Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 497: To be choked

The police force that came out turned around us, which made it clear that they had not been notified above, otherwise how could they not come directly to us. We had encountered two policemen when we were in Japan before, but people knew that we were performing a special task, and not only asked if we needed assistance without disruption. In contrast, the police in South Korea apparently did not answer. To any notification.

"What a joke, this kind of thing happened at such a time!"

We don't know how to spit it out, and suddenly we see that the people in the spaceship ruins there have begun to rush towards us. Seeing this posture seems to be planning to run, but here we are The police force stopped at this end of the road and didn't know how to get there.

Of course, we ca n’t afford to live without those people. Although they were also surrounded by police forces, and there were still many people surrounding them, we were blocked because we didn't want to hurt these innocent police officers, and they didn't care about them, so these guys were almost Without hesitation, he began to kill the police force.

Ordinary people in the uniforms of the riot police may be assured, but the armedness of these guys is really not enough. Almost all of these people's equipment are spared as much as possible, so the quality of their weapons and equipment is much better than that of the special forces in the regular army. Naturally, these policemen cannot compare. Besides, when people ’s standards are calculated according to American standards, the fighting power of South Korea is inherently weaker than that of Americans. It is only natural that these policemen cannot beat these anti-human elements.

Watching the police there are being slaughtered constantly, but our side has not moved, the boss of the police force is not too stupid, knowing to come out and ask the situation. I certainly told them without reservation that we are a temporary team of the United Nations Special Operations Forces. The group of guys opposite is our goal.

Because he didn't receive the above notice, the boss of this police force must be impossible to say whatever I say, but this person knows at least a little. That is, we have been fighting the opposite group, and the opposite group is slaughtering their police forces. Therefore, according to this situation, even if the enemy is not an ally, he can cooperate slightly.

The leader of the police force said that he could temporarily order no attack on us, but we should not do anything like attack them or run away. During this period, the two parties have limited cooperation to deal with those people over there. At the same time, they will step up to respond and ask what is going on.

Now that an agreement is reached here, it's much easier. The police department gave us an aisle around us, and then it became a vacuum between us and those people. Let us approach those people.

I don't care what they think of us anyway, just don't make trouble. As soon as the other side let us go, they rushed forward and met Hans them halfway. These guys were unlucky enough, and they fell into a building together and were smashed underneath.

Although the people in the police force did not know us, their alertness to us dropped significantly after seeing Hans. This is not to say that the Koreans think that the white people are more reliable, but because the Hydra-powered armor of the Hydra unit and the German night leopard-powered armor have many similarities, and the two are an industrial system. Like some fathers and sons look alike, two people stand together. You don't need to introduce you to guess that they are father-son relationship. The Hydra-powered armor and the night leopard-powered armor are such a relationship. The two are so similar, so no matter how you look at them, you think they are actually a kind of equipment.

These South Korean police officers were not ordinary patrol officers. But the explosion-proof police and special police are themselves equipped with heavy equipment, and even the special police have some low-level power armor in their hands, so they have heard about the world-famous Night Leopard power armor. It's like those supercars, all kinds of news have flown before it was sold. Men like these things, and the police force knows this a lot, so after seeing them, they basically determined that they were German troops. And I said before that we are the United Nations Special Operations Forces. Since it is a United Nations force, it must be a multinational force mix. German troops are now seen here. Although there is no sign on our armor, our looks are obviously oriental. White people have face blindness to us yellow people. But Asians don't, so these Koreans can probably guess at a glance that we are Chinese.

German and Chinese troops appeared simultaneously. This makes it clear that this is not something ordinary terrorists can do. Besides, our people's equipment is also too advanced. Apart from state support, they really can't find any explanation to prove that we are terrorists.

Modern warfare is about money. The number of high-end weapons is small, but they are all sky-high. The funds required to research these high-end equipment are astronomical, let alone terrorists, even the average medium-sized country does not have that much money to support such research, so we can bring such advanced things to ourselves. It is definitely not a terrorist.

As for why the police ca n’t believe us ... this main good thing is because the people on the opposite side seem to be very advanced in equipment, and it ’s not quite right to say that those people are terrorists, so the police cannot be sure.

In fact, there are two other important reasons why this group of police believe so easily. The first reason was the previous attack. Those directions proved that they should not be launched from a country, of which the cruise guidance of Americans is easy to recognize. Well, since even Americans are hitting the spaceship over there, the probability that we are good people is obviously higher than the other side. After all, South Korea also depends on the support of Americans, so the target of Americans' attacks should be their targets, and the Americans ’previous guides clearly have the intention to attack us, and we are also attacking people on these ships, This further proves that we are at least not the same group as the Americans.

As for the second reason ... In fact, we just saw the scene where we saved the two children.

Terrorists may not be extinct to everyone, but our actions have won at least some emotional points, so our credibility is quite high in some sense.

Those people started breaking out after dumping a bunch of things from the spacecraft. But they did not break out on foot, but they had vehicles. In addition to the two robot dogs of the previous type, these guys also have several terrain vehicles.

This so-called terrain vehicle is actually an armored vehicle with large wheels. With the exception of no track, this thing is no different from ordinary armored vehicles. of course. There is also a weapon on this thing. After all, the opposite planet does not know if it only has low-level life. In case there are alien monsters or something, at least a little defense is not required?

In addition to these armed terrain vehicles and that kind of robot dog, there are several small aircraft and armed transport vehicles in this team, as well as some motorized infantry on foot.

The so-called motorized infantry on foot are people wearing power armor. Because they are walking forward, they are called infantry, but mobile armor is also a mechanical device. So they can be regarded as mechanized troops. Of course, although it is on foot, the speed of the mechanized infantry wearing power armor is not much slower than that of the car. It is only because the power armor is not suitable for long-distance attacks, so it can not support it for a long time. Kilometers, it is definitely not as good as a car. Of course, another important criterion is road conditions. Military vehicles on the highway can run at speeds of more than one hundred kilometers, even if the power armor is the ultimate speed. of course. I'm talking about running, not flying. However, if it is in the dense forest, the power armor is obviously more than the car.

The Koreans were originally from the urban area. However, a large-scale urban damage was caused by the crash of the spacecraft, and the road is now similar to the ruins. However, these people's cars are obviously terrain vehicles, so it is not difficult to overcome these obstacles, and they simply rushed over.

After seeing the other party rushing over, our side immediately started to catch up, but when we ran to the hillside formed by the collapsed building they just looked at, we saw a scene that made us dumbfounded.

Just less than 200 meters in front of us, a large black hole appeared in front of us, and from this huge opening we could see the fairing of a spaceship faintly exposed below.

"I rely!"

I finally knew why the gang ran so desperately. It turned out that they found a Korean immigrant ship base during the fall. This base is just below the ground in downtown Seoul. Such a huge project is hidden under the city, but few people in South Korea know about it. And this group of guys just took the **** and just installed the ground here. The launch ports of such bases were originally protected by armor. Normal attacks won't work. However, because this was the force of a spaceship smashing down, the gate was obviously unstoppable, so it deformed to reveal a large hole. Although the collapse was not completed, this gap was enough for people outside to drive in.

When we saw this entrance, one third of the opponent's team had already entered the interior, and the remaining people retreated into the cave while blocking the Korean police's attack behind.

Originally we thought there was another trouble here, but we did not expect that when we were about to rush down this "hillside", the anti-human elements who entered the base on the opposite side actually started to retreat from the base a little bit, and Inside the base, it was obvious that someone was firing outwards. The dense curtains and occasional flying guides made it impossible for people outside to rush inside. Before, a guy took the risk of rushing in, but hit a pair of light blue plasma plasma head-on, and instantly burned his half of his body. The people behind him were scared to death. Never dare to rush in again.

"I rely, what is the situation? Is there a master in the base?" I asked in surprise.

Hans clicked back and forth on the computer on his wrist and said, "The scan signal shows that it is American Thor's 3rd generation power armor. It seems that the Americans have hidden a unit here."

"No, that's a Korean secret army." The son-in-law's voice rang directly in our communicator. "The power armor is indeed the third generation of Thor. That ’s right, but it was n’t driven by the Americans. It was a batch of support weapons sold by the Americans to South Korea. The original purpose was to prevent South Korea from fighting back when our Dragons suddenly invaded Korea. I think it's used now. "

Hans didn't ask questions when he heard the explanation from son-in-law. There was an open fight between big nations. Hans was a warrior, and he didn't have a cold on politics, so after listening to it, he didn't say much. . However, judging from the current situation, the Koreans themselves have power armor, which is a good thing. At least the possibility of those people trying to enter the spaceship is further reduced.

Of course, even if there are no obstructions from these people, if the anti-human elements want to seize control of the immigration ship in South Korea and run away with this immigration ship, the possibility is very small, the most likely is the law operation, and then blocked Kill in the spaceship. But now the grasp has become bigger.

The firepower inside the base of the immigration ship was too fierce. The commander did not know if any order was given. One of the guys in power armor suddenly jumped onto the roof of one of the transport vehicles and raised a remote control and shouted, "No one, no one. After attacking us, we bombed the car ~ ~ The other party ’s behavior seemed idiotic, but I knew they would n’t call it that way, so I immediately asked Xiaochun to scan the body structure, of course, the focus was on the car It turns out that the car is an ordinary car, and at most it is an electric power transformation to adapt to the conditions of the outer planet, and there is nothing special.

What really matters are the things that are in the car.

About six boxes were pulled on the car. At first glance, these boxes look like enlarged caskets. Of course, they are metal on the outside and angular, which is not the style of our country, but the style of a vampire casket.

Five of these boxes are the same size, but one is obviously larger and I don't know why. However, what is more depressing to us is that this thing has a thick lead plate on the outside, and there is electromagnetic inside, which completely isolates the internal and external fluctuations, and it can't scan at all. Our electromagnetic scan swept over as if we found a black hole.

"Useless, this thing has been specially treated." Xiaochun replied quickly.

Just as I was going to ask a few words, Hans suddenly said, "Do you guess it contains the scientists we are looking for?" To be continued

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