Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 450: Human traitor

What the son-in-law showed us was not a regular filming, but a surveillance video. The content in the picture was a group of armed robots attacking a factory under the leadership of a group of people wearing power armor, but because the factory was directly opposite the local The armed police detachment was stationed, and there were a large number of troops hidden in this station and the factory, so a stalemate occurred between the two sides, and the home could not be completely rushed in.

However, although the content shown on the screen is at a standstill, it can actually be seen that it is only a matter of time before the group of attackers outside broke into the factory.

There are many people on the factory side, but the disadvantage is the lack of heavy weapons, while the attacking side is an elite force similar to the special forces specifications. Although there are few people, the power of the armored armour and the robots, the firepower is actually in the defensive forces. Above the firepower, although the two sides are in a stalemate for the time being, but because the defender has suffered a lot of casualties, the attacker will quickly gain an advantage and penetrate the interior.


"The transport plane is on the road, wait a minute."

Son-in-law knew what I was going to say, and answered my question directly in advance. Although as a dragon, my emotional control is far above that of humans, and it is generally difficult to have an overreaction, but now I still feel my heart is about to explode. Not because I was impulsive, but because I was really anxious.

These guys are not attacking ordinary factories, but are disguised as factories-shipyards. Not a ship at sea, but an interstellar migrant ship. Yes, that's right, it's the immigration ship that affects how many people we can take away. The attack on the production base of the migrant ship by the other side is no longer an ordinary military attack. This is genocide and genocide. The loss of any migrant ship means that we will take away 20,000 people.

What is 20,000 people? In modern local wars, a war often ends, and the sum of the warring parties and the civilian casualties can barely reach 10,000. And as long as these people's attacks caused us to miss one ship before the immigration started, we would have killed 20,000 people. The atomic bomb dropped by the U.S. in Hiroshima that year directly killed only 70,000 people. In the shipyard in front, there were still 5 migrant ships. The manpower, material resources, and time required to build them are unimaginable. But destroying them is easy. They don't even need to destroy the entire hull at all, as long as the damage of these ships cannot be repaired before the doomsday threshold. Even if it achieves its purpose. Even if it were me, there would be no need to destroy the hull at all, just put a few bombs on the support structure of the construction base and it would be done.

For the sake of confidentiality, the migrant ships are all built in the underground silo, the platform is the launcher, and the factory above is the production base of the spaceship parts, which is also used to cover a large number of people and materials entering and leaving during the construction of the spaceship.

Of course, such a confidential project should have been placed in the mountains like those military bases. But the problem is that this is a migrant ship. Before the launch, people in the city need to be able to board the ship as soon as possible. This demand determines that the migrant ship cannot be located in a place with inconvenient transportation, but must be close to the city. Therefore, China's immigration ships are placed in the suburban industrial area. On the one hand, the industrial area has fewer people, and the factory area is an independent isolation zone, which is convenient for management and control. The other is also closer to the urban area and adjacent to the highway. Road Network. Material transportation and later boarding of personnel are more convenient.

For these reasons, the construction factories of immigration ships are actually quite fragile, and countries are actually very helpless about such things. Because this is not a problem that can be solved by a few simple bases, but all cities in the country with populations of 100,000 or more must have at least one such base. In a very large city like Nanjing, the surrounding bases are even more scary, so the security forces cannot be too concentrated.

However, although the original security forces are not particularly exaggerated, they are definitely a lot. Just like this base in the picture, the armed police detachment opposite is actually a camouflage. The inside is not the armed police at all, but the regular army. And the scale has reached the establishment of a battalion, and in the opposite plant area, a whole regiment of troops is stationed.

Ordinarily in the country. This number of garrisons is actually enough, and all countries actually feel enough about it. There are two reasons for this. the first. Real criminals and terrorists do not have enough power to threaten this regiment-sized garrison. After all, they are small-scale groups. No matter how many terrorists there are, there are hundreds of others in their country. It is impossible to head to head with the regular army. Therefore, neither criminals nor terrorists threaten such bases. Second, the only thing capable of threatening these bases is the regular army of another country. However, this is the country's own country. The regular army of the other party must not be able to enter, and even the small-scale troops are not so easy to sneak in. What's more important is that everyone thinks this kind of thing will not happen, because the migrant ship transports civilians, and any behavior that destroys the construction of the migrant ship is no different from the genocide. This kind of inhumane behavior against humanity is widely felt that big countries will not do this kind of thing, because it is too extreme.

It is precisely because everyone thinks that there will not be a big country attacking bases of other countries, so the current garrison seems not only not enough, but too much.

However, it is the most unlikely thing that everyone thinks happened.

Although we do not yet know which country ’s special corps attacked us, at least it is certain that this is definitely a regular army of one or a few countries in Europe and the United States, because there are no other than the five major hooliganisms of the United Nations. If a country has such a combat force, it is impossible for any country other than the Big Five to have the ability to quietly send troops of this size to other countries.

Because we ourselves are one of the five powers, then there are only a few goals left.

In fact, although there is no final confirmation, we have 80% certainty that we can be sure that this is actually the American Iron Wing Mechanical Corps, because only the Americans meet the standards in terms of equipment type and technical strength.

"Is there any response from the central side?"

"They have just received the report, and no specific conclusions have been reached yet, but the troops of the Nanjing Military Region have already rushed to the scene."

"Did you tell them to add defense forces to other bases? Since the intruders have prepared two troops, there may not be a third."

"You don't need to remind us. They are already sending troops to bases. I need to tell you one more thing."


"Our Dragon Edge satellite killer system just destroyed a large orbital weapon bay over Russia."

"Orbital weapon?"

"It was a weapon bay disguised as a commercial satellite, which we found during the shelling stage. It contained six ground-attack missiles, but we could not confirm what warhead was. Because according to the orbit at the time, this thing was about to enter our airspace. . So when I discovered that this thing was a weapon platform, I directly controlled the satellite killer and destroyed it. Now this thing has disintegrated, but a warhead has fallen into the atmosphere. The predicted landing point may be in the South Pacific. "

"Did you send someone to salvage?"

"Yes, we happen to have a submarine nearby."

"Are there any replacement parts on our transport plane? Xiaolong girl ..."

"Everything is here, rest assured, oh, the plane has arrived." The son-in-law was talking and we heard a huge roar, and then saw a four-engine tilting jet helicopter landing.

This thing is more than the crow, but also thanks to the plaza on the commercial street in the city center.

We all jumped up before the plane landed completely. So the plane started to climb without landing, and the surrounding unicorn warriors jumped on the crow that landed then, and then took off with our plane.

In the air, I connected to the satellite network to check the situation of our dragon troops, and found that the son-in-law sent our large troops out. Our production forces are now rushing to all production bases. As long as they arrive, there should be no need to worry about American invasions.

In fact, there is nothing to worry about at other bases. After all, this is our country. Americans sending in such large-scale troops should already be the limit. Even if there are still, the scale will not be too large, and those bases have entered a state of alert. In addition, there are troops from the Nanjing Military Region and our Longyuan troops rushing to strengthen the defense. Even if someone invades now, it will definitely be too late to enter the factory before our reinforcements arrive.

Now the only thing we need to worry about is the factory we just saw. The troops here are almost unable to stand up. The other party's personnel have already entered the factory area, and are currently competing for the camouflage factory building on the immigration ship production facility. This is the real core. As long as the other party controls the factory building, they can enter the production workshop below, which will be really troublesome.

I was still worried about the factory area, and suddenly I saw a new dialog box pop up in front of me, and I could see a picture overlooking from a high altitude. In the picture, more than a dozen large holes are slowly opening on the deserted Gobi, just after these large holes are opened. The huge man-made objects flashing silver rose from the vertical well below the hole.

"American immigration ship?" I looked at the American flag on the side of those huge man-made objects in amazement and asked with a stunned expression: "Are they planning to evacuate early?"

About immigration. In fact, the top leaders of various countries in the world have already discussed together several times, and they already have a complete implementation plan. I said before that countries are not worried about other superpowers destroying their own immigration ships. It's because of this immigration plan.

According to the immigration plan agreed by the heads of all countries that know the doomsday information, the migrant fleet will be launched in a unified short period of time, which is about 48 hours. Migrant ships from all over the world have to be launched within 48 hours. The migrant ships that take off first need to wait in space until all the migrant ships are in orbit, and then everyone leaves the earth to start the immigration program.

In addition, one of the plans is personnel exchange.

Each country will send a small part of its own personnel to the immigration ships of other countries. The ultimate goal is that each immigration ship has races from all over the world. Because this is not a normal immigration after the great human development, but an escape plan forced by the end of the world, so in a rush, it is not guaranteed that all the spacecraft can reach the destination safely during the journey, so the crossover personnel can ensure that the human DNA after reaching the destination The relative integrity of ethnic groups can also strengthen the cooperative relationship between countries.

The key point of this plan is that after everyone's fleet is brought together, the escorted fleet will be able to protect all the migrant ships. This collaborative relationship can bring about a strengthening of the defense force, which is good for everyone, and the departure of migrant ships together can Reduce the chance of accidents on the road. Whether it is rescue or something else will be much more convenient.

Because of this agreement, although everyone is still in a competitive relationship, the competition is only partial. In fact, the main aspects of the world are actually a collaborative relationship. However, the current situation is completely different from the original plan. The American immigration ship actually rose. Although it has not yet been ignited, raising the launch platform is the preliminary preparation for launch. This shows that the Americans must run first!

"Now son, what's the matter?"

"That's what you see. Three areas in the United States have opened a total of sixteen launch platforms, and thermal detection shows that the ships on these platforms have begun to precharge."

"Wait. You say there are only sixteen launch platforms? American launch platforms are tandem?"

"No, Americans also use independent launch platforms."

"That means there are only sixteen migrant ships to launch?"

"Yes, there are only sixteen." After the son-in-law said it without saying any further questions, "I know what you suspect. This is also my guess."

"How big is an American immigration ship? Can our satellites detect the response to life on these ships?"

"No, the spacecraft has electromagnetic isolation devices that cannot detect internal conditions. But American immigration vessels are half the size of ours, and if the other party has not changed the design, the average person ’s space requirements are larger than ours. , So the normal number of people carrying these spacecraft should not exceed 8,000. "

The son-in-law's words have basically confirmed my guess, which is probably why the son-in-law is so sure of his guess.

If Americans really intend to undermine the immigration plans of other countries around the world, and then fly away by themselves, so that the United States will become the only country in the new world, then this time it should not be sixteen spacecraft. It's tens of thousands of spaceships. According to the calculation that the American spacecraft carries 8,000 people on a single ship, more than 400 million people in the United States need a full 50,000 immigration ships, and this is calculated based on the use of sleeping cabins by all members. In fact, it is impossible to carry only humans on board. Each spacecraft also needs to carry a certain amount of refrigerated biological embryos, reconstruction equipment and some basic raw materials. In addition, the spacecraft requires pilots and security personnel, that is, no one can enter the dormant cabin, and at least one ship must be guaranteed. About a hundred staff members are non-dormant.

The space for these awake people must be much larger than the dorms, plus the materials and the earth's biological gene bank mentioned before. In this way, if Americans need to evacuate nationwide, the total number of spaceships they may actually need may be as high as six. As many as ten thousand ships. And some of them must be military combat ships. Sixteen ships, this number is only nine cattle and one hair. Not even a fraction is enough. This is definitely not that Americans are going to run, but that something is wrong with them. This is that some people have left other people to go first, and not only people from other countries, but also most Americans.

I can think of this possibility. Of course, big brothers from all countries also want it, so there has not been a nuclear war so far. Otherwise, with the previous Americans ’raid on the construction base of migrant ships, China ’s normal response should be to launch a nuclear strike directly. Human extermination plan, because attacking migrant ships is itself a genocide. Since people want us to exterminate the dead, we certainly can't make people feel better, so a nuclear strike is an inevitable result. However, the high-level has not launched a nuclear strike program, at least until now, which shows that the high-level has also realized that this is not a collective act of the United States, because there are only 16 spacecraft that take off. Tens of thousands of people. This number may sound like a lot at first, but if it is to build a new human world on an unknown planet, this person is obviously not enough.

"Boss, don't think about this anymore, you're about to go somewhere, or should you put on your gear first?" Skott reminded me.

I nodded and walked to the equipment area in the center of the cabin. Here we have our special equipment, and they have been placed in order. I first found a small knife and dug out all the bullets on my body. Then I injected myself with a solution of energy solution. The wound completely healed within a few minutes. Now I look as if I have not been hurt at all. After solving the problems on my body, I slightly cleaned the blood on my body with a clean wet wipes, then put on a clean tight combat suit, and then put on the power armor of the dragon soul suit shape. The last piece of armor was fastened, and the electronic system inside the power armor was immediately online. After connecting my electronic brain, all kinds of data are directly displayed on my retina. After the power-on self-test is completed, the power armor enters the fully activated state.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with my body, I walked to the front of the weapon rack and registered the most common high-frequency vibrating blade type sword. Then there are fighting daggers, and then choose short and long weapons. Finally, ammunition and heavy weapon racks.

I chose two large-caliber pistols as short weapons this time, and the long weapon was a multi-purpose rifle dedicated to the Dragons. I did n’t carry heavy weapons at all. There were volunteers behind us. We do n’t lack heavy weapons on our side, but they affect mobility Sex.

After I took the good stuff here, everyone also completed the equipment replacement. Everett and Brigitte were the fiercest. They directly put on two sets of external armor. The whole person looks more than twice as tall as before and looks like two giants. With these two self-propelled artillery guns, our heavy firepower is considered to have fallen.

After the preparations were completed, they helped Xiaolongnu and Xiaochun complete the body repair work. Xiaochun just needs to change a high-pressure gas cylinder, use a laser scalpel to cut off the abdominal muscles, and then replace the high-pressure gas cylinder. Because the nervous system of the Dragons does not distinguish between autonomic and animal nerves, they are all controllable, so this operation does not require anesthetics. After turning off the pain perception, we can start the surgery directly, and we can control the blood circulation, even if the entire abdominal muscles are lifted off, there is not much bleeding.

After replacing the gas cylinder, put the cut abdominal muscles back and inject a little energy solution directly at a distance near the wound. The wound healed in less than five minutes. The responsible Ling took a photo of Xiaochun's belly becoming smooth and fair again and said, "Well, clean it and change the equipment."

"How far is it from the goal?" I asked.

The pilot in the front cabin said: "There are three minutes to reach the target."

"We haven't done it yet!" Yeyue said anxiously. She was busy helping Xiaolongnü to change her body, because the part of her shoulder was seriously injured. The battlefield repair was too late. The son-in-law simply gave Xiaolong Nu a replacement body, but this new body has not yet been initialized. Yeyue now uses his own electronic brain to connect to Xiaolong Nu's electronic brain to help initialize the body together. This process takes a little time.

"If you can't catch up, don't get off the plane first. The other party doesn't have much anti-aircraft weapons. You are now hovering over the sky and come back in a circle before jumping."

"To understanding."

"Master, the warrior army of Kirin has rushed to the scene and asked us what happened." Xiaochun, who had just wiped her body, ran over with a bunch of equipment without wearing any clothes. Report the situation while running. When we came out of the cultivation tank, we were all naked, so no one cared. Of course if there are outsiders. Xiaochun will never be so casual.

I glanced at Xiaochun and said, "Tell them not to wait for us and reach the position to engage directly. Stop the other side from invading the Ark base at all costs."

"Understood. I've conveyed it." Xiaochun was monitoring the battlefield network with an electronic brain while she was wearing her clothes. Her positioning on our side is similar to the existence of a router, which is equivalent to an information processing center.

Three minutes was not long. We quickly reached the sky above the target area, and when we arrived there was no difference from the battlefield. Both sides have a lot of troops, and various weapons fire frequently. From time to time, missiles can be seen passing over the battlefield and hiding in the position of the invaders on the opposite side.

It seems that the battle situation here has been basically controlled. The people on our side arrived in time, and the opponent was blocked back without touching the Ark slipway, but the opponent did not seem to intend to give up and was still violently attacking.

"Major Shenlin, we're here, where should we land?" The pilot yelled at me with headphones in front.

"Don't land, just open the rear cabin and fly low above the enemy's head. Everyone jumps with me, quickly."


The aircraft directly wiped the ceiling of the plant and flew over. The rear cabin opened. The people on our side almost jumped directly like Tianbing Tianjiang, and then slammed in the middle of the battlefield.

As soon as I landed on my left chest, I hit a bullet. The opponent ’s weapon has a large caliber, at least 17.2 millimeters, and the huge kinetic energy directly hit me who had not landed just after landing, but just hit a heel.

When I rolled over, I got up again, and I was hit by a peep on the side of the voyeur. This should be a sniper. But the bullet failed to penetrate. Previously, I had suffered in the pedestrian street because I didn't wear armor. Although the dragon's body is very powerful, it is not an armored car after all. Those guys across from me are not ordinary things holding my weapon, they look like guns. But in terms of volume, all the mothers are single artillery guns, and some are electromagnetic guns. We do n’t wear any body armor, carry it hard with our body, and have not been beaten into meat residue. Imagine. If this type of person is hit by that weapon, the whole person will be blown up in one shot.

I shook my head to get rid of the vertigo caused by the impact. I directly raised my rifle and aimed at the window position on the second floor of the opposite office building. The ammunition firing system inside the rifle in my hand was automatically reloaded with a special round of ammunition, and then I pulled the trigger, and only heard a boom, a glittering humanoid was blown out from the window position, and there was also a piece in the room. It was messy, and the whole window was blown out.

Before the figure landed in the air, it was sieved by subsequent vitality, while the other people on our side were squatting down and started moving forward carefully. Just because of this sniper and the fireman below, the people on our side have been unable to drive the other party away from our camouflage factory.

A member of the other party wearing power armor found that the fire on our side suddenly became very fierce, and immediately turned the weapon and aimed at me, but he had not waited for him to fire. Everett suddenly airborne behind me, and then saw that the weapon rack behind Everett had doubled down, and the six-door electromagnetic catapult began to flash alternately. In a split second, a large black spindle-shaped bomb was thrown out. The effectiveness of this launcher is similar to that of a mortar. It has a short range and a curved trajectory, but it is powerful enough, and because it is an electromagnetic launch rather than a fixed ammunition, the range can be accurately controlled, not only accurate, but also fierce.

As soon as the heavy fireman turned his muzzle, he was covered by a large black bomb, and was instantly blown into a pool of rotten meat and metal. The latter guy saw the death of his companion and ran away immediately. He rushed for both with a gun, but just two steps later he saw a sudden flash of fire in his chest. A cone-shaped gas cloud spewed from behind, and then the guy fell on his back.

Cargo, carrying a special anti-tank gun, rushed up. Kicked off the guy's helmet and shouted, "It makes you arrogant, isn't it cool?"

Immediately after being shouted, Scarlett was shot in the chest, and the whole man flew backwards. On our side, a large amount of fire gathered the wall in front of the fire, and instantly broke through the brick wall, and then the back Armed robots have also been screened.

The other party found that as our reinforcements arrived, the firepower became more and more fierce, and they could not be replenished due to the loss of personnel, so the impact had clearly disappeared. I don't know if the commanders in them issued instructions, and these enemies suddenly started to retreat.

At this time we again found evidence that these people are regular troops, that is, their retreat is not a group of people turning around and swarming to escape, but a step-by-step retreat, and someone is always covering the retreat. Slower, but much more secure. This high degree of organization and discipline is definitely not something that terrorists can do. However, even if the evacuation of the other party is orderly, it is completely useless, because the third wave of reinforcements on our side has arrived.

The absolute advantage of the number of people, and the subsequent arrival of heavy weapons, the other party's personnel simply did not fight back. It was not the ground forces that arrived in the third batch, but the attack aircraft. These attack aircraft all took off from nearby airports, carrying special anti-mechanical missiles on them. A group of attack aircraft immediately began to bombard the enemy after arriving at the scene. The trajectories were dropped, and the enemies below were bombed. The man turned on his back, and soon the casualties were exhausted. Only a few power armors with significantly better performance than normal types were still running away.

Needless to say, these are definitely commanders. Although their power armors are similar to others, their performance is significantly higher than that of other captains.

Although the appearance of these captains is not different from that of ordinary power armor, and even very similar to those of armed robots, the weapons carried by these guys are very advanced, almost all of them are energy weapons. Not to mention, there are also individual soldier shields. .

We can generate things like shields on our side, but those guys on the opposite side also have them, and they are mounted on power armor. This shows that the power system of the opponent ’s power armor is absolutely very strong, otherwise it is impossible to support the consumption of the protective cover.

"Boss, do we need to catch a few live ones?" Ye Yue asked the guys who were forced to the door of the factory in front of them ~ ~ I thought for a moment: But don't take risks for captives. It doesn't matter if they die. "


Ye Yue, who was ordered, ran away immediately, and I slowly walked towards the door. The enemy has been basically killed. Although the remaining equipment is more advanced, there are only a few people left. It is useless, so I am too lazy to go for fun.

As I walked towards the gate, I was still in touch with the son-in-law to ask about the latest situation.

It took me a long time to give me a reply. "There is new information. The Central Presbyterian Corps has made contact with Europe. This is the latest situation. You can see for yourself." (To be continued)

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