Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 539: Bomb Removal Expert

readx; "This is trouble!"

The commander on the guest side obviously made a systematic analysis of our previous fighting situation, and then made certain tactical adjustments based on our characteristics. The oil barrel placed in the elevator entrance on the second floor of the lobby is one of the killers in this adjustment. If it is a general team, it will definitely be dead forever because it is almost an unsolvable task.

First, the bomb was in a petrol tank, and the inside was completely vacuum, and the other side was also equipped with a pressure monitoring device. Once the pressure was restored, the bomb would be detonated. This setting made it impossible for us to open the oil drum to remove the bomb. Even if it is opened and there is no detonation bomb, it is still useless, because the circuit of this bomb is double-cycle power supply. In movies, it can often be seen that when a bomb is removed, a person ’s pliers are hesitating to cut red or blue threads, and we do n’t have to hesitate at all here, because no matter which one you cut, it will cause an explosion.

The bomb could not be dismantled, and the rest was moved to a safe area to detonate, but the problem is that this thing has a vibration sensor, at least slightly shakes, and immediately explodes, so it can't move.

Later, the bomb also had timed and remote-controlled dual detonation devices, which meant that waiting was not enough.

Of course, if it is a normal bomb, you can also consider using a reinforced metal ring to wrap the bomb and then detonate, or simply let people leave the explosion area and then detonate directly. However, this thing is set as a nuclear bomb in accordance with the play, which means that the safety cover is useless, because the safety cover against ordinary bombs cannot stop the nuclear bomb at all. As for running out of safety ... I don't think there is much to say about it, it must be too late.

Unstoppable, unable to dismantle, unable to move, and unable to run, and time limit, what do you do with such a bomb? What's more terrible is that there are a lot of people around, and they surround them directly. and. The presence of these people brought about a third way to detonate the bomb-an impact detonation.

The bomb was originally a remote-controlled, timed double-detonation method, but because it had a vibration sensor, it did. If someone hits the bomb with a gun, or if an explosive such as a grenade explodes near the thing, then the bomb can be detonated directly. In other words, not only do we have to find a way to solve the bomb in the remaining time, but we must not let anyone attack it.

Obviously, the commander of the opponent set this up intentionally, and the bomb was not the key. The point is that this stuff has completely stuck us here. To protect this bomb from being attacked by us, we must protect it near the bomb. In this way, our super maneuverability is equivalent to being abolished, and we not only cannot avoid bullets, but also actively block them. Bullets, this is simply letting us stand there as targets!

I quickly glanced at the people around me, and then I checked the position of the personnel directly in the spiritual network. Finally, there was good news. That is, Xiaochun finally caught up. At this time, they were passing through a passage above us. Kill in directly. And we can be here in ten seconds. However, even if everyone is there, the bomb is still a very troublesome thing.

It was about a few seconds later, the enemies around them had already surrounded them, and before waiting for the other party to make any response, Xiaochun directly broke into the glass wall on the second floor and flew in from outside the mall.

As soon as they came in, Xiaochun rushed near us and formed a circle with us to protect the bomb inside. At this time, the people outside didn't immediately attack us, anyway, it seemed to the commander of the other party. This time, we lost, because in their imagination, the bomb was completely unsolvable.

I didn't say anything after Xiaochun was in place. Xiaochun has already made the same action as Ling before and started to check the bomb. Her detection ability is slightly better than Ling, so the information obtained is more accurate and comprehensive.

While Xiaochun was studying the bomb there, I started to arrange the mission directly. of course. The content is published from the Mind Network so that the enemy cannot hear my orders. As for the "dead bodies" who have airy reports ... Anyway, our communication content is too much, and they have no time to check it one by one, so they actually can't get too much information from our communication.

After my order was given, those around me suddenly felt dizzy, and then the red lights on many people's helmets turned on. These red lights represent electromagnetic waves that are interfering with their brain waves. In other words, this is thinking intrusion, and these people's helmets have corresponding interception functions, which can shield our thinking interference to a certain extent.

In fact, our thinking control ability has been known by the major foreign forces for a long time, so they have also developed targeted protective equipment, but because of price and other reasons, there has been no large-scale equipment and only a few products. Like this time, not everyone has this kind of shielding device.

Of course, when we get to this position, it is already considered very in-depth, so all of the core personnel are here, and basically have protective devices, so our thinking intrusion can only play a very small interference role, we cannot directly control these people. action.

After finding that the red light above their heads turned on, these people activated the shielding devices one by one, but just when their devices were activated, everyone suddenly saw a semi-transparent shock wave bursting out of Emerson's body. Few people instinctively stooped to resist this layer of shock waves, but because this layer of shock waves was too fast, basically nobody had any time to make any substantial action. The shock waves had swept the entire hall. However, unexpectedly, the shock wave seemed to be a phantom, because the person who was swept did not feel any shock force, that is, the transparent film that had just spread quickly was not a shock wave.

After finding that it was just an illusion, these people didn't care. Everyone thought it was the last spiritual hint of Emmenis that didn't come before the device was started, but what they didn't know was that the last shockwave-like thing was not an illusion It's simple, just because they haven't found those minor anomalies for a while, so they think it's just an illusion.

After Emmys launched his own mental interference ability, Brigitte began to take over from us to release powerful electromagnetic interference. All wireless communications around it were interrupted in an instant, and even the third-party monitoring side could only watch It is only the picture returned by the wired monitor, but other signals are not received at all.

Of course, those "dead corpses" who were killed now can only see the monitoring screen. They can no longer learn the information in our spiritual network from the son-in-law. Because we have activated full-screen electromagnetic interference, it is impossible for any wireless signal to be transmitted in this state.

Brigitte's interference ability is equivalent to blocking the possibility of the remote control detonation bomb, and then, Pepper, Jingjing and Xiaolong Nu quickly stand in an equilateral triangle. Then propped up a circle of triangular pyramidal protective barrier. The looming protective barrier ensures that the opponent does not want to attack the oil tank before breaking through this layer of protection.

After these were prepared, our attention returned to that bomb, and Xiaochun's inspection was completed at this time.

The new inspection results are similar to the previous Ling inspection, but are more detailed. Xiaochun even completely scanned and cleared the situation inside the bomb.

I looked at the examinations transmitted through the mental network in my head and began to think about solutions, while others also discussed and researched with me in the mental network. Although Brigitte's radio interference is terrible. But we are so close, of course, we can communicate quickly. Besides, the interference we use is not really full-frequency interference, but frequency hopping interference. In other words, the interference signal of Brigitte actually has an empty window, and this frequency band will not be disturbed. However, the enemy must not be able to use this frequency band to remotely detonate the bomb, because this frequency band is not fixed. Instead, it will constantly hop at a speed of fifty times per second, and because all of us have the same hop speed and frequency. So we can communicate, but others do n’t know our frequency hopping laws, so naturally we ca n’t follow us to hop through the frequency, even if we occasionally encounter a frequency that happens to correspond to it, we only have a communication time of one-fifth of a second, At this point, the other party could not do anything at all.

The biggest benefit of discussing problems in the mind network is speed. The transmission rate of language information is really not high, and in the case of using the mind network, if the data exchanged in one second is spoken by mouth, it may take a day to discuss, but in the mind network Get it in seconds. of course. The premise of this situation is that the communication personnel are all Dragons, because our Dragons' brains operate faster than humans, and even if human brains can connect to the spiritual network, they cannot keep up with our speed. If there are humans, they can use the mind network to communicate. The speed will certainly be faster than speaking, but it can only be about ten or twenty times faster, and acceleration like hundreds of thousands of millions of times like ours is definitely impossible.

After about five or six seconds of discussion, we came up with a solution, and there was more than one.

The person who set the bomb thought it was insoluble, but for us she is not insoluble, because we can do many things that humans can't. To make things simpler is to use clever power. It's like having an army surrounded by enemy forces. The number of own side is only one thousandth of the other side, and normal people will think that the besieged side is dead, because under normal thinking, one thousandth of the people cannot beat the other side's strength by a thousand times.

However, if there are ten Superman troops trapped, but 10,000 human troops besieging them outside? Then breakout is not a problem at all, because the fighting power of Superman is outside the rule of human beings. No matter what advantages you have in the right place at the right time, people can use their strength to crush everything.

Our situation is similar. This bomb is unsolvable to humans, but not to us.

We can think of many ways, but we only need one way. This method is actually very simple, and that is-dismantle it.

As mentioned earlier, this bomb has multiple tamper settings, the most annoying of which is this vacuum pressure environment. As soon as the barrel is opened, or a hole is drilled in it, anyway, the pharmaceutical leaks, and the bomb inside will inevitably be detonated. This is an endless loop, because the bomb cannot be touched without opening the drum, and the bomb explodes as soon as the drum is opened, there is no solution at all.

However, there is no solution for humans, but it is not necessarily unsolvable for us.

Having fully understood the solution, Frost and Snow first acted. She carefully put her right avoidance on the top of the oil barrel, and then we saw a layer of **** frost spreading around her arms at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Come on. Frost's temperature control ability is very powerful. In just ten seconds, her arm was frozen with the top of the oil barrel, and the top of the entire oil barrel was sealed with a thick layer of ice.

After all this was done, Frost and Snow suddenly touched the ice layer with the other hand, and the entire surface of the ice layer suddenly became smooth. This time, the original white ice layer became pure and transparent like glass. status.

After completing this step, Frost's arm stuck in the ice suddenly started to move slowly. Her arm was slightly hard, and her five fingers were gradually inserted into the lid on the top of the oil barrel. Then she tightened it a little to tear the iron on the top and squeeze it flat. Then she carefully squeezed the torn part into an iron ball and sent it to the edge of the ice layer. Immediately an ice layer extended over and sealed the small iron ball.

After the completion of this one, the oil barrel was actually torn open, but because the top was covered with a layer of ice, and the only hole in the ice layer was sealed by Frost's arms, the inside of the oil barrel was still vacuum. No gas enters.

Frost's arm started to move in a small area. It can be seen that she was using the electromagnetic control force to tear off the iron sheet on the top of the oil barrel a little bit and knead it into the ice layer to fix it, so we can accurately from the top See the situation in the barrel.

Previously, we did not operate the bomb directly with electromagnetic control force because the barrel was metal and sealed. It played a shielding role. In addition, the bomb inside the barrel also had a special electromagnetic shielding device, so our electromagnetic control It is difficult for Force to approach the bomb, and even the detection has only blurred images. However, the top of the barrel is now opened, so that without this shielding layer, we can very smoothly access the shielding device ~ ~ However, this shielding device cannot simply break things, Because it is also connected in series to the initiation line, as long as it is not working, the bomb will detonate.

Of course, the solution is simple.

Frost Xue directly intruded with his own arm, and then touched the shell of the bomb, then began to cut the shell of the bomb with a nail-like super metal blade on the tip of the finger, and soon cut the shell of the magnetic field shielding device Cube. Then, Frost Xue carefully entered the inside of the device with his finger, and then pulled the finger out, but the metal blade remained inside.

One end of this metal blade is connected to the magnetic field generator of the shield, and the other end is placed on the bomb shell. This causes the shielded magnetic field to be transmitted directly to the bomb shell, and then to the iron barrel, which is equivalent to being sealed in metal. Internally, the ability to interfere with us is useless.

"Ok, I can start now." Without magnetic fields, we can do more. Of course, the first step is to scrap the pressure sensor first, so that you can open the ice and directly dismantle it.


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