Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 461: Go to fire

In fact, you do not enter the power module directly from the main aisle, but first enter a cabin with six doors on each of the six sides. ⊥Vertex said .. This is the central connection cabin, which is used to connect all the surrounding cabins. The reason why all channel entrances are concentrated in this place is because there is a large amount of nuclear material in the power capsule, and the equipment here basically emits strong magnetic fields and various rays.

These things are very harmful to the human body. After the equipment is started, special protective clothing must be worn in and out of these cabins, and whether it is worn or taken off, special equipment must be non-toxicized in advance. If it is a surface ship or a fixed factory, it is not impossible to equip each equipment compartment with such a cleaning equipment. After all, although this equipment is complicated, it has no technological content and the cost is not high. , So there is no problem setting a few more. However, this is a migrant ship. It needs to consider the load and space issues. In order to reduce the load and save space, the designer connected all the cabins that need non-toxic treatment to this room, so that only one set of equipment can be used. Complete all the work, not only left the space and load occupied by multiple sets of equipment, but also save construction costs and man-hours.

Of course, because the spacecraft has not yet taken off, the equipment is closed, so naturally it does not need to be detoxified, and even if the spacecraft takes off. We also do n’t need to wear protective equipment, because our dragons are originally star pilots, and our bodies can withstand these harsh environments, even if they do n’t wear protective clothing.

Five of the six doors here were closed when we entered, except for the one through which we entered. The channel we entered is the non-toxic treatment channel, and now this room is a connecting cabin. What we need to enter is the door directly below us.

It didn't take much effort to open the door, because the door had been opened once, and it was closed just now. It's all because of the linkage mechanism. In order to ensure that the toxic substances will not leak out, the six doors of this Unicom warehouse have linkage devices, and only one of them can be opened at a time. When you go to open the second door, the previously opened door will automatically close, and the door on this side will never open until the down door is sealed. This eliminates the possibility of human negligence caused by internal and external space communication, allowing toxic and harmful substances to leak to living areas.

After opening the door under our feet, we climbed down the escalator beside the door. Although the escalator on the wall is not easy for ordinary people to come and go. But it's not a problem for us. After entering the cabin easily, you can see the huge engine standing there. These ultra-electromagnetic engines are not much more than ordinary medium-sized and large yachts. The short and thick tank structure surface is full of large connecting pipes. You can even see the light green thick fluid flowing in some transparent ducts liquid.

Of course, we are not looking for the engine, but for the manual control switch. This manual device is located at the upper part of the lower fuel engine device, which is one step lower than where we are now. You don't need an escalator to walk down from here, just step on the equipment and jump down. Of course, because the drop is more than ten meters, it is difficult for ordinary people to do so. But it's not a problem for us.

I jumped to a large machine below a few times, and the console was just below us, and I could already see the cover of that protection device. However, at this time, I suddenly heard the prompt of son-in-law.

"A team of armed men is escorting someone with manual power on and moving towards you. It is recommended to stop immediately."

"Armed?" I looked at the protective cover over there, and then gave instructions. "Pure you solve the manual device, Jingjing you cover pure. Others follow me."

Before it. There is only one formal entrance and exit, so people who want to come to the console must only come down from the road we have walked before. Because the other entrances here are for emergency use, they are usually closed and difficult to open.

Since these people are following our previous route, they will necessarily meet those who were subdued before, so that the other party should know that we are below. Therefore, a raid is impossible. All we can do is attack. Of course, the aisle and cabin space above are very narrow, and it is not easy to fight in that kind of place, but we have no other way. We hope that this spacecraft can stay, and we don't want to destroy it too much. The lower compartment is the engine compartment, no matter where it is rubbed, it is an incredible thing, so we would rather fight in such a place.

Those people on the other side can react so quickly. They are very elite, and they also have people who have the authority to start the manual system. This shows that they are organized, and a group of organized armed personnel is definitely not the same as those of the previous ones. Class, even if we are far more effective than these people, crossfire is inevitable.

When we moved upwards, the other party also went all the way down, and the son-in-law kept providing us with progress information. When we came to the previous non-toxic treatment channel, the outsiders finally arrived at those who were captured by us. People, but these people were injected with anesthetic at this time, so they ca n’t take these people, they can only fight with us first.

Although we knew that these people were right outside the door, we still rushed forward without hesitation, but we wouldn't just jump out silly. At the moment when the hatch was opened, the pepper threw a ball lightning. The instantaneous explosion of spherical lightning produces a light intensity similar to that of sunlight, instantly causing those around them to lose sight. With a screeching sound, we have rushed out of the entrance. Although the opponent fired blindly by feeling, all the bullets flew under the influence of our electromagnetic force field, without hitting one shot.

After releasing the lightning ball, Pepper did not immediately rush into the main channel, but Yeyue and I passed by first. As soon as the two of us came out, we immediately started shooting at nearby armed men, and Ling was the third one, but Ling's method was more thorough. When she came out, the doctor screamed, and with an invisible energy shock, the people around him Feeling dark. Then at least half of them fell into a coma for a while, and the rest fell to the ground as if they had lost their sense of balance. Although they continued to try to stand up, they couldn't find balance, but only on the ground. Twisted and scrambled.

"Still, the skills of the oldest sister are easy to use!" Ye Yue said, looking at the armed men who poured a large area around them.

Although Ling's mental shock is sometimes easy to distinguish between the enemy and me, the effect at the critical moment is still very good, at least all the immediate threats have been brought down instantly. Even those who have not passed out have lost their combat effectiveness. And that's enough.

Anesthetize everyone with an anesthesia needle, and soon all the armed men here became captives, but we searched for a circle but did not find the authority who was able to open the manual device before.

"Now son, what about the person with authority?"

"They were crawling in through the ducts while you were fighting."

"Ventilation pipe?" I looked at the large pipe opening on the wall next to me in amazement.

Son-in-law also guessed what I was wondering about, and said directly: "The permission holder is two children, only about ten years old."

"No wonder!" How did my gang get into such a passage, it turned out to be children. However, these two children are also powerful enough. So many people are fighting here and they can take the opportunity to run away. This is not an ordinary child's reaction.

Although weird. But I didn't express any doubts about it, and it didn't matter much to me anyway. After packing up the armed men here, we turned around and walked back. As for the two children, we didn't care at all. Anyway, there were pure and Jingjing beside the manual device, not even the two children, even the two wing special forces Also don't want to touch the manual device under the guard of pure and Jingjing.

The facts did not exceed my expectations. When we went down and saw the two children lying on the ground and sleeping, obviously the narcotics had fully taken effect.

Seeing me coming around, I turned around and handed a big guy with a thermos liner. "This is the start-up insurance of the manual device. Without this device, it cannot be started. Should we be done with the task now?"

As soon as the voice here fell, the broadcast in the spacecraft suddenly sounded the son-in-law's voice: "The suppression of this ship is complete. Please refrain from all ship personnel. Soon there will be armed people accept your surrender. Human crimes were executed on the spot. We do not want more bloodshed. Please cooperate with the armed personnel to accept unified detention. Repeat again ... "

With the voice of the son-in-law, the compartments on the ship suddenly returned to lighting, and inside the base outside the spacecraft. A large number of American soldiers are entering the base. When we suppressed the interior of the spacecraft, people outside were also occupying the launch base. Now that the base has been completely occupied, the spacecraft is also controlled here. What is needed below is to let everyone inside go out and accept unified custody. .

I did not ask about the handling of these people. But this has nothing to do with me anyway. Now that the American soldiers outside have begun to enter the spacecraft to receive the captives, it is meaningless for us to stay here, so I and my son-in-law started to take the team out.

When we left the spacecraft, we learned that our team was the first to complete the suppression, but I don't think we are moving so fast because of our strength. A large part of the reason should be a factor of luck. Most of the armed men on our ship were sealed in an auditorium-like conference hall. When the son-in-law was controlling the spacecraft, they were having a combat meeting, but suddenly they were sealed in the room, and the conference hall just happened to be a modified structure where the manual gate opening and closing device was cancelled, so the people inside could not fight Open the hatch. In addition to that space comparison, so many people gathered again, so the people in the air started to be hypoxic within ten minutes after the ventilation system was locked, and almost no one struggled. Most people entered a coma, which led to the spacecraft. The vast majority of security personnel lost their combat effectiveness in advance, and what we really encountered were the bodyguards of several important people.

Because of our luck, the repression on our side did not encounter any obstacles, and it was easily completed.

The completion of our task ahead of time does not mean that we have time to rest, because this time the matter is very important, so we have to support other teams as soon as we are free. Because the son-in-law controlled the command of the entire battle plan, we were directly assigned by the son-in-law to the group that needed us most.

To our surprise, the group we were responsible for turned out to be the Japanese and Korean combination.

Although this is one of the eight main spaceships, this spacecraft is occupied by Japan and South Korea. It should be easier than us, and it turned out to be the worst group in the war. But after knowing the situation with the son-in-law, we knew that this happened not because the invading troops of South Korea and Japan failed, but because of their character problems.

The process of entering the base was quite smooth. Although there was an emergency in the middle, it was still under control. In the case of one person injured in the Japanese team, the troops of the two countries successfully sneaked into the spacecraft and reached the outside of the joint computing center smoothly, but when they were about to open the door, the door was actually opened from the inside. .

Unprepared Japanese and Korean commandos collided with several scientific researchers, and one of the Korean commando soldiers fired. However, I don't know if this guy is extremely bad. Although the technicians were shot and killed, one or more of the bullets flew away, and he didn't know what was hit ~ www. ~ Anyway, he hit a shuttle bullet and the alarm inside the spacecraft went off.

Because the ships have not been started, the main computers on these ships are in hibernation, and only the peripheral terminals are working, but the alarm forces the intelligent core to be awakened, and then the security systems on the ships are all online, and all the gates of the channels are dropped. Down, this is the same as the son-in-law. But the difference is that the son-in-law seals up the people on the spacecraft and then actively helps us open the door. Of course, this core system is to seal up the Japanese and Korean commandos and then help the armed men on the spaceship. Quickly concentrated personnel and weapons, and even the automatic defense system in the passage was activated.

Since then, the secret sneak-in operation of the Japan-South Korea joint commando has turned into a storm. Although relying on their own equipment and quality advantages, the Japanese-Korea commando personnel have not been defeated, but they have also been suppressed outside the computer center. They ca n’t move. If we do n’t come to the rescue, they may soon be burned because the ammunition is exhausted. But they were lucky, and we freed up our hands in time.

"It was clear that it was still alive and dead before. I didn't expect to save them in turn now, I really don't understand!" Skott followed me as he walked.

Ling smiled in front of him and said, "This is politics. You don't understand. You will not be you if you understand." (To be continued ...)

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