speed directly.

On the submarine where the Frozen Banshees were, a person was chatting in the depression, and he saw a huge thing behind him approaching at a rapid speed. One of them stood up alertly and shouted, "Look, there is something coming ! "

"So fast!"

A few people had just spoken a few words, and that thing had already flown very close. The previous little black spot can clearly see the eleven ships, but this strange ship is letting The surrounding Russian guild presidents froze for a moment, because this is not a steel battleship, but a wooden sail battleship full of dark mist.

"Ghost ship?"

We in Frost Rose League have a ghost ship of the entire fleet. Of course, the president of the Russian guild has seen it, so he recognized it at a glance, but it was the first time they could see a ghost ship that could run so fast. Here.

Although these Russian guild presidents have all seen the ghost ship, after all, the experience of being a guest is basically zero, so few people know that the speed of the ghost ship is related to the strength of the dark power provided by the core holder. They all think that the speed of the ghost ship is determined by the performance of the hull itself. After all, the speed of the ghost ships in our guild is normal, and it is not much different from the ordinary sail ships.

It was because of this misconception that they didn't know why the ghost ship in front of them was so fast. They almost came to everyone in the blink of an eye. As a result, the ship was close enough to start the attack before they responded. To the point.

I didn't come over to say hello. Of course I wouldn't be polite to them. After entering the range, the ghost ship flew a tail and aimed the left gun door at the submarine. A series of shells flew out.

The power of the Ghost Ship's shells is not calculated based on the power of the artillery, so don't think that iron armor can block the Ghost Ship's shells. Although most of the shells fired by the ghost ship are solid projectiles, they are less powerful than those of explosive charges.

When the first round of artillery shells flew over, the presidents of the Russian guilds were still in a daze, waiting for the shells to come forward before they thought of hiding. Of course, it was too late, and they were instantly overturned by several people. However, these are the presidents of the Russian guilds, and their strength and equipment are not bad, so except for a bad guy who was headshot by a cannonball, everyone else was just seriously injured.

The Frozen Banshee has seen me standing on the bow of the boat at this time, but she hasn't waited for her to rise. The ghost ship suddenly started again, turning in the opposite direction, aiming the artillery on the other side at the submarine, and then another round of shelling.

After the second round of shells hit, we started to accelerate forward. A hatch on the top of the submarine over there was being torn open by several players. Then several people inserted a metal stick as a crowbar and forced the door, which had been deformed by the previous high temperature, to forcibly open.

As the hatch opened, a seemingly complex magic weapon rose from below.

At first glance, it looks like an old-style microscope that has been magnified many times. The side of the microscope's eyepiece is the muzzle, and the position of the objective lens below is a star device, but there are many protrusions on the device like the different magnification lenses on the microscope.

After this thing rose, the muzzle began to fall, and then pointed quickly at us. Then, at the tail of the thing, the protrusions on the surface of the sphere began to glow, and at the same time, a thin white bright line was shot at the muzzle. It's like a laser.

I thought this thing was really something like a laser transmitter. So desperately maneuvering the ghost ship to avoid this beam of less than one centimeter in diameter, but the muzzle of the opponent was adjusted quickly, so I was still exposed. However, it was unexpected that this thing seemed to have no power at all, and it had no effect on the hull.

Fortunately for me, I saw that the luminous protrusions on the spherical structure of the launcher on the other side suddenly smashed inward, and then a white ball of light was shot at the muzzle. This light sphere is extremely fast, although it can be seen that it is a sphere and not a beam. But because the movement speed is too fast, only a thick bright line can be seen flashing past.

This light sphere moves along the previous beam. It is equivalent to saying that the previous light beam was the aiming line for guidance. Now the light ball suddenly appears, the speed is too fast to respond, and it directly hit the middle and rear of our hull in less than a second.

With a loud noise, the entire ghost ship flew horizontally seven or eight meters away, and the entire rear of the ship was blown up. The front half of the hull was rolling and sinking.

This sudden change surprised me. I found her before I saw the Frozen Banshee, so I don't need to interrogate, because as long as the Frozen Banshee is here, the identity of the other party is self-evident. Of course, after knowing that it was a Russian ship. I started to be cautious, because I know that the Banshee House of the Frozen Banshee is a technical guild like our Frost Rose Alliance, and the magic technology is very powerful. However, I never expected that the other party's submarine was equipped with such terrible weapons. Of course, the reason why it is so powerful may be mainly because we are ghost ships, and we have a better impression of energy attacks. If metal warships are better, it will be much better.

Anyway, the boat is gone, of course I can't wait here to sink with the boat.

Summoning the night shadow, I turned over and jumped up, and then riding the night shadow on the submarine in front of the waves and rushed over.

Although the opponent's weapon can be rotated flexibly, it is more strenuous to aim at such a volume and speed target, so although the light beam swept around me, it could not always be locked.

Probably also knew that this weapon could not really be aimed at me, so people started the concept shooting directly. I saw the protrusion of the spherical object on the rear end of the weapon that had completely sunk in. Suddenly it started to slowly revolve counterclockwise and then retreated, and then it started to re-emit light. Obviously this was a concentration process, similar to artillery loading or spell reading. Sure enough, when the brightness of those protrusions reached the limit, these things suddenly smashed into the sphere again, and at the same time, the front of the cannon shot the kind of light ball again.

The opponent's attack did not hit, but hit the sea less than three meters in front of me, and instantly stirred up the waves and water vapor, Ye Ying and my completely unprepared crashed into it, and lost balance and turned around . Ye Ying struggled a bit in the sea before rising again, and I was slightly better, because at this moment I was standing slowly on a huge head.

When I saw me coming out, the presidents of the Russian guilds didn't respond, but when I saw the things I stepped on, they were all gone.

"Oh **** it!"

"What the **** is that?"

The reason why these Russian guild presidents respond so much is because the things under my feet are too big. This is the largest of all my pets, none.

Heiyan is a creature from the sea of ​​silence. None of the creatures living in the black ocean formed by the accumulation of negative energy are amiable creatures. The creatures here are all the most cruel monsters. Even when the demon comes here, he will feel like an angel, and Hei Yan is a hegemonic existence even in that kind of place. Because he is the super sea snake in the sea of ​​silence.

When the heads of Heiyan rose from the sea, the presidents of the Russian guilds discovered that this thing was only half the size of their submarine. It's unknown how long the body below is, but if you look at this shape, if it's not something like a snake-necked dragon, it's a snake. If it's a snake, it's better. If the shape of the snake-necked dragon is like that, the volume will never be much smaller than an island. However, even a snake, how long should the body be? Eight kilometers? Ten thousand meters?

"I'm all dazed, open fire!" The Frozen Banshee is a big sister, and responds quickly. She yelled and pulled everyone's souls back.

The gang of Russian guild members who responded quickly began to urge the cannon to fire, and the energy cannon turned quickly.

Compared to my small and fast target. Hei Yan is a very good target, because although he is fast, but the volume is too large, it is really easy to hit.

The cannon, which completed its aiming in less than two seconds, quickly fired, and the light ball flew out. Although Hei Yan diddge, he was hit. But the effect is ...

With a scream, Hei Yan raised a large white flame. Heiyan screamed at the same time, but after the explosion. What should be hit is still the same, as if someone was punched by someone, it hurts and hurts, the body itself will not show any obvious changes, at least there will be no missing one or more large holes Happening.

After Hei Yan was hit, he just screamed, and he seemed to have no response at all. Even the scales have not changed at all. The black, bright obsidian scales shone in the sun and looked like gems.

The angry melancholy didn't need me at all. I sang the submarine and bit it down with a roar. The following Russian guild president rushed forward when he saw his head coming, but he ran into the second half of the submarine without running two steps. With a loud noise, the front half of the submarine jumped up. Then it started to sink, and the surrounding sea was full of floating debris and crowds desperately paddling.

Hei Yan completely sank the submarine with a single blow. Of course, in fact, he did not really destroy it completely, but bit off the stern part in one bite.

Although Hei Yan is a sea snake in the still sea, in fact, he has nothing to do with snakes, at most it looks like it. Therefore, Hei Yan's mouth is not only fangs like ordinary snakes, but sharp teeth with a mouth full like a dragon. At this point, even the hull of the submarine failed to hold his attack.

However, this mouthful was not actually sent out with anger, but my order, because although the submarine was broken, the weapon was being held in the mouth by Hei Yan. This is the real goal of this mouth. This thing is so powerful, wouldn't you be so sorry if you didn't get back to research?

Putting down the launcher, Hei Yan and I resurfaced, and at this time a lot of rays of teleportation have been lit on the sea. Obviously these people already know that they can't beat us, so they have to run.


When I saw these people about to run, I reminded aloud, Hei Yan immediately noticed, and his tail suddenly waved from the bottom of the sea among these people. With a rising water wall, all nearby people were taken off, and the light from the teleportation scroll in their hands was immediately interrupted. The preparation time for the teleportation reel in the battle is obviously too long, and it is impossible to rely on this kind of thing to escape. In fact, the teleportation reel is indeed not for players to retreat on the battlefield.

"Zi Ri, you bastard!" The Frozen Banshee slaps the water angrily, and then a large layer of ice appears at her feet, gradually lifting it out of the water.

This place is closer to the Arctic Ocean than before. It is very easy to freeze ice, so a lot of ice floes quickly appeared around us. Those falling Russian players have all climbed up the ice floes. There is no drowning, but as long as I am in Here. Their hope of survival is essentially zero.

"I said the Frozen Banshee, you don't stay in your ice cubes. Is it always interesting to bother us? Now you know that you are angry? What did you do when you attacked us before?"

"Hum, you guy is full of crooked mouthfuls, so I don't bother to care about you." The ice-bound banshee jumped on the ice directly after she said it. Of course, it was impossible for her to jump onto Melanin's head. Because she was hit by Hei Yan's huge tail in midair. However, the Frozen Banshee is not so easy to deal with. She used her ability to create an ice shield to block it. Although the power of Heiyan is very abnormal, she will directly smash this Frozen shield, but the Frozen Lady The demon ran away with this opportunity.

The frozen banshee that fell on the sea did not fall into the water, but fell on an ice surface. After looking at the surrounding environment, she actually jumped into the sea.

I was a little surprised to see the Frozen Banshee diving herself, but it was such a time that I was not afraid of her. With the tap of my finger, a large sea of ​​water around the frozen banshee fell into the water and suddenly flew up. The Frozen Banshee was also taken out of the sea along with the seawater, and before she fell, a shock wave hit the Frozen Banshee and separated it from the sea.

People can't control their bodies in the air, but the flying pets on my side are piles and piles.

The Frozen Banshee, who had a falling trend at first, was quickly sprayed by a lucky dragon. Not only did her body start to rise again, but she also suffered severe fire damage. This was also the result of her resistance using ice magic. Otherwise it will definitely be worse. After all, the dragon's dragon flame jet power is a powerful skill in addition to its name. Usually used in large-scale team battles to clear the field. At such a close distance, the Frozen Banshee has almost fully withstood the full power of Long Yan's jets. Immortality can be regarded as her outstanding performance.

Just when Frozen Banshee was blown into the sky by Long Yan. Suddenly a huge tail drew across. Of course, the Frozen Banshee, who was defeated by a series of attacks, can't escape such attacks, and the result is that they are sturdy and the whole person flies like a home baseball.

"Come on, you." The Frozen Banshee, who was able to fly at least a few kilometers away at this pace, had just shot up less than 200 meters before being shot again by another big tail. But this time it wasn't the third tail that greeted her, but a big mouth.

The icy banshee in the tumble has actually seen the jewel dragon below shining brightly in the sun, but she has no way to resist, and can only helplessly watch the dragon bite Up her belly. With a click. The Frozen Banshee was cut into two pieces directly in mid-air. The lower body was swallowed by Mira, and the upper body rolled and continued to fall towards the sea. However, this half of the body also failed to land, because Heiyan was opening his mouth. Continues below. He didn't even touch the frozen banshee and fell directly into Melanin's stomach. For Hei Yan, swallowing a volume of a frozen banshee is as simple as swallowing a mung bean.

Of course, it is impossible for the Frozen Banshee to make a big noise in the belly of Hei Yan as Sun Monkey enters the belly of Princess Iron Fan, because one of the simplest problems-Hei Yan's belly is actually a black hole.

Hei Yan is not a creature on the main map. He is a monster coming out of the sea of ​​silence. Compared with him, these so-called monsters on the ground should be renamed Meng pet. The digestive system of this guy is mainly composed of extremely tough esophagus and black hole-like digestive system with absolutely no adhesion at all. The main part of this black hole-like digestive system is the huge stomach, and this stomach is full of ultra-miniature black holes produced by gravity anomalies. After everything enters, it will be torn apart by the gravitational force of these black holes, and then it is the turn of the digestive system to dissolve and absorb. Moreover, even the decomposition and absorption are not completed by stomach acid, because the seawater of the still sea is more powerful than hydrofluoric acid, what is really seen to corrode, as long as the positive energy substances contact this stuff, it will be finished . Therefore, digestive juice is useless to the creatures here, so the creatures here will not have such things as digestive juices. In addition to the black hole-like decomposition system in their digestive system, the rest is a law converter. This is a digestion process similar to the atomic reaction. The general principle is that the contacted material is decomposed into elementary particles, and then the mass energy is converted to convert the elementary particles into elementary energy.

Because this digestive system breaks down everything into energy, no residue is produced. In other words, melanitis has no excretion system, and anything he eats will be absorbed into energy. During this period, the mass of matter is converted into energy according to the mass-energy equation, so the final product is a pile of energy, and its mass is zero, which means that there is no matter remaining. Of course, the actual nuclear physical reaction also generates energy in the process of losing mass. However, the reactants will only become lighter, and they will not really disappear completely, but the digestive system of melanitis in the game is such a cow, and even the residue will not leave you.

In fact, melanin's ability is really a good attribute for me, and for one reason-to save money.

Everyone else sees that I have so many magic pets, and they seem to be very envious of me. They don't know. If most people have so many magic pets, they may be eaten into bankruptcy in minutes.

Do you think dragons eat dog food? People are good at eating meat. and. Even dog food, even a few tons of meal for a dragon, can still eat across the average well-off house. Besides, I'm not the only one here.

Fortunately, their four dragons are big stomach kings, and they are all calculated on the basis of tons. Basically, ten tons of meat are not enough for a meal. Mira is a material dragon, so she does n’t eat much meat. She just takes meat as a snack, but she is even more worried because others eat gems.

Do you know why Jewel Dragon is so beautiful? Because the body is made of precious stones. We are mammals and our bodies are made of proteins. So what we eat is also protein, whether it is plant protein or animal protein. It's all protein anyway. As for the so-called vitamins and crude fiber, those things are auxiliary. In the final analysis, in addition to sugar and trace elements, organisms mainly take protein.

Gemstone is not made of protein. They are made of gems, so they eat gems. Eating meat is a source of energy. Eating gems is a supplement to the physical needs of the body.

The two big bugs, the tank and the red spiny, are relatively cheap. People are bugs. They eat everything, plants and animals. The four dragons and other monsters that I usually kill outside are thrown at them. So it does n’t cost much.

Xiao Long Nu and Xiao Feng are also large magic pets, but Xiao Feng basically does not eat. If there is fire, it ’s enough to eat because the mouth is so tight. Although the little dragon girl is a Shenlong and her body size is not small, she is a monk, eats and drinks, absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, and basically does not need money for the staple food. However, even so, the cost of food for the dragon girl is still not low, because her complementary food is expensive. Divine dragons are not the same as dragons. Dragons are like savages. As long as they have meat, they are not raw or cooked, but Shenlong only eats exquisite food, or it is a small but expensive dish made by a famous chef Either some rare and terrible things such as fresh fruit **** dew. Generally speaking, the amount is not large, but the price is more expensive than four dragons and one piece.

Among the large magic pets brought by Ziri is that these guys can eat the most, but the rest are not cheap to eat. Those humanoid pets are basically goddesses or powerful creatures, the food is complex, and it must be very expensive. The magic pets of Yinyue's band are even more terrible. They are all difficult to serve, such as the goddess Corolla. Her main food is all kinds of will. There is no way to collect the will of the will, so she can only absorb the soul with a strong restraint, so her food is all kinds of grudges and heroes, and it must be very rare anyway.

Anyway, these magic pets on me, if you change for ordinary players, you will definitely go bankrupt in minutes, but only Heiyan can afford it.

Because the digestive system of melanitis converts matter into energy, theoretically, as long as it is matter, it has a certain quality. In other words, anything you can find on earth in actual form is his food. Dirt, seawater, stones, plants, any animal, even air. These are all things that can be eaten by melanitis, and like mud, rocks, and seawater are all super easy to find, absolutely enough. The most important thing is not to have money.

Of course, although these things can be eaten, Hei Yan is still more inclined to eat meat, so generally the monsters I killed when fighting outside will not bury the body, but all will be collected by Fenglong. Anyway, there are so many my pets, with all kinds of tastes. The bodies of these monsters are basically meat, so it is definitely not a waste to get them back.

However, Hei Yan's appetite is too big, so the monster corpses we collected must not be enough for him to eat. And because he is definitely not enough, we must give priority to other meat-eating pets, and the rest is his, or he will be hungry when he is full. Anyway, the melanitis that is not enough can eat soil and stone, no longer drink water in the sea, or eat air in the sky. Gas is also a kind of substance. Although not hungry, I can deal with it temporarily.

Although I rarely voluntarily let the pets eat people, I do n’t mind if they really eat them. After all, the players and pets in the game are not a species originally, just like the wolf eats people and humans eat animals Very normal thing. As long as it's not a humanoid pet to eat people. That's why I don't like Lilith very much, because she is the only humanoid in my magic pet and she especially likes to eat people.

After swallowing the Frozen Banshee, Hei Yan's eyes turned to those nearby Russian guild presidents and other Russian players. The result was, of course, quite tragic. Hei Yan was swallowed directly against the sea and the sea. Many people desperately wanted to swim, but all of them were washed back by the sea water and inhaled into Hei Yan's mouth.

Watching Hei Yan swallow up all the Russian players and afterwards I was not in a hurry, but took Adina and the Dragon Girl together to let Hei Yan open the way and head straight towards the bottom of the sea.

The previous submarine was half swallowed, and half of it sank to the bottom. Since the other party can be equipped with a cannon with a strange shape and mighty power, maybe there are other things worth noting, so I let Hei Yan go and fish this first half.

Because the front section of the submarine is too big. We can't put it in the Fenglong space, so we can only let Hei Yan wrap the wreckage with his tail and drag it away. Fortunately, Heiyan is big enough. Even a thing of this size can still swim very fast. However, because Hei Yan's posture was strange when he moved with that thing, so I couldn't stand on my head. I had to let the little dragon girl swim along in the body shape, and I was sitting on the dragon horn.

After passing the Bering Strait all the way south, I did not return directly to China, but first arrived at a Strait location on the Hokkaido side. There is a naval base of Masamoto Matsumoto here. I greeted Masamoto Matsumoto first, and then let Hei Yan bring the half of the submarine to this naval base.

This base originally belonged to the headquarters of a Japanese guild that was more inclined to the marine guild. Although this guild was not big, but because the main route was the marine route, their navy strength was not bad. And there is such a huge military port. This port not only has a large number of deep-water dock berths, but most importantly, there are several large berths here, which can repair and build multiple large-tonnage warships at the same time.

I came here, of course, not to build ships here, but to borrow equipment and personnel here.

This submarine is too big. Although Heiyan can tow, but the speed is limited, and most of this stuff is definitely useless. Even if we have the technology we need, it must be a small part of it. , So it's not cost-effective to go back with the whole bow.

All I have to do is to dismantle this huge bow here, and then use the technicians and equipment here to assist in the inspection of the dismantled parts here, throw them useless, and the rest is of course Take it back for further testing.

Of course, although Matsumoto is our Frost Rose League, but this cannot be known to Japanese players, so borrowing the slipway also needs to give some benefits. I also think about this benefit fee. Anyway, we must use only a part of the technology removed from this submarine. We simply throw the less advanced Japanese players here as a help fee. It can also be said that it is a business that Matsumoto has helped pull in. Local Japanese players must be very happy.

Since I greeted in advance, the Japanese players here were not surprised, but it was also because of the advance notice that many people here knew that I was coming over, so I found out when I actually went outside the port. The shore was crowded.

"I depend, what is the situation?"

"Maybe it's for the excitement," Xiaolong said.

"No matter, anyway, if there is any danger, Masamoto Matsumoto will definitely inform me in advance."

We continued slowly forward, and then two speedboats sailed ahead. This speedboat uses the appearance design of the yacht in reality, which looks quite beautiful, and the most important thing is that it runs fast.

After this thing approached, it first drew a u-shape around us, and then turned into the same direction as us before leaning on it. A Japanese player on the speed boat on the left yelled at me with a big horn: "Please President Ziri follow us to guide us."

"Understood. Please start guiding."

The inside of the harbor is different from the outside. There are fairways underwater. These fairways are dug out for the entry and exit of large ships. The depth of other places is shallow. Large ships will be stranded if they leave the range of the fairway, so foreign ships need to follow the guidance. go ahead. He Yan Yan and Xiao Long Nu are not afraid to run aground here. They could go ashore anyway, but they still sent a guide boat.

Following these two ships, we soon arrived in a very open water area. There were three slipways on each side of this place, but four of them were small slipways and only two were large slipways.

At this point, Hei Yan couldn't help anything. I summoned four dragons to help carry the super huge submarine wreckage.

"Look, that's Purple Sun." Many people on the shore pointed at me and started talking.

Although I was a household devil before I was in Japan, there weren't many people who actually met me in the field, and some even looked at it from a distance. Never approached. After all, for Japanese players, the two kilometer range around me is a super danger zone. It is inexplicable to be close to this range, so naturally, not many people have really seen me up close.

In the discussion of Japanese players, the four dragons carefully placed the submarine on the platform. After we set it up, the slipway began to rise, at the same time, the gates on both sides were closed, and the drainage system began to pump water. Soon, the water under the slipway was drained, and the slipway was raised to a certain height. Just grip the submarine so it won't sway.

After these things are in place, a large factory building comes up on the track in front. Yes, it's a house.

This thing should actually be a large gantry crane. However, it has six supporting legs, and the top is a zigzag frame. The top and left and right sides are covered with iron sheets, which means that it not only has a roof, but also walls on both sides. However, there are no obstructions on the two faces in the moving direction. This is probably to facilitate the movement.

After the house-like thing came over, it stopped directly on the platform of the submarine. Then the two vehicles on the zigzag frame inside were released. They can run on tracks and then lift large parts.

After this thing was in place, I was already stuck on the submarine, and both the Dragon Girl and Hei Yan were taken back by me, and I am here by myself now.

A group of Japanese players came over with a few, led by a non-combat player. The other party is obviously the kind of person who doesn't play games. It is estimated that they are working as management personnel.

Now “Zero” has eroded the real world more and more. Many real companies have closed down, shops have closed, and many industries have been transferred to the game. If this phenomenon is in peacetime, it will definitely attract the attention of governments of all countries, because it will have a very large impact on national strength. After all, industry and commerce have turned to the game, and everything in the game is virtual data in the end, in fact, it does not produce any actual value, so although it does not see much impact in the short term, the productivity of a country over a long period of time It must be a rapid decline. Because of this, the state normally limits this situation.

However, things are different now. In order to cope with the coming end of the world, countries are allocating resources and stepping up the construction of migrant ships, and this large-scale allocation of materials will inevitably cause problems in the supply of raw materials for many industries in the real world. And because the industrial chain transformation began to serve the construction of migrant ships, and this construction work needs to be kept secret, the remaining human resources in the society must be controlled. This has led governments not only to restrict everyone's access to the game, but also to introduce various encouragements and even half Coercive measures force you into the game. This has further exacerbated the depression in the real world.

In fact, although it still looks quite prosperous in the real world, in addition to the continuous expansion of industries related to raw material production and immigration ships, other industries are already consuming reserves, and with the consumption of reserves, These unimportant industries are gradually stopping. I estimate that there will be no more news about the end of a few months. After all, the large-scale shift in social resources involves too many people. Of course, what governments hope now is that they can cover one day at a time, and later, if there is a problem, they can squeeze out more immigrants, which is a good thing for the entire human race.

The leading guy in front of him is definitely a company management person in the real world, but now the real companies have gone bankrupt and closed. He is estimated to have been hired by the guild in the game.

After seeing me, the counterpart's official office explained to me that Masamoto Matsumoto told them how to cooperate ~ ~, and then confirmed that there were no objections, and began to direct the staff to work.

Our work is actually quite complicated, that is, we need to dismantle this big guy, after cutting it, remove all the things that don't seem to understand, and then bring them back for inspection. Of course, some things are left for the Japanese guilds. Can't people let their families work for nothing?

"Since President Ziri has no opinion, then we will follow this plan." After that guy started to instruct the man to prepare to cut the hull of the hull, but this work was still contracted by me because I showed a timeless After the cutting effect, they all knew that it would still make me do it faster. It took at least two or three days for them to use a cutting machine to remove the shell of this thing. I broke it into dozens of parts forever, and then I asked the Kirin Samurai to help, and quickly removed the shell. Anyway, the ever-changing little dagger cuts those metal parts just like cutting a tofu with a knife.

"Does the structure inside this thing look quite complicated?" I said to the Japanese player who was in charge of technology next to the shell after removing it.

The other party didn't seem to hear me at all. He stretched his eyes and stared at a place under the hull for a while. I followed his gaze and froze. (To be continued ...)

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