Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 456: Drill hole

I have to say that you ca n’t even think of the wonderful American ideas in China. A group of us lay in such a large coffin and ran for more than ten kilometers with pedals, and finally arrived near the launch site.

The biggest difficulty in approaching this place is that the surrounding space is empty. This launch base is located on the Gobi Desert without any obstructions. Within 200 kilometers, there are no-man's land, and the local plants are sparsely drawn, and the height generally does not exceed one meter. What's more terrible is that the terrain is too flat with almost no ups and downs. It is very difficult for such a place to be quietly approached under normal circumstances, but today we have a big advantage.

The heavy rain caused the visibility in this area to be less than five meters. Such visibility is enough to allow us to quietly approach here without fear of being found. In addition, this ugly coffin made in the United States will not fail us even with a detector.

Huge immigration ships are like giants hidden in a rain curtain, and those who look at the huge shadows feel furry. We carefully approached the entrance to the underground base below the launch platform. This entrance is semi-buried, only over one meter high on the ground, and looks like a tortoise shell clasped on the ground. This is the design specification of a standard air defense shelter.

When we arrived at the door, the first thing we saw was a large iron door that looked rusty. At a glance, we knew it hadn't been used for a long time.

In fact, if nothing happened, this door should not have been opened for at least 20 years.

Of course, the Ark base was not built 20 years ago. After all, we didn't know that the Terminator of the solar system was flying towards the solar system. In fact, the Ark base was expanded using a ballistic missile base abandoned by the Americans, and this door is not the gate used by the Ark base, but the emergency evacuation door used by the original missile base. According to the drawings provided by the US government, there should be a passageway behind this door connected to the Ark base, but this section should be a completely abandoned passageway. The real Ark base has its own entrance, which is not only larger than this, but also newer.

Because the channel in this entrance is in an abandoned state, there is no monitor installed here, and even the electronic lock of the door is broken. Even if we have a password, we ca n’t get in. The battery on the door lock is long dead. .

After we approached the door quickly, we didn't break into it directly, but listened to the movement inside first, and only heard a regular buzzing sound, which should be the sound of some kind of mechanical equipment, not human voice.

"Chilli." I whispered.

Chili quickly opened the palm of the hand and stuck it to the door lock position, and then saw that the door lock began to turn red quickly, then the little hand of Chili slowly inserted into the door lock, and then suddenly held an east-west direction. As soon as it was pulled outside, a piece of molten metal was pulled out. This is the lock core. Without the lock bolt on the door lock, it loses its support.

After dissolving the door lock, I tried to push the door and found that it didn't move. Although the door lock had been removed, the door had not been opened for twenty years, and the metal door shaft had completely rusted to death. Even the door panel and the door frame had become rusty. No way, we had to dissolve the door shaft and dismantle the entire door.

Immediately after we dropped the gate, we saw the passage behind the gate, but now it was completely dark inside. No need to remind me, everyone switched their eyes to the infrared band and started to move on. The German scene in the channel is now as clear in our eyes as the lights, but the color of the picture is a bit strange.

The design of this aisle is relatively unique, first a small downward section, then a horizontal corridor, turn a bend to continue downward, and then turn laterally. This is actually a design used to confuse people. On the surface, it seems that these downward and lateral passages are 90-degree turns. In fact, the steering angle is not 90 degrees, but there is a certain deviation. Of course, the deviation of each turn is not large, but because there are so many corners in this passage, there are more than a dozen consecutive turns, and no one with a good sense of direction can distinguish between northeast and southeast. Of course, this trick doesn't work for us. Our dragons have the general accuracy of a computer. No matter how many turns our body makes, we can know exactly the direction we are facing.

After walking a short distance along the passage, we encountered a collapsed passage. This is why the Ark base is not set up here, because there is a landslide in the middle of the passage, most people ca n’t get through, and large equipment is needed to dig the passage, so there is no need to fortify this passage.

Of course, we also have no ability to dig this channel. After all, we are combatants and not siege machinery. Although we have the physical strength, we have no time to do this.

We enter here, of course, not to dig the tunnel of the collapse, but intend to use this channel to enter the Ark base. Some people may be surprised, since the passage has already been tower-guarded, and we do not plan to dig it, how can we enter the base?

This issue is actually well explained.

Although the front passage collapsed, at least a dozen meters long of a landslide area had to be dug in the past, so even it took us a long time to dig through. However, after digging three meters downward from this place blocked by the landslide, you can enter the main ventilation pipe of the Ark base. This depth is actually nothing to us.

Excavating a three-meter-long tunnel may be strenuous for the average person, but it is not a problem for us, and we also bring professional equipment. This ultrasonic cutting machine can excavate a cylindrical channel, all we need to do is to get loose soil and rocks in the middle.

With the help of this attack, we dug through the channel in more than ten minutes, and then entered the main ventilation duct.

From here it can be considered to enter the Ark base, and this is the most dangerous part. Although we are now in the air duct, we cannot move along the air duct, because there is a laser fence every few meters in the air duct. As soon as we climb along this place, the alarm will be triggered immediately. , And the other party will know that we are here, so we must never walk out of the ventilation pipe.

The purpose of entering the ventilation pipe is not to climb forward along the ventilation pipe, but to enter the common trench. The other side of the outer wall of this ventilation duct is the cable duct of the homeowner's base. There is a direct connection to the security system. We need to do some articles from here before we can start the next step.

The three-meter-long aisle was dug, and of course a hole in the ventilation pipe is not a problem. After opening this hole, we saw the communication channel, and this thing can't be violently cracked.

The outermost layer of this communication pipeline is a corrosion-resistant and pressure-resistant synthetic plastic sleeve. This thing has no technical content. The technical content is the inner rubber insulation layer.

This rubber insulation is not an insulation layer on the outside of the wire as imagined, but a special protective layer. In this rubber insulation layer are twelve glass fibers, also known as optical fibers. These twelve optical fibers are not used to transmit data, but are constantly transmitting a set of variable cryptographic groups. If you cut the outer rubber protective layer, you may hurt these fibers, which are thinner than hair, and once the fiber breaks, the other party will know that someone is moving their line.

This protection measure can be said to be almost all things. So far, their only disadvantage is that it is expensive and everything else is an advantage, because there is no way to destroy this thing silently, as long as you do something to this wire It will inevitably cause the line to be disconnected, and once the line is disconnected, it means that someone is invading the line.

Although this base is controlled by those people, the infrastructure is still carried out by the US government, so many of the design and other American governments have it here, so we know that this line cannot be touched, and we have no plans to touch this line . The reason to find this line is because we need to follow it to find another thing-the data exchange.

One of the reasons why this kind of cable is expensive is that a switch needs to be installed at intervals. This thing not only plays the role of relaying signals, but also performs simple data processing, so it is actually a computer instead of the switch that everyone usually sees.

Of course, the location of this thing itself is relatively hidden, and there is a protective layer, so it is not so easy to contact. However, we are not prepared. Although we did n’t know to infiltrate the spaceship before coming here ~ ~ But because the big sister of the delegation told us that we need to bring as much equipment as possible, we actually prepared a lot of things , And it just happens to be useful.

After finding the line, I reached back and Ling quickly put a thing that looked like a giant cricket into my hand.

If an ordinary person suddenly sees such a thing, it will definitely scare him to death, because it not only looks like a tadpole, but also has a length of almost sixty centimeters. The thickest position of the body is about the thumb of three adults. So rough together. Looking at the dark red chain-like carapace and hundreds of legs, normal people will be scared. But I am not afraid of this thing, because this is actually a small tool made by our Longyuan Biological Laboratory. Yes, although it looks like a living thing, it is actually a remotely controlled biological tool that does not have much thinking and consciousness, and is specially used to work in narrow pipes.

Put this thing on the communication line, then the bug immediately crawled forward along the line, and all we have to do now is wait for it to find the repeater. As long as this thing is close to the repeater, it will find a way to establish a physical connection with the repeater, and then we can directly invade the security system and close the laser fence in the ventilation duct. r1152

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