Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 447: National action?

Following the signals of Yeyue I soon caught up with them, but when I arrived, the battle had become a chase. ≥≥ The battlefield here is the back alley of a commercial street. Two six-story small buildings on both sides have collapsed in half, and an armed robot cut into several pieces is stuck in the remains of the wall. The wreckage. In addition, I also saw a human pancake on the opposite wall. It is a real big pancake made of people. It seems that it was bumped by Yeyue or Brigitte, and it was squeezed into a pancake.

The biggest difference between this cake and the others I saw before is that this guy is white, not Asian. The attackers we have seen before are all ethnic Asians. It seems that many of them are Chinese. Of course, it should only be of Chinese origin, because it can only be an overseas force to carry out an attack of this scale.

The battle on this side was over. After sending a location coordinate to the back, I started running in the direction of Yeyue, and finally caught up with Yeyue when I passed a pedestrian street.

Yeyue was fighting an armed robot when I overtook it. She had a scrapped armed robot lying on her feet, and Brigitte on the other side held an armed robot with a crushed head. , The other hand was holding a flat shot with several terrorists hiding in the corner, but the opponent's firepower was obviously fiercer than Brigitte, and they used large-caliber anti-equipment rifles, although the rate of fire was not high, but The power is amazing. This is clearly a special weapon targeted at us. Generally, terrorists will definitely not come out with so many anti-equipment weapons.

These armed robots are only security robots used by military units. Compared to humans, they are very powerful, but they are far worse than us. When Yeyue went down three times and divided by five, he laid down another armed robot, and then wanted to rush into the corner, but was found by the other party. One of them immediately turned his muzzle at Yeyue to suppress the shooting.

For ease of action. Yeyue and I did not carry large weapons, except for the sword on my body, there was only a small pistol. The night moon that was suppressed by the opponent's fire quickly flashed behind a flower bed. The flower bed with marble and red bricks contained a layer of soil more than two meters wide. Even anti-equipment weapons could not penetrate such a thick soil layer and two brick walls. Moreover, even if it penetrates, the bullet is useless. Although Yeyue did not wear heavy armor. However, the light urban combat suit on the body also has a certain amount of defense, coupled with the physical strength of our dragons, even if the bullet at the end of the strong crossbow penetrates the soil layer, it may not constitute lethality.

Seeing Yeyue being suppressed, only Brigitte and the other side were shooting through obstacles, and I immediately started to act with Everett. Everett flipped the previous shoulder-mounted weapon directly in place, and I rushed to Brigitte and held a pistol to help Brigitte suppress the fire on the opposite side.

Although I only have a pistol in my hand, this is the pistol used by our dragons. The 13.7 mm caliber full-power ammunition is quite powerful, and each bullet can make a large hole in the concrete in the corner, but the other side avoids the corner of the building. Modern buildings are all frame structures, and the outermost corners are the main supporting columns for load bearing. Not only are high-grade concrete used, but also a large number of steel bars. Some high-rise buildings and even directly buried h-shaped steel are inside. The hardness is amazing . The building in front of me is a commercial building, but the materials used in the multi-storey building are naturally sturdy and anomalous. The ordinary civilian building with my pistol is definitely a two-story brick wall. But hitting this thing is really a bit laborious.

The people on the opposite side were also professional, and they only hid here knowing that the location was safe. For example, the situation of hiding behind a car or a lamp post during a shootout in a movie is completely blind. Never believe in the defense of a car in a real shootout. Except for the bumper beam of the car body, the other parts are aluminum skin or plastic plate. The bullet's defense force is not much higher than your glass window, unless you hide behind the engine and use the car's engine block to block the bullet. Location doesn't make any sense.

Not to mention the lamppost. That stuff is a hollow metal tube. The police may be able to stop the pistol, and the other guns are difficult to say.

We are using military ammunition, and it is full-power ammunition, because we know that the other party has a bullet-proof jacket, and bullets are generally useless. Therefore, all high-power weapons are used. In the face of such weapons, it is meaningless to hide behind a car or behind a lamppost.

Although the other person saw me joining the battle, but because I had a pistol, I didn't take it seriously, and even a guy suddenly arrogantly flashed out from behind the wall. He certainly didn't come out to die, because he actually carried an rpg rocket on his shoulder.

"Rely on it!" Brigitte and I flew towards each other almost immediately. The rocket flew directly between us, and then exploded a battery car behind us into a pile of small pieces. Flying.

To be honest, I really feel very aggrieved now, because we can actually subdue our opponents quickly, but because there are people everywhere, we can't show our strength at all. For example, just for the rocket, I can not only use electromagnetic force to control the missile's turn, but also let it fly back to attack the opponent, or I can directly detonate it. However, none of this can be done because there are many witnesses nearby. Our existence is not a secret among the great powers, but it must not be revealed to ordinary people. If there are only a few people, that's okay. You can see it when you see it. Anyway, even if the other person speaks, no one will believe it, but the situation in the public can never be exposed.

After the opponent ’s rocket attack was over, he did n’t fall in love, and turned and ran, but Everett just finished preparing at this time, the gun barrel on his shoulder flashed, and the opposite corner seemed to be suddenly stunned by an invisible beast. It's the same bite, and a half-moon-shaped gap appeared in an instant, but unfortunately the people behind have already run away, we are still a little late.

The fire suppression disappeared, and we immediately started chasing, but when we ran to the gap, we heard the gunshot again. The bullet flew in front of me immediately. I pulled Yeyue back and dodged, and the bullet flew in front of our noses. past. However, just when we were suppressed, my electronic brain suddenly received the support information from the rear, and then I heard the sound of metal crashing, and I saw two white and silver figures without turning back. Flashed past me to the fire point opposite.

The other party is also a master. The bullet almost chased after the two silver-white figures and moved over, but the two figures were fast and started to run diagonally after landing, but the opponent's marksmanship was also accurate, and one of the two silver figures suddenly flared. In a flash, the entire body flew back up immediately. He banged over the trash can on the side of the road.

However, what surprised us was that after the figure on the ground was beaten up, it turned around and got up again, then dangled its head and rushed up again. At this time we discovered that this so-called reinforcement was not actually a member of the Dragon clan, but a robot dog.

The so-called robot dog is actually a dog-shaped robot. The advantage of this small thing over the humanoid robot is that because there are more legs, the control of balance is simpler. The computing power saved can support faster response speed. Therefore, the characteristic of the dog-type robot is particularly fast. High-speed dodge can be performed at three times the speed of a general humanoid robot.

The structure of this dog-shaped robot in front of you is quite simple. The whole body is a silver-white metal structure. The style is not sci-fi, but it is biased towards the steam age. The four legs are very simple metal sticks. This design is characterized by simple structure, which improves repairability and reduces the probability of damage while reducing costs. Except for the legs. The rest of this guy is mainly divided into four blocks. The first is the head. This part is actually not like a dog, although this thing is a dog-type robot. But his head is not like a dog at all, but more like a camera with a steel casing. Of course, the front section is not a huge lens, but a metal grid, just like the grid-like metal cover outside the microphone. The real lens is actually hidden behind this layer of things.

Because there is a full armor structure on the outside, there is actually nothing useful on this head. It has no ears, no eyes, and certainly no nostrils. The entire head has only a roughly elongated structure, but this head has one very important thing-the mouth.

Of course, the robot dog does not need to eat, this mouth is actually used to bite people. Inside this mouth is a circle of sharp teeth. It can bite through steel, and the hydraulic system in the mandible can ensure sufficient bite force. In addition, there is no tongue in this guy's mouth. Instead, a 38 mm caliber short tube is used instead. This is actually a launcher that can launch an adsorption bomb with a caliber of 38 mm. Of course, the range is short and the maximum The range is only 20 meters, and it is not very accurate, but it is very suitable for urban operations.

The back of the head is of course the part of the chest. The chest part of this dog-shaped robot is probably a cross structure when viewed from the front. When seen from the side, it looks like a mailbox for a motorcycle. Of course, there is also armor on the outside, and like the head, the armor of this part is amazingly thick. Cm or more.

In fact, the armor of this robot dog is not of equal thickness. The thickness of the back is slightly thicker than other places, because this thing is mostly shot in the back when it is charged, and the chest is rarely exposed. Besides, the height of this thing is only 60 centimeters, and the running speed in complex urban environments can reach more than 60 kilometers per hour, and it can accelerate to an extreme speed of 80 kilometers per hour in two seconds without obstacles. It is absolutely difficult to hit it. of.

The abdomen is behind the thorax. This part is not a swollen abdomen, but it looks like a thick spine. It is nested section by section, and is much thinner than the thorax, until the hind legs are connected. The pelvic position is only slightly larger.

The last part is the tail of this guy. The tail of the robot dog is used for balance, and its structure is similar to that of the abdomen. It is also cut and stitched together, but at the tip there is a six-bladed hammer structure the size of an adult fist. This robot dog's tail is retractable in battle. Once the **** is unfolded, the tail will become a whip, and then it will shake with the hammer head. The power is absolutely scary.

It can be said that the structure of this robot dog is quite simple. There are almost no protrusions on the outside of the body. It gives a lean feel, but it is not thin.

Generally speaking, this kind of robot dog is characterized by simple structure, and replaceable modular parts throughout the body, and the repair is very simple. Although the function is very simple, except for the front claws with sharp blades, the amazing biting teeth and the bomb launcher in the mouth, and a whip-like tail, this thing has almost no other means of attack. But sometimes there are fewer benefits.

The advantage of simple structure is that it is cheap and easy to repair, and more importantly, light. The weight of this robot dog is only 80 kilograms. This is because of the outer layer of heavy armor. I know that some departments also have reconnaissance robot dogs that weigh only 30 kilograms. The jungle can run at speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour.

The reinforcements that appeared this time were attacking robotic dogs, and they were the strongest special warfare dedicated, with amazing power. I just carried a round of anti-equipment ammunition but it was just overturned. After I got up, I rushed up again.

When the robot dog got up here, which one of the robot dogs had already rushed to the terrorists, the other party's firepower net failed to block the robot dog's charge. The robot dog running in front jumped to the top of the roadside publicity bar before rushing to the hiding place of the opponent, and then jumped out five or six meters in a vertical jump, turned over on a street light pole and rebounded towards the bottom. The people behind the flower bed fluttered.

The following people saw the weapon tracking when the robot dog jumped up, but they could not intercept it because the opponent was too fast. Can only watch the other side in vain and fluttered down.

When the robot dog entered the crowd of terrorists, it fell directly on one of the guys and knocked it down, then opened its mouth and clicked and bit the half of the guy's head. As soon as he hit the phone, the dog immediately jumped back to avoid other people's attacks, and then opened his mouth, and a squeak, a small medicine bottle-sized thing flew to the group of people's feet, followed by a boom. Ringing, although those people had evaded in advance, they were still half a beat slow. The two men who ran behind were lifted off directly, rolled over in the air and fell to the ground.

The robotic dog rushed up without waiting for the explosion to end. Its bomb is small and has no pre-installed fragments. It belongs to the type of shock bomb, which can make the enemy lose its combat power in a short time, but it has few chances to be deadly, so it starts to charge at the same time as the explosion. Almost rushed into the enemy crowd against the shock wave.

A guy with a quick response saw the robot dog rushing up and raised his gun to attack, but he did not expect that the side was dense. When Dang Dang suddenly approached, he flew out of his side and bit his left arm. It's like cutting a straw with sharp scissors, the guy's arm broke away from his body instantly, and the gun fell off. The robot dog in front rushed up and bite the guy's head quickly, and the result was this guy. Until then, the rest of the talents had just recovered a little from the shock of Yu Wei.

Before the two guys got up, Ye Yue and I were pressed to the ground by oneself before they could see what was going on. Brigitte and Everett stepped on two unlucky eggs directly.

Raising my hand to interrupt the limbs of the captive below me, I immediately stood up, because there were only terrorists here, but the armed robots were missing.

There are still five armed robots in the enemy's hands. Whether they are activated or not is unknown for now, but as long as they stay in the opponent ’s hands, they may be activated because the opponent has already activated several units, and the rest is only a matter of time.

I was looking for the enemy's position. The glass on the second floor of a mall in front of the cold right suddenly shattered, and then I saw a missile flying towards us. The missile appeared so suddenly that it was too late to respond, but just as I was going to try to expose and detonate the missile, the other missile suddenly flew from behind us in the middle of the missile. Two missiles exploded in the air, and the flames forced us to temporarily turn around to avoid it.

I took a chance to turn around and looked at the direction of the missile that rescued us, only to find that it was an unmanned attack aircraft.

This is not the equipment of our attacking force, but the preparation of the Dragon Edge Guard. This drone is only 80 centimeters long and has a maximum width of about 70 centimeters. Its shape is a bit like a kite, but of course it is a lot cooler. This thing relies on two electric turbofan thrusters as the forward power, but there is a large propeller in the middle of the delta wing on both sides, so it not only has a very fast horizontal speed, but also can hover or even back.

Of course, limited by volume, this thing has only two types of weapons, one is a miniature missile hung under the wings, and there are only two. Another weapon is a 9mm electric rifle in the center of this thing. The characteristics of this rifle are that the recoil is very small, and because it is not propelled by gunpowder, the bullet is small and light. Even this small aircraft can carry a full 120 rounds of ammunition at one time. The firepower is pretty good. And this thing is very simple whether to reload the ammunition cabin or reload the missile. One person can mount two missiles and reload the rifle shells for this aircraft in one minute.

The missile that just intercepted the missile was the small missile launched by this thing, but this thing is not an intelligent system. It belongs to a remote control unit. Usually, professional operators need remote control, but now it seems that our people directly took over the remote control right with the electronic brain.

Immediately after intercepting the missile, the drone flew towards the window over there. With a distance of dozens of meters, the drone began to suppress the firing of the window, and then a missile was fired, but at the same time a missile was flying out of the window. There was no interception this time. The two missiles staggered. The drone was blown up into a fireball and dropped, while the missile launched by the drone flew into the window, and a bang blasted an armed robot out of the window. Lifted it out.

The armed robot fell to the ground without being affected, and immediately climbed up, but Brigitte immediately blasted the armed robot's head with a large-caliber weapon on her shoulder.

The remaining terrorists had already ran into the safe passage behind the building at this time. We saw the other party's departure through the nearby monitoring equipment, so they chased out immediately. Two robot dogs opened the road in front of us, rushed across the ground floor of the mall quickly, and then flew through a glass door from the other floor. Stop the slowest guy in the opposing team.

This man was obviously not a combatant, carrying a large suitcase in his left hand, and I just glanced at it and felt it was an electronic device. It is estimated that this thing broke the protective system of the armed robot.

The man found himself stopped by a robot dog and was frightened and fell down. The terrorists in front found that the man was intercepted and turned to rescue immediately. But Brigitte and Everett rushed out of the gate and stopped in this narrow alley.

The other side saw Brigitte and Everett running decisively, while an armed robot was left with a very large rifle in the end. This is actually a single artillery gun, specifically for light armored targets. Everett and Brigitte's firepower is very tough. The other party also knows that in such a narrow place, shooting with heavy fire robots will definitely not end well, so we left an armed robot to intercept ourselves and continue to run.

Although the armed robot was armed with heavy weapons dedicated to dealing with robots, it was blown halfway by Brigitte with a solenoid cannon before firing. Then fell straight.

The guy stopped by us is now crawling backwards with his hands and feet, but he also knows that this actually doesn't make any sense, because the alley behind the glass door has been blocked by illegal construction. The direction is actually a dead end. Although there was only a layer of foam board covered with aluminum skin, the human power in front of it could not be opened anyway. As for the other two ... the brick wall is just fine.

After Everett and Brigitte destroyed the armed robot, they moved forward with the robot dog. At this time we heard the kind of slight vibration before, and when we looked up we saw three drones flying over.

Ling they were blocked in the back and could not come over for a while, so they simply borrowed a drone from the nearby Longyuan Security Office to reinforce them. Although the combat power of this thing is average, the assistance is still possible. The most important thing is that this thing is not afraid of death what.

When Everett and Brigitte went first, I used to pick up the box on the ground to hold Yeyue, and then I opened the lid. This is indeed a cutting-edge equipment. The outside of the box looks like a portable toolbox used by electricians, but when you open it, you will find that it is actually a laptop computer, but it is not larger than a normal home laptop computer, and those tablet computers are even more incomparable. . In fact, if this computer is not installed in this box, it will not be a problem to put people in. But now it is full of computers.

The reason why this thing is so big is certainly not because the technology is backward, but because it is too complicated. Our armed robots have artificial intelligence, and computers that can run artificial intelligence programs, you can imagine its computing power. To crack this kind of computer requires a computer faster than it, because we use quantum secrets, that is, there are no regulations for Changshu passwords. This password changes every second. In addition to knowing the rules, the only way to crack it is to be faster than it. Find the next password before changing it, and then enter it in advance.

It is doubtful that it is very difficult to attack the intelligent core of this armed robot, so the computer used to crack it must be sufficiently powerful. Therefore, the other party cannot use a small computer to invade at all, and can only modify a portable computer similar to a commercial small computer computer.

After roughly inspecting this thing, my brows were wrinkled and tightened, because I found that this thing is not actually a kind of assembly of common parts bought on the black market, but a special computer under the US military specifications. In other words, this is something that terrorists can never get. This is a military computer, and it is a special computer specially designed for this operation or a similar operation.

Is it possible for terrorists to use American production equipment to customize special attack computers in accordance with US military standards? There is only one force that can do this-the Americans themselves.

"This is not a terrorist attack ~ ~ Yueyue also responded instantly because these equipments are too professional. Let us not say what terrorists attack us for no reason, even terrorists are unreasonable. This equipment The lineup may be too luxurious.

My eyes instantly turned to the guy who had shrunk into the corner, but I shouted out without asking the other party. "I can't really say, I said they would kill my wife and children!"

I looked at the guy's face, a flash of data flashed through my pupils, and then a character resume appeared.

The guy in front of him is Chinese, and this is no problem, and he is still a doctoral tutor in the computer department of a university. In addition, the guy is also a part-time computer security staff in a foreign company. However, the most important part of the profile is kinship. His wife and children have immigrated to the United States a year ago, and now he told us that someone threatened to kill his wife and children, so the suspicion of the Americans is undoubtedly the biggest.

I now think that this guy is really the kind of person like Kong Yiji. This kind of thing, turn around and leave, but before I left, I gave this guy a shot on his knee, so that he would never run away until the follow-up personnel arrived. (To be continued ...) u

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