Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 533: Cottage crackdown

Just as the people on the opposite side were still amazed by Jingjing's ability to carry so many attacks, the others on our side also acted. Novelty Chinese

It wasn't me who rushed the fastest, but Xiao Bai and Bai Lang. Because they were beastly bodies, they naturally ran fast. It was found that the two to white shadows were accelerating, and immediately began to set fire to stop them, but Xiao Bai and Bai Lang were too fast. They swept left and right in the dense fire of bullets, and quickly passed the front of the villa. That maze garden, then jumped up. With a bang, the two of them didn't rush into the crowd directly, but leapt from the heads of those people and crashed directly through the glass window into the hall.

The guards are experienced, some of them quickly turned to deal with Bailang and Xiaobai who rushed to the back, and the others continued to shoot, but they were met by the lightning-like speed of Yeyue.

Yeyue, who rushed out of the labyrinth garden with a residual image, was intercepted by the rest of the staff immediately, but Yeyue's huge and slender figure brought not clunky but surpassing imagination. As if it were an elf under the moon, Yeyue moved on the ground in a dance-like posture, and easily flashed most of the lightning balls. Occasionally, he would use the long sword in his hand to directly split the lightning **** that could not be avoided.

After rushing directly into the crowd in such a violent way, Yeyue immediately swept the sword in his hand. With a scream, a guard flew backwards, crashed and knocked down the glass door of the entrance, and then Rolled into the hall. The people around him fired and stopped immediately, but Yeyue lowered his head and drilled under the barrage, then his six hands quickly fluttered and shot a large group of people nearby.

After these people landed, there was still humming energy, and the reminder of the son-in-law in their ears reminded them that they were now killed. Because if it was actual combat, Yeyue had just used a chop instead of a shoot. The reason these people will be hit is because Yeyue used a sword ridge and used the long sword as a stick. Otherwise, with the cutting ability of the high-frequency vibrating blade we distributed, once these people were cut by the blade . It will definitely be cut off like a tender tofu, and the reason why it's okay now is because we know it is an exercise, so the vibration blade did not start at all, and did not dare to attack them with the blade. In fact, it is not just the weapons that we dare not fully play. The same goes for strength.

Think of our power output. If it explodes at full force, let alone a sword in our hand, even if we give us a wooden stick, it can sweep the human body into two sections, of course, the wooden stick will be crushed afterwards.

When Yeyue was killing the Quartet, our side rushed into the crowd one after another. There were constant gunfire on the opposite side, rockets and grenades were also released, and even a small close-propelled gun appeared, but in the end it was unable to cause any harm to us. Most attacks will be avoided by our flexible stature, and even occasionally hitting one or two times will only slow us down slightly.

"This can't be done! Our weapons are completely ineffective against them!" Said a special soldier.

"These guys are really monsters!" As soon as the other person finished speaking, he heard a loud noise coming from the hiding pillar next to him, and a fist broke through it. When he looked back, he saw the guy who had just spoken to him was blown out.

Although the pillar they hid looked like plaster on the outside, the outer layer was actually just for decoration, and the inside was a solid reinforced concrete support column. How strong is it to punch a hole in a pillar of this strength?

Just as the special forces on this side were fleeing, the other side was a small group of guests shrinking together. Although wearing a very high-end power armor. But the guests' mood was extremely tense, because they all saw that we had just brought down those special soldiers like adults bullying children in front of them.

I watched the guests approaching them slowly, and those people had retreated to a corner and had no way to escape, but just as I was about to reach them, there was a loud noise coming from the side, a ball The fireball exploded directly on me, and the shock waves from the explosion overturned all the guests on the ground, and the surrounding buildings were a mess. When the flames disappeared, the guests immediately looked up to see the results. Although overturned to the ground by the shock wave, they had power armor on them. So it's nothing, they are more concerned about whether I have been defeated.

The result is of course negative. A small rocket wasn't enough to hurt me enough. I didn't even move my position, but there was a large crack in the ground beneath my feet.

Turn your head to look at the source of the attack. A mysterious man in black power armor was rushing towards me. The guy raised his hand and aimed at me while rushing, and then a small opening was suddenly cut in his arm, and a small triangle object rose, and a red shot suddenly shot from the middle of that triangle the next second Light. Because it was a light beam, it was too fast, and I had no time to dodge. After all, I was hit when I saw the light.

The light beam directly hit my left arm, and a red damage report popped up in the picture in front of me. A sketch of my body quickly appeared on the left edge of the line of sight, and then a red warning prompt appeared in the position of the arm, with a small word next to it. The high temperature injury was stated.

Obviously, the red beam emitted by the other party is some kind of high-temperature rays similar to lasers, and it has caused damage to my power armor, but it has not hurt the inside for the time being, only a skin trauma.

It took only a few tenths of a second from being attacked until the prompt appeared, and I responded after a few seconds.

The group of guests over there noticed that a large number of small squares like mosaics suddenly appeared on the original black armored power armor surface. These small cubes seemed to have turned over from my head, and my power armor was whole. There have been huge changes on the surface. The original black power armor turned into a dazzling golden color in the blink of an eye.

"I trust! Tyrant gold!" I don't know which second-hand goods among the guests actually came up with such a sentence, but this is a good description of how my power armor is now.

At this time, although there was no change in the shape of my power armor, the surface color was completely changed. The previous power armor had the same appearance as my Dragon Soul suit, with a black base, gold hook lines and drawing patterns, and some parts also had red gem decorations and the like. However, now this power armor has changed from the evil black before to the dazzling local gold. The original gold hook line is still gold, but the black background has become bright gold, and the original hook A line is almost a color other than a lighter color. As for the structure of those red stones, discoloration also occurred. From red to ice blue.

The sudden change of color on my side caused the guy in the charge to sting for a moment, but the other party recovered just a moment, not only accelerated and rushed up, but the laser beam in his hand increased the output power. But ... the result is completely different from before. The red beam of light hit the golden power armor and immediately appeared a bright red refraction line for a day. The refracted light beam cut a long trench directly into the ceiling.

The opponent was staggered again by the reflected beam, and then paused to turn the beam into a segment of laser beam that was emitted, but it was the same as the previous continuous irradiation result. The flying laser beam was like irradiation It was all reflected in the mirror, but it did not affect me in any way. Almost hit myself.

Although I was surprised what happened to my golden body, the other party didn't have the imagination of these things. I took advantage of the opportunity just now and rushed in front of me, and then my wrist flipped, and a light blade suddenly came out from above . The shape of this light blade is exactly the same as the assassin's wrist blade, but the problem is that his grandfather's aurora blade! This is definitely black technology. The technology on the earth cannot create an aurora sword at all, because we simply do not have the technology to constrain the laser beam. Although there is something similar to the Aurora Sword in Long Yuan, the thing is just looking at the image, but the principle is completely different.

The other side didn't care if I was surprised or not. I just cut it up towards my neck. Everyone who has fought with us has been notified that our only vital point is the brain, so when they use high-power weapons, they can let go. As long as they don't attack the brain, they ca n’t really kill us, so the other party has no intention. Keep your hand up and cut it towards my throat.

The Aurora Blade is not an entity and there is no way to fight it, but if it can't stop the Aurora Blade, it doesn't mean that I can't stop his wrist. The body shifted slightly to the right, his left hand greeted his wrist upward from the inner circle, and pinched his wrist to support the undercut of the aurora blade. but. Obviously the other party was well prepared, and there was a flash of aurora again on his left hand, and he came towards me. The aurora blade of this guy's body has both hands like my blade claw.

In this case, I didn't have the right angle to block, so I didn't block at all. Raising the leg directly is kicking the guy out. The guy felt as if he had been hit by a truck. Immediately it was embedded in the opposite wall, but his power armor seemed to do a very good job in protecting against impact, so it was all right. The guy just swayed from side to side and jumped off the wall, then strode towards me.

Seeing the other person approaching again, I slightly turned to my side and raised his right arm in the same direction as he had done before. Then he heard only a slight sound, one said he was caught by him. However, after catching this thing, he suddenly realized that it was not good, but unfortunately it was too late to throw it away at this time.

It was after he squeezed the stuff I launched that he found that there was a line behind it, and then he regretted it, but it was too late. A silver electric snake stretched along the line on my wrist to his hand. The voltage of more than two million volts instantly made the small missiles, machine cannonballs, grenades on his body all happen. Detonated, at the same time, his power armor flashed flashes of electricity, and then he fell in the smoke and fell forward to the ground without moving.

I walked over and stepped on his shoulder, clashed a hand and tore off the armor behind him, and then stretched out a finger in the position of his vest. For a moment, the guy bounced up, and suddenly recovered his consciousness. Just now he was in shock. The reason was naturally the result of a strong electric shock. As for the touch of my finger with him afterwards, it was equivalent to the kind of shock device used in the rescue room, and he was woken up again by electricity.

In fact, this behavior I just did is quite dangerous. It is not very dangerous, but it is not a big problem for me, because the main reason for the danger lies in the control of the current. If the current is too large, it will kill people. But people's control will not be so precise, it will be normal for people to be electrocuted, and my control ability is very precise, so naturally they will not be electrocuted unless I intentionally.

When the guy on the ground woke up, he wanted to dodge, but the power armor on the ground just shook, and he couldn't even turn over.

"Don't bother, you are dead now, lay down obediently, and someone will come to your rescue when it's over."

This guy's body is not that big. The reason why he can't move is not because of him, but because of the power armor on him. Although this thing can usually increase the wearer's strength and keep you walking, you can easily lift a few tons of things. However, that is under the premise that the power armor can work normally. The electric shock just was too powerful, and all the insurance and control circuits on his power armor have broken through ~ ~ In other words, this power armor is basically a pile of scrap iron now. However, even if scrap iron is scrapped, its weight will not change much. So now he is equivalent to putting a ton of steel on his body.

After I got this guy, I looked at the group of people in the corner again, but the courage actually came. I guess it was because I had just resuscitated this guy. Those people have already reacted. This is an exercise. I do n’t really want to Kill them, so suddenly they have courage. Because of the fierce fighting before, these people were immersive, so many people forgot that this was an exercise and thought they were really going to die. This is not to say that these people are stupid, but the normal human response. Under certain special stimuli, human's stress response sometimes replaces subjective consciousness, that is, the subconscious mind gains priority beyond surface consciousness. This situation is a stress mechanism generated in human evolution. Sometimes it can Help, but sometimes it will help.

Although these guests recovered their courage, the results were of course no surprise. Although their power armor is good, the operators are amateurs, and the results are naturally self-evident. After knocking all these people in three or two times, I turned my head and walked towards the entrance of the underground base. There were already few people in the house in front of me, so I did n’t plan to help, but I planned to Take down the entrance to the underground base. (To be continued.)


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