Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 478: Locate Dr. Donovan

Because it is an emergency task, after we met with the German commander, we simply said hello and did not have any in-depth understanding. After all, this is not a social ball.

Germans are not the kind of people who like to turn corners, so after a brief understanding, we started to gather various information.

Although the US government was unable to participate in this battle because of internal problems, Terry and his men would still participate in the battle, but they were not the main force, but they appeared as an observation team. Our dragon and German talents are the main force this time.

Based on the information obtained during the assembly of our two forces, it can now be determined that Dr. Donovan did not voluntarily join the rebel group, but was abducted under coercion because American intelligence personnel searched for Dr. Donovan I found a note clipped to his most commonly used work notes when I was in his personal belongings.

Because this working note is very important, Dr. Donovan knows that once he disappears, someone will definitely look at this note, and the information clipped here is naturally easy to find.

According to the note in the notebook, we found a mailbox address, then opened it with the account password recorded on the note, and saw a message. Dr. Donovan is a super expert in super electromagnetic engines, but this does not mean that he is the kind of person who only understands scientific research. In fact, on the contrary, Dr. Donovan is actually a very life-oriented person, otherwise there would not be a third wife.

Because Dr. Donovan is not an old-school person, his head is more flexible. After being kidnapped, he thought of leaving some clues. The most powerful clue is the tracker.

After being coerced, Dr. Donovan artificially yielded, and then intentionally told the other party to take him away. If he was to function, some necessary equipment must also be taken away. This requirement is very reasonable. After all, the scientist is not a fairy. Even if you throw Einstein into the primitive tribe, he can't make an atomic bomb. Any technology requires supporting equipment and tools, so scientists rely heavily on instruments. Dr. Donovan's own practice is highly sophisticated technology, which requires not only equipment but also a lot. Because the reason is very simple, the other party did not doubt it, just expressed that he wanted to keep it as simple as possible.

Dr. Donovan didn't really plan to move the laboratory, but just took the opportunity to bring a tracker, so he told the other party that if the function of some equipment is slightly modified, it can replace some unimportant equipment. Reduce the number of portable devices. So Dr. Donovan changed three devices after getting permission and told the other party that as long as the three devices were taken away after the modification, other things could be removed.

When the other party heard about it, they only needed to bring three equipments and a truck and it was pulled away. It was nothing, so they immediately agreed. When Dr. Donovan transformed these three things, he was actually making trackers.

Modern technology has proven that the more advanced the equipment, the more and more complex the disciplines involved. For something as tall as a super-electromagnetic engine, the knowledge that it needs to cover almost all of the disciplines that humans master, so Dr. Donovan is definitely not the kind of single expert who only understands certain aspects of technology. People are truly all-rounded. It's too easy to get a small tracker.

If the tracker is always working, it will continuously emit electromagnetic waves, which will be easy to find, so this device designed by Dr. Donovan is very special. It usually does not send out any signals, but keeps listening to the surrounding electromagnetic signals until it receives a specific signal, then it will start, emit a signal for two seconds, and then turn off again.

To put it simply, this thing will send a positioning signal in response to an external request, and as long as this special positioning request is not received, it will not work, so that it will not be detected even with a detector. As for finding it directly with your eyes ... Sorry, this thing is not a separate little thing, but it is integrated into the instrument. Unless a mechatronics engineer of the same level as Dr. Donovan carefully investigates, it will not be visible at all.

The message left by Dr. Donovan carries the code for this positioning request. As long as we send this code once by radio, the locator will start for two seconds. This is absolutely unconscious, even if it is not Coincidentally, we do not detect it within two seconds of starting this thing. Dr. Donovan can also use the normal electromagnetic signal overflow of the device to explain it. After all, these three devices are large and super complicated. Except for some experts, most people No idea how these devices work.

It can be said that Dr. Donovan used his technique to deceive those people, as if an adult lied to a child. This is a complete crush of IQ!

This time the German leader is called Hans, about thirty years old, of standard Germanic origin. If it weren't for his outfit, plus the men in the back, changing places and changing clothes, you would definitely think this guy is a professional male model or actor, because this guy is really handsome. That blond hair almost shone in the sun, it was really blind! Anyway, Terry looked very unhappy at him, and it seemed that this guy was hit.

To be honest, Terry actually looks pretty good. The standard muscle man, although not so handsome, is very MAN and very safe. As for his figure, the usual appointment of a girl is almost a matter of capture. However, after seeing Hans today and thinking about my appearance again, this guy instantly got rid of him. Compared with us, he instantly changed from the protagonist to the dragon. Hans' handsome is the kind of sunshine, rigid, delicate handsome, it can be said that he has the male elements of hardcore, and the most important thing is that his figure is not out of shape, very shapely, and his face is very handsome, not That rude type, but it doesn't look milky.

Me and Hans are just the opposite. Because of B-cells, my appearance has little to do with masculinity, and it can be said to be that feminine beauty. Although I can see a little male silhouettes carefully, as long as it is not on clothing, it can be regarded as a woman. It can be said that I have brought the feminine beauty of men to the extreme, and Hans is just an extreme product of two directions.

站 Standing with us, Terry felt like a clown, and instantly changed from focus to background. Terry, who is usually a focal point everywhere, suddenly became the background. Naturally, he was a bit uncomfortable for a while, and his emotions were inevitably affected. However, this boy also knows that he has to converge on his emotions. He didn't act too much. After all, we are all here to help. Besides, we did not intentionally offend him, and this face was not determined by ourselves.

Briefly exchanged the situation of everyone, then exchanged the information of the battle report, and then took out the startup password left by Dr. Donovan. Finally, the two armies merged to form a mixed army, and then they were ready to start operations.

The number of Hydra units brought by Hans was not large. After all, it was a test unit, so the amount of equipment would not be too large. Only half of the Hydra units came this time, with a total of more than 100 people. In contrast, there are more people on our side.

的 The dragon warriors I brought, that is, my magic pets plus 21 of them, and there are dozens of them. However, this time we have received a large number of reinforcements of slave robots. The number of this thing is more than 200, and there are more than 30 enhanced robot dogs and a whole dozen of detection robots.

All the slave robots this time are wearing power armor, and because our power armor can be used as a drone, these two hundred people's slave robots can actually be used as 400 people when necessary. Moreover, the minion robot has a very practical ability to confuse the enemy.

I said before that many people in Longyuan's special forces like to call this robot called senior. This nickname has a reason, and the reason is that all the minion robots are beautiful.

Investigation proves that, even for warriors who have gone through hundreds of battles, with the exception of a few perverts, 99% of people will see a delay in counterattack when they see women, especially beautiful women. The difference between an elite warrior and an ordinary warrior is just the length of the hesitation time, but as long as it is not a metamorphosis, there must be hesitation. Moreover, this is also the result of testing in the extremely elite special forces. If it is an ordinary soldier, even if it is clear that the opponent is the enemy, more than a third of the people will delay firing by one or two seconds, and The time between these servant robots finding the target and firing was only 0.21 seconds, and the interval between the next target firing was only 0.17 seconds. Hesitating for two seconds in front of it, what is this concept?

All of the above are the results we tested with real army personnel, if replaced with ordinary armed personnel ... I guess it is enough.

Anyway, the biochemical exterior of the servant robot is induced by artificial cells, and it is almost the same to make it look like. Since it will not increase costs and production difficulties, why don't we not have the image of a beautiful woman with a halo of hesitation?

Therefore, these killing machines with beautiful skins can play an unexpected role in many occasions. As for the real purpose ... let alone, this thing really has it, because the original robot was designed as a spy tool, so it does have special functions that are not needed by combat robots. Anyway, implementing this function is not too complicated.

The equipment that came with the minion robots this time also includes enhanced robot dogs and reconnaissance robots.

The enhanced version of the robot dog is not much different from the ordinary robot dog in appearance. The reason for the enhanced version is mainly to strengthen three aspects-material, chip and power.

The standard robot dog uses a tungsten-carbon alloy skeleton, and the shell is made of high-carbon steel. The reinforced version is a material made of carbon fiber and agglomerated wire of atomic armor. The hardness of this thing is higher than that of high carbon steel, but as long as you have enough strength, even if you put it into a ring, you can immediately restore it with a loose hand, without any break. The biggest advantage of bones made from such cattle materials is that they won't break. It is placed in the shell, although it is still made of titanium alloy, but it uses some special processes to slightly increase the hardness of the shell. A reinforced version of the robot dog shell has a layer of carbon fiber lining underneath. It is no longer directly fixed by a rigid connection. Therefore, the impact resistance is stronger.

In terms of chips, the ordinary version uses a general-purpose intelligent robot-specific chip, and the enhanced version directly uses a reflection chip and a neuron system. This modification will not make the robot dog smarter, and may even be a bit stupid than the normal version in some things, but the various reaction speeds during the battle will be improved several times, and more importantly, the system has a learning function. As the number of battles increases, something similar to experience will be formed, anyway, the more you fight, the more powerful.

In terms of power, the original version directly uses a small motor to drive. The response speed and explosive power are not very strong. The reason why it looks flexible is because it is light in weight and the output of the motor is not low. In addition, the control system is very advanced. People feel a sense of flexibility. The enhanced version is relatively more complicated. The small electric motor is directly replaced by a three-stage composite drive with an electromagnetic joint, a hydraulic rod and a bionic muscle.

The electromagnetic joint provides high-speed response and explosive power. The bionic muscle is the main power output, and the response speed is moderate and the output is uniform. As a powerful output, the hydraulic rod responds a bit slowly, but the ultimate force is very large. The three types of driving devices cooperate, and they have super strong performance in response speed and extreme force.

Of course, after this transformation, the manufacturing cost and individual weight of this gadget have increased significantly, but the performance increase is also very obvious. Although it is not suitable for large-scale equipment, it is very suitable for small-scale equipment in special forces.

The final reconnaissance robot is much simpler. This thing is a flying saucer with a diameter of eight centimeters and a thickness of 1.5 centimeters at the thickest part in the center. Around this little thing are sixteen blade-like blades. As long as you throw it out, the blade will automatically pop up and then spin up at high speed, using a helicopter-like principle to make the reconnaissance robot fly.

In fact, the speed of this little thing is very fast, the top speed can reach 150 kilometers per hour, and it can move at high speed in any channel with a width and height of more than 50 cm. If necessary, this thing can also use the bottom Of the eight mechanical legs moving, of course, the speed is not fast.

In addition, in addition to carrying observation equipment ~ ~, its high-speed rotating blade fan blades are also weapons themselves, which can pose a considerable threat to unarmored personnel. In addition, this thing can explode when necessary. Its power is equivalent to a grenade. In addition to self-destruction, it can also directly kill nearby enemies.

After checking all the equipment and confirming the tactical information, we secretly launched the set of startup codes. Because the U.S. government also knew that there were problems everywhere, they didn't even dare to look at the code, and found that it was archived and sent directly. The three people who saw this information before are now in the base below the Pentagon. Under house arrest, no contact with the outside world was allowed until the end of the operation.

Although we have sent a signal here, we must not be able to receive the signal ourselves. Fortunately, Dr. Donovan is very smart. The phone network that people use directly, the signal will be relayed by the mobile phone repeater, so we only need to connect to the national mobile communication network. From which transmitter the signal was transferred, so that we can know the approximate location of the signal source, and as long as we are nearby, we can use our own small receiver to track the target.

信号 Our signal was sent out, and the feedback information arrived in less than five seconds. Then we used the authority given by the US government to directly enter the background control program of the US mobile communication network, and directly found the location of the transmitting tower for information forwarding.

"Here it is. This launch pad ... I rely, the signal source is actually in the center of New York." Terry almost stared at the information on the laptop, because of the secret that Dr. Donovan was **** with The institute is just outside New York City, and the distance between the two places is less than 50 kilometers in a straight line.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. These people are really creative!" R1152

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