Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 443: Dangerous Underground World

According to the information recorded by the dolls, there is even a kingdom of God in this underground world, and it is a deserted kingdom of God. △,

The kingdom of gods is a half plane. It is a special half plane created by the protoss according to their needs. But usually one or two protoss can't do things like opening up the kingdom, because the required power is too strong, ordinary The Protoss is absolutely incompetent, and only the higher **** can establish the kingdom of God alone. The Mother Earth's garden is her kingdom of gods, which is the half plane she independently established.

Generally speaking, there will be a lot of wealth in this kind of place, because the Protoss will pile up all the good things they have collected in this half-plane. After all, there is no place more secure than this half-plane.

Although I am surprised that there is a deserted kingdom in this place, I think the credibility of the news is still guaranteed, and the credibility of the big head dolls is quite strong.

This scroll recording the information of the kingdom of God is not a collection task, but an investigation task. The mission content is to say that a large number of horrible monsters appear in the death channel, and the source of these monsters is in the kingdom of God, so someone needs to investigate the reason for the surge in monsters.

Since I also intend to go around in the kingdom of God, of course I took the task together, and by the way anyway. Although rewards are not important to me, it is not a bad thing to have a good reputation.

After accepting the mission, I ran towards the unknown channel by myself, and encountered several human-faced spiders along the way. I do n’t know why there are so many in this area, but this thing is acting alone. Even if there are a large number, they will not work together, so they basically pose no threat.

After successfully walking the marked road on the map, I saw the entrance to the unmarked area on the map. This entrance is actually not a formal entrance. The space in the underground world is composed of large and small hollows and passages. The connecting passage between this unexplored area and the area where we have mastered the map is a twisted narrow passage, and this passage is very difficult to walk. In fact, this channel was not originally formed for people to pass. It is located on the side of the exploration area, not on the ground, but on a cliff more than three meters above the ground. The entrance is more than two meters high, but the width is only forty centimeters, and this is not a rectangular entrance. It looks like an olive standing up.

After squeezing through the aisle, the inside is a little bit wider, but the width is still just enough for me to pass, and the floor in this place is not flat, but it is narrower as you go down. You have no way to stand on the ground. , Because the narrow sides of the cave below will pinch your feet, I can only use two feet to support the sides of the cave, and then both hands are the same action, like Spider-Man just to support the wall to move forward . This is the game. In reality, if you drill a hole like this, you don't need to estimate the strength in ten minutes.

In fact, this part that requires hands and feet is still good. After moving more than 20 meters forward, the channel suddenly turned to 90 degrees and extended towards the bottom. I had to play Spider-Man again to hold the hole. The slightly protruding stones on the wall move down a little bit, because some places are too smooth, and even need to use the blade claws to insert into the wall for positioning, otherwise they will fall directly.

After this downward passage extended for more than ten meters, it suddenly started to grow, and then I found that the arms were not long enough. Can no longer support the walls on both sides downward. The only way I can think of now is to use a dragon's rope to make a rope drop, but the premise of this method is that the wall can support my weight. But the facts tell me that this kind of thing is impossible.

The wall of this passage is a kind of gray rock, the structure is quite loose. When I came down before, I stepped on several larger stones because of uneven force. size. It will definitely crack the rock and it will fall down.

Because this **** thing can't fully support my weight, I can only consider borrowing the power of the magic pet.

In fact, although this kind of place is not very easy for me, it is very simple for the rose vine. The climbing ability of plants is definitely better than that of animals. Any steep place can be hung. And the root system of the plant can penetrate into the rock formation to bear the pressure.

There was really no way I had to send me down with the help of rose vines. In this way, the speed was obviously much faster, and we soon descended to the bottom of the channel.

The area of ​​this place is actually not very large, and the diameter is only about four meters, and this is not the end of the passage, because the passage here has become a state of horizontal extension, and it is no longer a regular advance. Instead, it becomes a structure like a twisted string. The channel is twisted like a struggling worm, and it is slowly lifting its height, and the other thing I can't stand is that the channel here is very low, and can only crawl forward on the ground.

It was quite aggrieved to climb in this kind of place. It took me more than half an hour before I finally walked through this passage and entered a quite huge space. According to the map, my current position is already a detection area. .

"Doesn't it look dangerous?" I muttered a little while looking at the surrounding environment, but it was this sentence that changed the scene in front of me.

Immediately after my voice fell, a huge flower that had stood on the left front of me suddenly collapsed. At the same time, the flower turned around, and at this time I realized that the thing in front of me was nothing at all. Flowers, but a little monster.

This is a creature that looks a bit like a bear, but there is a row of spine-like things behind it, and this strange thing can be unfolded and simulated like a giant flower. Of course, when this guy turned around, he didn't look as cute as before.

Immediately after seeing me, this thing roared at me, and then it was directly penetrated by a spike that suddenly flew from the side, and flew out horizontally. I turned my head in the direction of the spikes, a man more than three meters tall, with his first half standing upright, but his back half crawling out of a large bush like a snake crawling on the ground.

The head of this thing looks a bit like a worm. The lower half of the torso is a completely snake-like structure, but this guy has a hole on each side of his head. One of the holes can see very sharp spikes, while the other is empty. Obviously, this is the guy who just shot the creature that looks like a bear and has flowers on his back.

After shooting and killing the bear-like monster, this thing turned his head to me. And constantly relying on it, obviously is my second goal. Because of the encounter of the previous thing, I know that this monster is remotely linked, so I am on guard.

In fact, my alertness is also valuable, because just as I was alert, the spikes on the other side of that thing suddenly flew out. This thing emits spikes without warning, and it is amazingly fast. I used to think it was blowing out spikes with air pressure, but now it seems that this thing uses other ways to shoot spikes, it is not blown out anyway.

The spike was moving fast. It almost came to me in the blink of an eye, but I reacted faster, eternally brushed out the moment before the thing was about to hit me, and split that spike into two, but what surprised me was After launching the spike, the thing even rushed up.

Obviously, this thing is not only a long-range attack, it should also have good melee capabilities.

This thing has no limbs, only the mouth and tail can attack. Its mouth is similar to an insect's mouthpart, divided into three parts. The upper jaw is similar to most animals, but the lower jaw can be divided into two parts and spread to the left and right sides. There are terrifying spikes in this mouthpiece. It is certain that being bitten is definitely not fun.

At the moment I split the spike, the thing had already rushed up. The first thing that launched the attack was its mouthpiece, and it came directly to my head. Obviously, I wanted a fatal blow. Of course I will not give it this opportunity. When the monster's head was about to bite me, my right hand suddenly flung, turning into a sword forever and splitting this guy's head in half from the middle.

The monster's body fell to the ground. Then twisted and struggled for a while before completely quieting down. Obviously, the nervous system of this thing is quite low-level, and there is so long a vitality after being cut, which is definitely not a characteristic of the high-level nervous system.

After killing this monster, I was going to see the bear that had just been pierced to death, but I haven't had time to leave the corpse of the big snake, but a large area of ​​land has suddenly been set off below the ground. Then a creature that was swarthy and looked like a shitshell man standing up crawled out of the ground.

Although this thing looks like a **** shell, it is not lying on the ground, but walking upright like a human. Of course, due to physical reasons, this guy's lower legs have a ring-like feel, but this is not the point. The point is that this guy has four hands, all holding weapons. Of course, the weapons of this thing are sticks and stones, not high-end goods.

In fact, this thing did not make me feel threatened, because this thing is only 1.90 meters tall, not a large creature, plus only one, so I am not at all worried about being attacked by this thing. However, after seeing this thing out, I didn't attack, but suddenly opened the elytra behind.

I can see its elytra shaking, but I can't hear any sound. Obviously the sound of its elytra is some kind of ultrasound or infrasound. Anyway, beyond my hearing range.

This thing kept staring at me during the process of shaking the wings, and I didn't move, but soon I noticed that there were a lot of creatures just around. In less than two minutes, dozens of these black humanoid bugs appeared in my sight, and new ones arrived one after another.

Looking at more and more bugs, I didn't feel afraid, but started trying to communicate with them. These bugs all carry weapons. Although most of them are stones or wooden sticks, I really saw one of them holding a simple bow.

Being able to make a bow is definitely not an animal's instinctive behavior, because something like a bow looks simple, but it represents a deep understanding of tools. Therefore, being able to fight with a bow can at least be judged as wisdom race.

Although I tried to communicate with these creatures, obviously these things did not want to communicate with me. They stared at me very nervously and kept calling their companions. Soon the number of bugs around it broke through double digits and started to be hundreds.

"I trust, don't you want to besiege me?" I looked at the bugs with a little worry, and then began to prepare secretly.

I don't really worry about my safety. Although there are more and more bugs, they are just over a hundred. And seeing the speed at which they converge is getting slower and slower, indicating that the number of these guys is not large, and it should be approaching the limit. If the average person sees more than a hundred of these bugs, they may be a little worried, but I have tens of thousands of summoned creatures, how could they be scared by hundreds of large bugs?

Looking at more and more bugs, I can only wait. I hope they don't communicate with me just because they don't understand or because the boss didn't arrive, not because they didn't plan to communicate at all.

With this expectation, I waited for a while, and the bugs on the opposite side did not let me down. Just when I was about to lose patience. The worms in front of me suddenly separated their way, and then I saw two very special worms coming out of the crowd of worms.

The two worms did not wear any clothes, but I could tell at a glance that the two worms were different from other worms.

One of the two bugs is a big guy, at least two meters and two meters taller, and the entire body is stronger than the surrounding bugs. At a glance, you know that this is definitely the leader, because the body is too obvious.

Another special worm is a very slender worm, which looks very special. Although it can be seen that this guy and other bugs are a race. But the other worms are as round as **** shells, just this guy is long and slender. It's just a stick insect.

After the two bugs appeared, the surrounding bugs no longer called their companions, but closed their wings one after another, but these bugs were much more alert than they were just now, and they stared at me desperately, seemingly afraid that I would treat them. What's wrong with the new bug.

After these two special bugs appeared, they stared at me for a while, and then the guy like stick insect suddenly spoke. Although this guy's voice is more strange. It sounded like the sound of an electronically synthesized robot, but barely understood.

"Are you from outside? Stranger."

"Of course, you haven't seen anyone like me here, and of course I came from outside. Are you residents here? Why surround me?"

The other person seemed to be unable to react after hearing my words. After digesting for a while, he said, "We are residents here. You are a foreigner. We don't know if you are against us, so we can only Be prepared. "

"Then what are you going to do now? Fight me? Or do you think there is any way to prove that I have no threat?"

"This is very simple." The slender stick insect said to me: "I am the patriarch beside me. As long as you fight with him, you can move freely if you win. If you fail, then sorry."

"A fight? This is easy." Of course I wouldn't have any problems with such simple things.

The very strong bug over there and the stick insect next to each other communicated with each other in a strange language, then looked at me and came out.

The stick insect said to me: "You just have to defeat him."

I glanced at the big bug and asked, "Can I use a weapon?"

The stick insect over there nodded: "Of course."

"Understand, you shout and start."

"You can start whenever you are ready."

Stick insects are obviously quite confident in their patriarch, but unfortunately, this guy is not as powerful as he thought, or I am much more powerful than they think. The big guy rushed to the two directly after he was ready. He was different from ordinary worms. The outside of the four arms had jagged barbs, which were very powerful when attacked. Of course, this so-called power is only for these bugs, and it is not a threat to me at all.

The moment the big bug rushed over, I sent it back with a beautiful round kick, but the guy's defense looked good, and I was kicked and kicked up and it was all right again ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ But after knowing that this guy's defense is very high, I let go. I was afraid that I would be killed too hard. I will definitely offend these bugs. Although I am not afraid of them, I don't want to be okay. Especially the people are indigenous. I have to investigate in this place. A group of helpers is better than an enemy who is disturbed by a stick.

After I completely let go of my hands and feet, the worm completely lost its ability to fight, and was completely knocked out by me after a briefing. After that, the stick insect gave up the siege to me. His explanation is also quite reasonable.

According to their theory, since their bosses can't beat me, they won't win much if they fight against me, and I don't show much threat, so they don't need to target me anymore.

Although this theory is relatively simple, it has to be said that it is very practical.

After receiving these big bugs, I started to communicate with that stick insect. This underground world is very large, and it is obviously unrealistic for me to explore it alone, but if there is information provided by these bugs, it will be much simpler. However, it seems that only the guy who is like the stick insect can speak English in this place. Other bugs use a special language that cannot be translated by the translation system, but it is enough to have the stick insect as a translator. (To be continued ...) u

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