Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 536: Urban war scene

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After leaving the entrance to the base, we moved inward.

On the surface, it seems that we are not far from the final target when we enter the underground base, but because this is an exercise and not a real battle, we cannot follow the closest route like this, but shoot the real people in this base. The simulation scenes used in the game are all cleared, and then they can enter the lower passage and start to move toward the safe house where the leaders of the countries are located.

Because of these training scenarios, we actually need to run a long distance, and there will be a large number of soldiers stationed along the way. This cannot be avoided because it is an exercise requirement and must be forcibly broken through.

Although I don't care much about the combat effectiveness of these ordinary soldiers, this kind of place is not suitable for rushing in alone, so I ended up waiting at the door for a while, until Ling, Frost, Lingling arrived first , Yeyue, and Xiaobai arrived at the entrance where I was, and I took them one step into the base below. As for the others, in addition to Evrit, who is entering from another channel, others estimate that they need a lot Only time can come in.

The other people were dragged not because the soldiers here were very strong and the advance was slow, but because there were a lot of guests scattered outside. According to the rules of the exercise, guests are the targets that must be eliminated, and there are only a few of us here. To maintain the speed of advancement and ensure that each guest cannot be missed, we can only divide the troops, or we just look for those outside For the scattered guests, we have to toss until dawn.

In fact, the time is not too far away from dawn. The time we started to operate was at 00:00 in the morning, and now it is almost three o'clock. It will start to light up in three hours at most.

After simply gathering a few people here, we started to map the area maps that must be completed. The first one to enter was urban street fighting. The way to enter this place is quite special. Instead of letting you walk in directly, you can park an armored car model outside the training scene. This thing looks exactly like an armored car, but it is actually an iron case without a weapon system and power, but the internal structure is exactly the same as the real car. And can hold people. After we all get in, the fixing device behind this thing will open, and then the car will slide down the **** with a **** and pass the entrance of the training scene, which just allows the car to enter. In the scene.

The entrance to this training scene is about a dozen meters away, and a roadblock piled up by sandbags. This fashion armored vehicle is fast and will hit the roadblock in one fell swoop. However, the car may fall over, and the battle began when the armored vehicle model rushed into the training scene. We can see the outside through the observation window in the car, not to mention that we are sitting there in front of the driving position, so we are very clear about the surrounding environment.

Immediately after the armored vehicle model rushed into the scene, countless bullets flew in the surrounding buildings, and the body of the hitting rattled. What's even more outrageous is that two of the windows actually saw two rockets flying across them. Does this mean that we are going to make a fool of us? We did n’t even leave us time!

"Jump!" Knowing that this car must not be able to stop the rockets, I directly ordered all the doors on the car to open at the same time, and all of us in a group of one or two and three out of it, and then we were still running in our hands. The firearm's gun had already started firing, and the originally intensive firepower in the surrounding area suddenly quieted down.

A commander holding a telescope in each building held a walkie-talkie and asked, "What's going on? Why did the firepower stop?"

"Boss, we're all dead here, can't you let us lie to the corpse?" A soldier in the window of a room said with a grin. Opposite him were four companions sitting on the ground, and each of them had a splash of paint on his helmet mask. Needless to say, this is all headshot.

The commander over there asked in amazement: "How is that possible? How could you all fire all these firepower points all at once?"

"We don't want to! But the bullets on the other side are too accurate. If it weren't for the paint bombs, I would have thought that the other party had used automatic guided missiles!"

Another voice inserted into the newsletter and said, "After I was killed, I looked at the outside and calculated it. The average response time of the other party was less than 0.1 second. I ca n’t figure out how fast it is. Anyway, as long as we take the initiative, It will be killed, there is no chance at all. Don't believe you let someone on your side take the liberty to take a look below. I guarantee that he will be killed as soon as he takes the lead.

The commander over there really didn't believe it, so he really asked someone around him to observe the situation outside.

In special forces, heading out from behind obstacles to observe the enemy situation on the opposite side also requires special training, because normal people need to put their eyes out of the obstacle for a few seconds if they want to see the situation on the opposite side. But in this case, the probability of being hit will be very high, so the special forces will conduct special training in this area. A well-trained special soldier only needs to glance at the opposite situation, and within 0.5 seconds, it can be determined that there are roughly a few firepower points on the opposite side, and roughly where they are. The biggest benefit of this lightning recognition ability is because you have a short time to come forward. The opposite side, even if you find that you reach out and observe them, it is too late to shoot you, which maximizes the security.

However, just as the guy assigned to observe the enemy's situation squatted under the safety wall on the top of the building, and suddenly stood up and raised his eyes above the wall, a paintball hit his eyes accurately. Where he was, the impact pushed his head back. The whole person lost his balance and fell backwards.

"I'm leaning!" The guy who fell to the ground grunted, turned up, picked up his helmet, and looked at it. The position of the eyes on his helmet was exactly smashed by paint. "How is this possible?" Said the hit guy with an incredible expression.

Just to verify that our response speed is really that fast, this guy didn't plan to stand up and observe our situation at all. His plan is to stand up and crouch down at the fastest speed, which is definitely better than a glance. Our situation is faster, and in his capacity this process will not exceed 0.3 seconds at most. However, what made him unacceptable was that he didn't plan to observe the external environment at all. He just stretched his head and then retracted, but he was hit.

"No!" Your guy suddenly said to himself, holding his helmet.

The commander next to him asked, "What's wrong?"

The guy held his helmet and said, "Captain, you see, this bullet is obviously in the center of my eyes. But I just didn't plan to look at the outside at all, so I planned to squat down the moment the eyes exceeded the edge of the wall. That is to say, the moment when my eyes are beyond the scope of the wall protection is infinitely close to the moment, because I have no intention to see the outside. This time will be faster than the blink of an eye, even if the other party can be the first Time found my eyes and fired, and the bullets didn't have enough time to fly over. "

"What do you mean ...?" The captain asked inconclusively, thinking of the possibility but not sure.

The man nodded his head and said, "Yes, the other person must have found me the moment the top of my head exceeded the top of the wall, and the other person also predicted the time that my eyes would exceed the protection range of the wall based on the speed at which the top of my head appeared. . So the opponent actually fired while my eyes were still behind the wall. The result was that the bullet hit me right away when my eyes were out of range, which means that no matter how fast I was, the other party would hit. Me, because they fired ahead of time! "

Because the intercom was not turned off, everyone here just heard the explanation just now, and a large group of people suddenly felt numbness behind the spine. This kind of advance sniping without delay is simply a nightmare for the soldiers, because facing this kind of enemy means that as long as you dare to take the risk, you will have a 100% death rate, there is no exception at all. If you want to attack us like this, then the only way is to attack at the same time with many times more people. Let's even find out that they don't have time to attack multiple targets at the same time, so that at least some people have a chance to shoot. Of course, the result of this is to sacrifice many people at one time, but we can only switch to a small shooting time, because we can't kill thousands of people in a minute.

Although we know that our side has a fast response time, the soldiers can't ignore us completely. They can only think of various ways to snip us, such as using a riot shield, opening only a small window, and then turning the barrel. Reached out and fired at us. Then we have to hit the small hole in the shield to make it work. Of course, the result of this is still useless, because we hit 100% of non-moving targets within 500 meters. No matter how small the hole is, we can accurately pass the bullet through. Unless the hole isn't as big as a bullet.

"This battle can't be fought!" A commander threw all his guns angrily. They managed to get a chance to fire. As a result, the sniper hit a side of my helmet with a bullet, but only got my head slightly deflected, and then the sniper was painted as a painter by the paint bomb. The dozen or so companions who were fighting for the sniper's shooting opportunities have long become colored people.

The perverted hit rate on our side makes it impossible for the other person to attack us. No matter what distance we can "kill" the other person when they emerge. Even occasionally trying to fire a few shots is useless. Ordinary bullets are useless to us, and ammunition that is useful to us will dodge and we will not hit us at all.

"Otherwise try the special equipment we arranged?" A soldier asked.

The chief officer next to him thought for a while and said, "It can only be this way. The scene of the exercise is over. It can't be blocked here, and it can't be blocked. Tell everyone behind, come here, we are decisive."

With the command of the chief master, those soldiers behind moved from the hiding place to the front block. As for why so many people gave orders, the chief master was simple, because the senior officers here were killed. And it was actually killed by a grenade.

The grenade used by our dragons is different from the ordinary grenade. In addition to insurance, there is a metal ring that can rotate like a safe code disk at one end. This thing is actually used for timing. The detonation time of our special grenade is set at the factory for eight seconds, which means that as long as the insurance is pulled off, it will explode after eight seconds. However, if you turn the metal ring, you can change the explosion delay time. The minimum delay time can be set to 1 second, and the maximum delay time can be extended to 60 seconds.

The reason why the delay of the grenade is so large is mainly related to our physical fitness. The grenades thrown by soldiers in the air at most are more than ten seconds. This is the limit. This is still deliberately thrown to increase the air time. If you only throw as far as possible, generally four to eight seconds. It will land, and the preset time of a grenade is usually ten seconds, so that it can be guaranteed that the grenade will explode soon after landing.

However, the grenade thrown by humans will inevitably land within ten seconds, but we are dragons! If our arms are thrown directly, the grenade may stay in the sky for several minutes before it comes down, so a ten-second delay grenade is obviously not very suitable, so our grenade has such a design feature, you can choose to detonate time.

Although the commanders here hid in the building and did not stretch their heads to attack, they were already exposed by their own radio when they contacted each other. With our arm strength and precise control of our body ~ ~ As long as we know where the enemy is, that is almost where we are fighting. One of the most unlucky guys even bounced into the window by a grenade that we deliberately threw out. Of course, the exercise grenade has no shrapnel, and it is filled with orange-yellow paint, so people who are "blasted to death" can definitely be regarded as "deadly unsightly."

All the senior commanders equipped with communicators were killed by us in advance. As a result, the remaining highest commander became a master commander, and the guy survived because he was smart enough to realize that we can The tracker tracked their location, so they threw the radio directly and switched to remote command transmission with dedicated tactical gestures using multiple people's relays. This method is really good, at least it will not expose their location.

"The other party seems to be gathering." We noticed the problem when the people across the center began to focus on the central area. After all, there were so many infrared heat sources that I couldn't see them.

I glanced at the enemies around me in infrared mode and asked, "Everett, where have you been? We need your fire suppression mode."

"Contact in eight seconds."

"Understand. Everyone is ready, we are going to rush through." (To be continued.)

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