Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 542: Break into the office area

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A large group of soldiers who were dizzy with the ability of Aimeness and tried to start chasing after they found that we were moving. It was okay to stay still, and they fainted as soon as they ran.

Amenities' ability interfered with their nervous system, so these soldiers now have sensory problems. Many people feel like they have just turned a hundred laps on the spot after running, and they are completely unbalanced. Feeling, many people ran and smashed into the wall or the people next to them, and many people went directly into the fountain in the mall.

Although the chaotic crowd wanted to chase, no one could move along the line at all. In this case, the chase was impossible to talk about, but although these people could not move, it did not mean that no one could chase us.

Just as we ran out of these people's area, a shop in front of me suddenly burst out and two mannequins crashed and broke the glass showcase facing the aisle. Then we just looked at the mannequins. When I moved back, I saw two robotic transnational showcases equipped with anti-joint mechanical legs coming out of the shop.

This is a medium-to-large robot that uses a bipedal stepping structure and is not human in shape. Its main part is an approximately enlarged egg, in addition to two anti-joint mechanical legs, there are two short and thick robotic arms. However, this thing's robot arm is not equipped with a finger to grasp the object, but a pure weapon rack. The main parts of its two arms are two double-barreled 30-mm rapid-fire cannons, and there are infrared laser-guided miniature missiles mounted on the outside of the arms. In addition, there is a mortar-like launcher at the back of the robot, which is actually an intermediate weapon between the mortar and the projectile, which can fire a variety of intelligent ammunition.

In fact, the shape of this thing is not very rare, on the contrary, it is a more common type of robot. At present, there are many models of robots in the world with similar shapes. The difference is only the head and details, but the general structure is similar.

The advantage of this shape is not in terms of performance, but in terms of production.

The egg-shaped body is a whole. The main components such as the main control computer and power system are here, and because it is a compact whole. Therefore, the shell can be heavily armored to improve battlefield survivability. The mechanical legs and arms are modular designs for weapon hanging points, which are very convenient to repair and replace, and this design has low production difficulty and is convenient for mass production. Because of these advantages, although this robot is not the best robot, it is one of the most mass-produced robots in the world. Without considering the multi-purpose, this can be said to be the most cost-effective one. Military robot. Because its firepower is strong enough, and the price is cheap.

Seeing these two robots, there is nothing hesitant about us. Xiao Chun and Ling Shuang both started to accelerate, and rushed up in a single step. Before the two robots turned around, they jumped on the heads of the two robots, and then each found the maintenance switch on the back of the robot. Lock, and then violently tear off the protective plate and pull the line behind the neck into the maintenance interface on the top of the robot.

The two robots felt that their circuit boards were illegally accessed and immediately began to struggle, but unfortunately this behavior did not have any effect on Xiaochun and Ling. It took only a few seconds for the two to break through the robot's control system, and the two robots completely rebelled.

"That's it." The two men unplugged the line cover and jumped off the robot. Then the two robots suddenly turned around and walked past us banging in the direction we came.

The soldiers who had just recovered from the phantom interference there just caught up with the transfer and found that two guard robots had stepped out from the corner of the passage. The soldiers running forward stopped abruptly, and then they saw in horror that the arms on both sides of the two robots were raised.

"I'm leaning!" The guy who rushed to the front turned around and crawled towards the side tunnel. The others didn't react slowly and rushed into the tunnel, and the machine guns of the two armed robots were almost at The last person started to ring just before flashing into the channel.

This armed robot has two side-by-side cannons on one arm, a robot has four, and two are eight cannons. With such a strong firepower, the passage was drowned by a barrage, and the soldiers hiding in the passages on both sides were all pinned to the ground and climbed to the sides as fast as possible. Because the wall above them couldn't completely block the power of the machine gun. These people were so brave before because they knew that our guns were filled with paint bombs for drills, even if they were hit. But they know better that the armed robot is equipped with the same real bullets. Although for exercise safety. They are all equipped with the latest body armor and helmets, which are immune to most of their own ammunition, but this does not include machine gun shells. It must be known that the machine artillery shells of such armed robots can directly penetrate armored vehicles. Although it is impossible to move the tank, it is definitely no problem to deal with the body armor. Therefore, these people are now desperately crawling forward, for fear that they will become ghosts under the gun.

After the two armed robots entered the passage, they began to sweep away. After the bullets were exhausted, they were bombed by missiles. Then the bomber behind them started firing smart bombs and various ammunitions such as smoke bombs and shock bombs. All the ammunition on the robots had been tilted for more than a minute before and afterwards, the two armed robots stopped firing and stood still with their smoking muzzles.

A pile of broken bricks suddenly moved, and the topmost brick rolled down, and then saw a gray-faced guy dug out from below. He wiped the dust on the mask with gloves, and the guy carefully looked at the positions of the two armed robots through the large hole in the wall above his head. It was found that the two armed robots were no longer moving, so he called everyone to look over.

I dared to climb out, and tentatively lost a stone to the past, but the armed robot was unresponsive. The crowd was a little bit bolder and came out of the hiding place, but the two armed robots were still the same. Standing there.

Walked to the entrance to the only pillar that was still standing there, the two high-ranking people on both sides nodded to each other, then rushed out together and shook it back to the pillar. As a result, the armed robot remained useless. At this time, they have roughly determined that the armed robot has stopped working, so one of them carefully stepped out of the direction of the opponent's muzzle and carefully detoured from the side to the armed robot, bravely stepped on the armed robot. Accompanied by Dang. The guy quickly jumped behind a post like a rabbit, but the armed robot remained unresponsive.

These groups finally determined that the armed robots were completely shut down. A few guys who looked like technical soldiers ran over and climbed up the armed robot to open the maintenance interface and looked at it. Then they connected their wrist-type computer to the drum and said, "Zero residual bomb amount. This The two armed robots have automatically shut down. "

"Damn!" The non-commissioned officer kicked the armed robot in an atmosphere, then greeted people to start chasing forward, but was suppressed by the armed robot for more than a minute, and we ran a long way.

In this mall, we moved very fast, rushed all the way to the top floor of the mall, and from there we entered the office area, but we were blocked by the staircase entrance in the office area. The reason is the emergence of new types of armed robots.

The two armed robots not only did not affect us, but blocked the followers in the back. The armed robots here do not know whether the people above saw the situation temporarily changed or it was the case. Anyway, and The previous ones are significantly more advanced.

This kind of armed robot is actually much smaller than the previous type of armed robot. The kind of armed robot standing on the ground had a height of two meters eight and a width of one meter six, which means that it can move freely in shopping malls, and it can't enter the office building at all.

However, this kind of armed robot is different now. This small armed robot is the size of a golf cart, with six mechanical legs at the bottom, each with a 20 cm diameter wheel in the palm position. This armed robot that uses wheels to move when the ground is level is very fast. If you encounter a staircase, the wheels will retract inward, and then the robot can use mechanical legs to climb the steps.

In addition to six legs. The robot's body part looks like an ant. The six-legged part is the ant's chest. In front of the thorax, there is a head about the size of an adult man's two fists together. The structure of this head is very simple, with only a dozen three small four red electronic eyes, and two antennas with the same antennae. At the back of the ant's chest, there is an abdomen about the same size and shape as the thorax, but nothing can be seen outside the abdomen, except that it can be connected to the thorax.

On the back of the ant-armed robot is its weapon platform, which is a multi-joint robotic arm that can be raised and lowered. It has a flashlight-sized metal structure at the top, and two circles of complex-shaped radiators connected to the back.

This little one looks really like a flashlight. Because this is a plasma gun, the range is only 300 meters. But the accuracy is high and the power is amazing. The temperature of the high-temperature plasma solution is as high as more than 5,000 degrees, which can easily melt steel, and almost nothing can stop it. In addition, this ant robot has more than just these weapons. There is actually a 7.62mm machine gun on top of its chest, which is the main weapon.

Compared with the previous big guy, this little guy seems to be small, and the firepower seems to be much weaker, but this is not the case.

First of all, the speed of this thing is not comparable to that of big guys. If the previous robotic robot acted like an elephant, then the speed of this little thing is more like a cheetah. The six mechanical legs can not only rely on wheels to move quickly, but also to jump, and the jumping power is amazing.

Although there are few weapons for this thing, the 7.62mm machine gun is a human weapon. It is powerful enough. After replacing steel armor-piercing bullets, it has a strong lethality against ordinary bullet-proof jackets and walls and the enemies in the car. As for the plasma gun, although it doesn't look very eye-catching, it can easily bomb the main battle tank. If it weren't for the fact that this thing consumes too much power and is not suitable for use in field weapons, it is estimated that it would have been popular.

In addition, the plasma gun of this gadget has another advantage, that is, this gadget is one of the few weapons that can pose a certain threat to us. The big guy before looked very fierce. In fact, the firepower installed on the gadget did not pose any threat to us. Whether it was the machine gun or the miniature missile, it was not powerful enough for us. The smart bomb fired by the tube is not bad, but that thing hits very low, as long as we don't stand stupidly, there is not much problem.

The small armed robots here are not only high in combat effectiveness, but more importantly, a lot of them. If the power of this thing is absolutely terrifying, it would be very scary. The reason we are blocked here is because there are seven or eight such armed robots in front of us. As a result, the entrance to the staircase in the office area is so large that we didn't dare to rush inside.

If the other party used ordinary ammunition, at most, it was hit twice. We wouldn't care, but it wouldn't be good if they were slapped with plasma.

"It's really troublesome, even plasma guns!" Lingling said while watching the plasma group flying out of the door from time to time.

Ling stepped back and looked at the wall and asked, "Otherwise go through the wall?"

I looked around and said, "Don't be together ~ ~ spread apart, pass through the wall around."

The crowds shouted and parted, and then found their own positions, and raised their arms against the wall. With a roar, there was a huge row of holes in the wall, and then we quickly entered.

The armed robot on the opposite side found that we had broken into the wall and immediately turned our muzzle to launch an attack. Our side also fired back without showing weakness. The electric switch in the office area has long been tripped because the plasma bomb hit the circuit in the wall, so the office area is now dark. After all, this is a base built underground, not a real building, it is really dark after no lights. But we don't need light on either side, so the battle continues. However, those who can see the surveillance broadcast are a bit blind, because the picture is completely black, and you can see a large red and blue flashes flying around. Occasionally you can see a little figure with the light of the moment of firing, but always Can't see clearly.

A guest who had been "killed" asked there, "Do n’t you have infrared surveillance? So you can't see anything?"

"Wait a minute, just wait for them to finish. There are still electricity on the upper floors. They will be visible when they come up." (To be continued)

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