Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 515: Super treasure

"Do things?" Although I was asking Shuji, my eyes were staring at the North Star King. It is well known that Shuji is a super old man among monsters. Unless you provoked him, people generally will not fight back. As for the exchange of terms ... Such a complex behavior is really difficult to imagine that Shuji's intelligence can figure it out by himself . As for who came up with the idea ... Do you still need to ask? Unfortunately, although I guessed that this is the trick of the North Star King, but after all, we are in a bad position, who told me to shoot someone an arrow for nothing! There is no way, it is just to do things anyway, but if it is too much, we will be done instantly. "What is it going to do?"

"Just help me get some cold dew." Shuji apparently didn't see that I had discovered the collusion between him and the Polaris King, and was still talking about what they had planned. However, it was very strange to me how he colluded with Polaris Jun. It is said that the Emperor Jade let Polaris Jun take me to see the super thug, this process should be considered as a temporary decision. It is impossible for Polaris Jun to prepare in advance? But no matter what method they use, it has to be done.

"Well, tell me where the cold dew is, how it passed, and how it was obtained. Are there any issues that need attention?"

As soon as Shuji heard me say this, he immediately replied: "Han Lu is in the Hantan Grottoes not far away. You go in this direction, and then you can see a small river that goes upstream along the river. You will see a waterfall. The water pond below the waterfall is the cold pool, and the grotto is next to the waterfall. The cold dew is deep in the cave, where there is an ice crystal hanging from the top of the cave, and the water dripping from the ice crystal is the cold dew. The cold dew is extremely You ca n’t touch something of a negative nature with your hand. ”Shuji said here suddenly he stretched out an arm-like branch and pulled two huge leaves from his head and handed it to me. "This is the leaf of my life. Using it to wrap the cold dew can prevent the yin from leaking out. Two leaves can only wrap one drop each. If you ca n’t bring back two drops, you can bring one back. Oh yes Now, there is one thing to pay attention to. There is an ice spider guarding the edge of the ice crystal. Be careful. "

"Ice Spider?" I was stunned when I heard the name of the guard, not because of how strong this thing was. On the contrary, I was surprised that the guards in this place would be something as weak as an ice spider. Polaris Jun has a good relationship with me, and it's like a joke between friends, so he certainly won't let me deal with things that might threaten my life. However, even if he would not arrange super-ox creatures to threaten my life, this ice spider would be a little kidding? That thing is only 400 levels! My current level is five times that of it, let alone one such low-level creature, even if it is a nest, what can it do? Even if I stand still, I can't break my defense with their level! "Are you sure there is an ice spider guarding there?"

"I'm sure," Shuji said very surely, "I asked the tree near the cave entrance, and they all said that there was only one ice spider living in it, and no other creatures."

"That's OK, I'll get it for you right away."

The Polaris stared at me and said quickly, "I'll wait for you here. An ice spider shouldn't need me, right?"

I nodded and said, "That line, wait for me here, and I'll be back in a while." After I said it, I turned directly into the dense jungle and found the cave according to the line of Shuji.

Shortly after I left Shuji and the Polaris King, Shuji suddenly turned around and asked the Polaris King with a little worried tone. "Isn't it good not to tell him?"

"It's okay, Ziri's guy is demon-level. What is a mutant ice spider? Even if there is a nest, it is not his opponent, rest assured."

Just as Shuji talked to the Polaris King, I had found the opening along the stream. It's not because I'm fast, but this place is not far. If you don't need to find a stream to help you identify the direction, you can go straight in for up to ten minutes.

The waterfall mentioned by Shuji is actually a small river fault, with a difference of only about four meters, and the current is very small, it can only be regarded as a miniature waterfall. Compared to this small waterfall, the cave next to it is easy to find. Not to say how big the cave entrance is, but the situation at that cave entrance is special. Originally, the mountain wall here was covered with a large area of ​​vines. Even if some places were not covered by various tree vines, they must be covered with moss. In short, the whole mountain looked green, but the hole was a Chunks of ice blue.

Earlier Shuji said that what cold dew is a negative substance, now it seems that the thing is not only a negative substance, but also the cold properties are not low. Otherwise, it will not freeze the entire cave. Of course, there is another possibility that Han Lu itself is not so cold, but there are other stronger and stronger things in the cave. But no matter what it is, I won't care anyway. Anyway, we are also King Luo of the eleventh palace. I have been to the coldest and coldest sea of ​​silence in the world. What other cold properties can treat me?

Although there is nothing to worry about, I decided to be careful to prevent overturning in the gutter. First summoned hundreds of ghost beetles to explore the cave, and then asked Bai Lang and darts to advance into the cave with me. To prevent it, I also summoned the ghost lamp and stroked the guardian ring of the evil dragon on my finger. With my movement, a large blue-purple evil suffocation quickly diffused and drifted into the cave. Although the ghost lamp is not an attacking magic pet, he is the best among the auxiliary magic pets. In the large area of ​​radon released by the evil dragon guardian, the ghost lamp can easily see any creatures and spirits where the fog goes, but within the light range of the ghost lamp, my and my camp forces can enjoy ghost-like invisibility. effect. Of course, this invisibility is only a relatively low level of invisibility. As long as you can see the spirit body, you can see this invisibility. Of course, in order to see us in this invisible state, in addition to seeing the spirit body, there is a premise that we must be able to see through the fog of death. It is a pity that the fog of death achieves the shielding effect purely by blocking the spread of light. To see through the fog of death can not be achieved by anti-stealth alone.

When I was ready, I began to carefully advance into the cave. The first half is basically nothing abnormal. There is no big deal except that the temperature is low and the ice is everywhere. And because the temperature is too low, you can't see any cave creatures common in caves. The cave is ice besides ice.

I walked along the tunnel for almost three to four hundred meters without touching anything. What's more strange is that the ghost beetle in front of me even reported that they had reached the bottom of the cave, and I continued to die after less than ten meters. The fog also touched the bottom of the cave, indicating that the cave had come to an end. The entire cave is only 500 meters deep, and there is no fork in the middle that allows ordinary people to pass through. Along this passage where I could not find a fork, I went all the way to the bottom of the cave and saw the ice crystal hanging upside down from the cave. As for the ice spider that Shuji said, I didn't even see the shadow.

"Fuck, wouldn't the guy from Polaris just want to scare me?" I said to myself as I carefully looked at the cave at the end of the passage. Now I am in a cave with about 20 square meters. Around the cave are frozen ice layers like steel plates, and the ice crystals on the top of the cave are frozen together with the entire cave top. Relative to the temperature of the hole, the temperature here is obviously much lower. If you continue to stand in a place for more than twenty seconds, when you lift your feet, you will feel that the soles and the ground are frozen together. It takes a little effort to mention stand up.

After looking up, down, left and right for a long time, I realized that there was no guardian monster, and I decided to get the cold dew. After I entered the cave, I stood under the upside-down ice crystal. The lower end of this thing is tapered and looks a bit like stalactite. Its lower end is just over one meter high from the ground. As long as you reach out, you can catch the cold dew dripping below. Of course, the cold dew is generated very slowly, and a drop may not be condensed for more than an hour, but I don't need to wait for it to drop down at all, because there is a small pit on the ground facing the ice crystals. It has been filled with cold dew all of a sudden, even if Shuji needs hundreds of times more weight.

After seeing the cold dew on the ground, I knelt carefully on the edge of the pit, and then held the leaves prepared by the tree secretary to prepare cold dew. However, just as I leaned over to go fishing, the ground suddenly exploded. My response was rapid. As soon as the ground burst, I bounced off the ground, and then stepped on the broken ice that was falling. But as soon as I jumped up, a mass of white material suddenly shot out of the falling ground debris and hit me directly, then I felt a huge pulling force pulling me down. I instinctively raised my hand to shoot the dragon's tendon, and the two rope heads penetrated into the ice on the top of the cave, but the pulling force below was too great. As soon as the rope was straight, I heard two There was a crackling sound, and then my already stopped body started to fall again, and my two dragon tendon locks flew back to my arm with a large piece of ice that was pulled out by brute force. .

Seeing that the grappling hook of the dragon's cord is useless, I simply let the cable head take up the barb and shake off the two pieces of broken ice, and then looked down to see what was pulling me underneath. As a result, I saw that Let me hold back.

"Ice silk?"

Bingsi is actually the spider silk of the ice spider. Since there are ice spiders here, it is not surprising that I am stuck by the spider silk of the ice spider. What surprised me, however, was that the ice silk attached to me was as thick as an adult's thumb.

The ice silk produced by the ice spider itself is a high-demand advanced equipment synthetic material, so many people in the game will fight the ice spider to collect ice silk to sell money, and I have naturally seen ice silk. It ’s just that the ice silk I saw before is all thin and almost invisible. It takes a big bunch to gather together to see a faint blue translucent silk thread, and this one is actually successful. The thumb is so thick, how big is this spider to produce such thick silk? You know, I saw an ice silk with the thickness of a human hair. It is said that the ice spider that produced the silk was already as big as a buffalo. The silk in front of me was at least hundreds of hairs thick. . If the thickness of the silk thread is directly proportional to the volume of the spider, isn't this guy's body as big as a hill?

I was guessing how big the spider was below, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed. Before that, I kept falling down in an ice channel. The surrounding ice layer was smooth and could be used as a mirror. There was no place for me. But just before the passage suddenly ended, I found myself falling into a huge ice cave, surrounded by huge ice crystals like skyscrapers, and I was pulled by an ice wire towards A super-ice spider in the middle of those ice crystals.

"Fuck, you guys, Polaris King, don't let me catch you!" I scolded and started calling the pet to help, and I would be dragged directly into the mouth by the **** super spider without further action. Although I know that spiders won't bite the prey, but use poisonous needles to inject digestive fluid to erode the prey's body first, and then dry the prey once like drinking milk tea, but I don't want to become a milk tea.

As I called, several exits suddenly opened in the surrounding space. Fortune and plague appeared from both sides of me in an instant, then roared and swooped down towards the ice spider below, while Xiaofeng ran out and bit the ice silk. The amazingly flexible swords cut the continuous ice silk in front of the infernal fire on Xiaofeng's body, just like the silk in the flame, and there was no ash left to burn in an instant. The attribute phase gram is very thorough at this time. Xiao Feng's flame attribute is just the natural nemesis of the ice spider.

As soon as I was out of sleep, the birds flew under me and flew me up. Fortunately, the plague swept right and left onto the super-ice spider, and then ignored The guy's sword and feet opened his mouth and two dragons sprayed on the guy's face.

Ice spiders are afraid of fire. This is certain. Although ordinary fires can't hurt it, Long Yan is after all a thing comparable to white phosphorus incendiary bombs. That power is by no means able to withstand ice spiders. Almost as soon as two dragons were sprayed up, the guy immediately made a scream that sounded like a pig, and at the same time, the ice spider's two front legs slammed fortune and plague. come out.

Throwing away the luck and plague, the ice spider retreated backwards while desperately beating his face with his forefoot. Although it extinguished the flame on his face in time, the eight scary blood-red eyes had only three left at this time. It was only complete, and the rest were burned and turned into several large holes.

The angry ice spider slammed the first half of the body, and then rushed at a speed that was not in line with its huge body, but just when it rushed to the half, it suddenly shot on the top of the cave. A purple light bullet was hitting the mouth opening of the ice spider, and the big teeth of the guy were blown out only after a bang, and the hurting guy started screaming again.

Seeing that the ice spider was blown off the mouthpiece, luck and plague immediately rushed up again, and this time Xiaofeng also joined the battle group. Seeing that the guy could not afford any more storms, I was relieved a lot. Although this thing does not know how to mutate to such a large scale, and it has risen beyond the race to the level of 1,600, but compared to my level of 2,000, 1600 is still too low. What's more, I have the habit of crossing the level from the beginning of the game. I can get rid of the higher level than me, and the lower level is not a problem.

Under the siege of Xiaofeng and Lucky, the giant ice spider was quickly defeated completely. But I didn't let Xiaofeng kill them, but turned them into a magic pet after half a death. Although I don't need this kind of magic pet, the rareness of the magic pet in "Zero", the advanced creature magic pet egg of class 1600, it is definitely a sky-high price. It would be a shame to simply kill such a thing.

After the dead spider was settled, I was about to go out of the hole. I did not expect that as soon as I turned around, I was lucky that they didn't return to the training space by themselves, but they were all surrounded by a place and didn't know what to watch.

"What did you find?" I asked as the birds took me over. After the birds flew over the place, I jumped straight down, then spread my wings and landed on the lucky head. "Is there anything you look so energetic about?"

"This." Lucky replied, pointing at a green tree in their encirclement. I stretched my head and glanced there.

"This ... this ... I seem to have seen this thing! Strange, why can't you remember? What should I not forget with my memory?"

After all, I am not an ordinary person ~ ~ As a dragon, I have an electronic brain in my head, and the biggest use of this electronic brain is to help me remember things. After all, the electronic brain is equivalent to a computer. Although it lacks creativity, the ability to memorize it is absolutely superb. Therefore, our dragons will only forget things because they don't concentrate on thinking. As long as we know something has been forgotten, we can usually turn it over in the memory bank. But I clearly felt that I had seen it before, but I couldn't remember it.

"Is this thing you saw before you installed the electronic brain?" Fortunately, when I saw that constant turn around but couldn't remember it, I suddenly asked such a sentence.

To me, this sentence is simply a gimmick. It made me think of where I had seen this thing in an instant. This thing is clearly in the advertisement of "Zero". Before "Zero" had not officially operated, there were some official advertisements. These advertisements have introduced some of the more distinctive things in "Zero", and this plant is one of the original introductions. The reason I had an impression but couldn't remember it was because I hadn't installed an electronic brain at that time, so there was no data-based memory information at all.

"Haha, I finally remembered it. This thing is called kiwi."



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