Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 475: Important goals emerge

"For help, for help, I was bitten, and I couldn't get rid of the enemy aircraft. N ∈," the pilot of a thug attack aircraft desperately controlled the aircraft while trying to help and dodging bullets fired from behind, dodging. The mob is an attack aircraft instead of a fighter aircraft. The super-archaeopteryx behind it is a standard support fighter aircraft. Although the support fighter aircraft has some of the functions of an attack aircraft, it is a fighter aircraft after all, and its design such as flexibility and fire control are not comparable to attack aircraft. The only reason the thug below has survived until now is because of its armor.

Unlike crispy fighters, attackers often need to perform close-range attacks in combat airspace, so attackers are often hit by ground artillery, individual air defense missiles, or even machine guns. If they are crispy like fighters, then the attacker Will definitely fall frequently. Therefore, in order to cope with this situation, the design of attack aircraft is different from that of fighter aircraft. Because the attack aircraft needs to pass through the bullets and rain, it is a common occurrence to be hit, so the structural strength becomes extremely important. Moreover, because the attack aircraft does not need to be too fast, the design of the wings can be like a transport aircraft, with the premise of increasing the lift as much as possible. In this way, the attack aircraft will have a higher take-off weight than the fighter under the premise of constant power, which leaves sufficient load for the armor plate and the reinforcement structure.

Therefore, attack aircraft are basically very skin-resistant, but in terms of speed and flexibility, there is no way to compete with fighters. But this guy is lucky. Because these fighters did not perform **** missions according to orders, they did not carry combat missiles at all, and only the cannons left on the aircraft that could be used for air combat. Otherwise, as long as one missile, the attack aircraft would have to become one. Big fireball. But now, because it can only use aviation guns, the attack aircraft is just like the air tank, which is particularly resistant. So although the wing was hit like honeycomb coal, and the fuselage also had a large row of holes, the attack aircraft was still flying, except for a slight decrease in controllability. But it will happen sooner or later if it develops like this.

However, just before the pilot was nervous for help, the pilot behind was struggling hard. On the ground in front of it, a huge figure suddenly flew up. This figure and the attack plane swept away, and then turned sharply. A huge whip shadow behind the black shadow swept across. With a loud noise, the following fighter jet directly turned into a large fireball, and a large number of burning parts scattered, igniting a large number of houses, but at this time no one had time to take care of the people below.

The attacker in front saw that the fighter in the back was actually killed, and immediately shouted in excitement: "Oh ... you are my angel! Good job!"

"People who helped me expel the helicopter, and the fighter handed it to me." Luckily sent the message directly via wireless communication. Then he jumped up on the ground and rushed towards a fighter jet ahead.

The fighter found a huge figure flying to the side and was frightened and quickly gave up the original pursuit target to speed up. Because I was afraid of accidentally flying in front of the attack aircraft when chasing the attack aircraft, these fighters are very slow. Now I find that lucky to be close to the opponent will certainly not continue to use the low-speed mode and lucky dog ​​fighting.

The advantage of fighters is their fast speed, as well as advanced fire control and super-range missiles. Now that these aircraft do not carry air-to-air missiles, they can only rely on speed to fight. Playing dog fighting at a low-altitude and lucky target is purely a flood of water. The fool can also see that this big guy is definitely not able to hit three or two rounds of bullets, so he can't expect to solve it easily.

Although the other pilot's thought was right. But he underestimated the power of luck. The other party was notified before taking off, knowing that luck was a fighting force supported by China, but there was not much information obtained from the US government at that time, just knowing that this giant looks like a legendary dragon. Beasts are biochemical battle beasts, but they don't know how they fight.

When the pilot accelerated to leave, the aircraft's radar alarm suddenly sounded. The next second he noticed that the aircraft dashboard suddenly flashed a series of arcs, and then the plane suddenly lost control and planted it. The guy pulled the joystick a few times and found that it was completely useless and only pulled the ejection. When he popped up, Just seeing the blue arc flashing between the two lucky horns flashed past him.

After successfully shooting down a fighter, he was lucky to find the next target immediately, and then began to accelerate. Although his electromagnetic attack ability is very strong. However, the propagation distance is not far, and if you cannot approach it, you cannot directly shoot down the enemy aircraft. Of course, if the condensed electromagnetic force field forms a plasma lightning ball, the attack distance will be very long, but that thing is not fast enough to catch up with the fighter. Do not want to waste the missiles in the weapon backpack. Fortunately, you can only rely on electromagnetic attacks to get those planes one by one.

Seeing such a lucky target appear, the surrounding fighters immediately gathered. The two Super Archaeopteryx started to dive towards Lucky one after another. The front artillery fired wildly. Lucky was suddenly hit by Mars, but that was all. A countercharger was launched against that aircraft, and fortunately I was going to kill the aircraft directly. However, just before entering the range, the aircraft suddenly turned over and left the axis of attack, and the aircraft that had been hidden behind began to dodge at the same time. However, after the two aircraft left the axis of attack, they dropped a string The rocket was exposed.

These fighters were controlled by the rebels, so instead of carrying air-to-air weapons as required by the US government, they carried ground-to-air weapons to protect the convoys of human traitors. These ground-to-ground weapons include rockets. The only difference between rockets and missiles is that they cannot be guided and can only fly in a straight line. Fortunately, although it is not an airplane, its flexibility is not low, so the other party knew that it was impossible to hit the target directly with a rocket, so they thought of a way.

The two planes rushed fortunately on an axis so that the rear plane would be blocked by the front plane, and the two planes took time. The rear plane suddenly launched a rocket and then the rocket was about to hit the front plane. The two planes turned around to avoid each other suddenly, so that the current plane gave way to the attack route. The missile launched by the aircraft in the back will quickly pass through the position where the previous aircraft stayed and rush to the target, and after a certain distance of acceleration, the rocket has reached the extreme speed. At this speed, the hit time will be very short. Fortunately, there is almost no time. dodge.

The facts were similar to those of the pilots. Fortunately, there was no way to fire these rockets. But not flashing does not mean you have to carry it. After seeing those rockets, a sudden arc flashed between the dragon's horns above the lucky head, and then saw a burst of arcs flashing from the rocket in front, and then exploded in the air.

Alas ... after all the rockets were destroyed, a lucky roar, and then suddenly opened his wings to rise into the air, chasing after the two fighters.

The two pilots saw the huge and lucky figure behind them, but instead of panic, they laughed proudly: "Hahaha, this speed is also good to fly."

The pilots were proudly despising the speed of luck, and suddenly felt that the fuselage slammed as if pulled by something, and the whole man rushed forward. If it weren't for the seat belt, it would probably have hit the dashboard in front.

Looking down at the instrument, it was found that the speed of the aircraft was dropping rapidly, and the two of them pushed the thrust lever forward to the end. The two large jet engines at the tail of the Super Archaeopteryx suddenly ejected huge pillars of fire. It is no longer falling rapidly, but the number is still slowly falling, and the rate of decline actually means a slow rise.

"Damn, what's going on! My plane seems to be caught by something!" The pilot behind shouted in panic.

The pilot in front also said immediately: "Me too. The speed of the plane is slowly decreasing."

"I'm going to open the afterburner. Come with me," reminded the plane behind.

The pilot in front should immediately reconcile, and then after a few seconds turned on the afterburner with the opponent. With the start of the afterburner. The flame at the rear of the aircraft suddenly changed from orange to light blue, and at the same time the aircraft slammed forward. The speedometer finally stopped descending, which meant a slow rise. However, just when the speedometer just turned up a number, a dragon yin suddenly came again. Then the pull on the plane suddenly increased, and the airspeed indicators of the two planes changed from ascending to descending momentarily, and at the same time the planes began to shake violently.

"Damn, resonance!" The pilot quickly realized that this was a resonance phenomenon, and quickly turned off afterburning and pulled the thrust down. However, the subsequent pulling force did not disappear, so when the plane's thrust dropped, the speed of the two planes immediately began to decrease linearly, and they quickly stalled completely. But the speed had obviously dropped to a state where it could not fly at all, but the aircraft did not fall down, but stopped completely as the speed continued to decline, and then the aircraft began to accelerate in the opposite direction and flew in the direction of luck.

At this time, the aircraft was obviously not flying by itself, but was pulled back by an invisible force, because at this time the aircraft was not heading forward, but rolling in the air and moving forward in a lucky direction. In the blink of an eye, he returned to the face of Lucky and was caught by Lucky in one hand.

Looking through the canopy, looking at the stern faces close at hand, both pilots did one unintended action, which was to pull the ejection seat. However, what they didn't expect was that the speed of this big guy was so fast that the ejection seat of the two people just flew out, the other party suddenly dropped the plane, and then grabbed the two of them with one claw. The individual pinched his paw with the ejection seat.

It was scary enough to be separated by the cockpit cover. Now the other pilot was directly pinched in the claws. The two pilots collapsed and began to scream and struggle hysterically. Of course, this cannot have any effect.

Fortunately, he approached the two guys deliberately, and then exposed his two-foot-long snow-white teeth. The next two pilots rolled their eyes and passed out completely.

"Oh, what a waste!" Looking at the two pilots who were fainted in their hands, they also lost their playfulness, and threw them out with a wave of their hands. As for the end of these two pilots ... From a few tens of meters high, it was thrown out at a speed of five to six hundred kilometers per hour, and then dropped on a concrete ground. What do you think will happen? Anyway, the pilot's car fell into a pile of scrap iron just now when it fell like this.

Fortunately, when the fighters couldn't get through here, on the other side, Plague and Xiaosan were still intercepting subsequent rebels, while Silver and Crystal were hunting down the helicopters with a large group of attackers at this time.

The weapons carried by the mob attack aircraft are also ground-facing weapons, because when they came to say that they were to intercept the convoy, they did not have any suitable weapons to deal with helicopters. Fortunately, the attack aircraft is much faster than the helicopter. In addition, there are a lot of artillery ammunition, so you can chase these helicopters around, but the efficiency is not very high.

Compared to those attackers, the efficiency of silver and crystal is terrible. There is no good way to deal with fighters. After all, the speed is flawed, and it is useless to catch up. But helicopters are different. The dragons couldn't catch up with the fighter. Can't it catch up with the helicopter? Ghost Gunships are characterized by stealth, flexibility, large load capacity, and advanced electronic systems, but speed is not their specialty. After all, this thing is a gunship, and its targets are tanks and various ground vehicles with a speed of no more than 200 kilometers, and then infantry and fixed targets. The speed of these targets is not fast, and even many of them will not move, so the speed of the helicopter itself is not much required, so the designer did not work hard in this regard. Besides, helicopters are limited by the principle of flight.

The speed of 513 kilometers is already quite good for helicopters, and many fixed-wing propeller planes are at this speed. but. This speed is still a bit slower for the dragon. Although the speed of the dragons is not much, it is fast after all. And the dragons have one advantage: electromagnetic field. How did you think the two planes that you were lucky to get back to him? It has not been deadlifted by the electromagnetic force field.

A ghost helicopter easily got rid of the attack of the attack aircraft, and was planning to support the convoy. Unexpectedly, suddenly, it felt like the plane was shaking as if it had hit something. The pilot quickly increased the thrust to get the plane to climb, but soon he noticed a stinging head crawling up from under the side window.

The panicked pilot tilted the joystick in hopes of throwing the monster off, but the opponent suddenly snapped at the fixed handle near the window. One of the handles is an escalator for boarding in the wild, and the other is a design that can hang people outside the aircraft in an emergency. The result was used by this little monster.

Finding that ordinary actions can't shake the opponent, the pilot intends to exaggerate. But he had just restored the plane's balance, but the other party moved first. The monster slaps its paw directly on the window. The bulletproof glass that should have been able to withstand heavy machine gun bullets shattered instantly, and then the monster's head stretched in, grabbing the pilot and dragging it out, and then it worked like this The front pilot was pulled out again.

The helicopter that lost both pilots immediately lost control. Rotating in the air and heading to the ground, followed by a loud bang, but the creature attacking the aircraft at this time jumped out of the flames with its wings open, without any damage at all.

"It's a good job. I just happened to pass by. I happened to see the scene where Xiao Biao ran out of the flames and patted his head in the past. Xiao Biao immediately arched me with excitement. I was hit hardly enough to stand still. "Lightly, lightly, you have so much energy, knowing that you are coquettish, I don't know that you thought you were going to kill someone!"

Although I was told, Xiao Budian had no intention of repentance. He stuck his tongue out and sold it, turned around, took off again, and chased after a ghost passing by not far from the sky. What's more, the little character is that hair is more and more like a puppy?

Shaking my head to dispel the strange thoughts, I quickly started looking for the next attack target, but looked around and found that it seemed that the team had passed our zone, and we had to chase forward to intercept it. Looking around the airspace, I saw a mob approaching, and greeted him directly in the newsletter. The mob immediately turned around and flew towards me. When I saw the mob approaching, I jumped up and jumped up. With one hand, the thug's wing turned on the back, stepped on the wing to the cockpit, knocked on the cockpit, and pointed forward. a bit. The pilot in the plane made a ok gesture to me, and then the fuselage flew in the direction I pointed.

The hitchhiker is much faster than myself. The main function of the wing on my back is actually an airborne glider. Of course, it can also be used to fly upwards, but the speed is really bad. Of course, when necessary, you can also use the jet thruster on the armor to provide acceleration ~ ~ but it is not very convenient after all. Ignition of the ram jet thruster is troublesome, so it doesn't make much sense to start short-distance.

When the thug leap over the target, I knocked on the lower cockpit again, then waved my hand and jumped straight down. Although I had wings, I was intentionally useless, and directly hit the front cover of a fleeing armored SUV directly with huge kinetic energy. With a loud noise, the front end of the SUV suddenly sank down, the front obstacle shovel shoveled into the concrete ground, and the rear of the car jumped up due to the huge inertia, and the whole car was directly in front of me. He rolled over, fell over the ground above my head, and slid out all the way before stopping.

Turn around and walk to the car in a hurry, reach out and pull the door, hold out the pistol and pull it out like the rehearsal, and then drag the owner of that hand together to kick and fly to the road On the opposite tree, the tortured chair was then torn off and the others were pulled out.

Looking at the wounded lying on the ground, I suddenly noticed that one of them was familiar. "Retrieve the database." The database was started in the electronic brain, and I saw the results in less than one second.

"Terry. I seem to have found someone extraordinary." (To be continued ...)

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