Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 458: Everything is under control

Regarding this suspended air duct outlet, the last way we chose to leave was a little different. After we arrived here, we found that there were actually many people carrying materials here, so there was no way to land and we could only walk from the ceiling. However, although the following people did not allow us to land directly, it was not completely unhelpful. At least the busy people produced a very loud noise, and this noise just masked our voice. In this way, we climbed upside down directly from the ceiling to the wall on the other side of the warehouse.

On this side wall, there is a metal corridor suspended on the wall. Because this corridor is four or five meters high from the ground, the probability that we will be found here is very low, and because of the noise below, even we originally The most difficult to cover voices no longer pose a threat.

After landing smoothly in the corridor, we followed the metal escalator to the end of a small door with an electronic lock. We were going to open the door. I didn't expect that the door was so cold that I opened it. Inside the door were two workers in work clothes. It was obvious that we were stunned, but Ling and I stretched out before they responded. Point out the position of one's eyebrow at the point of the finger, and the two persons at the point immediately softened. Ling and I quickly jumped into each of the gates and caught one slowly on the ground, then they reached out and looked inside. Fortunately, no one else is behind.

Greet others to enter, let Lingling succeed Ling and search forward with me. This place is not the same as below. There is only a narrow passage here, and the business is not open. This kind of place is the most beneficial to us, because our senses are much stronger than ordinary people, so we can find the enemy in advance, and humans in general are It is not as large as our sensing range, so as long as there are more obstacles in this place, we can hide the shaman without worrying about being found.

The two workers had their brains burned by the electric current when they touched their brows on the fingers of me and Ling. Although they look like they are asleep now, they will find their brains if they are examined by craniotomy. It's completely cooked. We shoved the bodies of the two people behind a pile of pipes next to each other. After making sure they were not easily found, we continued to move forward.

Because of the map, we don't need to explore those channels a little bit, but just move directly towards the target along the lines on the map. However, according to the map, we have to go a long way to enter the spacecraft, but unexpectedly this road is very simple. In addition to the two workers we met before, we only encountered one order. Technical staff. It was still easy to hide the corpse, and we reached the outside of the spaceship's connecting channel unimpeded.

At this point, the situation became more complicated, because the spacecraft was standing in an empty silo, and the surrounding sight range was too large. Although we used electronic badges to invade the security system, we could not control the eyes of those guards, and in such an open place, everyone's visibility range was super large, which was not a good thing for us.

Although it is very difficult to sneak in quietly, we must do it. Of course, hard drive is obviously not suitable, we still need to think of something else.

After carefully checking and searching on the electronic map in our brain, we really found a safe channel. This so-called safe passage is actually not safe, because it is not a passage for people to walk, but a cooling fluid delivery pipe. The coolant used in this pipe will absorb heat in the pipe and cause the pressure to rise, so for safety, there is a larger casing outside the pipe. The diameter of this sleeve is enough for us to squeeze in, but the problem is that the sleeve is sealed, and the temperature of the coolant delivery pipe is extremely low, which causes the temperature drop in the sleeve to be reduced to a very extreme state. This extreme low temperature is enough to kill most of the creatures known on the planet, including penguins and polar bears. But if you want to go in, there is no good place to choose except this road.

Quickly returned to the channel inside the base, and then circled to reach the location of the coolant delivery pipe. There are two staff on duty in this place, and there is monitoring. Of course, monitoring is useless now, because the invasion of the electronic puppet will automatically remove our image in the picture, so the only problem we need to solve is the two staff. .

Because the coolant pipe had been connected for a long time, now the two are just fine, sitting and chatting there, not paying attention to the door. It is of course our ability to get these two people together without any effort, but the key issue is not to control them, but to prevent others from discovering problems. There is nothing good about this, we can only pray that no one is looking for these two guys. After all, the only thing we can do is hide the corpses, but if someone finds them, they will soon find that they are not in the post. Afterwards, problems will inevitably be discovered afterwards, and this is basically unsolvable for us, and we can only rely on luck. Fortunately, no one will come here.

After hiding the body, we quickly came near the duct. There are two coolant pipes in the center, which are about the same thickness as the fire hoses. The material is completely invisible because the outside is covered with a thick layer of hoarfrost. In fact, not only the coolant delivery pipe, but also the inside of the huge casing is a thick layer of hoarfrost, and the entrance and exit are still sprayed with white mist. You do n’t need to be close to feel the cold air coming. .

"I trust, is this temperature okay?" Asked Hoarfrost Scott, who was looking at the pipe.

Frost immediately stepped forward and said, "I'll go ahead, you can follow me. I have a way to protect everyone from frostbite."

"It's up to you."

Frost and Snow itself specialize in controlling temperature, so she said that there are ways to be more reliable. Everyone was guessing what method Frost would use to prevent freezing, but Frost used a method that everyone had never expected. She actually used the freezing method. Many people may be surprised that the pipeline itself is extremely cold. Doesn't freezing make the temperature lower?

In fact, this is just a wrong imagination caused by thinking inertia. As long as you carefully understand your mind, even the ice layer can be insulated. The method used by Frost and Snow is to lay two layers of ice on the pipeline by freezing method. There is a small gap between the two layers of ice, and there is an ice cone for support in the gap, which forms a hollow section. Isolation belt. The thermal conductivity of ice itself is actually not good, so when the upper and lower ice layers are separated, a thermal insulation layer is formed. The small ice cones connected in the middle because of the small cross-sectional area and the poor thermal conductivity of the ice layer itself, will The heat is quickly transferred between us and the pipeline, so our temperature loss does not go too fast, and it also acts as an antifreeze.

Although I felt a little magical at first, I found out that the principle is very simple. Of course, it is not easy to make such an ice layer with a hollow interlayer, and it cannot be done without precise control. Besides, human beings do not have our near supernormal ability.

Although the frost and snow method is very good, the temperature in the pipe itself is not high, so we climbed all the way and it was freezing enough. The ice layer just protects us from frostbite. The low temperature of more than -20 degrees in the casing still makes us feel very cold. After all, we only have a layer of composite armor, and the heat insulation capacity is absolutely not. how. Originally, the temperature in this place was very high, and we did not expect to need to climb the cooling pipe!

Through the 20-meter-long pipeline, we smoothly entered the docking interface on the spacecraft. When I came out of the pipe, I saw two ice sculptures standing on both sides of the pipe entrance. This should be the staff here. Frost and Snow can't keep them from coming out of this, of course, so directly manipulate the low temperature to freeze them.

Dealing with these two unlucky eggs is much simpler, just plug it into the casing we just came out. The low temperature of -20 degrees Celsius can definitely ensure that they cannot break off the ice layer on their bodies.

After entering this working space, we quickly took out the weapon and started to arm, and then checked the map again to confirm the relative position of the target and us. After that, it was changed by Skott and Yeyue to open the road. Immediately after opening the pressurized door of the studio, a vertical well was seen. This vertical well is actually a main passage extending from the bow to the stern, but because the spacecraft is now erected on the launch pad, this passage becomes a vertical well. However, there are escalators in the four directions of the passageway, even if it is vertical, people can move through these vertical escalators, but it is only a little effort. Of course, this is not a problem at all in our physical strength.

By directly grasping the two spiral ladders on both sides of the gate, we are not climbing up one level at all, but jumping up layer by layer like monkeys. Grasp the hands and feet of the ladder and use a light jump to jump up to seven or eight meters high, and this is not our limit, but the result of reducing the range of motion in order to minimize the sound. Otherwise, it is not a problem to fly 20 meters in one step based on our physical fitness. Of course, although we don't have a large jump distance each time, our speed is very fast, and we almost take off again as soon as we touch the escalator. Looking from the side as if we were flying upwards, it rose by dozens of meters in the blink of an eye.

Gesturing below, I stuck directly to the door entrance. This door is different from ordinary doors. It has a password input device on the side, and it also has a device to detect palm prints and irises, which can be described as strict inspection. Of course, we do not intend to compete with this identification device.



Xiaochun jumped up from below, hung by the door with one hand, and then stuck the palmprint recognizer on the door with the other hand. The surface of the recognizer immediately glowed green, and it seemed to be checking palm prints. But the light flickered as soon as the light turned on, and then the entire recognizer lighted up in red. We even heard a warning beep, and then the door suddenly opened itself with a "beep".

The moment the door opened, "Hurry up, I can only control this thing for a few minutes."

In fact, there is no need for Xiaochun to remind us that we are already in action. I reached out my hand, and Skott threw a **** bag from below. Immediately after catching this bag, I got into the door, and then saw a large crisscross metal frame. These frames were densely filled with circuit boards and disk arrays. In addition, I could see several mechanical arms hanging. Stop on the wall on my left. That should be the ceiling, but because the spacecraft is now upright, it has become the left wall.

These directly exposed external circuit boards and disk arrays are not the central processor, but the management circuits used in the separation capsule. After the spacecraft takes off, these things will be transferred to the material warehouse as a spare part of the main computer for storage. The amount of calculation is large, so these things need to participate in the work and cooperate with the host computer to complete the flight control.

What we are looking for is certainly not these things, but the host computer in that core location. Carrying the big bag on my back, I ran on the steel frame like a human ape to jump to the center of this room. Here is a huge device with a cool shape. If you rotate it 90 degrees on the ground, you will find it looks like a gear lying on the ground. At its center is a cylinder with a diameter of more than three meters and a height of about five meters, and around this cylinder are eight things as large as a container standing upright in a radial arrangement. Of course, this thing is not as rough as the container, but a rather cool thing. Its surface is a black matte material, which feels smooth and feels like oil. At the top of each of the eight gadgets, there is a blue light guide bar. At this time, the lines are constantly flashing, it looks as if a blue luminous liquid is flowing inside.

Of course, the above is the appearance of this thing on the ground, but now it is nailed to the wall on my side. In fact, that wall should be the floor of the spacecraft, but for that reason, because the spacecraft is upright, the floor also becomes a wall.

This huge black device is the core of this migrant ship-the Center for Quantum Computing. The eight things as large as a container outside are actually eight quantum computers, and the huge cylinder in the center is the core of the artificial intelligence and the data exchange. Those blue light guides are not decorative lights or indicators, but quantum communicators. The eight big guys and the central artificial intelligence core are all quantum computers. Their calculation speed is too fast. Traditional optical fibers and cables cannot meet their data communication needs. Therefore, special optical quantum communicators need to be installed, and quantum beams are used for direct communication. Communication, which minimizes transmission delays.

Immediately after seeing this thing, I jumped over in excitement. As a result, I found that the accidental surface was too smooth and could not stand at all. I just slipped down on the side of the central cylinder. The night moon that came up responded quickly and threw a rope to swing me to the steel frame over here.

After learning the lesson, this time I first fixed it on the steel frame with the rope hook gun, and then put myself a little bit on the top of the central cylinder with the rope hook gun. Of course, now this is actually its side, but this should be the top in the direction of the spacecraft.

At the top of this cylinder is not a maping river, but there are many external devices, and there is a regular octagonal protrusion at the center position, and a triangular slot at the center of the protrusion. I quickly pulled out the universal connector on the back of my neck and inserted it directly into this slot. I felt a numbness all over my body, the electronic brain automatically connected to the signal, and then this octagonal protrusion in front of me suddenly protruded slowly with the sound of an exhaust sound.

This raised device has eight sides, with a large number of indicators flashing endlessly. In addition, you can see a lot of data interfaces. This is a special connection port for maintenance. As long as you connect this port with a physical direct connection, you can get junior administrator rights. After all, this is an access channel and it needs to be opened with a dedicated electronic key, so normally no special protection is required.

Of course, it is abnormal now.

Immediately after seeing this thing protruding, I took the backpack to the front, and then pulled out a silvery white thing that looked like an unencapsulated nuclear bomb from the backpack. Straighten this thing directly to one side of the extended device, click firmly, the device locks automatically, and then I throw away the backpack and from Skort, the second backpack continues to insert one of the protrusions side.

Soon, one of these devices was inserted into each of the eight sides of the gadget, and the eight devices suddenly and neatly opened the rear cover and extended an antenna from it after they were all in place. The antenna tip was still There is a small red lamp. Immediately after the eight antennas were extended, they began to flash alternately, and all the computers in this room suddenly made a louder and clearer roar.

In fact, the computer itself does not make sound. The sound we hear is actually the noise generated by the accelerated operation of the cooling device, and the reason for the acceleration of the cooling device is because the power consumption of the computer itself is increasing. In other words, the computer is currently Is busy. The cooling device of the computer can only run so wildly when all the components have entered the full load state, because it will not control the temperature of the computer.

This sudden noise lasted for about thirty seconds. The room we were in was suddenly clicked into the darkness ~ ~ All the lights and lights went out, but there was a lapse of time after two seconds Slowly increasing mechanical sound, all the surrounding computers suddenly restarted, then the lighting equipment turned on in turn, and a mechanical electronic synthesis sound suddenly sounded around. "Data avatar loading is complete, and the replacement of the original operating system is started .... The replacement is complete." The sound suddenly stopped, and then the electronic voice suddenly became the voice of the son-in-law. "The main engine is locked and the fuel pipe is disconnected. The external ventilation is cut off, the oxygen generator is shut down, the carbon dioxide alarm is closed, the spacecraft main passage is closed, and all cabins are isolated. The lighting system is turned off, the operation control system is turned off, the monitoring system is turned off, and the air conditioning system is turned off. After reading a series of orders, the son-in-law suddenly said to us: "Well, I have been fully taken over here, you start to clean up those disobedient guys. Oh right, note that the amount of oxygen outside will gradually decrease, if you If you feel uncomfortable, just switch to the inner circulation system. "

"Don't you know that we are coming in as soon as they get into the outside?"

"What do you know? They are now locked in sealed cabins. I turned off the ventilation and air-conditioning systems. The temperature here will get higher and higher, and the oxygen content will gradually decrease. How long do you think they can persist? But I suggest you better control the engine compartment first. There is a manual device over there that can release my control, but they need permission. They do n’t have to go so fast. You just have to move quickly. ”R1152

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