Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 426: Super Mission Copy

The reason why I was surprised was not because I saw any monsters, but because there was a faintly hidden archway between the mountains and forests behind me, and I could still see the plaque on the platoon from this position. Alas,

The plaques on this archway have a very distinctive style of heaven. The golden frame, blue silk bottom, and scarlet inscriptions are all consistent features of heaven.

According to the name written on this plaque, this place should be called-Suo Yao Lin.

Most people should not be surprised when they see this name, because listening to the name will make this place look like an ordinary leveling area. Think about it, lock the monster forest, it is natural to think that there must be a lot of monsters in it, and then players can continue to kill monsters as long as they go in. Isn't this a leveling area?

However, it is true for ordinary people, but it is not the case for informed people like me.

There are actually more than one Suolin forest, but two. The real Lock Demon Forest is a half-plane, similar to the legendary cave heaven, and can also be seen as a replica map in the game. Of course, this kind of copy will not be copied indefinitely, but only one, and there is no limit on the number and time of entry. As long as you have a way to enter, you can do whatever you like.

As for another locklock forest, this is the real leveling area. However, according to my understanding, the lock monster forest usually encountered by players is not really the lock monster forest, but the projection of the lock monster forest in the half plane on the main map, that is to say A lock demon forest condensed by power.

This fake lock demon forest and the real lock demon forest are not a thing at all. Although the former is a projection of the latter's power, the structure of the two and the internal monster types are different, so there is no reference other than the name. Sex.

Of course, the positions of the two lock monster forests are actually overlapping, and they share the same gate. That is, we see the archway with the words "Lock Demon Forest" written on it. As soon as you pass this archway, you will enter the area of ​​the lock demon forest, but normally you will enter the lock demon forest projected by that power, not the real lock demon forest.

In fact, we can use this plaque at the entrance of the lock demon forest as a portal, and the moment you pass it, it is equivalent to being teleported. However, this portal will be selectively teleported. Those who do not meet the requirements will be directly transferred to the fake lock monster forest, which is the lock monster forest where players level. Those who meet the requirements will get a reminder to choose which lock monster forest to teleport to. Of course, domestic players have basically never entered this person who really locks the monster forest, because the lock monster forest's transmission response start condition is-your name is not in the book of life and death.

The life and death book is in charge of all life and death reincarnation on the Huaxia land. In popular terms, players in China and all have records in the life and death book, so even if this is a well-known leveling area in China, few people know There are also true and false here.

Many people may be surprised, since this place does not allow all players recorded in the book of life and death to enter. And this thing was established in China, wouldn't it mean that no one can get in?

This is of course impossible because the gaming system does not set up a copy without players. Since the entry condition of the lock demon forest is a person not recorded in the book of life and death, it means that foreigners can. There are also people in China who have not been recorded in the book of life and death.

Foreigners understand this well, but not all foreigners can, because foreign players do not have a roster record in the book of life and death, but that means that you do not die in China. If the foreign player has died in China and the resurrection point is in China. Then temporary information will be recorded in the life and death book, which means that the foreigner will be disqualified. In other words, only foreigners who have not died in China can enter.

As for speaking domestically ... Of course, ordinary players cannot get in. But there is one kind of person who can be an exception, and that is the incumbent in heaven. In other words, as long as you are a fairy, you can go in.

So far, only five of the international players in our country who meet this requirement are me, true red, and gold coins. I'm Yan Wang, an absolutely authentic Heavenly Fairy, and I don't belong to the grassroots. Belongs to senior officials. True red and gold coins are not mixed in official positions, but because they are holders of national instruments. The holder of the national weapon itself is a state-level existence, so there is a formal canonization of the heavenly court, which is regarded as a goddess of duty, although it has no power. But it has a reputation, so it can be regarded as meeting the requirements.

I have only seen one of the remaining two people. It is a female player. It seems to be a fairy. It is a fairy gate player, and the level is high, and she passed the civil service exam in the court of heaven. Now she is a genuine god. There is another I just heard about, but I do n’t know what it ’s called or who it is. Anyway, the country is our five qualified players.

If foreign players are mixed in China for a long time, they are basically the same as those in our country, because you ca n’t always die, so foreign players who have been mixed in China for a long time ca n’t get in, and foreign players are not allowed because of time. Short, usually come with a purpose, it is impossible to go straight to this leveling area, so almost no one came.

Of course, it is not equal to all. Of course, there are players who accidentally come here for a few days to go in, but these people only send a little broken information. Many people think it is a rumor, but it is actually true.

Those foreign players who came here due to various accidents and suddenly thought of going to level here suddenly received the teleportation option when they passed through the lock monster forest archway, and then some of them chose the true lock monster forest. However, what they don't know is that all the demon in the real lock demon forest are all kinds of 8,000 to 10,000. Although everyone is sealed, even the leaked power projection has 2,000 to 5,000. Thousand-level combat power, is this kind of thing that ordinary players can touch?

Even if I am here, I can only single out the power of one or two monsters without losing, and I only have to run for three or more. Generally, players come in and die as much as they come, so all foreign players who come in are pitted without exception, and after going out, they will find that they can no longer enter, because their death here is equivalent to being recorded in Life and death books.

Although these foreign players will post some information about this on the forum later, because domestic players cannot get in, foreign players rarely come here. And they couldn't get in again, so their words were mostly rumored. However, if the average player does n’t know, it does n’t mean I do n’t know!

I knew about this place in heaven, and I remember that Erlang Shen, who was better with me, told me. At that time, Erlang God secretly gave me a note, told me to burn it after reading it, and then opened it and found some place marks and annotations. At first I hadn't responded, but later I wanted to understand that this is actually a map mark of super copy space in China. After that, I also imported the information of these places into the guild public map of our guild, and told us that the guild players encountered these places and walked around.

At that time, Erlangshen mentioned this lock demon forest, but Erlangshen did not say that he could not enter, but he roughly explained the rules of entry, and then told me that I would not go in before this place. If in case you want to go in. It is best to avoid the large buildings inside, and you must avoid them when you see them. Do not approach them, because although these large buildings look like places for people to live, they are actually equivalent to prisons. Come seal the monster. The reason why the building is so big is because the monsters inside are too strong and the seal is too small to hold him back. therefore. The larger the building, the farther away, because every such large building must be sealed with an old monster of class 10,000.

Now that this place is determined. I immediately summoned Bailang to follow us and look up. We first found the teleportation array that flew over our heads before, but obviously our previous concerns were blindly worrying because there was no one to guard them at all. But think about it right, since this place is outside the famous leveling area in China, and the traffic is so large, several foreigners are guarding in this kind of place. Are you going to be beaten by a group? Those who dare to despise China's population will eventually be beaten up.

Along the teleportation array, Bai Lang quickly determined the smell of the people in the Rainbow League, and then ran all the way under the archway of the Locked Forest.

Although this archway looks like the two pillars are supporting a luxuriously decorated door, it is the only entrance to the lock demon forest. Although this area is all mountain forests. It looks like there are entrances everywhere, but after testing by some die-hard lovers, the result of entering from other places is teleported to a certain distance from here, which means that if you keep running towards the lock demon forest, As soon as it comes into contact with the outside of Suomen Forest, it will be sent away immediately. When it appears, it will continue to run, and then it will become an endless loop. It will be useless as many times as it can never enter as long as it does not enter from the Suomen Forest archway.

When I arrived here, the team of sharp soldiers, of course, was immediately watched by the players ~ ~ But I did n’t have time to communicate with them for the time being, but I let Bai Lang smell the scent along with it, and the result was one thing. That is, the people in the Rainbow Alliance entered the real lock demon forest, because the smell of passing through the archway was immediately interrupted after choosing the fake lock demon forest. This shows that the other party was teleported into the real lock demon forest.

Now that you know that the other party has entered the True Lock Demon Forest, the next part will not be convenient for the vanguard group to follow. Once they ca n’t go at all, even if they go in, they will give them their combat power. The monsters deliver food, so if you want to go in, you need to recruit new players.

As mentioned before, people who can enter this true lock demon forest can only be Tianting's native gods or foreigners who have not died in the country, and there is a limitation in this, that is, no ordinary people can enter. After all, it's super weird, and it's useless for players to enter.

The only people I can think of who will meet the requirements of this bank are me and real red and gold coins, even Christina cannot bring them. It is not that she is not strong enough, but because Christina has died in China, and she is not a fairy, so her name is on the book of life and death. As long as someone with a name in the book of life and death can't enter this lock demon forest, so Christina can't count on it, all I can find is real red and gold coins. (To be continued ...) u

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